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28th November 2014, 04:10 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: ICAR JRF Model Papers

ICAR stands for Indian Council of Agricultural Research. ICAR conducts entrance exam for Admission known as ICAR JRF is taken by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi for admission to Various Agriculture colleges.

Yes dear, as per your query here I am providing modal question of ICAR-JRF exam:

Rumen gas largely consists of Carbon dioxide and methane in the proportion of .......................

2. Urea is recycled in the rumen through ...................and .........................

3. If acetic : propionic ratio in the rumen goes down below .................. the fat content decreases in the cow milk

4. The pH of ileal fluid ranges from ...................to .......................

5. The rumen protozoa store carbohydrate in the form of ........................

6. The testosterone released from tunica interna is converted to estradiol, a female sex hormone under the influence of ..............

7. The estrogen produced by mammalian ovary or placenta normally are .............., .......................and ...................

8. In ruminants, the placenta is of ...................... type

9. Grayish coloured corpus luteum present in ..................... (species)

10. PRL (prolactin) promote the secretion of progesterone by the corpora lutea in .................and ........................(species)

11. Bruce effect in mice involve blockage of ...................secretion which is necessary for maintenance of CL

12. the blood supply to udder is maintained by .............artery

13. .................is the main source of energy in bull semen

14. Collapse of alveoli is known as .......................

15. one gram of hemoglobin can bind with maximum of ................ml oxygen

16. Expiration if regulated by ...........................centre of the brain

17. Rate of diffusion of carbon dioxide through respiratory membrane is about ................times rapid than oxygen diffusion

18. The volume of air which remains in the lungs after forceful expiration is called ..................

19. Threshold level for low oxygen in air for sheep, goat and cattle is about ....................meters above sea level

20.The critical environmental temperature at which the increase in respiration rate become marked is 60oF for HF,70o F for Jersey and ......................for Brahman cattle

21.The most potent compound which can stimulate the closure of esophageal/reticular groove in cattle even up to two years of age is............................

22....................................is the usual order of concentration of individual acids present in the rumen

23.Enzymes responsible for metabolism are located in the ............................(part) of spermatozoa

24.The estrous cycle of ewe is of ......................................days duration

25.The bull spermatozoa can travel ........................cms per 30 minutes in the female genital tract

26.Sexual receptivity in case of ewe in heat requires the presence of.................................(hormone)

27.......................% of carbon dioxide transport occur in the form of Bicarbonate ion

28.Utiliozation coefficient for oxygen consumption is........................% for birds and ....................%for mammals

29.The nerve network Meissners plexus controls secretions of epithelial cell where as Auerbachs plexus control .....................

30.Coiled colon (Ansa Spiralis) present in ........................and....................... .....(species)

31.In GI system, contractile waves that travel short distance is termed as......................and that travel longer distance is...........................

32.Daily production of saliva in cows comes around ..................................litres

33.The first hormone ever discovered was ................................

34.Horse obtains around ........................% of its energy requirements from large intestinal absorption of volatile fatty acids

35.Protozoan count of rumen is about ..............................ml of rumen content and it account for .................%of rumen metabolism

36. ............................hormone induces gene expression in mammary tissue for casein synthesis

37. Herbivores donot have ................ phase of gastric stimulation

38. ....................part of female reproductive tract is known as "neck of the womb"

39. Central frozen semen production and training institute is located at .......................

40. Credit of first birth of a buffalo calf through AI in India goes to.....................institute

41. Electro ejaculation was first adopted by .........................

42. ..................hormone is very important for the duct growth of mammary gland

43. The lactose content in milk is .......................% and is the most consistent component of milk

44. It is estimated that about ............ml of blood must pass through udder for the production of one ml of milk

45. As per work physiology, contraction of ....................(visceral organ) increase no of erythrocyte in the body.

46. Exercise result in increased cardiac output to meet the increased demand of working muscles for oxygen. The cardiac output =stroke volume X ..........................

47. During strenuous exercise, cardiac output increases upto ...................fold in horse

48. Race horses are most susceptible to deficiency of .....................(B vitamin)

49. Proteolytic bacteria represent about ..................% (range) of the total ruminal bacteria

50. ......................is a measurement of the distensibility of the lungs and thorax and is determined by measurement of the lung volume change for each unit of pressure change


