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28th July 2014, 03:52 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Infosys Aptitude Placement papers

Here I am giving you question paper for Infosys Aptitude examination for placement in infosys in a file attached with it so you can get it easily.

1.There is a escalator and 2 persons move down it.A takes 50 steps and B takes 75 steps while the escalator is moving down. Given that the time taken by A to take 1 step is equal to time taken by B to take 3 steps. Find the no. of steps in the escalator while it is staionary.

If A takes 1 step in one second, then B takes 3 steps in one second. If A takes t1 seconds to take 50 steps, then B takes 150 steps in t1 seconds.For B, to take 150 steps he requires t1 seconds,
then to take 75 steps he requires t1/2 seconds.
So now, s1=50, t1 = t1 & s2=75, t2=t1/2

Ans= (s1*t2 ~ s2*t1) / (t1 ~ t2) which gives 100.
so 100 steps is the answer

2. If 5/2 artists make 5/2 paintings using 5/2 canvases in 5/2 days then how many artists r required to make 25 paintings using 25 canvases in 25 days?

3. If the digits of my present age are reversed then i get the age of my son.If 1 year ago my age was twice as that of my son.Find my present age.
Ans. father-73, son-37

4. There are 6561 balls out of them 1 is heavy.Find the min. no. of times the balls have to be weighed for finding out the haevy ball.
Ans. 8

5. If i walk with 30 miles/hr i reach 1 hour before and if i walk with 20 miles/hr i reach 1 hour late.Find the distance between 2 points and the exact time of reaching destination is 11 am then find the speed with which it walks.
Ans. 120miles and 24 miles/hr

6. There r four face cards (J,Q,K,A) all of different types(diamond,club,spade,heart) and some conditions r given.find the order of cards
Ans. king -> jack -> queen -> ace heart diamond spade club

7. If A,B,C,D,E r 5 members of a family.4 of them give true statements :
1. E is my mother in law
2. C is my son in law's brother
3. B is my father's brother
4. A is my brother's wife

8. The product of 5 different temperatures is 12.If all of then r integers then find all the temperatures
Ans. -2,-1,1,2,3

9.There r 9 cities numbered 1 to 9.From how many cities the flight can start so as to reach the city 8 either directly or indirectly such the path formed is divisible
by 3.
e.g. 1368-Flights goes through 1-3-6-8.

10. If i do this puzzle i find it to be hard than the last puzzle that i did before that after that????..very complex stmt. Is that puzzle difficult, easy, can't say or depends on the no. of puzzles

11. Replace each letter by a digit. Each letter must be represented by the same digit and no beginning letter of a word can be 0.
Ans: 0 =1, N = 8 ,E = 2, T = 7.

12. Ann, Boobie, Cathy and Dave are at their monthly business meeting. Their occupations are author, biologist, chemist and doctor, but not necessarily in that order. Dave just told the biologist that Cathy was on her way with doughnuts. Ann is sitting across from the doctor and next to the chemist. The doctor was thinking that Boobie was a goofy name for parent's to choose,but didn't say anything. What is each person's occupation?

Ans: Since Dave spoke to the biologist and Ann sat next to the chemist and across the doctor, Cathy must be the author and Ann the biologist. The doctor didn't speak, but David did, so Bobbie is the doctor and Dave the chemist.

13. Sometime after 10:00 PM a murder took place. A witness claimed that the clock must have stopped at the time of the shooting. It was later found that the postion of both the hands were the same but their positions had interchanged. Tell the time of the shooting (both actual and claimed).
Ans: Time of shooting = 11:54 PM Claimed Time = 10:59 PM.

14. Next number in the series is 1 , 2 , 4 , 13 , 31 , 112 , ?
Ans: 224.

No number has digits more than 4. All of them are 1 , 2, 4, 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 converted to numbers in base 5.

15. Shahrukh speaks truth only in the morning and lies in the afternoon, whereas Salman speaks truth only in the afternoon. A says that B is Shahrukh. Is it morning or afternoon and who is A - Shahrukh or Salman?
Ans: Afternoon.A is Salman.

