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21st October 2014, 10:26 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: CLAT exam old question papers

The Common Law Admission Test CLAT Exam is total 200 marks paper. In this paper there is Number of multiple-choice questions of one mark each. Duration of Examination is Two hours (02:00 hours).

Subject areas with Weightage
English including Comprehension 40 Marks
General Knowledge and Current Affairs 50 Marks
Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) 20 Marks
Legal Aptitude 50 Marks
Logical Reasoning 40 Marks

You are asking for the CLAT exam old question papers. Here I am providing you the CLAT exam old question papers. This is as follows:

Direction for Questions 1 to 10: Read the given passage carefully and attempt the questions that follow and shade the appropriate answer in the space provided for it on the OMR answer sheet.
It is an old saying that knowledge is power. Education is an instrument which imparts knowledge and therefore, indirectly controls power. Therefore, ever since the dawn of our civilisation, persons in power have always tried to supervise or control education. It has been handmaid of the ruling class. During the Christian era, the ecclesiastics controlled the institution of education and diffused among the people the gospel of the Bible and religious teachings. These gospels and teachings were no other than a philosophy for the maintenance of the existing society. It taught the poor man to be meek and to earn his bread with the sweat of his brow, while the priests and the landlords lived in luxury and fought duels for the slightest offence. During the Renaissance, education passed more from the clutches of the priest into the hands of the prince. In other words, it became more secular. Under the control of the monarch, education began to devise and preach the infallibility of its masters, the monarch or king. It also invented and supported fantastic theories like “The Divine right Theory” and that the king can do no wrong, etc. With the advent of the industrial revolution, education took a different turn and had to please the new masters. It now no longer remained the privilege of the baron class, but was thrown open to the new rich merchant class of the society. The philosophy which was in vogue during this period was that of “Laissez Faire” restricting the function of the state to a mere keeping of laws and order while on the other hand, in practice the law of the jungle prevailed in the form of free competition and the survival of the fittest.
1. What does the theory “Divine Right of King” stipulate?
A. The kings are God
B. That the right of governing is conferred upon the kings by God
C. They have the right to be worshipped like Gods by their subjects
D. That the right of kings are divine and therefore sacred
2. Who controlled education during the Renaissance?
A. The common people
B. The prince
C. The church and the priests
D. None of these
3. What did the ruling class in the Christian era think of the poor man?
A. That he is the beloved of God
B. That he deserves all sympathy of the rich
C. That he should be strong and lord over others
D. That he is meant for serving the rich
4. Who controlled the institution of education during the Christian Era?
A. The secular leaders of society
B. The church and the priests
C. The monarchs
D. The common people
5. What does the word “infallibility” mean?
A. That every man is open to error
B. Sensitivity
C. The virtue of not making mistake
D. That some divine power is responsible for determining the fate of the man
6. What do you mean by the “sweat of his brow”?
A. Very hard work
B. The tiny droplets of sweat on the forehead
C. The wrinkles visible on the forehead
D. The sign of innocence
7. What does the policy of “Laissez Faire” stand for?
A. Individual freedom in the economic field
B. State control over law and order in society
C. Joint control of the means of production by the state and private enterprise
D. Decontrol over law and order by the ruling class
8. Which of the following describes the writer?
A. Concerned
B. Unconcerned
C. Aggressive
D. Frustrated
9. Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given: Gospels
A. Chit chat
B. A teaching or doctrine of a religious teacher
C. Rumour
D. Guidance
10. Choose the correct synonym out of the four choices given: Vogue
A. Uncertain
B. Out-dated
C. The prevailing fashion or style
D. Journey
Direction for Questions 11 to 15: Select the word that is spelt correctly
11. A paraphernalia
B paraphrenalia
C parapherenalia
D paraphrennalia
12. A enterprenuer
B entrepreneur
C entrepenur
D enteruepeur
13. A onomaetopoeia
B onomoatopoeia
C onomatopoeia
D onomatopoeia
14. A hemorhage
B haemorhhage
C haemorrhage
D hemoorhage
15. A dylexsia
B dyslexia
C dislexia
D dislecsia
Direction for questions 16 to 25: Select the best option from the four alternatives given below and shade the appropriate answer in the space provided for it in the OMR answer sheet.
16. Unless he _________ this office, I will not say anything.
A. Left
B. Did not leave
C. Leaves
D. Had left
17. ___________, I would help all the poor people.
A. If I am rich
B. If I was rich
C. If I were rich
D. In case I am rich
18. I ________ the news an hour ago.
A. Have heard
B. Heard
C. Was hearing
D. Have been hearing
19. He spoke __________ about his prospects.
A. Confidentially
B. Consciously
C. Confidently
D. Conscientiously
20. The boy is not interested in playing, _____ ?
A. Doesn’t he?
B. Isn’t he?
C. Didn’t he?
D. Is he?
21. He told us that we should never live beyond ___________ means.
A. His
B. Their
C. Our
D. Her
22. May I request _______ you again to consider my case favourably.
A. To
B. Onto
C. Of
D. No proposition required
23. Known as devout and serious person, she also has ______ sense of humour.
A. Better
B. Quick
C. Good
D. Beautiful
24. Galileo said, “The Earth ______ around the sun”.
A. Revolved
B. Is revolving
C. Revolves
D. Is revolved
25. We ____________ our work before the guests arrived at our house.
A. Shall finish
B. Have finished
C. Had finished
D. Shall have finished
Direction for Questions 26 to 30: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentenced is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. Shade the appropriate answer in the space provided for it in the OMR sheet.
26. a: People who start up their own business typically come from two extreme backgrounds: One is the business family background and the other is a steady professional family background.
b: Typically, people from different backgrounds face different kinds of basic problems.
c: The people from both the backgrounds find it very difficult to establish and manage an enterprise.
d: Starting up and managing a small business is no joke.
A. d b c a
B. b a c d
C. d a c b
D. c d a b
27. a: Venture capital is recommended as the ideal source of financing for a successfully small business.
b: Several companies including start ups have been funded by dedicated venture funds during this decade.
c: Despite this, an average Indian entrepreneur understands and appreciation of venture capital concept has been woefully inadequate.
d: In the Indian context, though venture capital has been a relatively late entrant, it has already made a reasonable impact.
A. a b c d
B. a d b c
C. a c b d
D. a d c b
28. a: Progress in diagnosis, in preventive medicine and in treatment, both medicinal and surgical, has been rapid and breathe taking.
b: Much in medicine which is not taken for granted was undreamt of even as recently as 20 years ago.
c: Presently small pox has been eradicated, poliomyelitis practically banished, tuberculosis has become curable and coronary artery disease surgically relievable.
d: The dramatic surge in the field of molecular biology and research by immunologists and geneticists has succeeded in controlling parasitic diseases like malaria and river blindness that affect millions of people round the world.
A. b d c a
B. b a c d
C. b c a d
D. b d a c
29. a: Instead, many deaths and injuries result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges and other structures.
b: Earthquakes almost never kill people directly.
c: Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake.
d: Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.
A. c a b d
B. d a c b
C. d c a b
D. b a c d
30. a: The Winchester or hard disk drives can store much more data than what can be stored on a floppy diskette.
b: Hard disks come sealed and they cannot be removed or changed like floppy diskettes.
c: Often floppy disk system is used in conjunction with the Winchester disk system.
d: This makes for an ideal system for secondary storage.
A. c a b d
B. c b d a
C. b a c d
D. a b c d
Direction for Questions 31 to 35: Given below are a few foreign language phrases which are commonly used. Choose the correct meaning for each of the phrases and shade the appropriate answer in the space provided for it in the OMR sheet.
31. El Dorado
A. An imaginary place
B. High altitude
C. A literary man
D. A country full of gold and precious stones
32. quantum ramifactus
A. The amount of damage suffered
B. The amount of damage caused
C. The amount of damage paid
D. The amount of damage received
33. Corpus delicti
A. Fake evidence of an offence
B. Hearsay evidence of an offence
C. Lack of evidence of an offence
D. An evidence which constitute an offence
34. Vis-a-vis
A. Direct
B. Opposite
C. Face to face
D. Agree
35. Carte blanche
A. Complete authority
B. Issue the warrant
C. No authority
D. Lack of authority
Direction for Questions 36 to 40: Choose the explanation that catches the spirit of the idiom given in each question.