1. 65 : 35

2. saliva, diffusion across rumen wall

3. 3 : 1

4. 7-8

5. amylopectin

6. FSH

7. Estrone, estradiol and estriol

8. Epitheliochorial

9. Ewe

10. Rat and mice

11. Prolactin

12. Pudental

13. Fructose

14. Atelectasis

15. 1.34

16. Pneumotaxic

17. 20

18. residual volume

19. 2500 m

20. 80oF

21. NaCl

22. Acetic (C2) > Propionic (C3) > Iso & N-butyric (C4) > Iso & N-valeric (C5) > Methyl butyric acid (C5)

23. Mid piece

24. 17

25. 60

26. small amount of progesterone

27. 80

28. 50, 25

29. GI movements

30. Pig and ruminants

31. Segmentation, Peristalsis

32. 100-200

33. Secretin

34. 75

35. 106; 20

36. Prolactin

37. Cephalic

38. cervix

39. Hessarghata

40. Allahabad Agricultural Institute

41. Batteli

42. Estrogen

43. 4.6

44. 400-500

45. spleen

46. Heart rate

47. 8

48. Thiamine

49. 12-38

50. Pulmonary compliance

1. Which is the first veterinary school?

2. Quarantine was first introduced by------

3. First animal virus ------- and was identified by ------- & -------

4. Disease which do not produce any overt clinical sign.

5. Study of outbreaks in avian population is known as-------

6. ------- Epidemiology involves observing and recording disease and possible causal factors.

7. ------- is the study of cause, distribution and control of disease in related individual and of inherited defects.

8. ------- is an examination of aggregation of units.

9. Survey records events occurring at a particular point of time.

10. Unit of an epidemiologist

11. ------- is the identification of undiagnosed cases of disease using rapid tests.

12. -------is the making of routine observation on health, production and environmental factors and recording and dissemination of these observations.

13. ------- investigate relationship between disease and hypothetic causal factors in specified population.

14. ------- is comparison of exposed group with non exposed group to the factors with respect to development of disease.

15. -------is any observable event that can vary.

16. Survey records events occurring for a long period of time.

17. ------- Factors are associated with the definite onset of disease.

18. Constant occurrence of disease in a population or usual frequency of occurrence of disease is known as-------

19. Sudden unpredictable number of cases in a population.

20. Widespread epidemic

21. Irregularly and haphazardly occurring diseases are known as -------.

22. Amount of disease in a population is given by-------

23. Amount of death in a population is given by-------

24. Time of occurrence of a disease constitute-------distribution

25. Place of occurrence of disease constitute -------distribution

26. -------is the number of instance of disease or related attribute in a known population at designated time, with out distinction of new and old cases.

27. -------is the number of new cases occur in a known population over a specified period of time.

28. -------is the proportion of cases of a contagious disease that develop as a result of contact with primary cases.

29. P α I X-------

30. ------- is more intensive form of data recording.

31. Total mortality rate of all disease is known as-------

32. Map where line joining equal morbidity rate is ------- and mortality rate is-------

33. ------- is any characteristic that affects the health of a population.

34. Epidemiological triads are-------, ------- &-------

35. Ability of organism to cause disease in a particular host , in terms of severity is known as-------

36. ------- is quality of disease induction.

37. Sites with in genome that frequently mutate.

38. Infection of susceptible host with out overt clinical sign.

39. ------- is any animal sheds an agent with out clinical sign.

40. Animal which excrete agents during incubation period is known as-------

41. ------- Climate comprises of normal component weather to which animal are exposed.

42. Infection transmitted from one segment of population to the another segment of the population is known as--------

43. Infection transmitted from one generation to next generation is known as-------

44. Host in which agents are transmitted mechanically.

45. Host in which multiplication of agents takes place.

46. Inanimate vectors are called as-------

47. Cyclopropagative transmission is a combination of-------&-------

48. Example for stercorarian transmission.

49. ------- is the period between infection and maximum infectiousness.

50. Time between infection and availability of agent in an arthropod vector is known as-------

51. ------ relates the amount of organism required to initiate an infection.

52. The length of time for which and organism can remain infective outside its host is known as the -------

53. Switch from virulence to non-virulence

54. Transmission of disease from one generation to another via egg is known as.

55. Transmission from one developmental stage to another is known as-------

56. Rain forest are described as------- where as deciduous forest is -------

57. ------- is the natural restriction where animal can roam.

58. Part of the animals home range that it defend aggressively from invaders is known as-------

59. According to Wynne Edward hypothesis population control was the main purpose of -------

60. Which is the functional position of an animal in an ecosystem?

61. Avoidance of competition is usually in -------animals.

62. Which is the smallest spatial unit providing uniform condition for life?

63. Collection of all living organism in a biotope is known as-------

64. Man made ecosystem

65. Junction of two ecosystem is known as-------

66. ------- is the modified patch of vegetation, created by man, with in a biome that has reached in a climax.

67. Study of disease in relation to ecosystem in which they are found is known as-------

68. Foci of infection.

69. An area that has ecological, social, and environmental condition that can support a disease is known as-------

70. ------- is a nosogenic territory in which a particular disease is present.

