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22nd December 2014, 12:07 PM
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Re: NPCIL question papers for Chemical Branch

As you want to asked that on which topic question asked in
NPCIL question papers for Chemical Branch, so here I am provding info about the topic :

Quantities and Units Voltage,
Current and Resistance
Ohm's Law,Energy and Power,
Series Circuits Parallel Circuits,Series-Parallel Circuits,
Circuit Theorems and Conversions,
Loop and Node Analyses,Magnetism and Electromagnetism,
Alternating Current and Voltage Capacitors,Inductors,
Transformers,RC Circuits,RL Circuits,
RLC Circuits and Resonance,
Passive Filters,
Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis,
Time Response of Reactive Circuits,
Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications,
NPCIL question papers for Chemical Branch
Q. Power diode is generally made from
a) Silicon
b) Germanium
c) Both
d) None of these
Q. When the both junction of NPN diode is reverse biased, then
the diode is in which mode
a) Active
b) Cutoff
c) Saturation
d) inverted
Q. Which transistor mode gives the inverted output
a) Common Emitter
b) Common Base
c) Common Collector
d) None of these
Q. Which coupling gives the higher gain in case of amplifier
a) Capacitor coupling
b) Impedance coupling
c) Transformercoupling
Q. Which distortion is least objectionable in audio amplification
a) Phase
b) Frequency
c) Harmonic
d) Intermediation
Q. A narrow band amplifier has a band pass nearly…………of
central frequency
a) 33.3%
b) 10%
c) 50%
Q. Phase shift oscillator consists
a) RL
b) RC
c) RLC
Q. Multivibrater Produces
a) Sine wave
b) Square wave
c) Smooth wave
d) sawtooth
Q. Convert the 101101 Binary number into octal no
a) 65
b) 55
c) 51
d) 45
Ans: 55
Q. 10 in BCD
a) 10100
b) 1100
c) 010111
d) None of these
Ans: None of these
Q. Which PNP device has a terminal for synchronizing purpose
a) SCS
b) Triac
c) Diac
d) SUS
Q. Addition of indium in semiconductor crystal makes
a) PNP
b) NPN
Q. Free electron exists in which band
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) Conduction band
Q. Ripple factor of half wave rectifier
a) 1.21
b) 0.48
c) 0.5
Q. Transistor that can be used in enhancement mode
a) NPN
b) UJT
Q. Following contributes to harmonic distortion in Amplifier
a) +Ve feedback
b) –Ve feedback
c) Defective active device
Q. High cutoff frequency
a) CB
b) CC
c) CE
Q. Which is used as data selector?
a) Encoder
b) Decoder
c) modulator
d) Demodulator
Q. Read write capable memory
a) RAM
b) ROM
c) Both
d) None of these
Q.the radix or base of hexadecimal number system is ———–
a) 8
b) 16
c) 5
d) none of these
Ans: 16
Q.the no of 1’s in the binary representation of the expression
162*9+162*7+16*5+3 are
a) 10
b) 23
c) 6
d) 4
Q. the no of latches in F/F are ——-
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Q.how many flip-flops are required to construct Mod -12
a) 5
b) 4
c) 12
d) none
Ans: 4
Q. which logic gate has the output is compliment of its input
a) OR
b) AND
c) NOT
d) X-OR
Ans: NOT
Q.no.of 2-input multiplexers needed to construct a 210 input
a) 12
b) 31
c) 20
d) 16
Q.By adding inverters to the inputs and output of a AND gate
we can obtain ……………
a) OR
b) AND
c) NOT
d) X-OR
Ans: X-OR
Q.how many NAND gates are needed to realize OR gate
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Ans: 3
Q.which is the first integrated logic family —————
a) RTL
b) DTL
c) TTL
d) none of these
Q. Which logic gate has output high if and only if all inputs are
low ———?
a) NOR
c) X-NOR
d) AND
Q.According to Boolean algebra 1+A+B+C =
a) A
b) A+B+C
c) 1
d) none of these
Ans: 1
Q. If a=0x6db7 and b=0x2ae9 then what is the value of a”b
a) binary number for 1001.1101?
b) decimal number for 19?
c) excess-3 code for 29?
Q.what is the value of A’+1 ?
a) A
b) A’
c) 1
d) none of these
Ans: 1
Q.2 in 4 bit number one bit indicates sign of the number then
the locations are from
a) -8 to 8
b) -7 to 7
c) -16 to 16
d) None
Q.Avalanche photo diode is used when compared to PIN diode
a)larger band width
b)high sensitivity
Q.some non zero DC voltage is to RC low pass circuit then the
DC voltage in the output contains
a) Same as in input
b) Higher than input
c) Zero
d) Slightly increases
Q.if the output of the gate is always high then the gates applied
to this logic are 0,0
a) NAND and EX-NOR
b) NAND and NOR
c) AND and X-NOR
d) OR and XOR
Q.Thermal Run away is not possible in FET bcz the flow of
a)minority careers
Ans : minority careers
Q.which of the following is/are true about 1 s and 2 s
i)In 1 s complement form. 0 has two representations
ii)in 1 s complement, the magnitude of lowest number is equal
to the magnitude of highest number
iii)In 2 s complement, 0 has two representations
a) i only
b) i and ii
c) iii only
d) all of these
Q.In the hybrid parameter model of a transistor reverse
transfer voltage ratio and forward transfer current ratio are
respectively given by:
a) h11 and h21
b) h12 and h11
c) h21 and h11
d) None of these
Q.The largest negative no can be represented with 8 bits in 2 s
compliment representation?
Ans: -128
Q. How many NAND gates required to implement AB+CD+EF
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Ans: 4
Q. Transparent latch is seen in which type of flip flop
a) SR FF
b) D FF
c) JK FF
d) D FF
Ans: D FF
Q. Odd parity generator uses which logic?
a) Digital
b) Analog
c) Sequential
d) none
Q. Which type of ADC is fastest?
b) Counter type
c) Intigrated type
d) Flash
ANS: Flash/Parallel
Q. Which one of the following is fastest read/writable memory?
c) Flash
d) none
Ans: Flash
8. In array programming which one is used
d) None
Q.Which one of the following has high I/p impedance
a) CC
b) CB
c) CE
d) None
Q. The maximum time allowed time for each flip flop for a mod
10 synchronous counter if each flip flop delay is 25ns.
a) 25 ns
b) 50 ns
c) 100 ns
d) none
Q. The resolution for a DAC is given by 0.4% then no. of bits of
DAC is
a) 8- bits
b) 16- bits
c) 32- bits
d) none
Ans: 8- bits
41) The chip capacity is 256 bits, then the no.of chips required
to build 1024 B memory Is
a) 32
b) 16
c) 15
d) 4
Q. Which of the following are correct?
1)A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information
2)Race around condition occurs in JK flip flop when both the
inputs are 1
3)Master slave flip flop is used to store 2 bits of information
4)A transparent latch consists of a D- flip flop
a) 1,2,3
b) 1,3,4
c) 1,2,4
d) 2,3,4
Ans: 1,2,4
Q. output resistance of ideal OP AMP is
a) 0
b) 1
c) infinite
d) very high
ANS: 0
Q. CMRR of an OP AMP is given as 80db and Ad is 20000.Value
of Acm will be
a) 4
b) 8
c) 2
d) 1
Ans: 2
Q.Si,Ge lie in ……..block of periodic table
a) III
b) V
c) IV A
d) IV B

