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16th December 2015, 08:28 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: May 2012
Re: Selenium Online Course

Ok, as you want to know the online courses offered by TP Selenium so here I am telling you.

Selenium Course Details

Total Duration: 140+ HRS

Total Modules: 45

Java, Webdriver, Selenium IDE, Frameworks

Duration 48 mins
Training Video - 1
Java Introduction

Selenium Overview
Installing Java
Installing Eclipse
Features of Java
Why Java for Selenium
First Eclipse Project
First Java program
Concept of class file
Platform independence
Datatypes in Java
String class
If statements

Duration 90 mins
Training Video - 8
Junit 4 Framework / ANT

What is JUNIT
Configuring Junit 4 in Project/Eclipse
Junit 4 annotation
Running Test in Junit
Skipping Tests
Parameterizing Tests
Using Assertions
Reporting Errors / ErrorCollector
Batch Running - Custom Runners
What is Ant
Downloading and configuring Ant
Build.xml configuration
HTML Report generation using Ant
Building a BAT file to run tests using ANT

Duration 3 hrs
Training Video - 15
Selenium 2.0 Features - 3

Mouse movement with Selenium - Actions class
Randomly clicking/selecting Objects - Randomizing
Extracting Data From WebTable
Dynamic WebTable Handling
Attaching files with Selenium / Usage of AutoIT
Changing your facebook profile picture by attaching new picture
Handling Ajax Autosuggests
Handling Frames in Web Page
Handling Frames inside Frames
Handling cookies
More Examples on Webtables
Webtables and css Selectors
Building custom functions for Webtables
Managing Javascript alerts

Duration 1 hrs 13 mins
Training Video - 2
Loops, Arrays and Functions

Conditional and concatination operators
While Loop
for Loops
Practical Examples with loops
Usage of loops in Selenium
Single Dimensional Arrays
Two Dimnsional arrays
Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
Drawbacks of arrays
What are Functions?
Function Input Parameters
Function Return Types

Duration 5 hrs
Training Video - 9
TestNg Framework / ANT/Maven TestNg Integration

What is TestNg
Installing TestNg in Eclipse
TestNg annotations
Understanding usage of annotations
Running a Test in TestNg
Batch Running of tests in TestNg
Skipping Tests
parameterizing Tests - DataProvider
Assertions/Reporting Errors
TestNg Reports
Advantages over Junit
Using TestNg in Selenium
What is Ant
Downloading and configuring Ant
Build.xml configuration
XSLT report generation generation using TestNg and Ant
Building a BAT file to run tests using ANT
New Topics
Grouping test cases
Setting priority of execution for test cases
Putting Dataproviders for multiple tests in a single file
Parameterizing/Sharing single dataprovider for multiple test cases
Listenrs for logging in case of FAILED, SKIPPED or PASSED test cases
TestListener Adaptor
Reporting multiple failures in single test case
TestNg Maven Configuration
Maven-surefire-report-plugin with testng
Executing testng from maven on Command Prompt
Generating Maven Surefire Reports
Generating XSLT Reports with Maven
Running testng progamatically - Without testng.xml
Managing Multiple test Suites
Custom report Generation using IReporter

Duration 53 mins
Training Video - 16
Selenium 2.0 Features - 5

Simulaing front and back buton click on Browser using selenium
Assigning Firefox profile parameters
Downloading files using selenium
Selenium Javadocs
Listeners- Using WebDriverEventListener
Practical usage of Listeners in Selenium
Moving a mouse on a Object and right clicking on it
Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
Actions class in Webdriver - NEW
Handling CSS menu with Action class- NEW
Handling CSS menu with JavaScriptExecutor- NEW
JavaScriptExecutor example- NEW
Drag, drop, native events - NEW

Duration 1 hrs 48 mins
Training Video - 3
Object Oriented Programming- 1

Local Variables
Global Variables
Static and Non-Static Variables
Static and Non-Static Functions
Creating Objects in Java
Meaning of static
Why is main method static?
Object and Object References
Call by reference and Value
Usage of Objects in Selenium

