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13th November 2014, 02:33 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: MCA 1st year question paper

Ok, as you want the question paper of 1st year of MCA of Karnataka state Open University so here I am providing you.

KSOU MCA 1st year question paper
1. Define computers.
2. Define MSDOS.
3. Name any two input devices.
4. Define tree command in DOS.
5. What is the difference between DOS & Windows OS ?
6. What are the differences between copy & past in MS-WORD ?
7. Write any shortcut keys used in MS-WORD.
8. Expand WWW.
9. Define Internal and External commands in DOS.
10. Name any Five Internal and External commands in DOS.
11. Explain formating features of tables in MS-WORD.
12. Explain formating Toolbar in MS-WORD.
13. Explain short cut menu in MS-WORD.
14. What is the difference between menu bar and toolbar in MS-WORD ?
1. What is spread sheet?
2. Distinguish between data and information.
3. What are the differences between Scandisk and format commands in DOS ?
4. What are the differences between internal and external commands in DOS ?
5. List the advantages and disadvantages of electronic data processing.
6. Explain copycon and checkdisk commands in DOS.
7. Describe the macro future in Excel ?
8. How to you connect MS-EXCEL to Database ?
1. What are the applications of MS-EXCEL ?
2. What are the applications of MS-WORD ?
3. What are the applications of MS-POWERPOINT ?
4. How do you create macro in MS-EXCEL ?
5. How do you link the MS-EXCEL data with other applications ?
6. Explain the following:
b) RAM & ROM

1. What is a program ?
2. What does static variable mean ?
3. What is a flowchart ?
4. Write the syntax of printf and scanf functions ?
5. Does an automatic variable retain its value once control is transferred out of its
defining function ?
6. How can structure variables be declared ?
7. What are enumerators ?
8. Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself ?
9. What are the differences between malloc() and realloc() ?
10. Explain Scanf() and Printf() statements with examples ?
11. What is recursion? Give an example for recursion.
12. Differentiate between a for loop and a while loop ?
13. Explain the different relational operators in C with examples ?
14. Explain any two pre-processor directives ?
1. Illustrate the use of precedence of operators in C ?
2. Illustrate the use of user defined function in C.
3. Explain the commonly used input/output functions ?
4. Write a C program to calculate the area of a circle.
5. What is the minimum number of times a do-while loop can be executed? Compare
the same with a while loop.
6. Explain the storage class included in C ?
7. Write a C program to convert lowercase character to upper-case.
8. Write a C program to multiply calculate the area of a trapezium.
1. Write a C program to sort a list of strings into alphabetical order ?
2. Explain the arrays of pointers with example ?
3. Explain any five string handling functions with 2 examples.
4. Write a C program to demonstrate the operations on pointers.
5. Write a program using bubble sort to sort a list of names in alphabetical order.
6. Illustrate the use of recursive function to calculate the factorial of a positive number.

1. Define data structure.
2. Define algorithm.
3. Mention important attributes in analyzing algorithms.
4. Mention basic operations performed on stacks.
5. What is the importance of header node in linked list.
6. What is the time complexity of linear search.
7. What is a hash function.
8. A problem can be solved by two algorithms A1 and A2. If algorithm A1 has
time complexity of the order O ( log n ) and A2 has the time complexity of the
order O ( n! ), name the best algorithm for the problem.
Answer all Questions and each question carries 2 marks.
9. Explain best and average case time complexities.
10. What is a recurrence relation.
11. Differentiate between recursion and iteration.
12. Explain construction of Heap.
13. What are the advantages of hashing.
14. Differentiate between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree.
Answer any 5 questions. Each question carries 8 marks. (5×8=40)
1. Write algorithms to implement queues using linked lists.
2. What is dynamic memory allocation? Explain various functions that support
dynamic memory allocation in “C”.
3. a) Explain the concept of Interpolation search.
b) Write algorithm to convert an infix expression to postfix expression.
4. Explain various tree traversal techniques.
5. Explain the heap sort technique through algorithms.
6. Differentiate between Ordinary Queue and Circular Queue. Write algorithms to
insert and delete an element from Circular Queue.
7. Write algorithm to evaluate post fix expression and illustrate the same through
8. Construct binary search tree for the following data:
96,12,45, 36, 25,9,85, 52, 14,10, 24.
Answer any 4 questions. Each Question carries 10 marks. (10×4=40)
1. What are asymptotic notations. Explain various asymptotic notations.
2. Write algorithms for the following techniques: a) Selection Sort b) Insertion Sort
3. Explain various ways by which you can resolve hash collisions.
4. Write algorithms to insert and delete an element in the doubly linked list at a
given position and explain with examples.
5. Apply Merge sort technique to sort the following: 52, 45, 12, 36, 85, 48, 32, 10,8.
6. Explain the following techniques: a) Linear search b) Binary search.