16. Two trains starting at same time, one from Bangalore to Mysore and other in opposite direction arrive at their destination 1 hr and 4 hours respectively after passing each other. How nuch faster is one train from other?
Ans: Twice.

17. There are 6 volumes of books on a rack kept in order ( ie vol.1, vol. 2 and so on ). Give the position after the following changes were noticed. All books have been changed Vol.5 was directly to the right of Vol.2 Vol.4 has Vol.6 to its left and both weren't at Vol.3's place.Vol.1 has Vol.3 on right and Vol.5 on left. An even numbered volume is at Vol.5's place Find the order in which the books are kept now.
Ans: 2, 5,1,3,6,4.

18. I bought a car with a peculiar 5 digit numbered licence plate which on reversing could still be read. On reversing value is increased by 78633.Whats the original number if all digits were different?
Ans: Only 0 1 6 8 and 9 can be read upside down. So on rearranging these digits, we get the answer as 10968.

19. The shape in the sketch below is that of a square attached to half of a similar square. Divide it into four equal pieces.
Ans: Hint : The figure can be divided into 12 equal triangles.

20) There are two balls touching each other circumferencically. The radius of the big ball is 4 times the diameter of the small all. The outer small ball rotates in anticlockwise direction circumferencically over the bigger one at the rate of 16 rev/sec. The bigger wheel also rotates anticlockwise at N rev/sec. What is 'N' for the horizontal line from the centre of small wheel always is horizontal.


1 2 3 4
+ 3 4 5 5
4 6 8 9
- 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 4
+ 1 2 5 4
3 6 9 8

Q) Strike off any digit from each number in seven rows (need not be at same place) and combine the same operations with 3 digit numbers to get the same addition. After this strike off another digit from all and add all the No.s to get the same 2 digit No. perform the same process again with 1 digit No.s. Give the ' no.s in 7 rows at each stage.

22) There is a safe with a 5 digit No. The 4th digit is 4 greater thansecond digit, while 3rd digit is 3 less than 2nd digit. The 1st digit is thrice the last digit. There are 3 pairs whose sum is 11. Find the number.
Ans: 65292.

23) there are 2 guards Bal and Pal walking on the side of a wall of a wearhouse(12m X 11m) in opposite directions. They meet at a point and Bal says to Pal "See you again in the other side". After a few moments of walking Bal decides to go back for a smoke but he changes his direction again to his previous one after 10 minutes of walking in the other(opposite) direction remembering that Pal will be waiting for to meet. If Bal and Pal walk 8 and 11 feet respectively, how much distance they would have travelled before meeting again.

24. 13 kigs and 6 libs can produce 510 tors in 10 hrs, 8 kigs and 14 libs can produce 484 tors in 12 hrs. Find the rate of production of tors for kigs and libs. Express the answer in tors/hr.



Q) Find the 5 digit No.

Hint: 5 is used atleast once in the calculation.

26) A fly is there 1 feet below the ceiling right across a wall length is 30m at equal distance from both the ends. There is a spider 1 feet above floor right across the long wall eqidistant from both the ends. If the width of the room is 12m and 12m, what distance is to be travelled by the spider to catch the fly, if it takes the shortest path.

27) Ramesh sit around a round table with some other men. He has one rupee more than his right person and this person in turn has 1 rupee more than the person to his right and so on, Ramesh decided to give 1 rupee to his right & he in turn 2 rupees to his right and 3 rupees to his right & so on. This process went on till a person has 'no money' to give to his right. At this time he has 4 times the money to his right person. How many men are there along with Ramesh and what is the money with poorest fellow.

28)Question related to probabilities of removing the red ball from a basket, given that two balls are removed from the basket and the other ball is red. The basket contains blue,red,yellow balls.

29)Venkat has 1boy&2daughters.The product of these children age is 72.The sum of their ages give the door numberof Venkat.Boy is elder of three.Can you tell the ages of all the three.