Duration 4 hrs 30 mins
Training Video - 10
Selenium IDE

Intalling Selenium IDE
Recording Script
Running, Pausing and debugging Script
Running a script line by line
Inserting commands in between script
XPATHS and installing firebug to get XPATHS
Wait Commands
Verification and Assertions
Should I use verify or assertion
User-extension.js in Selenium IDE
Using if statements and loops in IDE.
Echo, StoreEval and StoredVars Demystified
Creating your own user extensions.
Making a function in user extension to generate random email address.
Extracting all values of dropdown.
Reading XML from JavaScript using DOM.
Building SalesForce.com Test Cases
Parameterize your IDE test cases with customized use extension and XML.
Regular Expressions in Selenium IDE.
Handling JavaScript Alerts
Capturing screenshots from Selenium IDE
Testing Flash applications with IDE - Selenium Flex API.
Capturing screenshots from Selenium IDE

Duration 5 hr 30 mins
Training Video - 17
Seleium 2.0 - Examples/Scenarios

Password Encoding in selenium
Dynamic Xpaths/Objects Handling
Managing dynamic/unexpected popups
Shopping cart exercies
Naviagtion Controls
Parameterizing a simple test and doing validations for each scenario
Print names of all facebook friends using Actions class
Print names of all facebook friends using JavaScriptExecutor
Complex Registeration example - parameterizing from xls file

Duration 41 mins
Training Video - 4
Object Oriented Programming -2

Concept of Inheritance
Overloadings and Overriding Funtions
Example on inheritance
Object Class
Usage of Inheritance in Selenium

Duration 1 hrs 5 mins
Training Video - 11
Selenium WebDriver

Why WebDriver?
Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
Architecture of selenium webdriver
Drivers for Firefox, IE, chrome, Iphone, Android etc
First Selenium Code
Working with chrome and IE
Selenium RC and WebDriver
Concept of firefox profile
What is Firefox profile
Why we need firefox Profile
Close and Quit -Difference
Importing webdriver documentation in eclipse
WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class
Proxy settings with webdriver/Working with proxy Servers
HTMLUnit driver and desired capabilities

Duration 3 hr 45 mins
Training Video - 18
Junit and Data Driven Framework
Live Project

Overview of Data driven framework
Building the Test Base Class
Using Annotations of Junit
Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
Initialize the Webdriver
Building the Test Base Class
Implementing WebDriver Implicit Wait
Implementing tests and batch running them
Repeating a test with different Data
Building utility functions
Parameterizing tests using XL Files
Controlling Execution order from XL Files
Assertions and Reporting Errors / ErrorCollector
Storing Screenshots of errors
Running the framework through ANT
Generating the HTML reports
Emailing test reports
Creating a BAT file for project execution

Duration 1 hrs 4 mins
Training Video - 5
Packages,Access Modifiers/ Exception Handling

Relevence of Packages
Creating Packages
Accessing Classes Across Packages
Good Features of eclipse
Accessing modifiers - Public, Private, Default, Protected
Exception hading with try catch block
Importance of exception handling
Exception and Error
Throwable Class
Final and Finally
Throw and Throws
Different Types of Exceptions
Need of exception handling in Selenium framework

Duration 1 hrs 50 mins
Training Video - 12
Selenium WebDriver - 2

Firepath and firebug Add-ons installation in Mozilla
Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
HTML language tags and attributes
Various locator strategies
WebDriver Interface
WebElement Interface
Identifying WebElements using id, name, class
Finding Xpaths to identify
Absolute and complete Xpaths
Creating customized Xpaths without firebug
Css Selectors
Generating own CssSelectors
Performance of CssSelectors as compared to Xpaths
Finding xpaths/cssselectors in different browsers - Mozilla, Chrome and IE
Objects with same id/xpath/cssSelector
What is class attribute?
Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page
Working with different browsers without changing code

Duration 8 hr 10 mins
Training Video - 19
Junit and Hybrid (Keyword+Data) Framework
Live Project

