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4th August 2015, 04:31 PM
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Re: Kakatiya University MBA 1st SEM Syllabus

As you need Kakatiya University MBA 1st SEM course syllabus, here I am giving:

MBA syllabus

1st SEM
Management & Organisational Theory
Business Environment
Managerial Economics
Marketing Management
Accounting for Managers
Quantitative Techniques
Database Management Systems

2nd SEM

Strategic Management
Human Resource Management
Financial Management
Managerial Communication
Business Research Methodology
Operations Research
Internet Applications

KU MBA programme syllabus
PAPER-I: MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION THEORY UNIT-I Management Nature - Functions of Management- Scope - Process Organization Concepts - Formal Vs. Informal Organization - Understanding Orgasnisation and Management - Approaches of Management - Classical Approach - Human Relations Approach – Systems Approach - Connectivity Approach- Organisational Goals: Individual Vs. Organisation Goals, Professional Manager, Tasks, Responsibilities and Skills. UNIT-II Planning: Concepts of vision - Missions - Objectives - Strategy-Policy - Setting – objectives - Planning Process- Limitations - MBO: Process - Application to business. Decision Making Models: Process Rationality in Decision Making -Group Decision Making - Benefits and Limitations, Models of Group Decision. UNIT-III Organisational Design: Factors Influencing Design - Authority, Power, Influence, Status. Types - Sources Responsibility and Accountability - Influence of Technology and International Environment on Organisational design - Patterns of Organisational Design: Differentiation - Production, Functional, Divisional, Matrix and Network Designs, Organisational life Cycle, approach Model of Life Cycle – Delegation- Centralisation and Decentralisation -Line and Span of relations Staffer Surpervision. UNIT-IV Directing: Elements of Direction - Leadership - Leadership Vs Management – Theories Leadership Styles. Authorisation democratic Managerial and Leadership Continuum-Role of Leader in Organizational Building - Coordination, Nature Types - Techniques – Problems - Communication types. Barriers to Communication-Suggestion to overcome barriers. Motivation - nature - motivators - Controlling process - Problems - Requisites of good control system. UNIT-V Organisational effectiveness - Managerial effectiveness - Environmental Influences on organizational and managerial effectiveness - Managerial Effectiveness in global context-Values of Indian Business - Managers value system - Comparative management – Function of management in global context- Challenges of Indian Management in the New Millennium. Suggested Readings:
1. 1.Stoner A.F.James, Reeman R.Edward: Management-Prentice Hall of Indian New Gilbert Jr.R.Daniel Delhi-2000.
2. Robbins P Stephens & Coulter Mary:Management, Prentice Hall of India New Delhi-2000.
3. 3.Koontz Harold, Weihrich, Heinz: Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill International, New York, 1990.
4. 4.Beanich W. Paul, Morrison J. Allen, Rosen Z Weigs M. Philip. Inkpen C: International Management, Inwin. Mc Graw Hill, Boston 2000.
5. Jones R.Gareth: Organizational Theory – Text & Cases Addison, Wisley Pub. Delhi-2000.
6. Satya Raju and Parthasarathy: Management – Text and Cases, Prentice Hall Publications.
7. Hall: Organizations – Structures, Process and Outcomes, Prentice Hall Publications.
8. Shukla: Understanding Organizations – Organizational Theory and Practice in India.

PAPER-II: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT UNIT I Concepts of Business Environment - Characteristics of Business Environment-Significance - Environmental scanning — environmental scanning process — techniques of environmental scanning- practices regarding scanning of External Environment in Indian corporate sector. UNIT-II Nature of Economic environment-Economic Systems-Nature, Growth and role of Public Sector Enterprises -Nature and objectives of Privatisation - Rangarajan Committee on Privatisation - Globalisation: Nature and Rationale - Multinational Corporations – India & WTO - Fiscal Policy - A study of Current Union Budget and its implications for business. UNIT-III Technological Environment - Features and Impact of Technology - Technology and society - Economy - Restraints on Technological Growth - Status of Technology in India – Technology Policy. UNIT-IV Political Institutions - Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Judicial Activism - State Intervention - Reasons Types - Extent of Intervention - Culture and Business - Business Ethics – Social Responsibility - Nature, models and strategies - Limits of social responsibility – Corporate Governance & Accountability - Ecology and Business - Nature of Physical Environment - Impact on Business. UNIT - V Business Environment of Select Industries - Electronics &Communication - Biotechnology. Pharmaceutical, Automobiles, Banking &Insurance (A study of Economic, Technological. Political & Socio - Culture Factors). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. K. Ashwathappa: Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publication 2. Francis Cherunillam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publications. 3. M.J. Mathew, Business Environment, RBSA Publications 4. Franchis Cherunillam: Business, Environment of Business, and Policy, Himalaya Publications. 5. M. Adhikaruy: Economic Environment of Business, Sultan Chand Publications. 6. Sundaram & Black: The International Business Environment: Text and cases, Prentice Hall India.