36. To blaze a trail:
A. To set on fire
B. To blow the trumpet
C. To initiate work in a movement
D. To be hopeful
37. A snake in the grass:
A. A secret or hidden enemy
B. An unreliable person
C. Unforeseen happening
D. A dangerous enemy
38. Have too many irons in the fire:
A. Engaged in too many enterprises at the same time
B. Facing too many problems at the same time
C. Said or done too many things at the same time
D. To incite the feeling amongst the people
39. A fair weather friend:
A. A friend who is fair to us at all the times
B. A friend who deserts us in difficulties
C. A friend whom we love the most
D. A friend who loves us the most
40. A Panacea:
A. An injection that serves as a life line
B. A lecture full of precepts
C. A strong drug that induces sleep
D. A single cure for all diseases or troubles
41 2 / 3 is a rational number whereas √2 / √3 is
A. Also a rational number
B. An irrational number
C. Not a number
D. A natural periodic number
42 Greatest number which divides 926 and 2313, leaving 2 and 3 remainders, respectively, is
A. 52
B. 54
C. 152
D. 154
43 A single discount equivalent to a discount series 15% and 5% is
A. 32%
B. 20%
C. 10%
D. 8.5%
44 By selling a cycle for Rs. 2345, a student loses 19%. His cost price is nearly
A. Rs. 4000
B. Rs. 5000
C. Rs. 3000
D. Rs. 3500
45 Diagonals of a rhombus are 1 meter and 1.5 meter in lengths. The area of the rhombus is
A. 0.75 m2
B. 1.5 m
C. 1.5 m2
D. 0.375 m2
46 An angle in a semi circle is
A. π
B. π/4
C. π/2
D. 2π
47 In a school for midday meal food is sufficient for 250 students for 33 days, if each student is given 125 gm meals. 80 more students joined the school. If same amount of meal is given to each student, then the food will last for
A. 20 days
B. 40 days
C. 30 days
D. 25 days
48 In a school of 500 students, 102 students can read Hindi and Tamil both, 200 students can read only Hindi. The students who can read Tamil are
A. 98
B. 402
C. 302
D. 300
49 The value of k for which kx+3y-k+3 = 0 and 12x+ky = k, have infinite solutions, is
A. 0
B. -6
C. 6
D. 1
50 Table shows the daily expenditure on food of 25 households in a locality: Rs. 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 Households 4 5 12 2 2
The mean daily expenditure on food is
A. Rs. 111
B. Rs. 161
C. Rs. 211
D. Rs. 261
51 A box contains 24 marbles, some are green and others are blue. If a marble is drawn at random from the jar, the probability that it is green is 2/3. The number of blue balls in the jar is
A. 13
B. 12
C. 16
D. 8
52 The population of a city is 250 thousand. It is increasing at the rate of 2% every year. The growth in the population after 2 years is
A. 2500
B. 10000
C. 252000
D. 10100
53 If a point (x, y) in a OXY plane is equidistant from (-1,1) and (4,3) then
A. 10x+4y = 23
B. 6x+4y = 23
C. –x+y = 7
D. 4x+3y = 0
54 Sum of first 15 multiples of 8 is
A. 960
B. 660
C. 1200
D. 1060
55 A rod of 2 cm diameter and 30 cm length is converted into a wire of 3 meter length of uniform thickness. The diameter of the wire is
A. 2/10 cm
B. 2/√10 cm
C. 1/√10 cm
D. 1/10 cm
56 Two straight poles of unequal length stand upright on a ground. The length of the shorter pole is 10 meters. A pole joins the top of the two vertical poles. The distance between the two tops is 5 meters. The distance between the poles along the ground is 4 meter. The area thus formed by the three poles with the ground is
A. 52 meter2
B. 46 meter2
C. 20 meter2
D. 50 meter2
57 Pipe A can fill a tank in 10 hours and pipe B can fill the same tank in 12 hours. Both the pipes are opened to fill the tank and after 3 hours pipe A is closed. Pipe B will fill the remaining part of the tank in
A. 5 hours
B. 4 hours
C. 5 hours 24 minutes
D. 3 hours
58 A ground 100×80 meter2 has two cross roads in its middle. The road parallel to the length is 5 meter wide and the other road is 4 meter wide, both roads are perpendicular to each other. The cost of laying the bricks at the rate of Rs. 10 per m2, on the roads, will be
A. Rs. 7000
B. Rs. 8000
C. Rs. 9000
D. Rs. 10000
59 If selling price of 10 articles is equal to cost price of 11 articles, then gain is
A. 8%
B. 9%
C. 8.5%
D. 10%
60 Angles of a quadrilateral are in the ratio 3:4:5:8. The smallest angle is
A. 54o
B. 72o
C. 36o
D. 18o
61 The Headquarter of European Union is situated in
A. England
B. Germany
C. France
D. Belgium
62 India in 2008 successfully put CHANDRAYAAN-1 into its initial orbit by
A. PSLV- C12
B. PSLV- C11
C. PSLV-14
63 Vishwanathan Anand retained the World Chess Championship in 2012 by defeating Boris Gelfand. Mr. Gelfand belongs to
A. Israel
B. Russia
C. Poland
64 Kapilvastu Relics (fragments of Lord Buddha’s bone), for the second time in 114 years, recently travelled from India to
A. China
B. Sri Lanka
C. Myanmar
D. Japan
65 Dr. Norman Borlaugh is famous as father of the Green Revolution in 1960s. His initial goal was to create varieties of wheat adapted to the climate of
A. Mexico
B. India
D. China
66 A feature ‘Bluetooth’ now common in mobile phones, gets its name from a
A. Chinese 10th Century King
B. UK Software Company
C. Greek Goddess
D. Danish 10th Century King
67 Which pair of states does not touch each other
A. Meghalaya, Manipur
B. Chhattisgarh, U.P.
C. Rajasthan, Punjab
D. J.K., H.P.
68 Baglihar dam, is constructed on river
A. Ravi
B. Chenab
C. Indus
D. Sutlej
69 Navjivan Trust was instituted with the objectives of propagating peaceful means of attaining third Swaraj, by
A. Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi
B. Lala Lajpat Rai
C. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
D. Dr. Ambedkar
70 World Cup Football 2014 and Olympics 2016 will be held in
B. Brazil
C. Russia
D. South Africa
71 In 2012-13, India’s target is to restrict the fiscal deficit to x % of the GDP, where x is
A. 10
B. 8.3
C. 15
D. 5.1
72 POSCO steel project to come up but being strongly protested by the people is located in
A. Chhattisgarh
B. Jharkhand
C. Odisha
D. Andhra Pradesh
73 Bharat Ratna and Padma Awards in our country were instituted in the year
A. 1952
B. 1954
C. 1962
D. 1964
74 Who was crowned the Miss World 2012 on August 18, 2012?
A. Ms. Jessica Kahawaty
B. Ms. Wenxia Yu
C. Ms. Vanya Mishra
D. Ms. Sophie Moulds
75 Vishwaroopam is a 2013 Tamil spy thriller film written, directed and co-produced by ______________ who also enacts the lead role.
A. Prakash Raj
B. Rajni Kant
C. Kamal Haasan
D. Chiranjeevi
76 Vijay Kumar, who clinched a silver medal in London Olympics in 2012 is associated with
A. Boxing
B. Shooting
C. Weight Lifting
D. Wrestling
77 Sushil Kumar who won a silver medal in London Olympics in 2012 is associated with
A. Shooting
B. Boxing
C. Wrestling
D. Weight lifting
78 How many medals did India win in London Olympics 2012?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
79 The present Pope chosen in March 2013 hails from which country?
A. Brazil
B. Mexico
C. Argentina
D. Panama
80 The first person to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969 and who died on Aug. 25, 2012 was
A. Nevil Armstrong
B. Neil Armstrong
C. Gagan Narang
D. Michael Phelps
81 In which place, on Feb 21, 2013, two powerful explosive devices planted on bicycles had exploded in Andhra Pradesh?
A. Dilrubnagar
B. Dilsukhnagar
C. Dilkushnagar
D. Dilshaknagar
82 On which date Maha Kumbh Mela started in Prayag this year?
A. 14-1-2013
B. 1-1-2013
C. 26-1-2013
D. 4-1-2013
83 On which date International Women’s Day is celebrated?
A. 18th March
B. 8th March
C. 28th March
D. 18th Feb
84 Duration of which Five Year Plan was 2007-2012
A. X
85 As per census 2011, which State has the lowest sex ratio (877:1000)?
A. Punjab
B. Haryana
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Bihar
86 Hugo Chavez who died on March 5, 2013 after losing his battle with cancer, was the President of which country?
A. Argentina
B. Cuba
C. Brazil
D. Venezuela
87 Carlos Slim, who tops the list of world’s wealthiest people, for the fourth year in a row, belongs to which country?
B. England
C. Mexico
D. Germany
88 In the name P. Chidambaram, the present Union Finance Minister, what does ‘P’ stands for?
A. Palghat
B. Pallakudi
C. Palaniappan
D. Perumal
89 The earlier name of which city was New Amsterdam?
A. Chicago
B. California
C. Washington D.C.
D. New York City
90 The grant of Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa is associated with
A. Nawab Shuja-ud-Daula
B. Nawab Asif-ud-Daula
C. Shah Alam I
D. Shah Alam II
91 Where did Kuchipudi, an eminent dance form, originate?
A. Kerala
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Tamil Nadu
92 Light Year is the unit of
A. Time
B. Distance
C. Light
D. None of these
93 The leaning tower of Pisa does not fall because
A. It is tapered at the top
B. It covers a large base area
C. Its C.G. is inside the tower
D. The vertical line passing through the C.G. of the tower falls within its base
94 “Paradise Regained” was written by
A. John Milton
B. Michel Angelo
C. John Keats
D. Lord Byron
95 Which is the richest temple in India?
A. Balaji Temple of Tirupathi
B. Padmanabha Swamy Temple of Thiruvananthapuram
C. Shirdi Sai Baba Temple
D. Jagannatha Temple of Puri
96 Who founded the Red Cross?
A. Henry Dunant
B. Alexander
C. James Cook
D. Bismark
97 World Literacy Day is celebrated on
A. 5th September
B. 6th September
C. 8th September
D. None of these
98 South African Paralympics icon Oscar Pistorius has been accused of killing
A. Julia Kamp
B. Reeva Steenkamp
C. Pistorius Kamp
D. Shakeera Kamp
99 In the month of March, 2013 the Supreme Court of India issued a notice that the ambassador of the following country shall not leave India without the permission of the Supreme Court
A. Germany
B. Maldives
C. Italy
D. Nepal
100 The Constitution (One Hundred Seventeenth Amendment) Bill, 2012 makes provisions regarding
A. Reservation in matters of promotions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
B. Reservation in matters of appointments for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
C. Reservation in matters of appointments and promotions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
D. None of the above
101 The number of High Courts in India is
A. 18
B. 24
C. 21
D. 28
102 The last British Emperor of India was
A. King George I
B. King George III
C. King George V
D. King George VI
103 Palaeolithic period is also known as
A. Mesolithic Age
B. Late Stone Age
C. Old Stone Age
D. Neolithic Age
104 Capital of India was transferred from Calcutta to Delhi in the year
A. 1901
B. 1911
C. 1921
D. 1922
105 The chairman of Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee of the Constituent Assembly was
A. Rajendra Prasad
B. B.R. Ambedkar
C. Jawaharlal Nehru
D. J.B. Kripalani
106 The Environment Protection Act was passed by the Parliament of India in the year
A. 1976
B. 1986
C. 1996
D. 2006
107 International Year of Biodiversity is/was/will be
A. 2010
B. 2011
C. 2012
D. 2014
108 The first Shaka king in India was
A. Rudradaman
B. Menadar
C. Maues
D. Damanrudra
109 Potential Energy is described by the expression:
A. PE= mgh
B. PE= ngh
C. PE= oph
D. PE= pph
110 Where was 16th NAM Summit held?
A. Tehran
B. Mehran
C. Turban
D. Bagdad
Direction for Questions 111 to 113: Answer the following questions based on the statements given below:
i. There are 3 poles on each side of the road.
ii. These six poles are labelled A, B, C, D, E and F.
iii. The poles are of different colours namely Golden, Silver, Metallic, Black, Bronze and White.
iv. The poles are of different heights.
v. E, the tallest pole, is exactly opposite to the Golden colours pole.
vi. The shortest pole is exactly opposite to the Metallic coloured pole.
vii. F, the Black coloured pole, is located between A and D.
viii. C, the Bronze coloured pole, is exactly opposite to A.
ix. B, the Metallic coloured pole, is exactly opposite to F.
x. A, the White coloured pole, is taller than C but shorter than D and B.
111 What is the colour of the pole diagonally opposite to the Bronze coloured pole?
A. White
B. Silver
C. Metallic
D. Golden
112 Which is the second tallest pole?
A. A
B. D
C. B
D. Cannot be determined
21st October 2014, 10:27 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: CLAT exam old question papers

113 Which is the colour of the tallest pole?
A. Golden
B. Silver
C. Bronze
D. None of these
Directions for questions 114 and 115: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below:
The head of a newly formed Government desires to appoint five of the six elected ministers P, Q, R, S, T and U to portfolios of Foreign, Industry and Commerce, Agriculture, Rural Development and Human Resources. U does not want any portfolio if S gets one of the five. R wants either Foreign or Human Resources or no portfolio. Q says that if S gets Industry and Commerce or Rural Development then she must get the other one. T insists on a portfolio if P gets one.
