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9th November 2015, 03:38 PM
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Employee Motivation Project Report MBA

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2nd July 2018, 01:27 PM
Re: Employee motivation project report MBA

I am in final semester of MBA Program of SRM University. I have to make a project report on Employee Motivation for this semester. I am searching for sample report to get idea to make my report. So please give me a link to download sample project report on Employee Motivation for MBA?
2nd July 2018, 01:28 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Aug 2012
Re: Employee motivation project report MBA

As you are searching for sample project report on Employee Motivation for MBA Program, so here I am providing project report:


Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Project-based Organization: The case of the UAE
Employees are the most important assets of an organization. Moreover in todays highly competitive world employees are the factors which determine success or failure of an organization. They are the ones who interact with the customer on a day to day basis and carry out the whole operations. As such the organizations need to give more attention to the contentment of the employees. In addition, as quality human resource gets more and more sparse, the companies need to pay more heed to the satisfaction of employees. Also in addition to the satisfaction of the employee, employer has a role to play in the motivation of the employee.
If the employee is motivated towards the work then it is likely to yield more results.
All the organizations need to focus on employee satisfaction and keep the worker motivated. In case of project based organizations, the subject acquires greater significance as the projects have various constraints and require quality manpower and effort on the part of employees. As such the study is quite relevant to the project organizations. The current study is directed towards understanding the importance of job satisfaction and the role it has on employee motivation in case of project based organizations. The research attempts to fulfill the following objectives
1. The first purpose is to examine the overall level of job satisfaction within a project based organization in UAE.
2. The second purpose is to examine the employee motivation within a project based organization in UAE, in relation to research into job satisfaction and the efforts of various demographic characteristics, if any, job satisfaction.

In order to provide an answer to the research questions and to understand the concept of employee satisfaction and motivation, researcher analyzed the works of various scholars. The literature review chapter provided a theoretical perspective for the study and a direction for the research by elaborating on the subject and the different factors that impact job satisfaction and employee motivation. Further for the purpose of getting the viewpoints of the employees in a project based organization, researcher utilized the survey approach for the same. Finally the researcher also carried out interviews for understanding the perspectives of the managers. The study was able to establish that the job satisfaction and employee motivation are associated with each other and the workers seek satisfaction to a greater extent in the project based organizations, and the same was quite high in the organization where research was carried out.

The current lesson initially discusses the backdrop of the recommended investigation subsequent to which the experiential foundation and aims of the research are discussed, after which the conundrum is asserted, investigative queries, investigative postulations, importance of the research, arrangement of the investigation and definition of the terms are provided

The current research studied the variations amongst worker job contentment and different individual demographic attributes like age, gender, tenure and job position within the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior, UAE. The current agency acted as the populace depicting public sector workers in UAE. The motivation-hygiene premise of work inspiration put forth by Herzberg (1968) was an element of the experiential basis of the investigation. Recently, Molander (1996) showed that, if a firm desires to be successful, it requires personnel who will help to attain the aims of the firm and who have a strong inclination to stay with the firm. In the opinion of Schultz and Schultz (1998), work inspiration is the driving power required to attain enhanced productivity and work contentment.
The aim is to raise the self-confidence of the public servants of UAE, to improve the service quality and work contentment, to make a breakthrough in the conventional bureaucracy, and to promote resourcefulness, enhance performance, creativity, promote honesty and accountability and enhance achievements with the aim of offering service for all individuals. In the words of Eskildsen and Dahlgaard (2000, p. 1081), it is not possible to generate superlative merchandise and unfeasible to attain contented and dedicated clients in the absence of contented and inspired personnel.

With the extant trend towards internationalization, the novel 21st century competition in UAE is quality of service, with time and speed of competition, environmental quality, public works, employee training, firms and efficacy administration all acting as motivating drivers. It is crucial that UAE fulfills this additional extreme competition. In maintaining this benchmark, the UAE government is strongly dedicated to restructuring the public agency framework. The UAE Executive Yuan is working to create four crucial policy aspects: genuine and truthful politics, expertise and the novel economic, society and moral principles for the novel UAE. In other words, so as to ensure that the economy can manage such progress to enhance the nation, the government is planning novel techniques and novel policies for the new century to develop a “Challenge 2008 Year National Development Plan”.

In the opinion of Herzberg (1996), Huse and Bowditch (1977) and others, in public management and organizational conduct, work contentment and inspiration are the main driving forces to face the current tests. As per Adams (1965); Herzberg (1982) and Herzberg, Mausner & Snyderman (1959), inspiration and work contentment enhance public service and the efficacy of an enterprise. They also correlate inspiration and work contentment to managerial efficacy in the enterprise.

Problem Statement
It was asserted that in the absence of contented and inspired personnel it was not possible to generate superlative merchandise opine Eskildsen and Dahlgaad (2000). A motivation postulation was created by Vroom (1960) which tried to describe how conduct is initiated, energized, maintained, conducted and stopped. The essential significance of the inspiration query was recognized by Behn (1995), to successful government functions and responsibility.
Additionally, Kanfer (1990) thought that inspiration was correlated to strength, length and the direction of endeavor on personal output. It was asserted by Dilulio (1994) that recreation proposals at all degrees of government suggest providing public managers more judgment to form the rewards of government employment and enhance performance results. Meckler (1996) informed that what are important to successful work associations include admiration, gratitude and the rewards of the task.

Managers require comprehending worker personal discrepancies in the milieu, education, job position, job attributes, individual dissimilarities requirements, approaches, principles, interests, learning capabilities, institutional customs, strategies, human resource regulations and systems. Leaders need to pay heed to all these aspects, how they communicate to impact the work contentment and performance of the workers.

As per Miller and Catt (1989), worker confidence includes sentiments that impact confidence which encompass the standing or customs of the firms, approach of the management, job duties, co-workers, interaction. Additionally, after discussing with the supervisors, he/she must recognize the fortes and drawbacks, anticipations and aims of the personnel. They opine that the headship pattern is also correlated to the work contentment and inspiration of personnel. The headship style of managers with extreme association conduct intensely impacts the workers work contentment and is also linked to work anticipations, morale, and admiration, creation of chances, attainments and work inputs.

Study Aim/Objectives
It was recommended by Herzberg et al. (1959) that the workers inspiration to work is best comprehended in their personal approaches of that worker. As per Spector (1997) the degree of work contentment provides inputs to how successfully a person performs his or her job.
Additionally, Ducharme & Martin (2000) investigative outputs denote that work contentment impacts the physical and emotional health of a person.

The Rationale of the Study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current level of motivation and job satisfaction within a public sector firm in UAE. The study had two primary purposes:
1. The first purpose was to examine the overall level of job satisfaction within a projectbased organization in UAE.
2. The second purpose is to examine the employee motivation within a project based organization in UAE, in relation to research into job satisfaction and the efforts of various demographic characteristics, if any, job satisfaction.

Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Project-based Organization: The case of the UAE

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