PAPER - III : MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS UNIT-I Introduction: Definition, Nature, Scope and significance of managerial economics – Basic concepts tools and techniques of analysis - Economic factors influencing decision making process - Theory of firm - Alternative objectives of firm - Role and responsibilities of managerial economist - Function of managerial economist. UNIT-II Demand Analysis and Forecasting: Demand function - Law of Demand - Elasticity of Demand - Significance of elasticity of demand in pricing decision- Determination of Total Revenue of a firm - Demand forecasting: Methods techniques and Problems - Supply analysis – Supply function - Law of supply - Elasticity of supply. UNIT III Cost and Production analysis: Role of costs in decision making - Types of production costs and their measurement - Economies and diseconomies of scale - Behaviour of short run and long run average cost curves - Cost function - Empirical cost function - Production function - Linear production function - Quadratic production function - Cubic production function - Power production function — Cobb Douglas production function-Managerial uses of production function. UNIT IV Market Morphology- Structure of Competition in Indian context-Types of Competition - feature of perfect competition - Monopoly - Monopolistic and Oligopolist competition - price and output decision in different competitive situations - State intervention in pricing - Dual Pricing - Administered pricing - Statutory price fixation in India - Issues related to subsidy in statutory function. UNIT V Profit - Nature and theories of profit - measurement of profit - Accounting Vs Economic profit - Profit earning Vs. Profiteering profit for control - Profitability of public sector - Reasons for low profitability in public sector - Disinvestments of public sector - Policy and practice of disinvestments in public sector in India SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Gupta G.S. :Managerial Economics, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. Mithani D.M.: Managerial Economics, Theory & Application, Himalaya Publications.
3. Varshney and Maheshwari K.L.: Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons
4. Mehatha P.L. : Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons
5. Malcolm P. Mc. Nair and Richard S. Marian: Problems in Business Economics, Mc. Graw Hill
6. Neminers Erwin Esser: Managerial Economics, Text and Cass John Wiley & Sons, New York.
7. Mote V.L.. Samuel Paul Gupta: Managerial Economics Concepts & Cases Tata Mc. Graw Hill.
8. Joel Dean: Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

PAPER - IV: MARKETING MANAGEMENT UNIT-I Concepts of Marketing - Company orientations towards market place - Adoption of marketing – concept to marketing management - Building customer satisfaction value and retention - Analyzing micro and macro marketing environment - An overview of Indian Marketing environment-Marketing Mix, Concept and components. UNIT - II Marketing Planning- Steps and Contents-Marketing control process - Annual plan control-profitability control - Efficiency control - Strategic control - Marketing segmentation, Targeting and Positioning - Dealing with competition; identifying and analyzing competitors - designing competitive strategies. UNIT III Marketing Information System: Concept and components-Designing Marketing Information System - Marketing Research - Role and Scope - steps involved in marketing research - Marketing research agencies in India. Consumer Behaviour - Factors influencing consumer behavior - buying decision process. UNIT IV Product concept - Classification, levels and hierarchy - product line decisions- product life cycle am marketing strategies - New product development process - Brand decisions - Brand equity - Packaging and labeling. Price - Factors influencing on pricing decisions - setting the price - Adapting the price - initiating and responding to price changes. UNIT - V Advertising: Objectives - Advertising copy - media decisions - Advertising Budget - Evaluation of advertising effectiveness. Sales Promotion: Objectives - Methods, Personal selling - An overview of sales force management decisions. Direct Marketing: Benefits - major channels for direct marketing. Online marketing - conducting online marketing - promise and challenges of online marketing. Place decisions - Channels of distribution - Channel designing - channel management decisions - Channel conflict, cooperation and competition, marketing logistics - Objectives - Marketing logistics decisions. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management ( Millennium Edition-2000) Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi.
2. V.S. Rama Swamy&S. Nama Kumari, Marketing Management-Planning, Implementation and Control - The Indian Context, Mc. Millan India Ltd.,
3. William D. Pecrault JR & E Jerome Me Carthy: Basic Marketing - A Global Managerial Approach Mc.Graw Hill Co. Incl. 1999.
4. Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall of India.
5. J. William Stanton & Furteet, Fundamentals of Marketing-Mc. Graw Hill Inc,
6. R..S. Davar, Modern Marketing Management - Progressive Corporation, Bombay.
7. GandhiJ.C. Marketing-A Managerial Approach-Tata Mc. Graw Hill.
8. G.C. Bert, Marketing Research, Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publishers, New Delhi – 2000.
9. Rajan Saxena: Marketing Management-Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publication.10 Biplab S. Bose: Handbook Marketing Management. Himalaya Publishing House.
10. Prof. M.K. Ramgopal and Dr. S.L. Gupta: Cases and simulations in Marketing Management- Galgotia Publishing Company.
11. Rajagopal: Marketing Concepts and cases - New Age International Publishers. New Delhi.
12. Srinivasan, Case studies in Marketing – The Indian Context Prentice Hall of India.