114 Which of the following is a valid assignment
A. P- Foreign, Q- Industry and Commerce, R- Agriculture, S- Rural Development, T- Human Resources
B. R- Foreign, S- Industry and Commerce, P- Agriculture, Q- Rural Development, T- Human Resources
C. P- Foreign, Q- Industry and Commerce, T- Agriculture, S- Rural Development, U- Human Resources
D. Q- Foreign, U- Industry and Commerce, T- Agriculture, R- Rural Development, P- Human Resources
115 If P gets Foreign and R gets Human Resources, then which is NOT a valid assignment of Agriculture and Rural Development
A. S- Agriculture, Q- Rural Development
B. U- Agriculture, Q- Rural Development
C. Q- Agriculture, T- Rural Development
D. Q- Agriculture, S- Rural Development
Direction for Questions 116 to 120: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words or phrases. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair.
116 Action : Reaction
A. Introvert : Extrovert
B. Assail : Defend
C. Diseased : Treatment
D. Death : Rebirth
117 Sorrow : Misery
A. Love : Obsession
B. Amity : Harmony
C. Happiness : Joy
D. Enemy : Hatred
118 Drama : Audience
A. Brawl : Vagabonds
B. Game : Spectators
C. Art : Critic
D. Movie : Actors
119 Nuts : Bolts
A. Nitty : Gritty
B. Bare : Feet
C. Naked : Clothes
D. Hard : Soft
120 Book : Author
A. Rain : Flood
B. Light : Switch
C. Symphony : Composer
D. Song : Music
Directions for questions 121 to 125: Each question contains a statement on relationship and a question regarding relationship based on the statement. Select the correct option.
121 Moni is daughter of Sheela. Sheela is wife of my wife’s brother. How Moni is realted to my wife?
A. Cousin
B. Niece
C. Sister
D. Sister-in-law
122 Annu is daughter of my mother’s brother Abahi. Pari is grand daughter of my mother. Pari should call Annu as
A. Maternal Aunt
B. Sister
C. Cousin
D. Niece
123 Markandey is Rajiv’s mother’s father. Markandey is three brothers. One of them has grandson Abahi. Rajan is son of Abahi. Rajan is related to Rajiv as
A. Brother
B. Nephew
C. Cousin
D. Uncle
124 Deepak said to Nitin, “That boy playing with the football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father’s wife”. How is the boy playing football related to Deepak?
A. Son
B. Brother
C. Cousin
D. Brother-in-law
125 Pointing to a woman in the photograph, Rajesh said, “The only daughter of her grandfather is my wife”. How is Rajesh related to that woman?
A. Uncle
B. Father
C. Maternal Uncle
D. Brother
Direction for Questions 126 to 130: Read the information given below to answer the questions.
i. Kareena’s dieting schedule consists of having only one fruit on a given day of the week.
ii. Dietician has prescribed banana, papaya, pomegranate, apple and grape from Sunday to Friday,
one day being a fasting day. Kareena cannot eat any fruit on Saturday.
iii. Pomegranate day is neither on the first day nor on the last day but earlier than the papaya day.
iv. Apple day is on the immediate next day of papaya day.
v. Banana day is on the immediate previous day of the fasting day.
vi. Apple day and grape day must have a gap of two days between them.
vii. Grape day is the day immediately following the fasting day.
126 Which of the following is the fasting day?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
127 Banana day and apple day have a gap of how many days between them?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
128 Which day is grape day?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Thursday
D. Sunday
129 Which day is pomegranate day?
A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday
130 Which of the following is the correct statement?
A. Apple day is after papaya day.
B. Banana day is on Wednesday.
C. Fasting day is on Tuesday.
D. Papaya day is earlier than banana day.
Direction for Questions 131 to 135: Each question contains one statement and two courses of action I and II. Assuming the statements to be true, decide which of the two courses of action most logically follows.
A. If only I follows.
B. If only II follows.
C. If either I or II follows.
D. If neither I nor II follows.
131 Statement: Indian children are very talented but are instead weak in science and mathematics.
I: Teaching and textbooks are not available in mother language.
II: Education based on experiments in both the subjects is lacking.
132 Statement: Despite of child labour laws, children can be seen working in hotels, shops, houses, very frequently.
I: The government should not make such laws which cannot be enforced.
II: A proper education system for the primary level particularly for lower caste community may eradicate this problem.
133 Statement: Kyoto protocol on environment is signed by almost every country of the world.
I: As a result air, water and soil pollution have come down.
II: Increasing production of automobiles, refrigerators and fertilisers do not affect our environment.
134 Statement: School dropout rate is very high in the rural areas as children support their parents in income earning activities.
I: Public awareness programme on primary education should be expanded immediately to educate parents.
II: Compensation is not a remedy.
135 Statement: Smoking is one of those human weaknesses which tend to test the will power of the smoker of the edge.
I: It is very difficult for the smoker to give up smoking even if they want to do so.
II: Human beings have other weaknesses as well
Direction for Questions 136 to 140: Complete the series by choosing the correct option.
136 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?
A. 34
B. 35
C. 33
D. 36
137 A -10, E -15, I -20, M -25,…….
A. Q-5
B. Q-30
C. P-30
D. R-30
138 17, 36, 74, 150, ? , 606
A. 250
B. 303
C. 300
D. 302
139 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, ?
A. 9
B. 10
C. 7
D. 8
140 1, 4, 27, 256. ?
A. 625
B. 3125
C. 3025
D. 1225
Direction for Questions 141 to 145: In each question below are given two statements numbered I and II.
You have to take the two given statements as true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
141 I: All vegetables have gravy.
II: All lunch has vegetable.
A. All lunch has gravy.
B. All gravy has lunch.
C. Both (A) and (B).
D. None of the above
142 I: Karan Johar is a good director.
II: Directors are intelligent.
A. All intelligent are directors.
B. Karan Johar is intelligent.
C. Both (A) and (B).
D. None of the above
143 I: Some blues are green.
II: Pink is green
A. Some blue is pink.
B. Some green is pink.
C. If either (A) or (B) follows.
D. Some pinks are blues.
144 I: All boys are tall.
II: All Punjabi are tall.
A. All boys are Punjabi.
B. Some boys are Punjabi.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
145 I: All girls go to the college.
II: Rina does not go to the college.
A. Rina is not a girl.
B. Going to college is not essential to be a girl.
C. Rina is a girl.
D. None of the above.
Direction for Questions 146-150: Read the information given below to answer the questions. A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H want to have a dinner on a round table and they have worked out the following seating arrangements.
i. A will sit beside C
ii. H will sit beside A
iii. C will sit beside E
iv. F will sit beside H
v. E will sit beside G
vi. D will sit beside F
vii. G will sit beside B
viii. B will sit beside D
146 Which of the following is wrong?
A. A will be to the immediate right of C
B. D will be to the immediate left of B
C. E will be to the immediate right of A
D. F will be to the immediate left of D
147 Which of the following is correct?
A. B will be to the immediate left of D
B. H will be to the immediate right of A
C. C will be to the immediate right of F
D. B will be to the immediate left of H
148 A and F will become neighbours if:
A. B agrees to change her sitting position
B. C agrees to change her sitting position
C. G agrees to change her sitting position
D. H agrees to change her sitting position
149 During sitting:
A. A will be directly facing C
B. B will be directly facing C
C. A will be directly facing B
D. B will be directly facing D
150 H will be sitting between:
A. C and B
B. A and F
C. D and G
D. E and G
This section consists of fifty (50) questions. Each question consists of legal propositions/ principles (hereinafter referred to as ‘principle’) and facts. These principles have to be applied to the given facts to arrive at the most reasonable conclusion. Such principles may or may not be true in the real sense, yet you have to conclusively assume them to be true for the purposes of this section. In other words, in answering the following questions, you must not rely on any principles except the principles that are given herein
The objective of this section is to test your interest towards study of law, research aptitude and problem solving ability even if the “most reasonable conclusion” arrived at may be unacceptable for any other reason. It is not the objective of this section to test your knowledge of law.
Principle: When an offer is accepted by a person to whom it is made, it becomes a promise. But this promise will become legally binding only when the acceptance of the offer is unconditional.
Facts: Ram makes an offer to sell his house to Shyam for Rs.50 lacs. Shyam accepts this offer but wants to pay the price of the house in five quarterly instalments. Ram does not agree to it. Thereafter Shyam agrees to pay the price of the house in the way as originally desired by Ram. But Ram does not reply to it. Can Shyam compel Ram to sell his house to him?
A. Shyam can compel Ram to sell his house because Shyam ultimately agrees to pay the price as originally desired by Ram
B. Shyam can compel Ram to sell his house because Shyam in the first instance substantially complied with the desire of Ram
C. Shyam can compel Ram to sell his house because Ram’s offer does not exclude the payment of price in instalments
D. Shyam can not compel Ram to sell his house because Shyam imposes a new condition about payment of price of the house while accepting the offer which is not ultimately accepted by Ram.
Principle: Generally an agreement without consideration is not valid. Therefore, in order to make a valid agreement, some consideration which may have some value in the eyes of law, is essentially required.
Facts: William has an old car of which he makes seldom use. He voluntarily enters into an agreement with Smith to sell this car for rupees ten thousand. Thereafter one Anson approaches William and offers to buy that car for rupees one lac as the car was one which Anson has been searching for long. Now William wants to cancel his agreement with Smith and refuses to deliver the car to him saying that consideration (price) for the car promised by Smith is negligible and, therefore, agreement with him can not be said to be valid one.
A. William can cancel his agreement with Smith as the consideration involved in that is really inadequate.
B. William can not cancel his agreement with Smith as the sale of car for rupees ten thousand was voluntary and this price has some value in the eyes of law.
C. William can cancel his agreement with Smith as he was ignorant about the value / price of the car for which it could be sold.
D. William can cancel his agreement with Smith as he is entitled to get full market value/price of his car.
Principle: In order to be illegible to appear in the semester examination, a student is required to attend, under all circumstances, at least 70% of the total classes held in that semester as per University rules.
Facts: Anand, an economically poor but a very brilliant student of LL.B. final semester, while going to his University by cycle received some leg injuries in road accident. Consequently Anand could not attend his classes for one week as he was advised rest by his doctor for that period. Due to this absence from the University, Anand failed to have 70% attendance essential to appear in the examination and, therefore, he was debarred from appearing in the examination by the University authorities. Anand challenges this decision in the court of law
A. Anand will succeed in the court of law as the accident was beyond his control
B. Anand will definitely get favour of the court on humanitarian ground as he comes from a economically poor family and may not afford to take readmission
C. Anand will not succeed as he could very easily fulfill eligibility criteria for appearing in the examination by being reasonably regular in the class throughout the semester.