Overview of Hybrid(Keyword+Data Driven) Framework
Building XLS File Having Test Cases and Keywords
Building XLS File Having Test Data
Building Base class
Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
Implementing ImplicitWait
Implementing the keywords using the reflection API
Implementing tests
Assertions and Reporting Errors
Parameterizing tests using DataProvider and XL Files
Repeating a test with different Data
Running the framework through ANT
Generating the reports
Emailing test reports
Creating a BAT file for project execution

Duration 33 mins
Training Video - 6
Collection API/Reflection API

Introduction to Collections API
ArrayList Class
HashTable Class
Using ArrayList and HashTable of Collection API in Selenium framework
Reflection API usage and importance
Using Reflection API to make keyword driven Selenium framework

Duration 2 hrs 10 mins
Training Video - 13
Selenium Webdriver - 3

Managing Input fields, Buttons and creating custom xpaths
Managing/Identifying Links with xpaths/css selectors
Extracting More than one object from a page
Extracting all links of a page/Bulk extraction of objects
Extracting Objects from a specific area of a web page
Various strategies to test Links on a page by clicking on them one by one
Finding response Headers/ response code
Finding whether object is present on page or not
Handling drop down list
Select Class in Selenium API
Managing radio buttons and Checkboxes
Hidden components
isDisplayed function
Taking Screenshots of the web pages
How to Google out errors-Self sufficiency

Duration 8 hr 20 mins
Training Video - 20
TestNg and Data Driven Framework with Maven, Jenkins, Grid
Live Project

Overview of Data driven framework
Building the Test Base Class
Using Annotations of TestNg
Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
Initialize the Webdriver
Implementing WebDriver Implicit Wait
Implementing tests and batch running them
Repeating a test with different Data
Implement logging with Log4J API
Building utility functions
Parameterizing tests using XL Files
Controlling Execution order from XL Files
Assertions and Reporting Errors
Storing Screenshots of errors
Running the framework through ANT
Generating the XSLT reports
Creating a BAT file for project execution
Emailing Test Reports
Managing huge data in xls
Reporting multiple failures in single test
Maven, Grid and Jenkins integration
Creating maven project datadriven project
Setting up grid, hub and nodes
Running test cases in testsuites paralelly on grid
Generating logs for each test case separately in Grid environment
Uploading project on Git
Running / scheduling project builds through Jenkins
Custom reporting in XLS file

Duration 2 hrs 20 mins
Training Video - 7
String,File Handling, Log4j, /Handling XLS,XML files

String class and functions
Reading/Writing Text Files
Reading Properties File in Java
Concept of jar file
POI API in java
Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files
Log4j API for Logging
Usage of Log4J in SeleniumNew
Reading data from XML files using Java

Duration 1 hrs 35 mins
Training Video - 14
Selenium WebDriver - 4

Implicit and Explicit waits
PageLoadTimeout Property
WebDriverWait Class
WebDriver.Timeout Interface
ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class
WaitUntil Condition
Fluent Wait
Managing Ajax based components
Concepts of Set Interface in Java
Window Handles
Managing tabbed windows in IE, Chrome and Mozilla
Managing popups in IE, Chrome and Mozilla
Closing windows
Default Popups
Testing https websites / Managing certificate errors in https websites in IE, Chrome and Mozilla

Duration 8 hr 14 mins
Training Video - 21
TestNg and Hybrid (Keyword+Data) Framework
Live Project

Overview of Hybrid Framework
Building XLS File Having Test Cases and Keywords
Building XLS File Having Test Data
Building Base class
Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
Implementing WebdriverWait
Implementing the keywords using the reflection API
Implementing tests
Assertions and Reporting Errors
Parameterizing tests using DataProvider and XL Files
Repeating a test with different Data
Running the framework through ANT
Generating the reports
Emailing test reports
Creating a BAT file for project execution