1. Mention the Barriers for Good Listening.
2. Define Sentence.
3. Define Academic Essay.
4. Define Multi-Volume Thesis.
5. How to use the Benchmarks ?
6. Mention Parts of a Business letter.
7. Why to design a Resume ?
8. Define Interview.
9. What are the purpose of Listening ?
10. Define “Reading for Pleasure”.
11. Explain manuscript.
12. Define Linkage and Cohesion.
13. State the Tips for Taking Essay Exams.
14. Define Benchmarks.
1. Mention and Explain the Types of Listening in detail.
2. Explain Skimming and Scanning.
3. Define Writing. Explain types of Sentences.
4. Write a short paragraph for “Fly-over- a nuisance for general public”.
5. Define Memo with example.
6. Explain Types of Communication.
7. English for News and Information. Justify.
8. What do you mean by Conversation ?
1. Define Communication. Explain the process of communication with neat diagram.
2. List out the various types of listening and briefly explain the traits of good listening.
3. Describe in detail Types of Reading .
4. Write a letter, applying for the job, giving details of your qualification.
5. Write a Resume with a neat format.
6. Write a short notes on “ English in Communication”.

1. Sin3 = _______________.
2. (cos + isin)n = cosn+ isinn
3. State Cayley-Hamilton theorem.
4. If kˆ 4 j ˆ iˆ2 b , kˆ j ˆ 2 iˆ3 a −−−_
_ find b . a _
_ .
5. If y = sin(msin-1x) find
6. What is the nth derivative of eax cos(bx + c).
7. Evaluate ∫xex dx
8. Evaluate ∫log x dx
9. Find the modulus and argument of the complex number i 3 1
i 2 1

10. Use Cramer’s rule to solve 8x + 5y = 21
3x + 10y = 16
11. If kˆ 2 j ˆ 2 iˆ a _ and kˆ 2 j ˆ iˆ2 b −_ then find b a _
_ .
12. If x = acost y = asint then find 2
y d
13. If y2 = 4ax then S.T. 3 2
a 4
y d −
14. Evaluate ∫−
2 4 dx ) 5 x 3 x ( .
1. Solve the following system of equations 3x – y + 2z = 13, 2x + y – z = 3,
x + 3y – 5z = – 8
2. Simplify 5 2
2 3
) sin i (cos ) 6 sin i 6 (cos
) 5 sin i 5 (cos ) 4 sin i 4 (cos
3. a) If y = (1 + x2) tan-1x, Find 2
y d
at x = 1
b) Find the nth derivative of e2x cos2x
4. Find the angle between the curves r = alog, r =
5. If
y x
y x
2 2

then S.T ⎟






1 4
6. Evaluate ∫

2 2
x a
dx x
7. Solve (x – 4y – 9) dx + (4x + y – z ) dy = 0
8. a) Solve
= e2x-3y + 4x2e-3y
b) Evaluate ∫

6 dx x cos x .
1. Diagonalise the matrix


3 2 2
1 2 1
1 0 1
2. a) Show that the cube root of unity form an Abelian group under multiplication.
b) Find the sine of the angle between the vectors kˆ j ˆ iˆ a _ and kˆ 2 j ˆ 3 iˆ2 b −_ .
3. If y1/m + y–1/m = 2x. Show that (x2-1)yn+2 + (2n+1)xyn+1 + (n2 – m2)yn = 0
4. Find the Pedal equation for cos e 1
5. Evaluate :
a) ∫−cos 5 3
b) ∫−1 x x 2
6. Solve (2x + y – 3)dy = (x + 2y – 3)dx.