30)L:says all of my other 4 friends have money
M:says that P said that exact one has money
N:says that L said that precisely two have money
O:says that M said that 3 of others have money.
P:Land N said that they have money.
All are liers.

Who has money & who doesn't have?

31)Post man has a data of name surname door number, pet name of 4 families. But only one is correct for each family. There are a set of statements & questions.

33) 4 couples have a party. Depending on the set of statements, find who insulted whom and who is the host of the party.

34) 5 women given some of their heights (tall,medium,short) Hair( long, plainted), stards(Black or Brown), sari,2 medium,2-short.Tall->no sari.Plainted->medium. Answer the combinations.

35) A person has to go both Northwards & Southwards in search of a job. He decides to go by the first train he encounters.There are trains for every 15 min both southwards and northwards. First train towards south is at 6:00 A.M. and that towards North is at 6:10. If the person arrives at any random time, what is the probability that he gets into a train towards North.

36) A person has his own coach&. Whenever he goes to railway station he takes his coach. One day he was supposed to reach the railway station at 5 O'clock. But he finished his work early and reached at 3 O'clock. Then he rung up his residence and asked to send the coach immediately. He came to know that the coach has left just now to the railway station. He thought that the coach has left just now to the railway station. He thought that he should not waste his time and started moving towards his residence at the speed of 3 miles/hr. On the way, he gets the coach and reaches home at 6 o'clock. How far is his residence from railway station.

37) Radha,Geeta & Revathi went for a picnic. After a few days they forgot the date, day and month on which they went to picnic. Radha said that it was on Thursday, May 8 and Geeta said that it was Thursday May 10. Revathi said Friday Jun 8. Now one of them told all things wrongly, others one thing wrong and the last two things wrongly. If April 1st is tuesday, what is the right day, date and month?

38. There is 66?33m rectangular area. Ram is 11/8 times faster than Krishna. Both of them started walking at opposite ends and they met at some point then, Ram said "See you in the other end" Then they continued walking. After some time Ram thought he will have tea so he turned back walked back 15 meters then he changed his mind again andcontinued walking. How much Krishna has traveled by the time they meet?

39. There are 5 burglars and once went to a bakery to rob it obviously The first guy ate 1/2 of the total bread and 1/2 of the bread. The second guy ate 1/2 of the remaining and 1/2 of the bread. The third guy ,fourth guy and fifth guy did the same. After fifth guy there is no bread left out. How many bread are there?

40. All members belonging to D are members of A.
All members belonging to E are members of D.
All members belonging to C are members of both A & D.
Some members of A does not belong to D. All members belonging to D are members of E.

5 questions are there.

41. Write each statements true or false:-

1. The sum of the 1st three statements and the 2nd false statement gives the true statement.

2.The no. of true statements false statement.

3. The sum of 2nd true statement and 1st false statement gives the first true statement.

4. There are at most 3 false statements.

5.There is no two consecutive true statements.

42. There are twelve consecutive flags at an equal interval of distance. A man passes the 8th flag in 8 seconds. How many more seconds will he take to pass the remaining 4 flags?

43. A person has to cover the fixed distance through his horses. There are five horses in the cart. They ran at the full potential for the 24 hours continuously at constant speed and then two of the horses ran away to some other direction. So he reached the destination 48 hours behind the schedule. If the five horses would have run 50 miles more, then the person would have been only 24 hours late. Find the distance of the destination.

44. A boat M leaves shore A and at the same time boat B leaves shore B. They move across the river. They met at 500 yards away from A and after that they met 300 yards away from shore B without halting at shores. Find the distance between the shore A & B

45. A person was going through train from Bombay to Pune. After every five minutes he finds a train coming from opposite direction. Velocity of trains are equal of either direction. If the person reached Pune in one hour then how many trains he saw in the journey?