Selenium RC
Duration 54 mins
Training Video - 22
Introduction to selenium RC

What is Selenium RC?
Difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium RC
Difference between Webdriver(2.x) and Selenium RC(1.x)
Configuring Selenium RC in Eclipse
Javadocs for Selenium RC
Selenium Interface
Starting and Stopping Selenium Server
Running Sample Selenium code using SeleneseTestCase class
Running Sample Selenium code using DefaultSelenium class
Browsers supported by RC
FireBug and Firepath
XPATHS and their usage with Selenium RC
Full and partial Xpaths

Duration 23 mins
Training Video - 24
Selenium RC Pop Up and Tab handling

Concept of window ID
Extracting window IDs with Selenium Object reference
Tabbed browsing and handling tas with selenium RC
Handling popups, performing actions in pop up window
Closing pop up windows
Live example on tabbed browsing and Pop up handling

Duration 8 hrs 40 mins
Training Video - 26
Selenium RC - Data Driven Framework

Designing XLS files having Test cases and Test Data
Configuring property files to hold Xpaths
Importance of storing xpaths in property file
Configuring property files to hold test Settings and test environment details
Starting the server thorugh java code
Implementing Beforesuite, BeforeTest, Dataprovider and Test annotations of TestNG
Skipping the tests in framework
Parameterzing the tests using XLS file and dataprovider annotations
Passing object properties to java code
Using regular expressions for validations
Generating the TestNg reports
American golf Website exercise
Configuring ANT
Running the framework with ANT
Generating the TestNg XSLT reports with ANT tasks

Duration 1 hrs
Training Video - 23
Selenium RC Features

Handling HTML components like Links, Buttons, Input box, Radio buttons, Checkbox
Handling a dropdown list
Reading title of page using Selenium RC
Closing brosers and killing sessions
Slowing down the script execution speed
Capturing Screenshots with Selenium RC
Extracting Data from Webtable cells
Checking if an element/object is present on the page or not
Checking if text is present in the application
Handling javascript alert message boxes
Full and partial Xpaths
Handling Buttons,Edit boxes, Radio buttons, Checkboxes and other Page objects

Duration 36 mins
Training Video - 25
Selenium RC WebTables

What is a webtable?
Finding number of rows in Webtable
Finding number of columns in Webtable
HExtracting Cell value
Xpaths and identifying the pattern in them
Dynamic Webtables
Live example on printing all the values in a dynamic webtable using Selenium RC
GetTable function in Selenium RC
Live example on printing all the values in a dynamic webtable using Selenium RC
American golf Website exercise

Duration 2 hrs 40 mins
Training Video - 27
DataDriven Framework with Junit and Selenium RC

Overview of Data driven framework
Building the Test Base Class
Using Annotations of Junit
Reading XPATHS, Configuration from properties file
Initialize the RC
Building the Test Base Class
Implementing tests and batch running them
Repeating a test with different Data
Building utility functions
Parameterizing tests using XL Files
Controlling Execution order from XL Files
Assertions and Reporting Errors / ErrorCollector
Storing Screenshots of errors
Running the framework through ANT
Generating the HTML reports
Emailing test reports
Creating a BAT file for project execution

Flash Testing
Duration 1 hrs
Training Video - 28
Flash Testing with Selenium RC

Installing flex builder
Flash Testing is white box
FlashSelenium API for selenium RC
JavaScript and flash
Importance of IDs in flash testing using Selenium
Identifying SWF Object ID
Javascript flash functions defined by adobe and their importance
User defined flash functions
Using Flash Selenium API to test a flash Application present on permadi.com
Using Flash Selenium API to test a flash based calculator
Using Flash Selenium API to test the famous colors application
Youtube's open javascript API
FlashSelenium code to open a youtube video and play, pause,adjust volume, mute and scroll the youtube video

Duration 1 hrs
Training Video - 29
Flash Testing with Selenium WebDriver

Installing flex builder
Flash Testing is white box
Alternate to Flash Selenium API in Webdriver
Executing javascript commands of Flash Application
Importance of IDs in flash testing using Selenium
Identifying SWF Object ID
Javascript flash functions defined by adobe and their importance
User defined flash functions
Building a FlexWebDriver class in webdriver which interacts with javascript functions of flash / flash application
Using FlexWebDriver class to test a flash based calculator
Using FlexWebDriver class to test the famous colors application
Youtube's open javascript API
FlexWebDriver code to open