71. If all animal in a population are surveyed then it is known as-------

72. If relative risk is more than one it denotes-------

73. ------- is the decrease in mortality and morbidity.

74. Examples for primary prevention

75. Animal which excrete agents during recovery period is known as-------

76. Extinction of an agent

77. culling of infected animals during epidemic is often accompanies by the slaughter of animals that may have been exposed to infection and there fore be at risk of developing disease is known as -------

78. Proportion of animals that are resistant to infection or disease in population.


1. Lyon, France 1762

2. Lancisi, physician to Pope Clement XI from Rinderpest

3. FMD,Loeffler and Frosch.

4. Subclinical infection

5. Epornitics

6. Descriptive

7. Genetic epidemiology

8. Survey

9. Cross sectional survey

10. Population

11. Screening

12. Monitoring

13. Cross sectional study

14. Cohort study

15. Variable

16. Longitudinal study

17. Precipitating factors

18. Endemic

19. Epidemic

20. Pandemic

21. Sporadic

22. Morbidity

23. Mortality

24. Temporal

25. Spatial

26. Prevalence

27. Incidence

28. Secondary attack rate

29. D( duration)

30. Surveillance

31. Death rate

32. Isomorbs, isomorts

33. Determinant

34. Host, gent and environment

35. Virulence

36. Pathogenicity

37. Hot spot

38. Inapparent infection

39. Carrier

40. Incubatory carrier

41. Macro

42. Horizontal transmission

43. Vertical transmission

44. Paratenic host

45. Amplifier host

46. Fomits

47. Developmental and propagative

48. T.cruzi

49. Generation time

50. Extrinsic incubation period

51. Infectivity

52. Stability

53. Phase variation

54. Trans-overian

55. Transtadial

56. Megatherms and mesotherms

57. Home range

58. Territory

59. Group behavior

60. Niche

61. Sympatric animals

62. Biotope

63. Biocenosis

64. Anthropurgic

65. Ecological interface

66. Ecological mosaic

67. Landscape epidemiology

68. Nidi

69. Nosogenic area

70. Nosoarea

71. Census

72. Positive statistical association between factor and disease

73. Control

74. Vaccination and quarantine

75. Convalescent carriers

76. Eradication

77. Pre emptive slaughtering

78. Herd immunity


1. Unfertilized ovum remains for months in the oviduct of -------species

a) sow b) mare c) ewe and doe d) bitch

2. In sows, maternal recognition of pregnancy is mainly due to the action of

a) Interferon tau b) Oxytocin c) Estrogen d) Prostaglandins

3. * Ovulation of “primary oocyte” occurs in

a) mare and bitch b) sow c) cow and doe d) all of the above

4. Centric type of nidation or implantation occurs in

a) rodents b) primates c) ruminants d) none of the above

5. Chemical structure of GnRH, a decapeptide, was determined by

a) Green and Harris b) Cole and Hart c) Gorski d) Shalley and Guellemin

6. Endometrial cups are formed from

a) chorionic girdle (fetal origin) b) maternal caruncles c) endometrium (maternal origin) d) none of the above

7. In sow, the villi near the endometrial glands are enlarged and specialized to form structures called

a) Hippomanes b) amniotic plaques c) areolae d) placentomes

8. Most of the developmental anomalies occur during

a) period of embryo b) period of ovum c) period of fetus d) during birth

9. Low land abortion or Marsh land abortion is due to

a) Fescue poisoning b) Leptospirosis c) nitrate poisoning d)None of the above

10. Transformation of secondary spermatocytes to spermatids

a) spermatocytegenesis b) spermateliosis c) spermiogenesis d) spermiation

11. Attachment of sperm to the ovum occurs initially at -------segment of sperm head

a) apical b) post-acrosomal c) principal d) equitorial

12. Diffuse arm like structure of microtubules in the sperm tail are made of proteins

a) flactin b) tubulin c) spermosin d) dynein

13. In boars, seminal vesicles produces ----------which acts as chief osmotic pressure regulator in the semen

a) ergothionine b) citrate c) inocitol d) fructose

14. **pH of TRIS extender is

a) slightly acidic b) slightly alkaline c) neutral d) alkaline


1 b ; 2 c ; 3 a ; 4 c ; 5 d ; 6 a ; 7 c ; 8 a ; 9 c ; 10 b ;