D. Anand will succeed as requirement of 70% attendance may be declared arbitrary and, therefore, unreasonable by the court of law.
Principle: A seller of goods cannot transfer better rights than he himself possesses in the goods sold to the buyer.
Facts: Komal leaves his watch by mistake on a seat in the park. Sonal finds that watch and immediately sells the same for good price to Monal who without inquiring whether Sonal is its owner or not. Komal later on claims that watch from Monal. Decide whether Komal can succeed?
A. Komal cannot succeed as Monal has paid good price of the watch.
B. Komal cannot succeed as Monal is unaware of the fact that Sonal is not its owner.
C. Komal can not succeed as it was his carelessness and nothing else which enabled Sonal to sell the watch to Monal.
D. Komal can not succeed as Sonal is merely finder of the watch and, therefore, cannot transfer ownership rights thereon to Monal.
Principle: All citizens shall have the Fundamental Right to carry on any occupation, trade or business. But reasonable restrictions on the exercise of such rights can be imposed by law in the interest of the general public.
Facts: A large number of persons had been carrying on the business of dyeing and printing in Rajkot area for the last 25 years providing employment to about 30000 families. From these business places untreated dirty water was being discharged on the roads thereby causing damage to the public health. A notice, therefore, was given to close this business till necessary measures to protect public health as provided under the environmental statutes were taken by those business men.
A. Notice can not be justified as it will cause loss of employment to 30000 families.
B. Notice can not be justified as it amounts to violation of the fundamental right of the persons who have been carrying on the business for the last 25 years.
C. The notice can not be justified on the ground of damage to public health as the persons in that area have been voluntarily residing for long and have become used to that environment.
D. The notice can be justified as the right to business is not absolute and reasonable restriction can be imposed by law in the interest of the public.
Principle: A Contract can not be enforced by or against a person who is not a party to it. However, where some benefit is conferred on third party by the contract itself, there third party can be allowed to enforce that contract to get such benefit.
Facts: Dinesh is liable to pay Rs. 50000/- to Suresh. In order to discharge this liability Dinesh enters into a contract with Ramesh by which Dinesh sells his car to Ramesh for Rs. 1 lac. Ramesh takes the delivery of the car and promises/ assures to pay its price at the earliest. Dinesh separately informs Suresh about this contract for his satisfaction. Ramesh fails to pay the car’s price. Suresh wants to join Dinesh in filing suit against Ramesh for the recovery of price of the car. Whether Suresh is entitled to do so?
A. Suresh is entitled to do so because the contract was made for his benefit.
B. Suresh is entitled to do so because Dinesh is liable to him and discharge of this liability depends upon the payment of the price of the car by Ramesh.
C. Suresh is not entitled to do so because liability of Dinesh does not depand upon any assurance of Ramesh
D. Suresh is not entitled to do because he is not a party to the contract between Dinesh and Ramesh.
Principle: If a contract is made by post between two persons living in two different cities, then the contract is said to be complete as soon as the letter of acceptance is properly posted, and the place of completion of the contract is that city where acceptance is posted. It is worth mentioning here that in every contract there is always an offer from one party and the acceptance of the offer from the other party.
Facts: Sani, a resident of Patna, gives an offer by post to sell his house for Rs. 25 lacs to Hani, a resident of Allahabad. This offer letter is posted on 1st January 2013 from Patna and reaches Allahabad on 7th January 2013. Hani accepts this offer and posts the letter of acceptance on 8th January 2013 from Allahabad which reaches Patna on 16th January 2013. But Sani presuming that Hani is not interested in accepting his offer, sells his house to Gani at same price on 15th of January, 2013. Hani files a suit against Sani for the breach of contract in the competent court of Allahabad. Whether Hani will succeed?
A. Hani can not succeed as Sani can not be compelled by law to wait for the answer from Hani for an indefinite period of time.
B. Hani can not succeed as he could use some other effective and speedy mode for communicating his acceptance in minimum possible time
C. Hani can succeed as he properly posted the letter of acceptance and the delay was beyond his control
D. Hani can succeed as contract became complete in the eyes of law on the date of posting the letter of acceptance
Principle: He, who goes to the court of law to seek justice, must come with clean hands.
Facts: P enters into a contract with S under which S has to construct a house for P and has to complete the same within one year from the date of the contract. This contract includes two very important terms. According to first term if there is price hike of the materials to be used in the construction, then the escalation charges at a particular rate shall be payable by P to S. According to second term if the construction of the house is not completed within the period prescribed for it, then S will have to pay penalty at a particular rate to P. Before the completion of the construction work the workers of S go on strike and strike continues up to three months even after the expiry of one year. After that period workers return and the construction work again starts. During the last three months period of strike there was a considerable rise in the price of the building material. S claimed escalation cost from P. P did not agree to it. S filed a suit in the court of law either to order the payment of the price of the building material on the basis of escalated price or to allow him to stop the work without incurring any penal liability towards P.
A. S will succeed as strike by his workers was unexpected and beyond his control.
B. S can succeed as there is an escalation clause in the contract
C. S can not succeed as he has failed to complete the construction work in time and strike can not be treated as a valid excuse for delay in work.
D. S can succeed if he pays penalty to P for delay.
Principle: If the object of an agreement is or becomes unlawful or immoral or opposed to public policy in the eyes of law, then the courts will not enforce such agreements. Law generally prohibits Child labour.
Facts: P enters into an agreement with T by which P has to let his house to T for two years and T has to pay Rs. 20000.00 per month to P as rent. T starts a child care centre in that house. But after some time in order to earn some money for the maintenance of the centre, T starts sending the children of the centre on the rotation basis to work for four hour a day in some nearby chemical and hazardous factories. When P comes to know about this new development, he asks T either to stop the children from working in factories or to leave his house immediately. T neither agrees to leave the house nor to stop the children from working in the factories. P files a suit in the court of law for appropriate relief/ action
A. P can not succeed as the agreement was for the two years and it can not be terminated before the expiry of that period
B. P can not succeed as the object at the time of making of the agreement was not clear
C. P will succeed as the object of the agreement has become unlawful.
D. P will not succeed if T agrees to share the wages of the children with P
Principle: whosoever by his act or omission causes environmental pollution shall be held liable for any loss caused by such pollution. It shall be no defence in such cases that all due diligence or reasonable care was taken while carrying out the act or omission in question.
Facts: Hari is carrying on a chemical and fertilizer industry near a bank of a river. In order to prevent and control any kind of harm to the environment, suitable waste treatment and disposal plants were installed in the factory. Due to some sudden mechanical/ technical problem, these plants ceased to work properly and, therefore, caused environmental pollution, which ultimately caused substantial harm to the environment and to the people living around the factory. Victims of such pollution file a suit for suitable remedy.
A. Victims can not succeed as necessary precautions to prevent any harm were taken by Hari.
B. Victims can not succeed as the mechanical/ technical problem was sudden and, therefore, beyond the control of Hari.
C. Victims can succeed as it is the duty of Hari to see that no harm is caused to the environment/ people due to his activity under any circumstances.
D. Victims could succeed if treatment/ disposal plant were not installed in the factory
Principle: If a person transfers movable or immovable property with its full ownership and without any consideration to some other person, then it is called a gift.
Facts: S, who has no child of his own, makes a gift of his house worth Rs. 25 lacs to his nephew R. After completing all the legal formalities required for a valid gift, S says to R that in case of need R will provide that house to S for use without any questions. R does not react to it. After one year of this gift, S really needs that house and request R to make the house available to him, but R refuses to do so.
A. R cannot refuse as he got the house without paying any consideration for that.
B. R cannot refuse as S is without children.
C. R can refuse as he has become full owner of the house.
D. R can refuse as he himself may be in need of that house.
Principle: An agreement to do an act impossible in itself cannot be enforced by a court of law.
Facts: Ramesh agrees with his girl friend Shilpa to pluck stars from the sky through his extraordinary will power, and bring them down on earth for her within a week. After the expiry of one week, Shilpa filed a suit for damages against Ramesh for the breach of contract as Ramesh failed to perform his promise.
A. Shilpa can succeed in getting damages as Ramesh has deceived her.
B. Ramesh cannot be held liable as he honestly believes that his love for Shilpa is true and, therefore, he will succeed in his endeavour.
C. The court cannot entertain such suits as the act promised under the agreement is impossible in itself.
D. Ramesh can be held liable for making an absurd promise.
Principle: An agreement may be oral or written. However, if a law specifically requires that an agreement must be in writing then the agreement must be in writing. A law specifically requires that the agreements relating to transfer of the copyright in novel between an author of a novel and the producer of a motion picture must be in writing.
Facts: The author of a novel, Love at Lost Sight, had several rounds of discussion with a producer
of motion picture regarding making of a motion picture based on Love at Lost Sight. During the last discussion, they decided to make a motion picture on Love at Lost Sight. The producer made a motion picture on Love at Lost Sight after making a payment of Rs. 10, 00,000/- (Ten Lac Only) in cash to the author who happily accepted this amount as full and final payment. Later on, on the advice of his lawyer, the author brought a case in a court of law against the producer on the ground that there is no written agreement between the producer and him.
A. The author is likely to succeed in the case as the agreement is not in accordance with the law
B. The author cannot succeed in the case as he has given his consent to the agreement
C. The author is not likely to succeed in the case because he has already accepted the amount of Rs. 10,00,000/- as full an final payment
D. The author can succeed in the case as the consideration is not adequate
Principle: A person is said to be of sound mind for the purpose of making a contract if, at the time when he makes it, he is capable of understanding it and of forming a rational judgment as to its effect upon his interest.
Facts: X who is usually of sound mind, but occasionally of unsound mind enters into a contract with Y when he (X) is of unsound mind. Y came to know about this fact afterwards and now wants to file a suit against X.
A. X cannot enter into contract because he is of unsound mind when he entered into contract.
B. X can enter into contract but the burden is on the other party to prove that he was of unsound mind at the time of contract.
C. X can enter into contract but the burden is on X to prove that he was of sound mind at the time of contract.
D. None of these.
Principle: Whosoever commits any act forbidden by the Indian Penal code with a view to obtain the consent of any person to enter into an agreement, he cannot get the agreement enforced by law but the person whose consent has been so obtained may get the agreement enforced by law. The Indian Penal code defines various offences and prescribes punishments therefor.
Facts: A obtains the consent of B to enter into an agreement by an act amounting to criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code. A brings a case against B for performance of agreement.