SVN and Maven
Duration 31 mins
Training Video - 30
Subversion (SVN)

What is SVN?
SVN centralized repository
How will SVN be useful to team?
Installing SVN client UI - TortoiseSVN
Revisions in repository
Checkin and Checkout with UI
Installing SVN eclispe plugin - Subeclipse
Checkin and Checkout code with eclipse

Duration 1 hr 7 mins
Training Video - 31
Apache Maven

What is Maven and Why Maven?
Installing/Configuring Maven
Archetypes in Maven
Creating maven project through command line
Importing Archetypes
Maven Repositories
Building POM.xml through command line to configure Selenium and Junit
Importing the maven project into eclipse
Building a selenium project and running it through Maven
Maven Antrun Plugin configuraion in POM.xml
Running Ant Tasks with Maven Antrun Plugin
Checkin and Checkout your maven project from SVN
Eclipse plugin for maven
Using the maven plugin to execute phases - compile, clean, package etc
Running the ant tasks through the Eclipse maven plugin

Selenium and Database testing
Duration 46 mins
Training Video - 32
Java DataBase Connectivity JDBC

Installing MySQL Database and making some tables in it
java.sql package
JDBC Drivers
Connection Interface
Statement and PreparedStatement Interfaces
ResultSet Interface
Firing select, insert, update and delete queries with database using Java JDBC
Looping the ResultSet
Using Annotations of Junit/TestNg to establish connection with database when Using Selenium

Duration 1 hr 14 mins
Training Video - 33
DataBase Testing of Sample Web CRM Application

Installing tomcat
Creating Database of CRM application
Downloading and Deploying the CRM web application on Tomcat with ant
Running the webapp on Tomcat
Using Prepared statement to fire conditional select query
Validating login of customer with the database
Validating values present in a droplist with ones present in DB
Validating whether values filled by user are getting stored in the database or not
Using assertions for validations

Selenium Grid 2
Duration: 2hrs 30 mins
Training Video - 34
Grid 2 with WebDriver,TestNg

Introduction to Grid 2
Creating Nodes and Hubs
Deciding number of browsers on a Node
Deciding type of browsers on Node
Limiting number of concurrent browsers on node
Difference between maxSession and maxInstance
Configuring chromedriver and IEdriver exe files on grid
Testng configurations
RemoteWebDriver and DesiredCapabilities
Configuring JSON file format to initialize/configure hub and nodes
Running single test on single node - serially in multiple browsers
Running single test on single node – parallely on multiple browsers
Running single test on multiple nodes – each node having different browser
Can we decide node to run test?
Running multiple tests spread across 3 nodes – one for ie, one for firefox and one for chrome
Node Timeout
Prioritizing the test cases
Prioritizer Interface and CustomPrioritizer
Sharing same webdriver instance among multiple tests after prioritizing them

Duration 1 hr 11 mins
Training Video - 35
Selenium Grid 2

Grid Coding in eclipse
Creating a Grid sample test case
End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on one node
End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on multiple nodes on virtual machine
End to end scenario building and execution on Grid -demonstration on multiple nodes on virtual machine and on multiple browsers

Duration: 1hrs
Training Video - 36
Applet Testing with Selenium

What are Applets?
How are applets made?
Can we test any applet with Selenium?
Embedded Applets
Asking Developer to expose applet methods.
JavaScript and Applets
Making a sample applet and calling the exposed functions
Using WebDriver JavaScriptExecutor with Applets
Changing text on applet
Handling textboxes, buttons, Lists and other components on applet.
Submit applet form – Simulating ActionListener class of applet.

