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22nd August 2014, 11:22 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: CLAT Exam Sample Papers

As you required CLAT Exam Sample Papers so here I am providing you the papers.

Which one of the following statements is correct?

The Principal offender must have the same guilty mind as that of the abettor.
Abettor's liability is dependent on the liability of the principal offender.
Abettor and principal offender may be differently liable for different offences.
If the abettor is innocent, the principal offender is also not liable.

Which one of the following correctly distinguishes theft from extortion?

In theft movable property must be dishonestly taken whereas in extortion there is delivery of the thing extorted.
The extortion there must be dishonest intention whereas in theft the same is not necessary.
Theft requires dishonest intention whereas extortion requires fraudulent intention.
Theft is an offence against movable property.

Some content of the file has been given here:

Passage for Questions 1 to 10
In 1954, a Bombay economist named A.D. Shroff began a Forum of Free Enterprise, whose ideas on economic
development were somewhat at odds with those then influentially articulated by the Planning Commission of
the Government of India. Shroff complained against the ‘indifference, if not discouragement’ with which the
state treated entrepreneurs.
At the same time as Shroff, but independently of him, a journalist named Philip Spratt was writing a series of
essays in favour of free enterprise. Spratt was a Cambridge communist who was sent by the party in 1920s to
foment revolution in the subcontinent. Detected in the act, he spent many years in an Indian jail. The books he
read in the prison, and his marriage to an Indian woman afterwards, inspired a steady move rightwards. By the
1950s, he was editing a pro-American weekly from Bangalore, called MysIndia. There he inveighed against the
economic policies of the government of India. These, he said, treated the entrepreneur ‘as a criminal who has
dared to use his brains independently of the state to create wealth and give employment’. The state’s chief
planner, P.C. Mahalanobis, had surrounded himself with Western leftists and Soviet academicians, who
reinforced his belief in ‘rigid control by the government over all activities’. The result, said Spratt, would be
‘the smothering of free enterprise, a famine of consumer goods, and the tying down of millions of workers to
soul-deadening techniques.’
The voices of men like Spratt and Shroff were drowned in the chorus of popular support for a model of heavy
industrialization funded and directed by the governments. The 1950s were certainly not propitious times for free
marketers in India. But from time to time their ideas were revived. After the rupee was devalued in 1966, there
were some moves towards freeing the trade regime, and hopes that the licensing system would also be
liberalized. However, after Indira Gandhi split the Congress Party in 1969, her government took its ‘left turn’,
nationalizing a fresh range of industries and returning to economic autarky.
1. Which of the following statements can most reasonably be inferred from the information available in
the passage:
(a) P.C. Mahalanobis believed in empowering private entrepreneurs and promoting free market.
(b) Philip Spratt preferred plans that would create economic conditions favourable for a forward march
by the private enterprise.
(c) Restrictions on free markets enriched large Indian companies.
(d) Philip Spratt opposed the devaluation of rupee in 1966.
2. Which of the following statements is least likely to be inferred from the passage.
(a) Acceptance of A.D. Shroff’s plans in the official circles smothered free enterprise in India.
(b) The views of the Forum of Free Enterprise ran against the conception of development then prevalent
among the policy makers.
(c) A.D. Shroff believed that state should actively support the private sector.
(d) Philip Spratt had been educated in Cambridge.
3. Select the statement that best captures the central purpose of this passage.