11 d ; 12 d ; 13 c ; 14 a

• * ovulation of secondary oocyte in other species

• ** pH 6.8


1) Ovary of mare is ----------shaped

2) Cervix is poorly defined in ---------------species

3) Progesterone concentration at oestrus fluctuates below---------ng/ml

4) Irregular long oestrous cycles are mainly due to -------------

5) In-----------species, ovulation occurs in metoestrus

6) *PgF2α has local effect on ovary in all species except-----------

7) Fertile life span of stallion spermatozoa----------

8) Abnormal fertilization in which only male pronucleus develops------

9) In rabbits, -------substance plays role in embryonic nutrition

10) ----------is a polypeptide hormone produced by ovary

11) hCG is produced by ------------cells of the placenta

12) **Number of carbon atoms in estrogen------------

13) ------------- is a unique species in which epididymis can produce testosterone

14) Ultrasonography for pregnancy diagnosis is based on ----phenomenon

15) Maintenance of CL and Progesterone from CL are necessary throughout the gestation in ---------

16) In cows, metoestral bleeding is associated with withdrawal of -------- hormone

17) Fertile life of ova in bitch ------------

18) Shape of CL in mare----------

19) Cystic follicles are common in---------

20) Potato soup pyometra or post service pyometra is characteristic of ------------infection

21) Failure to expel the second polar body resulting in triploid zygote ---------

22) ***In cow, mare and ewe, new CL is refractory for -----days of ovulation

23) Antimicrobial constituent of semen

24) Sigmoid flexure is pre-scrotal in ---------sp.

25) In Yolkmedia for buck semen, seminal plasma must be removed to prevent yolk coagulation due to the action of ------

26) Generally semen of ------sp. doesn’t respond to freezing

27) From oogenesis onwards diplotene nucleus of oocyte remains in resting stage called----

28) Growth of follicle upto the stage of antrum is ------------

29) The cell layer of trophoectoderm covering the inner cellmass--------

30) Split oestrus is common in ----------

31) Percentage of spermatozoa in semen --------------

32) ---------- is the most important maternal cause of dystocia in ewe

33) ---------- is the most important maternal cause of dystocia in sow

34) First successful embryo transfer in cow was done by………….

35) --------ions are necessary for optimum sperm motility

36) Most important spermicidal heavy metals………..

37) Normal fructolysis index of semen ranges from----------

38) ------cells in are more common in severe testicular hypoplasia

39) Sperm specific LDH localized in midpiece

40) Glyceryl phosphoryl choline, carnitine and sialic acid in semen are secreted from------

41) Dag defect is more common in -----sp. and is associated with high level of---------metal

42) Optimum temperature for preservation of boar semen is-------------

43) -----percentage of sodium citrate dehydrate is isotonic to semen

44) First A.I was done by --------- in beagle bitch

45) First A.I in India was done by--------in Mysore Palace Dairy farm

46) Osmotic pressure of semen ranges from-----------

47) Examples for penetrating or intracellular cryoprotectants are---------

48) Examples for non-penetrating or extracellular cryoprotectants are---------

49) ---------gland is the source of antiagglutinin in sperm

50) Semen freezes at -------temperature

51) Level of ascorbic acid in semen----------

52) Trichomonas abortion is more common in -----trimester of pregnancy

53) -------is the most widely used extender for frozen semen

54) High catalase activity, reduced fructose and high pH in semen are indicative of --------

55) -----------is a β-blocking agent used to shorten parturition

56) ---------is a β-adrenergic agent used to delay parturition


1) Kidney shaped

2) bitch

3) 1 ng/ml

4) early embryonic mortality

5) cattle and buffaloes

6) Mare (*In mare, PgF2α has systemic action )

7) 70 to 120 hours

8) androgenesis

9) Blastokinin or uteroglobulin

10) relaxin

11) syncytiotrophoblastic cells

12) 18 carbon atoms (**Testosterone-19C steroid and progesterone-21C steroid)

13) stallion

14) Doppler phenomenon

15) swine

16) estrogen

17) 4 to 8 days

18) cauliflower shaped

19) sow

20) Trichomonas infection

21) polygyny

22) 3 to 5 days (*** 11 to 12 days in sow)

23) seminal plasmin

24) boar

25) phospholipase or triacyl glycerol lipase

26) Boar semen

27) Dictyate stage

28) Gonadotropin independent

29) Rauber cells

30) Mare

31) 10%

32) ring womb

33) uterine inertia

34) Willet in 1951

35) Potassium

36) Cu and Fe

37) 1.4 to 2 mg/hr

38) medussa cells and giant cells

39) LDH-X

40) Epididymis

41) Danish Jersey, Zn

42) 15 to 18°C

43) 2.94%

44) Lazzaro Spallanzani

45) Dr.Sampathkumaran

46) 280 to 300 milliOsmol

47) Glyserol, DMSO and Ethylene glycol

48) Raffinose, sucrose, PVP and glycine

49) Prostate

50) -0.53°C

51) 3 to 8 mg/ 100ml

52) first trimester

53) Yolk citrate

54) Seminal vesiculitis

55) Carazolol

56) clenbuterol

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