During the execution of a CNC part program block NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool
motion will be
A) circular Interpolation — clockwise
B) circular Interpolation — counterclockwise
C) linear Interpolation
D) rapid feed
Answer : (A)
In an interchangeable assembly, shafts of size 25.000+0.040mm mate with holes of size
25.000+0.020 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the assembly will be
A) 10 microns
B) 20 microns
C) 30 microns
D) 60 microns
Answer : (D)
Stokes theorem connects
A) a line integral and a surface integral
B) a surface integral and a volume integral
C) a line integral and a volume integral
D) gradient of a function and its surface integral
Answer : (A)
When the temperature of a solid metal increases,
A) strength of the metal decreaes but ductility increases
B) both strength and ductility of the metal decrease
C) both strength and ductility of the metal increase
D) strength of the metal increases but ductility decreases
Answer : (A)
In a machining operation, doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to 1/8 of the original value.
The exponent n in Taylor
A) 1/8
B) 1/4
C) 1/3
D) 1/2
Answer : (C)
In PERT analysis a critical activity has
A) maximum Float
B) zero Float
C) maximum Cost
D) minimum Cost
Answer : (B)
Environment friendly refrigerant R134a is used in the new generation domestic refrigerators. Its
chemical formula is
A) CH C1 F2
B) C2 C13 F3
C) C2 C12 F4
D) C2 H2 F4
Answer : (D)
Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
(A) Grashof s rule states that for a planar crank-rocker four bar mechanism, the
sum of the shortest and longest link lengths cannot be less than the sum of
the remaining two link lengths.
(B) Inversions of a mechanism are created by fixing different links one at a time.
(C) Geneva mechanism is an intermittent motion device
(D) Gruebler s criterion assumes mobility of a planar mechanism to be one.
For the stability of a floating body, under the influence of gravity alone, which of
the following is TRUE?
(A) Metacentre should be below centre of gravity
(B) Metacentre should be above centre of gravity
(C) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same horizontal line
(D) Metacentre and centre of gravity must lie on the same vertical line
The material property which depends only on the basic crystal structure is
(A) fatigue strength (B) work hardening
(C) fracture strength (D) elastic constant
Little s law is relationship between
(A) stock level and lead time in an inventory system
(B) waiting time and length of the queue in a queuing system
(C) number of machines and job due dates in a scheduling problem
(D) uncertainty in the activity time and project completion time
Vehicle manufacturing assembly line is an example of
(A) product layout (B) process layout (C) manual layout (D) fixed layout
Simplex method of solving linear programming problem uses
(A) all the points in the feasible region
(B) only the corner points of the feasible region
(C) intermediate points within the infeasible region
(D) only the interior points in the feasible region.