1. Define Data structure.
2. What is the importance of header nodes?
3. Give the array representation of binary tree.
4. What are the different notations used for time complexity in sorting techniques?
5. Define address calculation sort.
6. Define height of the tree.
7. Define lists.
8. What is Heap ?
9. Define priority queue ?
10. What is complete Binary tree ?
11. How do you push and pop elements in a linked stack ?
12. List out the various techniques of hashing.
13. Analyze the selection sort method of sorting data.
14. Convert following arithmetic infix expression ‘Q’ into its equivalent postfix
expression ‘P’
Q:A+(B*C-(D/E ?E)*G)*H
1. Write an algorithm for transforming infix expression into postfix expression.
2. Explain basic operations of circular queue with an example and also compare
the advantages and disadvantages of linear queue and circular queue.
3. Write an algorithm to insert and delete an element in the doubly linked list.
4. Give the three cases involved in deleting a node from a binary search tree.
5. Explain the different operations of Stack.
6. Discuss different tree traversal technique.
7. Explain array implementation of priority queue.
8. Explain the quick sort algorithm.
1. Explain any two hash collision resolution technique.
2. Sort the following elements using heap sort. 25 55 46 35 10 90 84 31.
3. Write an algorithm to insert and delete an element in the doubly linked list.
4. Give linked list implementation of stack operation.
5. Define a heap. Sort the following numbers using Heap Sort :
2, 3, 81, 64, 4, 25, 36, 16, 9, 49
Clearly write all the steps involved in sorting the numbers.
6. Explain memory representation of tree.

1. What is a statement in C ?
2. What does static variable mean ?
3. What is an algorithm ?
4. What do you mean by main memory ?
5. Does an automatic variable retain its value once control is transferred out of its
defining function ?
6. What are high level languages ?
7. What are register variables ?
8. Can a Structure contain a Pointer to itself ?
9. What are the differences between application software and system software ?
10. Discuss all the basic data types supported by C language.
11. Differentiate between a for loop and a while loop ?
12. Explain the different arithmetic and logic operators ?
13. Explain any two pre-processor directives ?
14. Discuss different control statements in C.
1. Write a C program to demonstrate the use of switch statement.
2. Illustrate the use of structure in C.
3. Explain the commonly used loops in C.
4. Write a C program to calculate the area of a triangle.
5. Write the C program to print prime numbers in the given range of integers.
6. Explain the storage class included in C.
7. Write a C program to convert upper case character to lower case.
8. Explain different modes of opening a file.
1. Write a C program to search the given element in the list using binary search.
2. Explain the arrays of pointers with example.
3. Explain any five string handling functions with 2 examples.
4. Write a C program to read name and exam scores of n student. Calculate and
print name, score and average of each student using structure.
5. Write a program using selection sort to sort a list of names in alphabetical order.
6. Illustrate the use of recursive function to calculate the factorial of a positive
13th November 2014, 02:34 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: MCA 1st year question paper