A. A will succeed in the case
B. A may succeed in the case
C. B will succeed in the case
D. B will not succeed in the case
Principle: A contract between the father and his son is a contract of utmost good faith. In such a
type of contract law presumes that at the time of entering into the contract the father was in a position to dominate the will of his son. Where one of the parties was in position to dominate the will of the other party, the contract is enforceable only at the option of the party whose will was so dominated.
Facts: Ram had advanced a sum of Rs. 10,000/- to his minor son Shyam. When Shyam became major, his father Ram misused his parental position and entered into an agreement with Shyam and obtained a bond from him for a sum of Rs. 30,000 in respect of the advance. Whether this agreement is enforceable?
A. The agreement is enforceable against Shyam only for Rs. 10,000/-, the actual amount of money advanced to him
B. The agreement is enforceable against Shyam for Rs. 30,000/- because he has signed the bond
C. The agreement is enforceable against Shyam because he was major at the time of agreement.
D. The agreement is not enforceable against Shyam because Ram has misused his position as father to obtain an unfair advantage.
Principle: When at the desire of one person, any other person has done or abstained from doing something, such act or abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise. Only a promise coupled with consideration is enforceable by law.
Facts: X, the uncle of Y, made a promise to pay him an amount of Rs. 10,000/- as reward if Y quits smoking and drinking within one year. X also deposited the above mentioned amount in a bank and informed Y that the said amount will be paid to him if he quits smoking and drinking within one year. Within a period of six months of making the promise X died. After the expiry of one year of making the promise by X, Y made a request to the legal heirs of X demanding the promised money. The legal heirs of X declined the request of Y.
A. The promise of X to Y is enforceable by law because Y has quitted smoking and drinking
B. The promise of X to Y is not enforceable by law because Y has benefitted by quitting smoking and drinking
C. The promise of X to Y is enforceable by law because the amount of Rs. 10, 000/- has been deposited in a bank
D. The promise of X to Y is enforceable by law because X has died within a period of six months of making the promise
Principle: ‘Work’ means literary work, artistic work, dramatic work, musical work, cinematographic film and sound recording but does not include acting in a cinematographic film. Only the works, as enumerated above, can be protected under copyright law.
Facts: A very famous actor acted in a cinematographic film. The actor was also the producer and director of cinematographic film.
A. The acting of the actor can be protected under copyright law
B. The acting of the actor can be protected under copyright law only as an artistic work
C. The acting of the actor cannot be protected under copyright law
D. The acting of the actor cannot be protected under copyright law as a cinematographic film
Principle: In case where the government is a party, the government shall be the first owner of the copyright in the work unless there is an agreement to the contrary.
Facts: The Government of the State of X entered into an agreement with a retired Professor of Botany. The Professor agreed to write a text book on Botany. The Government agreed to pay a sum of Rs. Ten Lacs to the Professor for this work.
A. The Government of the State of X shall be first owner of copyright in the text book
B. The Professor shall be first owner of copyright in the text book
C. Both the Government of the State of X and the Professor shall be the joint owners of copyright in the text book
D. The Professor shall be first owner of copyright in the text book only if he refuses to accept the amount of Rs. Ten Lacs from the Government
Principle: Licence is an agreement whereby the owner of the copyright agrees to grant an interest in the copyright to the licencee. Assignment is an agreement whereby the owner of the copyright transfers all the property rights to the assignee. Property right is a bundle of rights consisting of right to possess, right to use, right to alienate, and the right to exclude others.
Facts: A, an owner of copyright in a cinematographic film enters into an agreement with B, a film distributer. B agrees to distribute the film only in Mumbai. A also enters into many such agreements with other distributers for distribution of his film in other cities.
A. The agreement between A and B is more in the nature of assignment than in the nature of licence
B. The agreement between A and B is more in the nature of licence than in the nature of assignment
C. The agreement between A and B is both in the nature of assignment and licence
D. The agreement between A and B is neither in the nature of assignment nor in the nature of licence
Principle: Qui facit per alium facit per se, i.e. he who does things through others does it himself.
Facts: Nisha, the owner of a car, asked her friend Saurabh to take her car and drive the same to her office. As the car was near her office, it hit a pedestrian Srikant on account of Saurabh’s negligent driving and injured him seriously. Now Srikant files a suit for damages against Nisha.
A. Nisha is not liable as it was the negligence of Saurabh.
B. Saurabh is solely liable as Nisha was not driving the car.
C. Nisha is liable as Saurabh was driving under her authority and for her purpose.
D. Saurabh will be exempted from liability under the principle of inevitable accident.
Principle: Words describing quality of things cannot be registered as trade mark. However, such words may be registered as trade mark if they acquire a secondary meaning. Words acquire secondary meaning when people start associating the descriptive words with a person specific.
Facts: A hatchery located in Raipur is owned by ‘X’. X has been using the slogan “new laid eggs sold here” since 1970 to describe the quality of eggs sold in his hatchery. Over a period of time because of continuous use of this slogan, people started associating this slogan with X. X filed an application for registration of the words “new laid eggs” as trade mark in the year 1970.
A. The words will be registered as trade mark
B. The words will not be registered as trade mark
C. The words may be registered as trade mark
D. The words may not be registered as trade mark
Principle: Whoever takes away anything from the land of any person without that person’s consent is said to commit theft. A thing so long as it is attached to the earth is not the subject of theft; but it becomes capable of being the subject of theft as soon as it is severed from the earth.
Facts: Y cuts down a tree standing on the land of X with the intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of X’s possession without the consent of X. But Y is yet to take away the tree out of X’s possession.
A. Y has committed theft as soon as he came to the land of X
B. Y has committed theft as soon as the tree has been completely cut down by him
C. Y has committed theft as soon as he has started cutting down the tree
D. Y has not committed theft because he is yet to take away the tree out of X possession
Principle: res ipsa loquitur i.e. the thing speaks for itself.
Facts: Seema got herself operated for the removal of her uterus in the defendant’s hospital, as there was diagnosed to be a cyst in one of her ovaries. Due the negligence of the surgeon, who performed the operation, abdominal pack was left in her abdomen. The same was removed by a second surgery.
A. Surgeon cannot be held responsible because it is merely a human error.
B. Surgeon can be held responsible but Seema will have to prove in the court of law that the surgeon was grossly negligent.
C. Surgeon will be responsible and Seema need not to prove surgeon’s negligence because presence of abdominal pack in her abdomen is sufficient proof therefor.
D. None of the above
Principle: Whoever takes away with him any minor person less than sixteen years of age if a male, or less than eighteen years of age if a female out of the keeping of parents of such minor person without the consent of such parent, is said to kidnap such minor person.
Facts: A female born on January 01, 1995 got admitted to an undergraduate program of a reputed University on July 01, 2012. She became friendly with one of the boys, born on June 01, 1994, of her class. The boy and the girl decided to marry. The parents of the boy agreed but the family of the girl did not agree. On December 15, 2012 the girl made a call from her Blackberry to the boy.
The girl told the boy to come in his car at a particular place and time. The boy reached the stipulated place before the stipulated time. He waited there for about half an hour. The girl reached the stipulated place. She opened the door of the car and sat beside the boy who was on the driving seat. Without exchanging any pleasantries, the boy drove the car to an unknown place.
The father of the girl lodged an FIR in the nearest police station on January 20, 2013.
A. The boy has committed the offence of kidnapping
B. The boy has not committed the offence of kidnapping
C. The boy has not committed the offence of kidnapping for there is a delay in filing the FIR
D. The boy has not committed the offence of kidnapping because the girl was his classmate
Principle: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished.
Facts: Two adult men were found engaged in carnal intercourse by the police. The police arrested the men and produced them before the Court.
A. Court will punish the police officer who arrested the men
B. Court will not punish the men for they were adults
C. Court will punish the men
D. Court may be requested to declare the law unconstitutional.
Principle: Wherever the causing of a certain effect, or an attempt to cause that effect, by an act or by an omission, is an offence, it is to be understood that the causing of that effect partly by an act and partly by an omission is the same offence.
Facts: A intentionally omitted to give food to his father. He also used to beat his father. Consequently A’s father died.
A. A did not commit any offence
B. A committed only the offence of omitting to give food to his father
C. A committed only the offence of beating of his father
D. A committed the offence of killing of his father
Principle: Nothing is an offence which is done by a child under seven years of age.
Facts: A, a child born on January 01, 2005 killed another child ‘B’ on December 30, 2011.
A. A has committed no offence.
B. A has committed the offence as it is heinous crime
C. Killing of one child by another child is not an offence
D. A has not committed the offence for on the date of killing of B, A was a minor
Principle: A pact, other than a pact to commit suicide, to suffer any harm is not an offence, provided the age of the person who has given his consent to suffer harm is above eighteen years.
Facts: A enters into a pact with B, a boy of less than 18 years of age, to fence with each other for amusement. They agreed to suffer any harm which, in the course of such fencing, may be caused without foul play.
A. A, while playing fairly, hurts B, A commits no offence
B. A, while playing only unfairly, hurts B, A commits an offence
C. A, while playing fairly, hurts B, A commits an offence
D. A, while playing unfairly, hurts B, A commits no offence
Principle: When an act, which would otherwise be an offence, is not that offence by reason of the youth, the want of maturity of understanding, the unsoundness of mind or the intoxication of the person doing that act, every person has the same right of private defence against that act which he would have if the act were that offence. Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defence.
Facts: A, under the influence of madness, attempts to kill B. B in order to save his life causes grievous hurt to A.
A. A has committed an offence
B. A has not committed an offence
C. B has committed an offence
D. B has not committed any offence
22nd May 2015, 03:55 PM
Re: CLAT exam old question papers

Can you provide me the question paper of previous year for Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) exam as I need it for preparation?
22nd May 2015, 03:58 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: CLAT exam old question papers

Below I am providing you some questions of from question paper of Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) exam:
CLAT exam old question paper
1. K.G.Balakrishnan is the ……..Chief Justice of india?
(a) 35th
(b) 36th
(c) 37th
(d) 38th
2. The scientific study of law (Jurisprudence) first started among……
(a) Romans
(b) Greeks
(c) Euoropians
(d) Arabs
3. Who propounded the legal theory called “Utilitarian Individualism”?
(a) Austin
(b) Salmond
(c) Taylor
(d) Bentham
4. Who was the law member in the Council of Governer General of India?
(a) H.Spencer
(b) Maine
(c) Blackstone
(d) Macalay
5. According to Hindu legal theory the origin of law is……
(a) Sruthi
(b) Devine
(c) Dharma
(d) None
6. Who founded the Communist legal theory?
(a) Marx and Engels
(b) Maine
(c) Blackstone
(d) Austin
7. Private international law is also called…………..
(a) Civil law
(b) Conflict of laws
(c) Local laws
(d) Common law
8. The distinction between law and morals was made by
(a) Sruthi
(b) Mimamsa
(c) Smrithi
(d) None
10. Who propounded the theory “law and state are the same”?
(a) Kelsen
(b) Maine
(c) Blackstone
(d) Austin
11. Administration of Justice is devided in to ……parts
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 10
12. Apart from Jammu and Kashmir, which of the following States has a special protection,
notwithstanding anything contained in the Constitution in certain matters?