PAPER - V: ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS UNIT-I Accounting theory. Definition, need, scope, functions and limitations of Accounting-Inter relationship among various branches of Accounting- Financial Accounting: nature and functions - Accounting concepts and conventions relevant to preparation of financial statements Accounting standards - Accounting cycle – preparation of Final Accounts (Problems) UNIT-II Analysis of financial statements. Meaning - need - analysis and interpretation - Techniques of analysis - Comparative statements - Common size statements -Ratio analysis (Problems) UNIT-III Funds flow and cash flow Analysis: Meaning and Importance of funds flow and cash flow statements – distinction between funds flow and cash flow statements – Managerial uses and preparation of funds flow statements and cash flow statements (Problems) UNIT-IV Cost Analysis for decision making: Elements and classification of costs - Managerial uses of cost accounting -Marginal Costing & CVP analysis meaning and objectives – Marginal costing and managerial decision making - selection of product mix -make or buy decisions - Profit planning-Alternative methods of production (Problems) UNIT-V Standard costing and budgetary control: Standard costing - Meaning, advantages limitation of standard costing - Variance Analysis - Material, labour, overhead, sales variances(theory only) Budgetary Control, Meaning of Budget, Budgeting and Budgetary control – process types of budget (theory) SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. R.L. Gupta & Radha Swamy: Advanced Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons. 2. S.P. Jain & K.L. Narang: Accounting: Kalyani Publications. 3. R.K. Sharma Shashi K. Gupta: Management Accounting, Kalyani Publications. 4. Meigs and Johnson: Intermediate Accounting, Mc. Graw Hill. 5. S .P. Jain & K.L. Narang: Costing Accounting: Kalyani Publications. 6. P.C.Tulsian-Accounting-Mc.GrawHill.

PAPER - VI: QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES UNIT – I Quantitative Techniques and Business Forecasting : Meaning and Classification of Quantitative Techniques, Statistical Techniques, Programming Techniques, Role of Quantitative Techniques in Management decision making – Techniques of Business Forecasting, Correlation and Regression analysis with two variables. UNIT –II Probability and Probability Distributions: Basic Concepts of probability, Additive and Multiplicative laws – Bayer’s Decision Rule, Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distributions. UNIT-III Sampling theory: Concept of Sampling – Reasons for sampling – Types of samples – Estimation – Hypothesis testing Type I and type II errors – Tests concerning attributes- Number of successes. Proportion, Difference between two proportions, Chi- square test. Large Sample Tests: Mean test, Difference between two means, Difference between two standard deviations. Small Sample Tests: Mean test, Difference between the means of two independent samples, difference between the means of two dependent samples or paired observations. UNIT-IV Decision theory - Anatomy of Decision theory, Decision models. Deterministic decision models, Probabilistic Decision Model: Maximum likelihood rule. Expected pay off criterion, Marginal analysis – Competitive decision models: Maximin, Maximas, Minimox, Savage, Hurwicz. Lapalace decision models – Game Theory: Two person – Zero – Sum – Game. Saddle point, Value of game, Dominating Strategy, Mixed Strategy. UNIT – V Linear programming: Formulation of linear programming – problem, characteristics of Linear programming Problem, Solution by Graphic Method, Simplex Method -Dual of Linear Programming Problem. SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. N .D. Vohra: Quantitative Techniques in Management,Tata Mc.Graw Hill House.
2. C .R. Kothari, Quantitative Techniques (Vikas)
3. Richard Levin: Statistical methods , Prentice Hall.
4. S .P. Gupta: Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand Publications
5. Srivastava: Shenoy, and Sharma, Quantitative Techniques of Managerial Decisions. New Age Publications,
6. Anand Sharma: Quantitative Techniques (Himalaya Publications)
7. Shancy, Srivastava and Sharma :Operaiton Research for Management ( New Age)

PAPER - VII: DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS UNIT-I Introduction to databases - information - Application development without databases - Advantages - Concepts and history of DBMS - Commercial databases. - Databases design - feasibility study- Designing. Designing systems - class diagrams – data types - elements UNIT-II Data normalization – introduction-sample data base – first – second – third Normal forms - Beyond third normal form - Data rules and integrity - Effects of business rules – converting class diagrams to normalized tables - data dictionary. UNIT-III Queries and sub queries - Data queries - Basics - computations - group by - multiple tables - sub queries -joins - SQL- testing queries. UNIT IV Applications - Forms and reports - Effective design - Layout - creation of forms - manipulation of graphical objects - reports - calculations and data manipulations – procedural languages - Data on forms - using programs to retrieve and save data in the databases - Handling error. UNIT-V Applications Development - Introduction - Power of applications - Structure of application; - user interface features - Transactions - customer reports - Database applications in Microsoft Access and Visual Basic - Sample database projects. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Gerald V. Post: Data base Management System - Designing and Building Business Applications, Tata Mc Graw Hill 2. Mc. Fadden, Database Management Systems, Additions Wisely 3. Peter: Databases, Tata Mc.Graw Hill Ltd 4. Hansen and Hansen, database Management Systems, PHI.

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