(a) Highlight that even though there were advocates for free-market and private enterprise in the early
years of independent India, they were crowded out by others who supported a dominant role for state
over private enterprise.
(b) Explain the politics behind Indira Gandhi’s decision to nationalize the banks.
(c) Demonstrate with the help of statistics how the preference of policy makers for Soviet-style
economic policies prevented India’s economic growth.
(d) Establish that devaluation of rupee in 1966 was vindicated by subsequent experience.
4. Philip Spratt came to India because he:
(a) Fell in love with an Indian woman
(b) Wanted to protest against the economic policies of the Indian government.
(c) Was offered the editorship of Mysindia.
(d) Had been instructed to work towards the goal of inciting a revolution in India.
5. The author that A.D. Shroff’s ideas were somewhat at odds with the views of Planning Commission
(a) A.D. Shroff was in favour of rigid governmental control over all economic activities.
(b) Shroff had opposed government’s decision to devalue Indian rupee.
(c) The hostility of the government to private entrepreneurs was complained against by A.D. Shroff.
(d) Shroff had been critical of the influence of Soviet academicians over India’s economic policy.
6. The ideological shift of Philip Spratt to the right was caused by:
(a) The demise of the Soviet Union
(b) The start of the weekly called MysIndia.
(c) The books that he encountered in the prison.
(d) The dissolution of his first marriage to his college friend.
7. Select the statement that could be most plausibly inferred from this passage.
(a) Philip Spratt and A.D. Shroff were members of the Forum for Free Enterprise.
(b) The first two Five Year Plans emphasized on the importance of private enterprise as the spearhead
of economic growth.
(c) P.C. Mahalanobis had mooted the expulsion of foreign firms like Coca Cola and IBM from India.
(d) The hopes that the licensing regime would be liberalized after the devaluation of India rupee were
belied in the aftermath of the split in the Congress Party.
8. The author alludes to nationalization of industries in 1969 in order to:
(a) Show the contradictions between AD Shroff’s economic views and the official economic policies of
the government of India.
(b) Exemplify the shift of the Indira Gandhi led government to the ‘left’
(c) Demonstrate the ideological changes in the worldview of Philip Spratt.
(d) Highlight the negative political repercussions of the decision to devalue the Indian currency.
9. “Neither Philip Spratt nor A.D. Shroff______ able to convince Mahalanobis.” Select the most
appropriate phrase out of the four options for filling the blank space in the aforesaid sentence.
(a) Were (b) Are (c) Was (d) Is
10. The word ‘inveighed’ in this passage means:
(a) Praised (b) Recited (c) Proclaimed (d) Remonstrated
Passage for Questions 11 to 20
In Manu Joseph’s debut novel Serious Men, the protagonist, Ayyan Mani; is a sly, scheming Dalit-Buddhist
who almost gets away with passing off his partially deaf son, Adi, as a prodigy, a genius who can recite the first
1,000 prime numbers. The garb of satire—where almost every character cuts a sorry figure—gives the author
the licence to offer one of the most bleak and pessimistic portrayals of urban Dalits. Despite his savage
portrayal of Dalit (and female) characters—or perhaps because of it?—Serious Men has won critical
appreciation from a cross-section of readers and critics.

At a time when a formidable body of Dalit literature—writing by Dalits about Dalit lives—has created a distinct
space for itself, how and why is it that a novel such as Serious Men, with its gleefully skewed portrayal of an
angry Dalit man, manages to win such accolades? In American literature—and particularly in the case of
African-American authors and character—these issues of representation have been debated for decades. But in
India, the sustained refusal to address issues related to caste in everyday life—and the continued and
unquestioned predominance of a Brahminical stranglehold over cultural production—have led us to a place
where non-Dalit portrayal of Dalits in literature, cinema and art remains the norm.
The journey of modern Dalit literature has been a difficult one. But even though it has not necessarily enjoyed
the support of numbers we must engage with what Dalits are writing—not simply for reasons of authenticity, or
as a concession to identity politics, but simply because of the aesthetic value of this body of writing, and for the
insights it offers into the human condition. In a society that is still largely unwilling to recognize Dalits as equal,
rights-bearing human beings, in a society that is inherently indifferent to the everyday violence against Dalits,
in a society unwilling to share social and cultural resources equitably with Dalits unless mandated by law (as
seen in the anti-reservation discourse), Dalit literature has the potential to humanize non-Dalits and sensitise
them to a world into which they have no insight. But before we can understand what Dalit literature is seeking
to accomplish, we need first to come to terms with the stranglehold of non-Dalit representations of Dalits.
Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance, published 15 years ago, chronicles the travails of two Dalit characters—
uncle Ishvar and nephew Omprakash—who migrate to Bombay and yet cannot escape brutality. While the
present of the novel is set at the time of the Emergency, Ishvar’s father Dukhi belongs to the era of the anticolonial
nationalist movement. During one of Dukhi’s visits to the town, he chances upon a meeting of the
Indian National Congress, where speakers spread the “Mahatma’s message regarding the freedom struggle, the
struggle for justice,” and wiping out “the disease of untouchability, ravaging us for centuries, denying dignity to
our fellow human beings.”
Neither in the 1940s, where the novel’s past is set, nor in the Emergency period of the 1970s—when the minds
and bodies Ishvar and Omprakash, are savaged by the state—do we find any mention of a figure like BR
Ambedkar or of Dalit movements. In his ‘nationalist’ understanding of modern Indian history, Mistry seems to
have not veered too far from the road charted by predecessors like Mulk Raj Anand and Premchand. Sixty years
after Premchand, Mistry’s literary imagination seems stuck in the empathy-realism mode, trapping Dalits in
abjection. Mistry happily continues the broad stereotype of the Dalit as a passive sufferer, without
consciousness of caste politics.
11. Which of the following is the closest description of the central argument of this passage:
(a) Manu Joseph’s novel presents a scathing portrayal of Dalits.
(b) Contemporary American literature is very cautious on politically correct representation of
(c) The last two decades have witnessed the rise of a very vibrant Dalit literature.
(d) Portrayal of Dalits by non-Dalits merely as passive victims has been the dominant norm in Indian
literature, cinema and art.
12. According to this passage, Premchand and Mulk Raj Anand:
(a) Presented a stereotyped version of Dalit characters in their writings.
(b) Excelled in writing satires on social inequality
(c) Were politically opposed to the views of B.R. Ambedkar
(d) Were closely involved with the leadership of the nationalist movement.
13. The writer refers to the ‘anti-reservation discourse’ in order to argue that:
(a) Dalit literature has had a very difficult journey since its origins.
(b) Manu Joseph is viscerally opposed to Dalits.
(c) Persons belonging to the upper castes are inherently indifferent to routine violence against Dalits.
(d) Indian society is not yet ready to equitably share, on its own, social, cultural and political space with
14. Which of the following statements is least likely to be inferred from this passage.
(a) The author of Serious Men has used the literary device of satire to present an unflattering picture of
women characters.