Duration 33 mins
Training Video - 37
Working with ChromeDriver

Help- My Chrome is not opening
Help- My Chrome is opening but its not navigating
Configuring chromderiver.exe
Uploading files in Chrome
Tabbed browsing and Popup handling in Chrome
Certificate handling in Chrome
Moving mouse in Chrome

Duration 25 mins
Training Video - 38
IE Driver (for Internet Explorer)

About the IE exe
Configuring ie.exe
Browsing websites using the IEdriver.exe
Uploading files with InternetExplorer
Tabbed Browsing with InternetExplorer
Css Handling
Certificate Handling of https sites with IE

Page Object Model (POM)
Duration 6 hrs
Training Video - 39
Page Object Model(POM)
Live Project

What is POM
When to use POM
Inheritance and Encapsulation in POM
Designing POM classes
Putting up test configurations in a properties file
Building Page class
Building generaic utility functions
Batch running the test cases
Using junit/testng to execute test cases
Parameterizing tests using XL Files
Taking screenshots
Genrating reports and reporting errors
Using Ant to run project
Mailing the test Reports
Creating a Bat file for project executing
Generating XSLT chart reports in case of testng

Duration 6 hrs
Training Video - 40
Page Object Model(POM) With Page Factory
Live Project

What is POM
When to use POM
What is page factory?Inheritance and Encapsulation in POM
What is page factory?
Designing POM classes
Introducting Page Factory in POM classess
Putting up test configurations in a properties file
Building Page class
Building generaic utility functions
Batch running the test cases
Using junit/testng to execute test cases
Parameterizing tests using XL Files
Taking screenshots
Genrating reports and reporting errors
Using Ant to run project
Mailing the test Reports
Creating a Bat file for project executing
Generating XSLT chart reports in case of testng

Cucumber BDD
Duration: 1 hr 30 mins
Training Video - 41
Basics of cucumber

What is BDD
Cucumber implements BDD
Downloading Cucumber Jars
Preparing Features File having test scenarios
Writing a step definition
Writing Runner Class
Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
Passing parameters in Step Functions
Using regular expression in step implementation to parameterize
Parameterize complete scenario using features class
Datatable in Cucumber and its implementation
Running Cucumber through ANT
Pretty, Tags and Glue
Junit Report Generation in Cucumber
Cucumber HTML Reports
Log4j Usage
Using Assertions to report failure

Duration: 5 hrs
Training Video - 42
Building Framework with Cucumber
Live Project

Download the Maven Dependencies for Cucumber, Selenium, Junit,Log4j
Create the Maven Project
Running simple feature/Step scenario
Introducing selenium layer - WebConnector
Building custom functions in WebConnector
Building a simple test case
Implementing logging using Log4J
Executing project from eclipse
Executing project from ANT
Executing project from Maven
Generating Junit, Cucumber reports
Background and Pending Exception
Parameterizing/repeating test cases from feature classes
Implementing/deciding Tags
Running all/limited tests

Android Driver, Jenkins and Selenium Interview Questions
Duration: 2 hrs
Training Video - 43
Testing with Android Driver

Why we use AndoidDriver
Installing Android emulator and Starting emulator
Configuring wedriver apk in emulator
Initializing AndroidDriver
Finding xpaths,ids in Android
Identifying objects
What is useragent?
Changing useragent in browser to detect/identify elements
Parameterize complete scenario using features class
Changing useragent programmatically
Implicit and Explicit wait in Android Driver
Do's and Dont's with Android driver
Android Test Framework

Duration: 1 hrs 25 mins
Training Video - 44
Jenkins , GIT, GITHUB Integration

Downlaoding and installing GIT
Installing GIT and GITHUB plugins for jenkins
Configuring ssh host keys for GIT and Jenkins
Git Bash commands and operations
Uploading project to GIT using GIT Bash
Cloning projects
Creating branch/forks
Jenkins Integration
What is continuous integration
How Jenkins helps in continuous integration
Downloading and Installing Jenkins
Executing simple batch commands
Build project at will and build at intervals/ Scheduling builds
Executing Selenium Project builds with ANT
Executing Selenium Project builds on remote Server/Github with ANT?
Build Triggers
Mailing if build fails
Configuring/Scheduling Maven Project in Jenkins
Configuring/Scheduling remote Git maven project in Jenkins

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