(a) Tripur
(b) Nagaland
(c) Mizoram
(d) None
14. How many theories of punishments are there in the administration of Justice?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
15. Bye-law making power granted to the executive by the Legislature is called-
(a) Delegated legislation
(b) Colourable Legislation
(c) Administrative legislation
(d) None
16. According to which of the following theory Crime is the result of a desese..?
(a) Reformative
(b) Deterrent
(c) Retributive
(d) Preventive
17. Which of the following gives the buyer right to reject goods, repudiate the contract and claim
(a) Warranty
(b) Guarantee
(c) Garnishee
(d) None
18. 35th Law Commission report recommended that children below…………...years of age at the
time of commission of offence shall not be sentenced to death
(a) 18
(b) 16
(c) 20
(d) 21
19. The word "due process of law" indicates-
(a) In course through courts
(b) By police action
(c) By the interference of the government
(d) Any of the above
20. A nominal sum given as a token, that the parties are eager about concluding the sale is called-
(a) Earnest money
(b) Advance
(c) Interest
(d) Solatium
21. The rule of evidence which forbids a person from denying the truth of some statement
formerly made by him
(a) Estoppel
(b) Res judicata
(c) Mcnaughten rule
(d) Contradiction
22. “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” relates to …………….theory
(a) Reformative
(b) Deterrent
(c) Retributive
(d) Preventive
23. A doctor has .......... relationship with his patient-
(a) moral
(b) Customary
(c) Statutory
(d) fiduciary
24. Ossification test is done to determine-
(a) Age
(b) Sex
(c) Blood group
(d) Finger print
25. English Law is also known as
(a) Civil law
(b) Conflict of laws
(c) Local laws
(d) Common law
1. The New Prime Minister of Israel belongs to .............................. Party
a) Conservative
b) Kadima
c) Fatha
d) Hamas
2. Who is the new president of Indian News Paper Society?
a) Tarun Tejpal
b) N. Ram
c) Hormusji. N. Kama
d) Vinod Mehta
3. The Cricketer who is recently appointed as the Honourary Lt Cl. of Indian Territorial
a) Sunil Gavasker
b) Kapil Dev
c) Ravi Shastri
d) Vengsarker
4. Who is the new chairman of Press Trust of India?
a) E.V. Chitnis
b) M.P. Verendra Kumar
c) K.M. Mathew
d) Nikhil Chakravarthy.
5. Who is the new President of South Africa?
a) Kgalema Motlanthe
b) Tabo Embeki
c) William Bothae
(d) Nelson Mandela
6. Pakistan President Asif Ali Sardari belongs to .................................. party
a) Muslim League
b) Jama -ath - Islami
c) PPP
(d) Avamileague
7. The ban imposed by the central Government on which of the following organization was
lifted by the Special Tribunal.
a) Bajrang Dal
c) Harkatul Mujahideen
d) JaIshe Muhammed
8. “ Jalas Pada Asram” is situated in
a) Karnataka
b) Orissa
c) Kerala
d) Gujrath
9. A new Political Party “Prajarajyam” is formed by.
a) K. Karunakaran
b) Chiranjeevi
c) Rajanikant
d) Vijayakant
10. Who is the president of Jharkand Mukti Morcha”?
a) Madhu Kode
b) Shibu Soren
c) Ajith Singh
d) Amar Singh
11. Who is the Captain of Indian women’s Cricket team?
a) Chithra Soman
b) Maiyhili Raj
c) Drona Vathi Harika
d) None
12. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna (07-08) was awarded to
a) Vishwanathan Anand
b) M.S. Dhoni
c) Narayan Karthikeyan
d) Sania Mirza
13. First Indian to get an Olympic medal
a) K.D. Jadav
b) Milka Singh
c) Karnam Malleshwary
d) Abhinav Bindra
14. Which country tops the Olympic (2008) total Medal tally?
a) US
b) China
c) Russia
d) UK
15. Which country won the maximum gold in Beijing Olympics?
a) US
b) China
c) Russia
d) UK
16. Who is the fastest man in the world?
a) Usain Bolt
b) Karl Lewis
c) Andrei silnov
d) Mathias Steiner
17. Paralympics 2008 was held at
a) Sydney
b) Beijing
c) Delhi
d) Dhoka
18. Which sports personality is known as “Thunder Bolt” and Lighting Bolt?”
a) Karl Lewis
b) Youvaraj Singh
c) Mike Tyson
d) Usain Bolt
19. Who is the world junior chess Champion (Boys)?
a) Abhijith Kande
b) Abhijith Gupta
c) Koneru Hampi
d) None of these
20. G-8 Summit (2008) was held at
a) Germany
b) Japan
c) Russia
d) India
22. Who won the first FIFA player of the Year award?
a) Pele
b) Maradona
c) Lother Mathyas
d) Bastistuta
23. Amarnath temple is situated in
a) J & K
b) Orissa
c) Gujarat
d) Kerala
24. The project started by the central Govt. on 7th Feb 2008 to improve the condition of the
small scale retailers.
a) Indira Udayamitra Yojana
b) Rajiv Gandhi Udayamitra Yojana
c) Indira Kranthi path
d) None of these
25. Indira Kranthi Path is a poverty eradication programme started by
a) Kerala
b) Andhra
c) Orissa
d) Gujrath
Directions: In the questions below, find the odd one out:
1. (a) Skin (b) Nails (c) Eyes (d) Nose
2. (a)Incandescent (b) Luminescent (c) Effulgent (d) Imminent
3. (a) Paranoia (b) Schizophrenia (c) Pneumonia (d) Dementia
4. (a) Decentralisation (b) Delegation (c) Devolution (d) Derivation
5. (a) Heat (b) Energy (c) Radar (d) Laser
Directions : In the following questions choose the pair of words that best expresses the same
relationship as that in the capitalised pair :
(a) Eye : Visibility (b) Sense: Sensuousness(c) Ear : Auditory(d)Mouth : Oratory
(a) Roulette: Casino (b)Lottery : Ticket(c) Cards : Games (d) Horses : Jockey
(a) Scientist: Chemical (b) Man : Food (c) Bed : Sleep (d) Scooter : Vehicle
Directions : Pick out the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word in
9. BANE (a) Blessing (b) Polish (c) Boon (d) Ruin
10. DENOUEMENT (a) Estimate (b) Outcome (c) Conclude (d) Give up
11. VOLTE-FACE (a) Upheaval (b) Defeat (c) A reversal (d) loss of face
12.BETE – NOIRE (a) Better luck next time (b) Pet a version (c) Alluring char (d) hastily done
13. SHOGAN (a) A king (b) A thief (c) A farmer (d) Leader of an army
14. BEHOLDEN (a) Seen (b) Experienced (c) Under obligation (d) Forsaken
Directions : In each sentence below a word or a group of words is underlined. Each sentence
is followed by 4 (four) choices. Find out which of these choices can substitute the word or
group of words which is underlined without changing the meaning of the sentence.
15. 1 doubt the veracity of your statement
(a) Tenacity (b) Wisdom (c) Truthfulness (d) Factuality
16. We should always try to maintain and promote communal amity
(a) Bondage (b) Understanding (c) Friendship (d) Relation
17. Leniency and strictness should be judiciously used
(a) Reasonably (b) Adequately (c) Sparingly (d) Unconventionally
18. The attitude of the western countries towards the third world countries is rather callous to
say the test - (a) Unkind (b) Passive (c) Partial (d) Unfeeling
Directions : ERRORS. Each sentence is broken into 4 (Four) parts ABCD. Mark the part
which has the error.
19. (a) It is the newspaper (b) That exposes us to the widest range
(c) of human experiences and behaviours (d) No error
20. (a) A high I.Q. (b) is the (c) single most (d) important criteria
21. (a) the player was profusely (b) garlanded by the people
(c) because he had made (d) many goals
Directions : Fill in the blanks : Choose the paid of words which complete the sentences to
make logical sense.
22. The law suit was resolved after many years of ____ litigation and the defendant was
ordered to pay ____ . (a) bitter, charges (b) acrimonious, restitution
(c) futile, salaries (d) unnecessary, wages
23. The software, the driving force behind the electronic revolution, gives the machines the
power to count and calculate and perform tasks that improve people's lives; its ____ is even
brighter than _______. (a) future.... its past (b) future .... its present
(c) novelty .... its possibilities (d) aura .... the brightness of stars
24. This______the rise of fundamentalism and intolerance____ by selfish groups and
power hungry politicians all over the world.
(a) spreads, banned (b) stops, cricised(c) highlights, fanned(d) covers up, publicised
25. Until a certain economic quality among the different parts of the world has been achieved
the poorer nations will____ the richer ones, and the richer ones will _____ violent action on
the part of those who are less prosperous.
(a) serve, expect (b) envy, dread (c) respect, prevent (d) dread, expect
26. Everyone has his own idea of how man became man and life was like among creatures no
longer______but not yet_______ who inhabited the earth million years ago.
(a) apes, human(b) primitive, civilized(c) human, humanoid (d) enslaved, free
Directions : Arrange the sentences ABCD in a logical sequence.
27. (A) "I knew it !" (B) Then, shifting her gaze towards Jone's voice she eased down and let
into his arms,(C) The cat hesitated(D) "I knew you would come back" John said
(a) BDAC (b) BADC (c) ABDC (d) CBDA
28. (A) A cherished heritage is at stake(B) Like many other monuments, the Taj today stands
threatened due to pollution.(C)It is actually referred to as 'poetry in stone' by the great poet
Rabindra Nath Tagore. (D)The Taj- the marvel, the magic, the mystique
(a) DCBA (b) CBAD (c) ABCD (d) ACED
29. (A) "What manner of creature is this that has form but no substance ?" (B) "Think of
the air my friend think of the clouds".(C)"For such a one am I, born of dreams and flights of
fancy" (D) "I can see, but I cannot feel ......
(a) ABCD (b) BDAC (c) DBCA (d) DABC
30. (A) In India, home to, 2500-3750 tigers (half the world's total), are being poached at the rate
of at least one per day.(B)The threat has however sparked off another though smaller crises - a
spate of recriminations between conservation organization.(C)As anyone with a letterbox, a T.V.
set and environmental conscience will know, the tiger may soon be extinct in the world.