46. Food grains are to be sent to city from godown. Owner wants to reach the food grains at 11 O' Clock in the city. If a truck travels at a speed of 30km/hr then he will reach the city one hour earlier. If the truck travels at a speed of 20km/h then he will reach the city one hour late. Find the distance between the godown to city. Also with which speed the truck should travel in order to reach at exactly 11 'O clock.

47. There are five persons A,B,C,D,E whose birthdays occur at the consecutive days. Birthday of A is some days or day before C & birthday of B is exactly the same days or day after E. D is two days older than E. If birth day of C is on Wednesday then find out the birthdays of other.

48. Persons say these statements.
A says either Democratic or liberal wins the elections.
B says Democratic wins.
C says neither democratic nor liberal wins the election.
Of these only one is wrong. Who wins the election?

49. Six persons A,B,C,D,E &F went to soldier cinema. There are six consecutive seats. A sits in the first seat followed by B, followed by C and so on. If A taken on of the six seats, then B should sit adjacent to A. C should sit adjacent to A or B. D should sit adjacent to A, B or C and so on. How many possibilities are there ?

50. Suppose there are four grades A, B, C, D. (A is the best and D is the worst) 4 persons Jack, Jean, Poul and Lucy wrote the final exam and made the statements like this:-
1. Jack: If I will get A then Lucy will get D.
2. Lucy: If I will get C then Jack will get D.
Jack grade is better than Poul grade.
3. Jean: If Jean doesn't get A then Jack will not get A.
4. Poul: If Jack get A, then Jean will not get B, Lucy will get C, I won't either A

or B.