(b) Issues of representation of minorities have been debated extensively in American literature.
(c) The writer of this passage believes that engagement with Dalits is necessary only because such
engagement affirms the importance of identity politics.
(d) The writer believes that Rohinton Mistry presented a stereotypical representation of Dalits character
in his book.
15. According to the information available in the passage, the writer attributes the prevalence of
representation of Dalits by non-Dalits in literature, art and media to:
(a) The nationalist understanding of Indian history
(b) Marginalization of B.R. Ambedkar from nationalist movement.
(c) The anti-reservation discourse
(d) Brahminical control over cultural production.
16. Which of the following is not among the reasons suggested by the writer for engaging with Dalit
(a) Dalit literature has the potential to sensitize non-Dalits about the experiences of the former.
(b) Dalit writing is more authentic than representation of Dalits by non-Dalits.
(c) Dalit literature does not have the support of numbers.
(d) The aesthetic value of Dalit writing.
17. Which of the following statement cannot be inferred from the passage:
(a) Upper-castes have dominated the instruments of cultural production in Indian society.
(b) Indian society is unwilling to recognize Dalits as equal, rights bearing human beings.
(c) Dalit writers have carved out a space for writings on Dalit experience and world view.
(d) The judiciary in India, in its opposition to reservation, has betrayed its unwillingness to
acknowledge Dalits as equal bearer of rights.
18. The writer of this passage is critical of Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance for the reason that:
(a) It is an example of a book of Dalit characters by a Non-Dalit
(b) The book suggests that Dalits are nothing more than passive sufferers without any agency.
(c) The book ignores the everyday violence that Dalits have to confront with.
(d) It bares the passive literary style of the author, Rohinton Mistry.
19. Which of the following words would be the best substitute for the word ‘sly’ in this passage.
(a) Bright (b) wise (c) devious (d) dim
20. “It is not as if Dalit movements________ not active during the periods that form A Fine Balance’s
backdrop.” Select the most appropriate choice to fill in the blank in the above sentence:
(a) is (b) was (c) were (d) are
Passage for Questions 21 to 30
In recent weeks the writers William Dalrymple and Patrick French, among others, have come before a fusillade
of criticism in India, much of it questioning not their facts, not their interpretations, but their foreignness.
“Who gets to write about India?” The Wall Street Journal asked on Wednesday in its own report on this Indian
literary feuding. It is a complicated question, not least because to decide who gets to write about India, you
would need to decide who gets to decide who gets to write about India. Rather than conjecturing some
Committee for the Deciding of the Deciding of Who Gets to Write About India, it might be easier to let writers
write what they please and readers read what they wish.
The accusations pouring forth from a section of the Indian commentariat are varied. Some criticism is of a
genuine literary nature, fair game, customary, expected. But lately a good amount of the reproaching has been
about identity.
In the case of Mr. Dalrymple, a Briton who lives in New Delhi, it is—in the critics’ view—that his writing is an
act of re-colonization. In the case of Mr. French, it is that he belongs to a group of foreign writers who use

