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27th July 2015, 02:37 PM
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Re: BE 3rd Semester IT Syllabus of RTM Nagpur University

As you are looking for the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University BE 3rd Semester Information Technology syllabus , here I am providing same for you .

UNIT - I: laplace transform

Definition, Properties, Laplace Transform of Derivatives and Integrals,
Evaluation of Integrals by Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform and
its Properties, Convolution Theorem(Statement Only), Laplace Transform of
Periodic Functions(Statement Only) and Unit Step Function, Applications of
Laplace Transform to solve Ordinary Differential Equations, Simultaneous
Differential Equations, Integral Equations & Integro-Differential Equations.

UNIT – II: Fourier Transform
Definition and Properties(excluding FFT), Fourier Integral Theorem, Relation
with Laplace Transform, Applications of Fourier Transform to Solve Integral

UNIT – III: Z-Transform

Definition, Convergence of Z-transform and Properties, Inverse Z-transform by
Partial Fraction Method, Power Series Expansion, Convolution of two
sequences.Solution of Difference Equations with Constant Coefficients by Ztransform

UNIT –IV: Matrices
Linear and Orthogonal Transformations, Linear dependence of vectors,
Characteristics equation, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Statement and
Verification of Cayley-Hamilton Theorem [without proof], Reduction to
Diagonal form, Reduction of Quadratic form to Canonical form by Orthogonal
Transformation, Sylvester’s Theorem[without proof], Solution of Second Order
Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients by Matrix method.
Largest Eigen value and Eigen vector by Iteration method.