1) A, B, C, D, E related. 4 of them made these statements each. i) C is my son in law s brother. ii)
B is my father s brother. iii) E is my mother in law. iv) A is my brother s wife. Who made these
statements? (Person mentioned is one of A, B, C, D, E)(10 marks).
2) Complete the table. Played won lost draw goals for against A 2 2 1 B 2 1 2 4 C 2 3 7 A, B, C are
3 hockey teams (2 marks).
3) A says Party was held on: Thursday, May 8th. B says Party was held on: Tuesday, May 10th. C
says party was held on: Friday, June 8th. Given April 1st was Tuesday. One of A, B, C says 1
correct. One says 1 wrong. And one was completely wrong of date, Month and day. Find the Day
the party held. (5marks).
4) A ship is away from the shore by 180 miles. A plane is travelling at 10 time’s speed of the ship.
How long from the shore will they meet? (2marks)
5) Every station in N railroad issues every other stations ticket. Some stations are added. Now
they have to issue 46 more tickets. Say the Number of stations after and before added (5
6) 3 persons say these statements. A says either Democratic or liberal wins the elections. B says
neither democratic nor liberal wins the election. Of these only one is wrong. Who wins the
election? (5 marks).
7) A clock showing 6 o clocks takes 30 secs to strike 6 times. How long will it take to strike 12 at
midnight? Ans.66 secs. (2marks)
8) Only boys aged > 16 wear coats. Boys aged > 15 go to watch football. Some more statements
are given. What can be said about those who are watching football? (Age and costume) (5
9) There are 3 societies A, B, C having some tractors each. A Gives B and C as many tractors as
they already have. After some days B gives A and C as many tractors as they have. After some
days C gives A and B as many tractors as they have. Finally each has 24 tractors. What is the
original Number of tractors each had in the beginning? Ans. A ‐39. B‐ 21. C‐ 12.(7 marks).
10. Given a cube, with different colors on its faces, and then is cut into 64 pieces, and the
questions relate to the colors of different colored small cubes.
11. Draw a venn diagram for 3 items: white, flowers, cloth
Ans: draw 3 circles each intersecting the other, with white kept in the middle.
1. IF rose code as 6786 hot coded as 879 then search will code a sin this q there is one no. is
assigned t each letter. So take search and letter by letter see the given condition…
2.600, 180, 54………..complete the series.
3. sedane ain :: solace:……..
4. Play: director: news….
5. River: dam: traffic…
6. Find the greatest number (a) half 50% of 50 (b) 3 times 40% of 40 see the option & place
3times 40% of 40….
7. Find the compound interest of Rs 1000. At the rate of 5% p.a. for 15 years….
8. Find the greatest of 1000 power of 1000, 1001 power of 999…
9. Product of two numbers is cost. If one number is increased by 50% then other number is
decreased how much….
10. l.c.m & h.c.f of two numbers is 84 & 21 respectively and the ratio of these two numbers is
1:4. Find the greatest no…
11. If x is 90% of y then y is how much % of x….
12. The cost of 15 apples & 20 mangoes is much as equal to the 15 mangoes & 20 apples then
what is the relation between their costs...
13. There are 20 men and 5 women then how much maximum couple can be made…..
14. A bag contains 8 white and 6 black balls find the problem of drawing a white ball….
15. If numerator is less than 2 by denominator and then if 1 is subtract from the numerator and
1 is added to the denominator then the ratio becomes half what is the no…..
16. If a certain money becomes twice in 5 years then the Rs300 will become 2400 at the same
rate in how many years……..
17. If the average of three numbers is 135 and the difference between others is 25 then find the
lowest number...
18. If the thrice of three consecutive odd numbers is equal to the more three of twice the last
no. then find the 3rd (largest odd no)….
19. There are 5 questions in each of the two sections. Three questions must be attempt for
passing the exam how many ways a student will choose the questions…
20. If the length of the rectangle is decreased by 4 and breath is increased by 3.then it becomes
square whose areas are equal to that of rectangle. What is the perimeter of the original
21. There is a hemisphere of radius of 2 cm how much liter will be occupied in the hemisphere…
given 1 liter= 1000 cubic cm…
22. There is a water tank which has enough water to be consumed in 60 days. If there is leakage
water stays there for 40 days. If there are more similar leakage then how long water will
23. A man saves money 1000 in each year. And he gives this amount at the end of year for the
compound interest at the rate of 5% how much he will save after 25 years…
In this section a question was given followed by 2 statements…
1) If the first statement alone was enough to answer the question
2) If the second statement alone was enough to answer the question
3) If the both the statements were required to answer the question
4) If the question could not be answered using both the statements
5) If either statement alone was sufficient to answer the question A. little practice (especially in
problems related to maths equations, ages, relations, comparison) from RS Aggarwal Verbal and
Non Verbal will help you a lot. 5 such questions were given…
6) Another Puzzle kind of question.. It was damn easy... it was likeMR.natwarlal, a thief, steals
only on the first day of every month of first quarter of year (that means on 1st jan, 1st feb, 1st
march).. This time he wanted a computer, So he steals different parts from different persons.
But he has only 3 tools to use like a screwdriver, wire cutter, knife AND uses them only once. He
steals monitor keyboard and printer..In Jan he steals monitor from A, but do not uses the wire
cutter.. Next month he uses KNIFE to steal printer..And March was unlucky for C... And
questions were like
1. Which tool he uses for stealing monitor.(ans: screwdriver)
2. Which component was stolen from C (ans: key board)
3. Which month was unlucky for B( ans:feb, as A, C were robbed in jan and march) (REST TWO I
don’t remember)
In this section about 4 statements were given in each questions (like all, some,not)
It was more like...
2. Which of these FORM pair so that the conclusion can be derived from them?
1) AB 2) BC 3)CD 4)AD
In the HR round you are basically asked about yourself. There are no technical questions asked
and even if asked it will be very basic questions. They also ask puzzles..You need not solve them.
They only look at your approach.
HR questions:
1) Tell me about yourself
2) Being an electronics student why you want job in software industry?
3) Why you have not done any project?
4) They asks about hobbies, achievements, extracurricular activities (so mention everything
properly in your resume, they will ask questions based on what all you have written in your
In HR round it is enough if you speak confidently, don’t try to bluff. If your good with your
Aptitude and have a good command over English it’s enough. All the Best.


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