business-class lounges and see some merit in capitalism and therefore do not know the real India, which only
the commentarial member in question does.
What is most interesting about these appraisals is that their essential nature makes reading the book superfluous,
as one of my Indian reviewers openly admitted. (His review was not about the book but about his refusal to read
the book). The book is not necessary in these cases, for the argument is about who can write about India, not
what has been written.
For critics of this persuasion, India surely seems a lonely land. A country with a millennial history of Hindus,
Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists living peaceably together; a country of hundreds of dialects in which
so many. Indians are linguistic foreigners to each other, and happily, tolerantly so; a country that welcomes
foreign seekers (of yoga poses, of spiritual wisdom, of ancestral roots) with open arms; a country where, outside
the elite world of South Delhi and South Bombay, I have not heard an Indian ask whether outsiders have a right
to write, think or exist on their soil.
But it is not just this deep-in-the-bones pluralism that challenges the who-gets-to-write-about-India contingent.
It is also that at the very heart of India’s multifarious changes today is this glimmering idea: that Indians must
be rewarded for what they do, not who they are.
Identities you never chose—caste, gender, birth order—are becoming less important determinants of fate. Your
deeds—how hard you work, what risks you take—are becoming more important.
It is this idea, which I have found pulsating throughout the Indian layers, that leaves a certain portion of the
intelligentsia out of sync with the surrounding country. As Mr. French has observed, there is a tendency in some
of these writers to value social mobility only for themselves. When the new economy lifts up the huddled
masses, then it becomes tawdry capitalism and rapacious imperialism and soulless globalization.
Fortunately for those without Indian passports, the nativists’ vision of India is under demographic siege. The
young and the relentless are India’s future. They could not think more differently from these literatis.
They savour the freedom they are gaining to seek their own level in the society and to find their voice; and they
tend to be delighted at the thought that some foreigners do the same in India and love their country as much as
they do.
21. Which of the following statements is least likely to be inferred from the passage:
(a) Younger generations of Indians are more tolerant of foreign scribes who write about their country.
(b) The writer believes that a section of Indian intelligentsia is very hostile to upward economic
(c) Mr. William Dalrymple has been accused of recolonising India through his writings.
(d) Most of the criticism that has been recently directed at Patrick French has emphasized mainly on the
writer’s underwhelming literary style.
22. Which of the following would be the best substitute for the word, ‘fusillade’ in the passage?
(a) Barrage (b) Breach (c) Temper (d) Row
23. The writer uses the phrase, ‘who gets to write about India contingent’ in this passage to refer to:
(a) Foreign writers who have written books on India.
(b) Critics who have attacked foreign writers writing on India for their mere foreignness.
(c) Elite residents of South Delhi and South Bombay.
(d) Cultural pluralists.
24. The writer believes that the most peculiar aspect of the criticisms that Patrick French and William
Dalaymple have received is that:
(a) Most such condemnation has emerged from elite Indians.
(b) Such critics are hostile to upward immobility.
(c) These censures are not centered on the books of such writers or their literary styles but are targeted
at their identity instead.
(d) These critics ignore the plural ethos of India.

25. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage:
(a) Ascriptive identities like caste, tribe, etc. are becoming more and more important with the passage
of time.
(b) Patrick French believes that the new market friendly economic policies followed for the last decades
have resulted in the rise of tawdry capitalism and rapacious imperialism.
(c) The writer is of the opinion that a section of the intelligentsia is divorced from the views of their
(d) While India has historically been very hospitable to a variety of religions, it has not been equally
open to linguistic foreigners.
26. According to the information available in the passage, the writer is of the opinion that:
(a) Writers like Patrick French do not know the real India.
(b) Most of the condemnation heaped on Dalrymple, French and himself has been on expected lines.
(c) India’s reputation of pluralism is cosmetic at best, one that hides deep rooted hatred towards
(d) The new generation of Indians have internalized the idea that people should be rewarded for what
they do and not who they are.
27. The writer refers to the history of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Muslims and Buddhists living peaceably
together in India for millions of years in order to:
(a) Show India’s openness to foreigners who have visited Indian in the quest for yoga.
(b) Argue that India is a country of hundreds of dialects.
(c) Demonstrate the religiosity pervading in an average Indian.
(d) India’s deep in the bones pluralism.
28. The writer argues that the nature of criticism he, Dalrymple and French have received for their books
renders reading their books superfluous because:
(a) Such criticism has been limited to a very small minority of Indians.
(b) These writers are popular among Indian youth, even among those who have not read their books.
(c) The literary styles of these writers are not the sole focus of such criticism.
(d) Such criticism is less about what has been written in their books than about who can write on India.
29. According to the passage, the question ‘who gets to write about India’ is complicated because:
(a) India has been historically open to and tolerant of foreign writers and artists.
(b) This issue can be satisfactorily resolved only if we can decide who gets to decide who gets to write
about India.
(c) Ascriptive identities are becoming more and more important in a globalized world.
(d) This would result in a shift of attention from what has been written to who has written.
30. “But with many outsiders’ India-related books recently hitting bookstores there, the sensitivity—flared
into a bout of vigorous literary nativism, with equally vigorous counterpunches.” Select the most
appropriate choice to fill in the blank in the above sentence:
(a) Has (b) Have (c) Was (d) Did
Passage for Questions 31 to 40
If religion and community are associated with global violence in the minds of many people, then so are global
poverty and inequality. There has, in fact, been an increasing tendency in recent years to justify policies of
poverty removal on the ground that this is the surest way to prevent political strife and turmoil. Basing public
policy—international as well as domestic—on such an understanding has some evident attractions. Given the
public anxiety about wards and disorders in the rich countries in the world, the indirect justification of poverty
removal-not for its own sake but for the sake of peace and quiet in the world—provides an argument that
appeals to self-interest for helping the needy. It presents an argument for allocating more resources on poverty
removal because of its presumed political, rather than moral relevance.
While the temptation to go in that direction is easy to understand, it is a perilous route to take even for a worthy
cause. Part of the difficulty lies in the possibility that if wrong, economic reductionism would not only impair
our understanding of the world, but would also tend to undermine the declared rationale of the public

commitment to remove poverty. This is a particularly serious concern, since poverty and massive inequality are
terrible enough in themselves, and deserve priority even if there were no connection whatsoever with violence.
Just as virtue is its own reward, poverty is at least its own penalty. This is not to deny that poverty and
inequality can-and do-have far reaching consequences with conflict and strife, but these connections have to be
examined and investigated with appropriate care and empirical scrutiny, rather than being casually invoked with
unreasoned rapidity in support of a ‘good cause’.
Destitution can, of course, produce provocation for defying established laws and rules. But it need not give
people the initiative, courage, and actual ability to do anything very violent. Destitution can be accompanied not
only by economic debility, but also by political helplessness. A starving wretch can be too frail and too dejected
to fight and battle, and even to protest and holler. It is thus not surprising that often enough intense and
widespread suffering and misery have been accompanied by unusual peace and silence.
Indeed, many famines have occurred without there being much political rebellion or civil strife or intergroup
warfare. For example, the famine years in the 1840s in Ireland were among the most peaceful, and there was
title attempt by the hungry masses to intervene even as ship after ship sailed down the river Shannon with rich
food. Looking elsewhere, my own childhood memories in Calcutta during the Bengal famine of 1943 include
the sight of starving people dying in front of sweetshops with various layers of luscious food displayed behind
the glass windows, without a single glass being broken, or law or order being disrupted.
31. Select the statement that can be most plausibly inferred from the aforesaid passage.
(a) A society plagued by recurrent famines can never witness political revolution.
(b) Religious discrimination inevitably leads to violence and strife.
(c) Destitution of the masses leads to peace and social stability.
(d) Famines and starvation do not necessarily result in political rebellion.
32. The author believes that it may not be advisable to emphasise on the connection between poverty and
violence as:
(a) Emphasis on such connection appeals only to self-interest of persons.
(b) Linking poverty and violence undermines the moral character of anti-poverty measures.
(c) The absence of any essential connection between poverty and violence may then weaken the very
rationale of anti-poverty policies.
(d) There is no necessary link between poverty and inequality.
33. Which of the following best captures the central argument of this passage.
(a) Religion is inextricably linked with violence
(b) Famines may not necessarily result in civil unrest.
(c) Global poverty and inequality are one of the fundamental causes of global violence and strife.
(d) Basing anti-poverty programmes on the need for avoidance of violence and strife is dotted with
many pitfalls.
34. In the given passage, the word ‘perilous’ means:
(a) Scared (b) Costly (c) Futile (d) Dangerous
35. The author refers to his own experience as a child during the Bengal famine of 1943 in order to.
(a) Illustrate how religiosity may instill passive acceptance of even the worst forms of starvation among
(b) Repudiate the argument that religious discrimination usually tends to inspire violent protests.
(c) Substantiate his assertion that it is not unusual to have the most intense suffering and misery coexist
with complete peace.
(d) Demonstrate that people confronted with acute starvation are rendered too helpless to protest ever at
36. The word ‘destitution’ in this passage can be best substituted by:
(a) Dejection (b) Indigence (c) Default (d) Dereliction
37. Which of the following statement is least likely to be inferred from the passage:

(a) History is replete with instance of famines that have occurred without there being much violent
(b) Many writers and critics are increasingly advocating for stronger policies on poverty removal on the
ground that this would help prevent political turmoil.
(c) The author believes that the links between poverty and violence must never be emphasized at all.
(d) Economic debility in turn inhibits political freedom.
38. The author asserts that basing anti-poverty measures on the avowed connections between poverty and
violence has certain apparent benefits because:
(a) Poverty is similar to religious exploitation in terms of the potential violent consequences.
(b) It leads to allocation of more resources on anti-poverty policies.
(c) The widespread concern about war and violence provides a rationale for poverty-removal that
appeals to the ‘self-interest’ of persons
(d) Otherwise, there would not have been the tendency to justify anti-poverty policies on the ground
that they prevent political turmoil.
39. ‘Economic reductionism’ in this passage means:
(a) Neglecting the economic connection between poverty and violence.
(b) Excessive accent on poverty and inequality
(c) Emphasizing on the linkage between violence, poverty and economic equality.
(d) The view that every conflict is caused by underlying economic tensions.
40. “A sense of encroachment, degradation and humiliation can be even easier—mobilize for rebellion and
revolt.” Select the most appropriate word out of the four options for filling the blank space in the
aforesaid sentence.
(a) for (b) as (c) into (d) to
41. Why was Arundhati Roy investigated for sedition?
(a) For committing contempt of court
(b) For saying that Kashmir is not an integral part of India
(c) For sympathizing with the Maoists
(d) For condemning nuclear tests conducted by India
42. Damon Galgut’s ‘In a Strange Room’ was recently in news for:
(a) Man Booker Prize shortlist (b) Winning the Pulitzer Prize
(c) Winning the Orange Prize for fiction (d) None of the above
43. Who was recently in the news when the Supreme Court of India rejected her plea for Euthansia, but
paved the way for legalization of passive euthanasia?
(a) Aruna Shanbaug (b) Aruna Roy (c) Mary Roy (d) Medha Patkar
44. Nagoya Protocol, signed by India on 30th October, 2010 is:
(a) an international treaty of bilateral investment between India and Japan
(b) an international treaty to ensure that local produce are exploited only under license and for the
common good of the mankind
(c) an international treaty to ensure that the benefits of natural resources and their commercial
derivatives are shared with local communities
(d) None of the above.
45. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, was arrested in which of the following nations?
(a) U.K (b) Sweden (c) U.S.A (d) Denmark
46. Which of the following are the five countries that have decided to bid for 2017 World Athletics