1. The item which does not come under Secured Loans
i) Debentures
ii) Loans from subsidiary company
iii) Bank loan
iv) Other loan
2. Under what head will you classify the Unclaimed Dividend on the liability side
of the balance sheet of a limited company.
i) Secured Loans
ii) Current Liabilities and Provisions
iii) Reserves and Surplus
iv) Share capital
3. The issues of shares at price more than the face value is known as
i) At a discount
ii) At par
iii) At a premium
iv) None
4. Sale of investments indicates
i) Source of funds ii) Application of funds
iii) Change in current assets iv) None
5. The dividend declared by the directors of a company at the end of the financial
year is know as
i) Interim dividend ii) Final dividend
iii) Proposed dividend iv) Unclaimed dividend
6. In case of a limited company, the term financial statements includes
i) Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
ii) Profit and Loss Account, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and Balance
iii) Balance Sheet
iv) None.
7. Ration of Net profit before Interest and Tax to Sales
i) Operating Profit Ratio ii) Capital Gearing Ratio
iii) Solvency Ratio iv) Liquidity Ratio
8. Tax paid is
i) Application of funds ii) Source of funds
iii) No flow of funds iv) None
9. What is meant by calls in arrears and calls in advance?
10. What is new profit sharing ration?
11. Give the meaning of fund flow statement?
12. What is interim dividend?
13. Who is consignee?
14. What is gain ration?
1. Distinguish between Equity Share and Preference Share.
2. What are the limitations of fund flow statements?
3. State the advantages of ratio analysis.
4. Explain the different classes of capital.
5. Distinguish between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet.
6. Rama and Krishna are partners with capitals of Rs.50000 and Rs.40000
respectively as on 1-03-2008. During the year Rama withdrew as shown below:
Rs. 500 on 1st April 2008
Rs. 400 on 1st May 2008
Rs. 600 on 1st June 2008
Rs. 300 on 1st November 2008
Calculate interest @ 6 percent per annum if the accounts are closed on 31st
December every year.
7. X and Y are partners, sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3. Z joins the firm and new
ratio among X,Y and Z is 7:4:3. Find out sacrificing ratio.
8. Discuss the features of partnership.
1. Following is the trial balance of X Company Ltd. As on 31st December 2008.
Prepare trading account, Profit and Loss account, Profit and loss appropriation
account and Balance Sheet.
Capital( 2500 shares of Rs 100 each on 200000
Which Rs.80 called up)
Land and Buildings 130000
Investments 60000
Machinery 15000
Furniture 4000
Bills reseivable 6400
Carriage inwards 2500
Wages 21000
Salary 8500
Bills payable 5000
Purchases and Sales 60000 110000
Returns 2000 1000
Rent and rates 1800
Preliminary expenses 6000
Debtors and Creditors 42000 15000
Advertising and Reserve Fund 2500 10000
Profit and Loss a/c 14000
Stock (1-1-2008) 30000
Insurance 1300
Discount 2000
5% Debentures 40000
Total 395000 395000
a) Write off Rs.2000 from preliminary expenses
b) Transfer Rs.10000 to reserve fund
c) Stock on 31-12-2008 Rs.65000
d) Provide for dividend on share capital at 10%
e) Debentures interest is outstanding for one year
2. ABC Co.Ltd., issed 20000 shares at Rs.10 each at a premium at Re.1 per share,
payable Rs.2 on application, Rs.4 on allotment (including premium), Rs.3 on
first call and Rs.2 on final call.
All shares were subscribed and the money duly received.
Pass the necessary journal entries, prepare bank account, share premium account
and show balance Sheet in the books of the company.
3. The following is the Balance Sheet of Kalyani Electric co. as on 30th June 2008
Liability Rs Assets Rs
Eqyity Capital 300000 Land and Building 150000
Sundry Creditors 48000 Plant and Machinery 85000
Bills Payable 10000 Short term Investments 16000
Bank Overdraft 5000 Stock in trade 50000
Outstanding expenses 2000 Debtors 59000
Prepaid expenses 1000
Cash in hand 4000
365000 365000
Calculate the following ratio:
i) Current ratio, ii) quick ratio, iii) Debit equity ratio iv) Fixed Assets to Total
4. The summaries Balance Sheets of K Ltd. As on 31st Dec 2008 are as follows:
Liability 2007 2008 Assets 2007 2008
Eqyity Capital 1200000 1500000 Land and Building 800000 760000
14% Debentures 600000 400000 Plant and Machinery500000 720000
Profit and Loss A/C 100000 150000 Investments 300000 450000
General Reserve 300000 350000 Stock in trade 400000 470000
Creditors 490000 560000 Debtors 670000 530000
Prosed dividends 120000 180000 Cash in hand 220000 330000
Provision for Tax 100000 130000 Prepaid expenses 20000 10000
2910000 3270000 2910000 3270000
Additional Information
i) Debentures were redeemed at a premium of 10%
ii) Taxes paid during the year amounted to Rs. 140000
iii) A machine which appeared at a WDV of Rs. 80000 was sold for
Rs.130000 and new machines worth Rs.360000 were acquired during
the year.
Prepare a statement of sources and applications of funds, showing changes in
the working capital
5. Explain about the various types of Companies that can be registered under the
Companies act.
6. The Reliance Company Ltd issued 50000 debentures of Rs.10 each. The amount
was payable as follows: Rs.2 on application, Rs.4 on allotment, Rs.2 on First
Call and Rs.2 on Final call.
45000 debentures were subscribed by the public. All the debentures were
allotment and the money duly received. Pass the Journal Entries and prepare the
necessary ledger account.

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