UNIT – V: theory of probability
Axioms of Probability, Conditional probability, Baye’s Rule, Random
variables: Discrete and Continuous random variables, Probability function and
Distribution function, Joint distributions, Independent Random Variables,
Conditional Distributions.
Nagpur University BE 3rd Semester Information Technology syllabus
Introduction and Structure of ‘C’ Programming: Algorithms and Flowchart,
Characteristics of algorithm, Basic Techniques, Decision Making, Looping Technique,
Multiway Decision Making. Examples through ‘C’.
Function and Pointers: Introduction to functions, why use function, Scope rule of
function, call by value, call by reference, recursion, Iterative versus recursive style,
Storage Classes in C. Preprocessor Directives in ‘C’: Macro, File Inclusion. Array: one
dimensional array, pointer and array, Searching (Linear and Binary) and Sorting
(Selection, Bubble, Insertion). Array of pointers, multidimensional array (2-D array).
String and Structure: Introduction to string, pointers and strings, standard library
function and user defined function, two dimensional array of character, array of pointer
to string, limitation. Structure: Declaration, Accessing and memory representation of
structure, array of structure, additional features of structure, pointer to structure. Union:
Introduction, difference between structure and union, union of structure.
Console and File I/O: Types of I/O, console I/O functions, File I/O: data organization, file
operation, file opening modes, file copy programming, String I/O f iles, Text file and
binary f ile, low level disk I/O, Command line argument, detecting errors in reading /
writing. Bitwise operators, Enumerated data types, typedef, typecasting, bit -field
operator, volatile qualifier.
Dynamic memory allocation and Graphics in ‘C’: Malloc(), Calloc(), free(), realloc(),
Sizeof() operator. Setting Text mode: textmode(), textbackground(), textcolor(),
gotoxy(), cputs().Setting Graphics Mode: Drawing a Point on Screen, Drawing – lines,
rectangle, circles, arcs, polygon. Functions to fill colors. Display Text in Graphics mode,
outtext(), outtextxy(), justifying text. Computer animation: getimage (), putimage (),
Advanced Concept in ‘C: Different types of pointers, ROM – BIOS function, Elementary
Text Books:
1. Programming Techniques Through ‘C’ : M. G. Venkateshmurthy (Pearson)
2. LET US ‘C : Yashwant P. Kanetkar. (BPB).
3. Graphics Under C: Yashwant Kanetkar (BPB).
4. Writing TSR’S through ‘C’: Yashwant Kanetkar (BPB).
5. Programming in ‘C’: Ashok N. Kamt hane (2nd Edition[Pearson])
Reference Books:
1. The Complete Reference C (4th Edition): Herbert Schildt [ TMH]
2. The C Programming Language: Dennis Ritchie & Brain Kernighan [Pearson]
3. Programming with C : K.R.Venugopal & S.R.Prasad [TMH]
4. Programming in C: B. L. Juneja and Anita Seth (cengage learning)
5. A First Course in Programming with ‘C’: T. Jeyapoovan (Vikas)
1. Practicals are based on PROGRAMMING LOGIC AND DESIGN USING ‘C’ syllabus
(subject code: BEIT302T)
2. Practicals have to be performed using ‘C’ language
3. There should be at the most two practicals per unit
4. Minimum ten practicals have to be performed
5. Do not include study experiments
An overview of Ethics: Ethics in business world, Ethics in IT, Ethics for IT professionals
and IT users, IT professionals, Ethical behavior, IT professional malpractices, IT users.
Computer and Internet Crime: IT security incidents: Increasing Complexity Increases
Vulnerability, Higher Computer user Expectations, Expanding and changing systems.
Introduces new risks, Increased Reliance on Commercial Software with known
Vulnerabilities, Types of Exploits, Perpetrators, Reducing Vulnerabilities, Risk
Assessment, Establishing a Security Policy, Educating Employees, contractors and parttime
Workers, Prevention, Detection, Response.
Privacy: The right of Privacy, Recent History of Privacy Protection, Key Privacy and
Anonymity issues, Governmental Electronic Surveillance, Data Encryption, Identity Theft,
Consumer Profiling, Treating Consumer Data Responsibility, Workplace Monitoring,
Advanced surveillance Technology, Defamation, Freedom of Expression: Key issues,
Controlling Access to Information on the Internet, Anonymity, National, Security Letters,
Defamation and Hate Speech.
Intellectual Property: Copyrights, Patents, Trade Secret Laws, Key Intellectual Property
Issues, Plagiarism, Reverse Engineering, Open Source Code, Competitive Intelligence,
Cyber squatting, Software Development, Strategies to Engineer Quality Software, The
Importance of Software Quality, Software Development Process, Capability Maturity
Model Integration for Software, Key Issues in Software Development, Development of
Safety-Critical Systems, Quality Management Standards.
Ethics of IT Organization: Need for Nontraditional Workers, Contingent Workers H-IB
Workers, Whistle-blowing, Protection for Whistle-Blowers, Dealing with Whistle-Blowing
The Impact of Information Technology on the Quality of Life: The impact of IT on the
standard of Living and productivity, the Digital Divide, The impact of IT on Health care
costs, Electronic Health Records, Use of Mobile and Wireless Technology, Telemedicine.
Medical Information Wet Sites for lay people.
Text Books:
1. George Reynolds, “Ethics in information Technology” Cengage Learning
Reference Books:
1. Deborah G.Johnson,”Computer Ethics”,3/e Pearson Education.
2. Sara Baase, “A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal and Ethical Issues, for Computing and
the Internet,” PHI Publications.
3. Richard A.Spinello, “Case study in Information Technology Ethics”, second Edition
PHI Publications.
4. Duncan Lanford “Internet Ethics”.
5. D. Micah Hester and Paul J. Ford “Computer and Ethics in the Cyber age”.
Analog Vs. Digital Systems, Boolean Algebra, D’ Morgan’s Laws. Types of Number
System: Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hex, Type of Codes: Reflected (Gray), Self
Complementary (Excess-3), BCD and ASCII codes, Conversion of Codes, Gates and
their truth tables.
Forms of Expression: Sum of products and Product of Sums, Standard Sum of
products and Product of Sums, Minterms and Maxterms, Canonical Sum of products and
Product of Sums. Karnaugh map: simplif ication of functions using K-map (up to 5
variables) and their implementation using logic gates.
Combinational Circuits: Decoders, Encoders. Priority Encoder, Multiplexers,
Demultiplexers, Code converters. Implementation of Functions using Decoder.
Arithmetic Circuits: Adder (Half and Full), Subtractor (Half and Full). BCD adder /
Subtractor, Concept of ALU.
Types Flip Flops: SR, JK, Master Slave JK, D and T. Race around Condit ion
(Racing) and Toggling. Characteristics Table and Excitation Table, Conversion of Flip-
Flop. Sequential Circuits: Counters, Modulus of Counter, Types- Synchronous
Counter and Asynchronous (Ripple) counter.