(a) Qatar, USA, China, Sri Lanka and Brazil
(b) Germany, Britain, Hungary, Qatar and Spain
(c) Germany, Qatar, India, Spain and China
(d) Germany, Britain, China, Qatar and Spain
47. The recent Tunisian revolution is known as:
(a) Orange Revolution (b) Jasmine Revolution (c) Purple Revolution (d) Crescent Revolution
48. “The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist’ is a 2010 publication of Harvard University Press of which
of the following authors?
(a) Orhan Pamuk (b) J.M Coetzie (c) Partha Chatterjee (d) Ben Okri
49. Who replaced Lalit Modi as the IPL Chairman and Commissioner from this year’s edition of the IPL?
(a) Chirayu Amin (b) Rajiv Shukla (c) Ratnakar Shetty (d) Shashank Manohar
50. Which one of the following films was officially selected to compete in the Uncertain Regard (A Certain
Glance) category at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival?
(a) Udaan (b) My Name is Khan (c) Wednesday (d) Dhobi Ghat
51. Rani Kumudini Devi, whose birth centenary is being celebrated in 2011, was the:
(a) First woman barrister of India (b) First woman Mayor of Hyderabad
(c) First woman photographer in India (d) First woman doctor of India
52. The Supreme Court in 2010 upheld an order of the Bombay High Court to line a four-year-old ban
imposed by the Maharashtra government on publication and circulation of a controversial book,
authored by American scholar James Laine. Identify the book from the following.
(a) Chatrapati Shivaji (b) Shivaji-The Warrior King
(c) Shivaji-The Hindu King in Muslim India (d) None of the above.
53. In which case did the Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court on July 14, 2010 commute the death
sentence of six accused to rigorous life imprisonment?
(a) Khairlanji case (b) Bhopal Gas Leak case
(c) Bhagalpur case (d) Nithari Case
54. The Shunglu panel was constituted for which of the following issues?
(a) Investigate the 2G Spectrum Scam (b) Suggest Civil Service Reforms
(c) Probe the Commonwealth Games Scam (d) Suggest reforms on centre-state relationship
55. Who was appointed as the Chairman of the National Innovation Council in August 2010?
(a) Shashi Tharoor (b) Chetan Bhagat (c) Arindam Choudhary (d) Sam Pitroda
56. Name the Kenya-born political lobbyist who runs a firm called Vaishnavi Corporate Communications,
and has recently been in news?
(a) Barkha Dutt (b) Vir Sanghavi (c) Vina Ramani (d) Niira Radia
57. Irom Sharmila has been fasting for the last 10 years to protest against which of the following issues?
(a) Rape cases against Indian Army in Manipur
(b) Emergency in Manipur
(c) Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005
(d) Application of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act 1958 in Manipur
58. Thein Sein is the newly-appointed President of which of the following nations?
(a) Indonesia (b) Malaysia (c) Myanmar (d) Thailand
59. Baglihar dam has been a matter of dispute between which nations?
(a) Bangladesh and Myanmar (b) Myanmar and China
(c) India and China (d) India and Pakistan

60. Who is the author of the book “TINDERBOX-The Past and Future of Pakistan”?
(a) Husain Haqqani (b) Yasmeen Niaz Mohiuddin
(c) Ishrat Husain (d) M.J. Akbar
61. On 25th January 2011, BJP leaders Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley were prevented from entering
Srinagar and unfurl the national flag. What was that Rath Yatra called?
(a) Swabhimaan Yatra (b) Ekta Yatra (c) Mukti Yatra (d) Swaraj Yatra
62. Who is chairing the Joint Parliamentary Committee (UPC) on the 2G Spectrum allocation issue?
(a) Murli Manohar Joshi (b) A Raja
(c) M. Thambi Durai (d) P.C. Chacko
63. Saina Nehwal recently defeated Ji Hyun Sung of South Korea to win which of the following titles?
(a) Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold Badminton (b) Commonwealth Games
(c) Singapore Open (d) Hong Kong Open
64. ‘Moner Manush’, the film to win the ‘Golden Peacock at the 41st International Film Festival of India
was based on the life of which legendary 19th century folk singer and spiritual leader?
(a) Kabir (b) Surjya Sen (c) Kabir Suman (d) Lalan Fakir
65. Justice P.C. Phukan Commission of Inquiry was constituted to enquire into which of the following
(a) Clashes between Nagas and Lepchas in Nagaland on 14th August 2008
(b) Clashes between Bodos and Muslims in Northern Assam’s Udalguri district on August 14th 2008.
(c) Clashes between Assamese and Bengalis in Guwahati on August 14th 2008
(d) None of the above
66. The first woman Secretary General of SAARC is from which country?
(a) Maldives (b) Bhutan (c) Sri Lanka (d) India
67. Under whose premiership was the Women’s Reservations Bill (to secure quotas for women in
Parliament and state legislative assemblies) first introduced in Parliament?
(a) Rajiv Gandhi (b) HD Deve Gowda (c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (d) Manmohan Singh
68. Which Irish player scored the fastest Century in the history of World Cup Cricket?
(a) Niall O’Brien (b) Kevin O’ Brien (c) A. Cusack (d) Ed Joyce
69. Which of the following report brought out the 2G spectrum scam?
(a) CBI report (b) WikiLeaks (c) CAG report (d) None of the above
70. In February 2011, Gopa Sabharwal was appointed as the first Vice Chancellor of which University of
international stature?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru University (b) Azim Premji University
(c) Visva-Bharati University (d) Nalanda International University
71. With which Hindutva association are Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur and Swami Aseemanand allegedly
(a) Vishwa Hindu Parishad (b) Shri Ram Sena
(c) Abhinav Bharat (d) Arya Samaj
72. With which of the following do you associate the name P.J Thomas?
(a) Central Vigilance Commission (b) Lokpal
(c) Anti corruption Ombudsman (d) Banking Ombudsman
73. The 17th Commonwealth Law Conference was held in which city?
(a) Delhi (b) Bangalore (c) Kolkata (d) Hyderabad