(D) It does not take a mathematician to work out that if those rates continue, there may be no
Bengal tigers left outside the zoos within a decade.
(a) DCBA (b) CDBA (c) CBAD (d) CARD
31. The secretary general of Lok Sabha who is the chief of its secretariat, is
(a) Appointed by Speaker (b) Appointed by the President
(c) Elected by Lok Sabha (d) Elected by both the houses of Parliament
32. There is no provision in the constitution for the impeachment of
(a) The Chief Justice of a High court (b) The Chief Justice of India
(c) The Governor (d) The Vice President
33. The constitution of India borrowed the concept of the directive principles of state policy from
the constitution of- (a) Ireland (b) USA (c) UK (d) Canada
34. The Indian National Union was formed in 1854 by
(a) A.O. Hume (b) Henry Cotton (c) Dada Bhai Nauroji (d) Badruddin Tyabji
35. The words'Satyameva Jayate' inscribed in Devnagri script below the abacus of the state
emblem of India are taken from
(a) Mundaka Upanishad (b) Katha Upanishad (c) Samaveda (d) Yajurveda
36. Which of the following directive principles is a socialistic principle ?
(a) Equal pay for equal work to all (b) Protection of the health of the workers
(c) Prevention of concentration of wealth and the means of production (d) All the above
37. The number of writs that can be prayed for and issed by the Supreme Court and a High Court
is- (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
38. Which of the following English men was honoured by Jahangir with the title of'Khan'
(a) Edward Terry (b) Hawkins (c) Sir Thomas Roe (d) Thomas Paine
39. The Rock cut temple of Kailashnath is situated at
(a) Ajanta (b) Ellora (c) Elephants (d) Mamallapuram
40. Under which dynasty did the construction of the Great Wall of China start ?
(a) Chou (b) Han (c) Chin (d) Sui
41. Who among the following Hindu King is known as the Nepoleon of India ?
(a) Ashoka(b) Harshvardhan (c) Samudra Gupta(d) Chandra Gupta Vikramandhra
42. When did Shivaji assume the title of Chatrapati ?
(a) 1665 (b) 1668 (c) 1670 (d) 1672
43. Which of the following rivers is shared by largest number of state
(a) Cauvery (b) Godavari (c) Krishna (d) Mahanadi
44. Equinox occurs when thesum is vertically above the
(a) Equator (b) Tropic of Capricorn (c) Tropic of Cancer (d) Poles
45. No other part of India receives so heavy a rainfall in winter months as the coastal region of
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Gujarat (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu
46. Which of the following states has rich forests of sandal wood ?
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka (c) Kerala (d) Madhya Pradesh
47. Which of the following streams makes the Jog Fall ?
(a) Netravati (b) Kalindi (c) Sharavati (d) Ulhas
48. Who among the following women are associated with the controversial movie "Fire"?
(A) Deep Mehta (B) Shabana Azmi (C) Nandita Das
(a) A and B (b) A, B and C (c) only B (d) A and C
49. 'Bhupen Hazarika' was recently in the news because he was
(a) Awarded with Sangeet Natak Academy award for the year 1998
(b) Selected as a fellow of Sangeet Natak Academy
(c) Appointed as Chairman of Sangeet Natak Academy
(d) Awarded with Sahitya Academy Award for his contribution to Assemese
50. Who demarcated the line which separated India and Pakistan ?
(a) Sir Cyril Radcliffe (b) Sir Mortiner Durand
(c) Sir Henry McMahon (d) Lord Mountbatten
51. Name of the foreigner who was honoured with Padma Vibhushan in 1998
(a) Dalai Lama(b) Mamoom Abdul Gayoon
(c) Walter Sisulu(d) Mahather-Bin-Mohammed
52. Which one of the following will cause blindness on consumption ?
(a) Glycerin (b) Kerosene (c) Methy Benzene (d) Methyl Alcohol
53. Which gas is used in the artificial ripening of the fruits ?
(a) Acetylene (b) Methane (c) Ethane (d) Butane
54. Kanya-Exploitation of Little Angels a revolutionary book in the field of women' studies is
written by
(a) Kamala Das(b) Arundhati Roy (c) V. Mohini Giri (d) Tehmina Dural
55. Name the first Indian car with power steering and power windows
(a) Ambassador(b) Fiat(c) The Standard 2000(d) Indica
56. The recent earthquake at Chamoli measured on the Richter scale
(a) 6.8 (b) 5.6 (c) 6.6 (d) 4.4
57. May 3rd is observed as International Sunday to
(a) Worship the Sun (b) Encourage the use of solar energy
(c) Encourage the study of solar system (d) Celebrate the birthday of Sun god
58. He visited Europe and America as cultural Ambassador of India. He condemned the caste
system and current Hindu emphasis on rituals, ceremonies and superstitions. He remarked, "Our
religion is'Do not touch me. I am holy". These lines allude to
(a) Annie Besant (b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Swami Vivekananda (d) B.R. Ambedkar
59. 'Blue dwarfs' and 'Red giants' refer respectively to
(a) Pygmies and the Caucasians (b) Young stars and old stars
(c) Old stars and young stars (d) Short term and long term crops of wheat
60. Nelson Mandela marries for the third time with Graca Machel, 52, what according to you is
his age- (a) 62 (b) 75 (c) 70 (d) 80
61. In the 13th Asian games held in Bangkok on December 6th 1998, who among the
following won two gold medals for India
(a) Jyotirmoyee Sikdar (b) Sunita Rani
(c) Karnam Malleswari (d) None of the above
62. Miss World 1998, Linor Abasgil is how many years old ?
(a) 19 (b) 20 (c) 21 (d) 22
63. Which one of the following Indian dailies is having the largest number of editions ?
(a) The Hindu (b) The Indian Express
(c) The Times of India (d) National Herald
64. The 20th Commonwealth games are scheduled to be held at
(a) Manchester (b) Newdelhi (c) Sydney (d) Victoria
65. Amartya Sen, the recipient of the Noble Prize for Economics 1998, is the Indian
to receive the Noble Prize
(a) 1st (b) 2nd (c) 4th (d) 6th
66. Salman Rushdie's latest book The Ground Beneath Her Feet is published by
(a) Jonathan Cape (b) Phoenix House (c) MacMillan (d) Orient Longman
67. Which among the following movies got the maximum number of Oscars ?
(a) A Thin Red Line(b) Elizabeth(c) Saving Private Ryan(d) Shakespeare in Love
68. Pakistan test fired 'The Shaheen' in response to India's Agni-II on
(a) April 13 (b) April 14(c) April 15 (d) April 15
69. Which of the following army chiefs is in news in recent times
(a) V.S. Shekhavat (b) Harinder Singh (c) Vishnu Bhagat(d) None
70. Which of the following places is the target of NATO attacks in recent times
(a) Albania (b) Macedonia (c) Serbia (d) Kosova
71. 'IC' chips of computers are usually made of
(a) Lead (b) Chromium (c) Silicon (d) Platinum
72. Atmosphere pressure is measured with
(a) Hydrometer (b) Barometer (c) Hygrometer (d) Altimeter
73. Water which contains calcium and magnesium is called
(a) Heavy water (b) Hard water (c) Soft water (d) Purified water
74. Jupiter has how many moons ? (a) 7 (b) 13 (c) 16 (d) 20
75. The science of birds is called as
(a) Orthoepy (b) Ornithology (c) Paleontology (d) Pomology
76. Longest and strongest bone in human body is
(a) Tibia (b) Pelvis (c) Femor (d) Humerons
77. The first country to establish trade relation with India was
(a) Portugal (b) Holland (c) France (d) England
78. The number of ports in India are
(a) 10 major and 116 minor (b) 11 major and 102 minor
c) 12 major and 250 minor (d) 11 major and 135 minor
79. Which is the world's biggest bank ? (a) Bank of America
(b) Bank of Tokyo-Mistubishi Bank (c) Citi Bank (d) State Bank of India
80. Who is the Managing Director of IMF ? (modified)
(a) Michel Camberus (b) Dominic Straus Kahn
(c) Ian Harvey (d) Mike Tyson
81. What is a 'moot'? (a) A basic point of law (b) A basic fact of case
(c) Mock court for practice by students is a general pardon
(d)Another name for magistrate's court
82. The early release of a prisoner is called - (a) Bail (b) Parole (c) Lease (d) Lien
83. ______is a general pardon (a) Remission(b) Reprieve(c) Amnesty(d) Suspension
84. LL.B. stands for (a) Bachelor of Law (b) Legalite Lawyers Baccile
(c) Legum Baccalaureus (d) None of the above
85. An act of parliament is called (a) Bill (b) Legislation (c) Statute(d) Public Policy
86. Husband and wife have a right to each other's company. This right is called
(a) legal right (b) Matrimonial right (c) Consortium right (d) Conjugal right
87. Who propounded the doctrine 'Rule of Law' ?
(a) Lord Blackstone (b) Lord Denning (c) Dicey (d) Maine
88. A person who takes proceedings against the accused on the behalf of the state
(a) Judge (b) Lawyer (c) Proctor (d) Prosecutor
89. What is a 'cognizance'
(a) Arousing judicial notice of knowledge (b) It is a crime
(c) It means custody without warrant (d) It means custody with warrant
90. A previous judgement cited by court to decide on a similar set of facts
(a) Precedent (b) Case (c) Obiter dicta (d) Judicial dicta
91. Once appointed, Judges of Supreme Court serve till they attain the age of
(a) 62 (b) 63 (c) 64 (d) 65
92. "Law is not an intellectual legender - made to make black appear white and white appear
black, but it is ceaseless endeavour to enthrone justice" who said these words ?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) M.K Gandhi
(c) Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (d) Lord Atkins
93. Assertion - (A) In a criminal trial, the accused and the defendent mean the same thing.
Reason - (R) It depends which way you look, for the prosecution a person is accused,
for the person, he is defendent against the accusation.
(A) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true-(c) A is true, R is false (d) A is false, R is true
94. Who is responsible for introduction of Public Interest Litigation in India ?
(a) Justice P.N. Bhagwati (b) Justice M.N. Venkatachaliah
(c) Justice A.M. Ahmadi (d) Justice V.R. Krishna lyer
95. Article 24 prohibits child labour in
(a) All employment (b) Only hazardous industries
(c) All employment excluding household (d) None of the above
96. International Court of Justice has its seat at
(a) Geneva (b) Hague (c) New York (d) London
97. One of the following cannot be taken as intellectual property
(a) Patents (b) Copyright (c) Know-how (d) Discovery
98. India and Britain recently signed an "extradition treaty". Extradition means
(a) Exports without double taxation (b) Order of Indian courts will apply to Indians
living in the U.K.(c) India and the U,K. will deport criminals on reciprocal basis to each
other (d) None of the above
Directions : Given below is a statement of legal principle followed by a factual situation -
Apply the principle to the facts and select the most appropriate answer among the four
alternatives given.