8085 microprocessor architecture, addressing modes, instruction sets.
Interrupts, Basic memory organization, Timing diagram, Programming in 8085.
Text Books:
1. Modern digital Electronics- R. P. Jain, McGraw Hill.
2. Digital Integrated Electronics- Herbert Taub, McGraw Hill.
3. Digital Logic and Computer Design- Morris Mano (PHI).
4. Digital Integrated Electronics- Herbert Taub, McGraw Hill.
5. Digital Electronics Logic and System – James Bingnell and Robert Donovan,
Cengage Learning
6. Digital Circuits & Systems by K.R.Venugopal & K. Shaila
7. 8 bit Microprocessor by Ramesh Gaonkar.
8. 8 bit microprocessor & controller by V. J. Vibhute, Techmak Publication.
9. 8085 Microprocessor & its Applications by A. Nagoor Kani, McGraw Hill.
MICROPROCESSOR syllabus (subject code: BEIT304T)
2. There should be at the most two practicals per unit
3. Minimum ten practicals have to be performed
4. Do not include study experiments
Data Communication: Communication Model, Data Representation, Data Flow
(Simplex, Half duplex, Full duplex), Communication networking.
Protocol Models: Need for protocol architecture, OSI Model fundamentals, TCP/IP
Model fundamentals, addressing (Physical, Logical, Port addressing).
Physical Layer and Media: Data and Signals, Analog and Digital, Periodic Analog
Signals, Digital Signals, Transmission impairment, Data Rate Limits, Performance, Digital
Transmission, Digital-to-Digital Conversion(Line Coding & Block coding), Analog-to-
Digital Conversion(PCM & DM), Transmission Modes(Parallel & Serial).
Analog Transmission and Multiplexing: Analog Transmission, Digital-to-analog
Conversion (ASK, FSK, PSK & QAM), Analog-to-analog Conversion (AM, FM & PM),
Multiplexing (F requency Division Multiplexing and Time Division Multiplexing),
Switching:-switching networks, circuit switching, and Packet switching.
Communication Media: Transmission Media: Guided media (Twisted pair, Co-axial
cable, Optical fiber), Connectors (Twisted pair, Co-axial cable, Optical fiber), Unguided
Media (Radio, microwave, satellite, Infrared).
Local Area Networks: The Basics (Topologies, hub, Switch, Bridges, Gateway), Local
Area Networks- Internetworking, Local Area Networks- Software and support System,
Introduction to Metropolitan Area Networks and Wide Area Network, Internet.
Text Books:
1. Data Communications and Networking By A. Behrouz Forouzan, 4th edition, TMH
2. Data Communications and Networking, 1/e, Curt White, CENGAGE Learning,
ISBN: 9788131505571.
Reference Books:
1. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, Seventh Edition, Pearson
Prentice Hall.
2. Electronics Communication Systems by G. Kennedy, 5th edition, TMH
3. Analog and Digital Communication By T.L. Singal, TMH
UNIT I: Introduction:
Def inition, scope and importance; Need for public awareness institution in environment,
people in environment
UNIT II: Natural Resources:
Renewable and non-renewable and associated problem; Role of an individual in
conservation of natural resources; equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles
UNIT III: Ecosystems:
Concept of an ecosystem – understanding ecosystrem, ecosystem degradation, resource
utilization Structure and function of an ecosystem- producers, consumers and
decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem – water, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and
energy cycle, integration of cycles in nature Ecological Succession; Food chains ,food
webs and ecological pyramids ;Ecosystem types- Characteristic features structure and
function of forest ,grassland ,desert and aquatic ecosystems.
UNIT IV: Bio-diversity:
Introduction – biodiversity at genetic, species and ecosystem levels Bio-geographic
classification of India Value of biodiversity- consumptive use value, productive use value,
social, ethical, moral, aesthetic and optional value of biodiversity. India as a mega –
diversity nation; hotspots of biodiversity Threats to bio-diversity –habitat loss, poaching
of wildlife, man-wild life conflicts. Common endangered and endemic plant and animal
species of india. Insitu and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity.
UNIT V: Pollution:
Def inition; causes effects and control measures of air, water, soil, marine, noise and
thermal pollution and nuclear hazards Solid water management – causes, effects and
control measures of urban and industrial waste Role of individual and institution in
prevention of pollution Disaster management – floods, earthquake, cyclone, landslides
UNIT VI: Social Issues and the Environment:
Unsustainable to sustainable development; urban problems related to energy; Water
conservation, rainwater harvesting, watershed management; problems and
concerns of resettlement and rehabilitation of affected people. Environmental ethics -
issues and possible solutions – Resource Consumption patterns and need for
equitable utilization; Equity disparity in Western and Eastern countries; Urban and
rural equity issues; need for Gender equity. Preserving resources for future
generations The rights of animals; Ethical basis of environment education and
awareness; Conservation ethics and traditional value systems of India Climate change,
global warming, acid rain, Ozone layer depletion, Nuclear accidents and holocausts.
Wasteland Reclamation; Consumerism and Waste products Environment legislations -
The Environment (protection) Act ; The Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act
; The Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act ; Issues involved in enforcement
of environmental Legislations – environment impact assessment (EIA), Citizens
actions and Action groups. Public awareness – using an environmental calendar of
activities ,self Initiation.
UNIT VII: Human Population and the Environment:
Global population growth, variation among nations Population Explosion; Family welfare
programmes - methods of stetrilization; Urbanization Environment and human health –
Climate and health, infectious Diseases, water –related diseases, risk due to chemical in
food, cancer and environment. Human Rights – Equity, nutrition and health rights,
intellectual property rights(IPRS), Community Biodiversity registration(CBRs).Value
education – environment value, valuing nature, valuing culture, social justice, human
heritage, equitable use of resources , common property resources , ecological
degradation. HIV/AIDS; Women and child welfare; Information technology in
environment and human health.
Text Books:
1. UGC publication “a text book of environment studies for undergraduate courses
by Erach bharucha”, published by university Press (india) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad-
2. Text Book of Environmental Studies, Second Edition by Deeksha Dave and S. S.
Katewa, Cengage Learning
For detailed syllabus , here is the attachment;

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