74. Gustavo Santaolall who composed the music to the song “Stranger Lives” in the movie “Dhobi Ghat”,
is from which of the following nations?
(a) Chile (b) Peru (c) Argentina (d) Mexico
75. Which one of the following was not awarded a portion of the contested land by the judgment of the
Allahabad High Court in 2010 pertaining to the Ayodhya dispute?
(a) Nirmohi Akhada (b) Sunni Central Board of Waqfs
(c) Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (d) Bhagwan Sri Ram Lala Virajman
76. Sania Mirza claimed silver in the tennis mixed doubles category in the Asian Games in Guanzhou in
November 2010. Who was her Partner?
(a) Mahesh Bhupathi (b) Somdev Devvarman (c) Leander Paes (d) Vishnu Vardhan
77. China objected to the Dalai Lama’s recent visit to Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. What was he visiting
in Tawang?
(a) A Buddhist monastery
(b) A memorial to Tibetans massacred by the Chinese army
(c) The residence of Panchen Lama
(d) None of the above
78. Which one of the following tribes lives in the Niyamgiri Hills, which is at the heart of the controversy
surrounding Vedanta Resources mining operations?
(a) Manna Dhora (b) Dongria Kondh (c) Pardhan (d) Mal Pahariya
79. Which prominent Barrister politician, who was closely linked with the emergency proclamation of
1975, breathed his last in Kolkata on 6th November 2010?
(a) Jyoti Basu (b) Siddhartha Shanker Ray
(c) Hiren Mukherjee (d) Indrajit Gupta
80. Who is the author of the book ‘Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and his Struggle with India’, criticized for
its content?
(a) Nirad C. Chaudhary (b) Joseph Lelyveld
(c) Khushwant Singh (d) Hermann Kallenbach
81. Which Gharana of Classical singing did Late Pandit Bhimsen Joshi belong to?
(a) Dhrupad (b) Maihar (c) Kirana (d) Etawah
82. 14th March 2011 was the 80th Anniversary of the first Indian sound Film (talkie). Which movie was it?
(a) Jahan Ara (b) Alam Ara (c) Noorjehan (d) None of the above
83. Which internationally renowned musician collaborated with Rahul Sharma to release a music album
titled ‘Namaste India’?
(a) Richard Clayderman (b) Kenny G (c) Yanni (d) Ricky Martin
84. “War on Terrorism or American Strategy for Global Dominance” is authored by which of the following
(a) Noam Chomsky (b) Demetrios Caraley (c) Lea Brilmayer(d) Manzoor Alam
85. Mohammad Asif, Mohammad Amir and Salman Butt (Cricket players of Pakistan) have been banned
for being found guilty of spot fixing. To which of the following institutions have they appealed?
(a) Pakistan Cricket Board
(b) Anti-Corruption Tribunal of the Asian Cricket Council
(c) Court of Arbitration for Sport
(d) Anti-Corruption Tribunal of the International Cricket Council
86. Indian driver Karun Chandok was recently in the news for which of the following?
(a) Being selected as a reserve driver by Team Force India for the 2011 Formula one season.
(b) Being selected as a reserve driver by Team Lotus for the 2011 Formula one season.

(c) Being selected as a reserve driver by Team Ferrari for the 2011 Formula one season.
(d) None of the above.
87. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting of 2010 December was held in
which of the following places?
(a) Colorado (b) Canberra (c) Cancun (d) None of the above.
88. Which of the following pairings is incorrect?
(a) Muammar Gaddafi—Syria (b) Fidel Castro—Cuba
(c) Pol Pot—Cambodia (d) Hosni Mubarak—Egypt.
89. The Right of Children to Full and Compulsory Education Act 2009 requires private schools to ensure
that____ percent of their students come from weaker sections and disadvantaged groups?
(a) 2 (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 40
90. Srikrishna Committee, which recently submitted its report, was constituted for which of the following
(a) Mumbai bomb blast case (b) Malegaon blast case
(c) Telengana issue (d) 2G Spectrum corruption issue

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