99. Principle : Everybody is under a legal obligation to take reasonable care to avoid act
or omission which he can foresee would injure his neighbour, the neighbour for this
purpose is any person whom he should have in his mind as likely to be affected by his act.
Facts-Krishnan, while driving a car at a high speed in a crowded road, knocked down a cyclist.
The cyclist died on the spot with a lot of blood spilling around, Lakshmi, a pregnant woman
passing by, suffered from a nervous shock, leading to abortion. Lakshmi filed a suit against
Krishnan claiming damages.
(a) Krishna will be liable, because he owned a duty of reasonable care to everybody on the
road including Lakshmi
(b) Krishna will not be liable, because he could not have foreseen Lakshmi suffering from
nervous shock as a result of his act..
(c) Krishna will be liable to Lakshmi because he failed to drive carefully (d) None of
the above
100. Principle : The occupier of a premise owes a duty of care to all his invitees and visitors.
Factual situation : Laloo was running a dairy from his house. People used a part of his farm as
shortcut to get to a nearby railway station. Laloo who did not approve of this, put up a notice that
"Trespassers will be prosecuted". However since a number of these people were also his
customers he tolerated them. One day a person who was using this short cut was attacked by a
bull belonging to the farm. The injured person filed a suit against him.
(a) Laloo is not liable in view of the clear notice against tresspassers
(b) Laloo is liable for having kept a bull on his farm
(c) Laloo is liable because in fact he allowed the people to use his premises
(d) Laloo, is not liable to the people other than customers
Directions : Each question below has six statements. Choose the set of three statements
where the third statement can be logically concluded from the preceding two.
101. (a) All blues must have greens(b) all pinks need reds but all reds do not need pinks
(c) Oranges require yellows (d) Yellows are necessary for all blues
(e) No greens are without yellows(f) Yellows and greens complement each other
(a) fde (b) acd (c) cef (d) adf
102. (a) Jaguars are rarely found in India (b) All spotted cats are not Jaguars
(c) Jaguars are spotted cats (d) It may have been a Jaguar
(e) I saw a spotted cat (f) Tigers are stupid cats
(a) cde (b) acf(c) aed (d) edc
Directions : For each question below, choose the diagram that best illustrates the
relationship between the three objects.
A) (B) (C) (D)
103. Liquids, Soft drinks, Coca-cola
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)
104. Sisters, Mothers, Wives
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) None
105. Jackals, Lizards, Pigeons
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)
Directions : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F were playing a card game. A's father, mother and uncle were in
the group. There were two females, B, the mother of A got more points than her husband. D got
more points in the game than E but less than F. Niece of F got lowest points. Father of A got
more points than F but still could not win the game.
106. Who won the game ? (a) A (b) B (c) F (d) D
107. Who got the lowest points? (a) A (b) C (c) E (d)B
108. Who is the husband of B ? (a) F (b) E (c) D (d) C
109. Who was the lady in the group other than B ? (a) C (b) D (c) A (d) F
110. Who stood second in the game? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
11.1. If TAP is coded as SZO, then FREEZE is coded as
112. If (a) MUM SUM DUM means water is pure,
(b) LAO CHIN MUM means water has taste
(c) DUM PHU PHIN means he is honest,
(d) KHU SING CHIN means never taste it, then which letter code stands for HAS
(a) SUM (b) CHIN (c) LAO (d) MUM
113. If SYSTEM is written as SYSMET and NEARER is written as'AENRER', then
FRACTION will be coded as
114. Which of the following is the same as Flood, Fire, Cyclone ?
(a) Accident (b) Rain (c) Earthquake (d) Damage
115. Which one is the same as Arid, Parched and Droughty ?
(a) Draft (b) Cow (c) Earth (d) Dry
116. 'Soft' is related to 'Sponge' in the same way as' Sharp' is related to
(a) Blunt (b) Pierce (c) Cut (d) Knife
117. 'Skirmish' is related to 'War' in the same way as 'disease' is related to (a) Infection (b)
Epidemic (c) Patient (d) Medicine
118. Kishan walks 10 km towards North from there he walks 6 km towards South. Then, he
walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point
(a) 7 km East (b) 5 km West (c) 5 km North-East (d) 7 km West
119. Snakes and hawks are predators of mice in a field. Dogs which also feed on mice are
bought on the scene. What will be the immediate result.
(a) Decrease in the number of snakes and hawk (b) Decrease in the number of dogs
(c) Decrease in the number of mice (d) Increase in the number of snakes
120. A is shorter than B but much taller than E. C is the tallest and D is little shorter than A.
Which one is the shortest (a) A (b) E (C) C (d) D
1.B 31A 61A 91D
2D 32C 62A 92D
3C 33A 63B 93D
4D 34A 64B 94A
5C 35A 65D 95B
6C 36D 66A 96B
7A 37D 67D 97C
8C 38C 68C 98C
9D 39B 69B 99B
10B 40B 70C 100C
11C 41C 71C 101D
12B 42D 72B 102D
13D 43B 73B 103D
14B 44A 74C 104D
15C 45D 75B 105B
16C 46B 76C 106B
17A 47C 77A 107A
18D 48B 78D 108D
19A 49C 79A 109C
20D 50C 80A 110C
21C 51C 81C 111D
22B 52D 82B 112C
23B 53A 83C 113A
24C 54C 84C 114C
25B 55D 85B 115D
26A 56A 86D 116D
27D 57B 87C 117B
28A 58C 88D 118C
29A 59B 89A 119C
30C 60D 90A 120B

Directions: Given below is a statement of legal principle, followed by a factual situation. Apply the
principle to the facts and select the most appropriate answer among the alternatives given
1. PRINCIPLE :- Preparation is not an offence except the preparation of some special offences.
Facts:-Rameshwar keeps poisoned halua in his house, wishing to kill Binoy whom he invited to a party and
to whom he wishes to give it. Unknown to Rmeshwar, his only son takes the halua and dies. In this case
(a).Rameshwar is liable for the murder.
(b)He is not liable for murder since t is a preparation alone.
(c) He is liable for culpable homicide
2. PRINCIPLE:- Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of
common object:-
FACT:-A, -along with eight others went to a near village to beat some of his enemies. In this fight A was
injured. The members of the opposite party ran away. Thereafter A's friends followed the opponents and
killed one of them.
(a) A and his companions are liable to be punished for the murder.
(b) Only A is liable ,others are liable for minor offences only
(c) No one is liable since they exercised the private defence
(3) PRINCIPLE- Whoever intentionally puts any person in fear of any injury to that
person, or to any other, and thereby dishonestly induces the person so put in fear to
deliver to any property or valuable security, or anything signed or sealed which may be
converted into a valuable security, commits "extortion".
FACTS:- A threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning B unless B gives Rs.5
lakhS. A induces B to give money.
(a) A is guilty of defamation
(b) A is guilty of extortion
(c ) A is not guilty since it is a preparation only.
4. PRINCIPLE:-Nothing which is not intended to cause death, is an offence by reason of
any harm which it may cause, or be intended by the doer to cause, or be known by the
doer to be likely to cause, to any person for whose benefit it is done in good faith, and
who has given a consent, whether express or implied, to suffer that harm, or to take the
risk of that harm
FACTS:- A fake doctor operated on a man for internal piles by cutting them out with an ordinary knife.
The man died of haemorrahage.
(a)Doctor is guilty of murder
(b)Doctor is not guilty
(c) Doctor is guilty of culpable homicide not amounting to murder
He exercised his right of private defence under a mistake of fact. He was under the belief that A and B were
fighting. He is justified in exercising his right of private defence.
(5) PRINCIPLE:-Whoever dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use any
movable property, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term
which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.
FACTS:- A finds a diamond ring, not knowing to whom it belongs. He sells it immediately to a jeweller.
(a) A is guilty of Criminal Misappropriation.
(b) A is not guilty of Criminal Misappropriation
(c) A is guilty of cheating
(6) PRINCIPLE:- voluntary drunkenness is not a Defence under ss.85 and 86 of the Code FACTS:- A has
in his possession a bottle of poisonous lotion for external application and a bottle of medicine for internal
use. A in a drunken condition gives to his child an ounce of the poisonous lotion to drink as result of which
the child died. Is A guilty of any offence?
(a)A is guilty of' death caused by rash and negligent act.
(b)A is guilty of murder
(c A is not guilty since he is in a drunken state.
A cannot take 'drunkenness' as a defence as voluntary drunkenness is not a Defence under ss.85 and 86 of
the Code.
(7) PRINCIPLE:- Attempt to murder is punishable under S.307 IPC but preparation is not an offence.
FACTS:- A mixes sugar, thinking that it was poison in the tea meant for B with an intention to cause his
death. What offence, if any, has been committed by A?
(a) A is not liable to be punished for any offence. 'A' has done only preparation, for the commission
of crime,
(b) A is liable for attempt to murder
© He is guilty of criminal conspiracy
(8)PRINCIPLE:- By virtue of s. 330 of the Code, if a person voluntarily causes hurt for the purpose of
extorting confession from the sufferer or any information which may lead to the detection of an offence, he
shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and
shall also be liable to fine
FACTS:- X, a police officer tortures Y, to tell him where the stolen property was kept by him. Has A
committed any offence?
(a) X is not liable since he is discharging his duty.
(b) X is liable since the custodial torture is not part of duty
(c) X is not liable since the torture was to extract confession.
(9) PRINCIPLE-"Nobody shall unlawfully interfere with a person's use or enjoyment of land, or some
right over, or in connection with it. The use or enjoyment, envisaged herein, should be normal and
reasonable taking into account surrounding situation."
FACTS-Jeevan and Pavan were neighbours in a residential locality. Pavan started a typing class in a part of
his house and his typing sound disturbed Jeevan who could not put up with any kind of continuous noise.
He filed a suit against Pavan.
(a) Pavan is liable, because he should not have started typing class in his house
(b) Pavan is liable, because as a neighbour, he should have realised Jeevan's delicate nature
(c) Pavan is not liable, because typing sound did not disturb anyone else other than Jeevan
(d) None of the above.
Using the standards of a reasonable man, the sound of typing cannot be said as disturbing and hence it
is a reasonable one.
(10) PRINCIPLE:- Whoever wrongfully restrains any person in such a manner as to
prevent that person from proceedings beyond certain circumscribing limits, is said
"wrongfully to confine" that person.
FACTS:-A places men with fire arms at the outlets of a building, and tells B that he will
fire at B, if B attempts to leave the building.
(a) A is guilty of wrongful restraints
(b) A is guilty of wrongful confinement
(c ) A is not guilty since it is a preparation only.

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