1.If sampling frequency doubles then
a) Quantization noise decreases
b) Quantization density decreases
c) Quantization noise increases
d) Quantization density increases
2. Two signals of 2GHz and 4GHz are frequency modulated on same carrier 10 GHz. Find the ratio of
frequency deviation if band widths of both are equal.
a) 1:2 b)2:1 c) 1:1 d) 1:4
3. Gray code of 111 is
4. 3X512+7X64+5X8+3 then value in binary form contains _______ number of 1’s.
a) 7 b) 6 c) 9 d) none
5. The 2’s compliment of decimal number 19 in 8-bit system is
a) 11101101
6) The high gain codes are
a) Turbo codes b) BCH codes c) R-S codes
7) BCH codes are of the type________
a) Convolutional type b) c)
Time constant of LC circuit is
a) L/R b) L/R2 c) RL
9) If R is doubled and C is halved then frequency of series RLC circuit is
10) The solution for the equation (D2+4) y=sin2x is
11) Laplace Tramsform of sin3x is
12) The Z-transform for the series is
X [n] = { 7; n= -1
{5 n=0
{ 1 n=1
{0 else
13) The magic Tee is a
a) 4 port tee b) c)
14) The register which holds the address of the next instruction is
a) Program counter b) c)
15) The antenna gain is given by……………?
16) The satellite is in 630km orbit and transmitting at a frequency 5 MHz, when satellite is on your
head the Doppler shift is——–
a) b) c) 0 d)
17) The impedance of a lossless transmission line is
a) √(L/C)
18) A 50Ώline with load impedance 100Ώ the VSWR is
19) In a waveguide measurement, the forward power is 10mW, the reverse power is 1mW then
VSWR is _____________
20) Transmitted power is 100W, gain of the transmitter antenna is 30 dB and the path loss is 50 dB
then received power is
21) When transmitted power is 100mW and the path loss 100 dBm then received power is
a) -80 dBm
22) When a em wave is incident normally on a perfect conductor then
a) Totally reflected b) partially reflected
c) Totally transmitted d) none.
23) Zsc =100Ώ Zoc =1Ώ then Zo is
a) 1Ώ b) 10Ώ c)___d)__
24) When the operating wavelength of line is /4< < /2, the impedance is
a) Capacitive b) inductive c) ____ D) none
25) The value of L if source is 50V AC of 10 KHz frequency and current is 7.96 A.
a) ____
26) The resonant frequency is 50MHz bandwidth 100 KHz then Q factor is
a) ______ b)_______ c)…..
27)The Q factor of a series RLC circuit is
28) Q value of a parallel RLC circuit is ________
29) If the lines x+y+3=0, x-2y+7=0, 2x+ky+5=0 are required to be concurrent then the value of k
is___ a) ___ b)…..
30) The vectors i-2j+k, 2i+3j-k,R are the complete, then r is given by ______
31) If a satellite revolving with angular velocity w and the velocity is v then
Curl v is _______
a) w b) 2w c) w 2 d) …..
32) If each stage amplifier contains 10dB gain the figure of merit of 2-stages is
Given by ……
33) The maximum rate possible in kbps if F=15 and bandwidth is 4 KHz is…….
34) The maximum time allowed for each flip flop for a ripple counter of mod-1024 , if clock given to it
is 1MHz is ……..
35) The maximum time allowed time for each flip flop for a mod 10 synchronous counter if each flip
flop delay is 25ns.
a) 25 ns b) 50 ns c) 100 ns d) none
36) The high speed for CML gate is due to operating it in ——— region.
a) non saturation
37)In a micro processor the wait states are inserted to
a) make the processor to wait during DMA operation
b) make the processor to wait during an interrupt processing
c) make the processor wait during a power shutdown.
d) interface the slow peripherals to the processor.
38) In a digital voltmeter the ADC’s used are of type
1. successive 2.flash type 3. Dual slope
in ascending order of time is
1. a) 2,1,3 b) 1,2,3 c) 3,1,2 d) none
39) The number of NAND gates are required to implement A B (XOR), assuming compliments not
available ………….
40) The resolution for a DAC is given by 0.4% then no. of bits of DAC is
a) 8- bits
41) The chip capacity is 256 bits, then the no.of chips required to build 1024 B memory
1. a) 32 b) 16 c) 15)
42) Which of the following are correct?
1. A flip-flop is used to store 1-bit of information
2. Race around condition occurs in JK flip flop when both the inputs are 1
3. Master slave flip flop is used to store 2 bits of information
4. A transparent latch consists of a D- flip flop
a) 1, 2,3 b) 1,3,4 (ANS) c)1,2,4 d) 2,3,4
43) The bit rate of a QPSK compared to BPSK is
a)half b) double c) same
44) There are 5 red balls and 5 black balls in a box. The probability to select 2 balls one after other
without reputting is,
a) 2/9 b) 1/90 c) 11/90 d) none
45) The rms voltage is obtained by multiplying peak by a factor
a) 1/√2

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