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1st August 2014, 01:23 PM
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Re: TANCET Exam MBA Question Papers

This is the TANCET Exam MBA Question Paper:

Directions: Each passage in this section is followed by questions based on its contents. Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions given below them by choosing the best answer to each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages. PASSAGE-1If Western civilization is in a state of permanent crisis, it is not farfetched to suggest that there may be something wrong with its education. No civilization, I am sure, has ever devoted more energy and resources to organized education, and if we believe in nothing else, we certainly believe that education is, or should be, the key to everything. In fact, the belief in education is so strong that we treat it as the residual legatee of all our problems. If the nuclear age brings new danger, if the advance of genetic engineering opens the doors of new abuses; if commercialism brings new temptations, the answer must be more and better education. The modern way of life is becoming more complex: This means that everybody must become more highly educated, “By 1984”, it was said, “It will be desirable that the most ordinary of men is not embarrassed by the use of a logarithm table, the elementary concepts of the calculus, and by the definitions and uses of such words as electron, coulomb, and volt. He should further have become able not only to handle a pen, and ruler but also a magnetic tape, valve, and transistor. The improvement of communications between individuals and groups depends on it.” Most of all, it appears, the international situation calls for prodigious educational efforts. The classical statement on this point was delivered by Sir Charles (now Lord) Snow in his Rede Lecture some years ago: To say that we must educate ourselves or perish, is a little more melodramatic than the facts warrant. To say we have to educate ourselves or watch a steep decline in our lifetime, is about right. According to Lord Snow, the Russians are apparently doing much better than anyone else and will ‘have a clear edge’, unless and until the Americans and we educate ourselves both sensibly and imaginatively. Lord Snow, it will be recalled, talked about ‘The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution’ and expressed his concern that ‘the intellectuals life of the whole of western society is increasingly being split into two polar groups….At one pole we have the literary intellectuals – at the other the scientists.’ He deplores the ‘gulf of mutual incomprehension’ between these two groups and wants it bridged. It is quite clear how he thinks this ‘bridging’ operation is to be done; the aims of his educational policy would be, first, to get as many ‘alpha-plus scientists as the country can throw up’; second, to train ‘a much larger stratum of alpha professionals’ to do the supporting research, high class design and development; third, to train ‘thousands upon thousands’ of other scientists and engineers; and finally, to train ‘politicians, administrators, and entire community, who know enough science to have a sense of what the scientists are talking about.’ If this fourth and last group can at least be educated enough to ‘have sense’ of what the real people, the scientists and engineers, are talking about, So Lord Snow seems to suggest, the gulf of mutual incomprehension between the ‘Two Cultures” may be bridged. These ideas on education, which are by no means unrepresentative of our times, leave one with the uncomfortable feeling that ordinary people, including politicians, administrators, and so forth, are really not much use, they have failed to make the grade: but, at least, they should be educated enough to have a sense of what is going on, and to know what the scientists mean when they talk to quote Lord Snow’s example about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It is an uncomfortable feeling, because the scientists never tire of telling us that the fruits of their labours are ‘neutral’: whether they enrich humanity or destroy it depends on how they are used. And who is to decide how they are used? There is nothing in the training of scientists and engineers to enable them to take such decision, or else, what becomes of the neutrality of science?If so much reliance is today being placed in the power of education to enable ordinary people to cope with the problems thrown up by scientific and technological progress, then there must be something more to education than Lord Snow suggests. Science and engineering produce ‘knowhow’ is one more a culture than a piano is music. Can education help us to finish the sentence, to turn the potentiality into a reality to be benefit of man?To do so the task of education would be first and foremost the transmission of ideas of value, of what to do with our lives. There is no doubt about the need to transmit the knowhow but this must take second place, for it is obvicusly somewhat foolhardy to put great powers into the hands of people without making sure that they have a reasonable idea of what to do with them. At present, there can be little doubt that the whole of mankind is in mortal danger, not because we are short of scientific and technological knowhow, but because we tend to use it destructively, without wisdom. More education can help us only if it produces more wisdom.The essence of education, I suggested, is the transmission of values, but values, but values do not help us to pick our way through life unless they have become our own, a part, so to say, of our mental make-up. This means that they are more than mere formulae or dogmatic assertions: that we think and feel with them, that they are the very instruments through which we like and interpret, and experience the World. When we think, we do not just think: we think with ideas. Our mind is not a blank, a tabula rasa. When we begin to think we can do so only because our mind in already filled with all sorts of ideas with which to think. All through our youth and adolescence, before the conscious and critical mind beings to act as a sort of censor and guardian at the threshold, ideas seep into our mind, vas hosts and multitudes of them. These years are, one might say, our Dark Ages during which we are nothing but inheritors; it is only in letter years that we can gradually learn to sort out our inheritance.First of all, there is language. Each word is an idea. If the language which seeps into us during our Dark Ages in English, our mind is thereby furnished by a set of ideas which is significantly different from the set represented by Chinese, Russian, German, or even American. Next to world, there are the rules of putting them together: grammar another bundle of ideas, to study of which has putting them together: grammar another bundle of ideas, to study of which has fascinated some modern pholosophers to such an extent that they thought they could reduce the whole of pholosophy to study of grammer.All pholosophers and others have always paid a great deal of attention to ideas seen as the result of thought and observation; but in modern times all too little attention has been paid to the study of the ideas which from the very instruments by which thought and observation proceed. On the basis of experience and conscious thought, small ideas may easily be dislodged, but when it comes to bigger, more universal, or more subtle ideas, it may not be so easy to change them. Indeed, it is often difficult to become aware of them, as they are the instruments and not the result of our thinking just as you can see what is outside you, but cannot easily see that with which you see, the eye itself. And even when one has become aware of them it is often impossible to judge them on the basis of ordinary experience.We often notice the existence of more or less fixed ideas in other people’s minds-ideas with which they think without being aware of doing so. We than call them prejudices, which is logically quite correct because they have merely seeped into the mind and are in no way the result of judgment. But the ward prejudice is generally applied to ideas that are patently erroneous and recognisable as such by anyone except the prejudiced man. Most of the ideas with which we think are not of that kind at all. To some of them, like those incorporated in words and grammer, the notions of truth or error cannot even be applied, others are quit definitely not prejudices but the result of a judgment; others again are tacit assumptions or presuppositions which may be very difficult to recognize.I say, therefore, that we think with or through ideas and that what we call thinking is generally the application of pre-existing ideas to a given situation or set of facts. When we think about, say the political situation we supply to that situation our political ideas, more or less systematically, and attempt to make that situation ‘intelligible’ to ourselves by means of these ideas. Similarly, everywhere else we evaluate the situation in the light of our value-ideas.They way in which we experience and interpret they would obviously depend very much indeed or kind of ideas that fill our minds. If there are mainly small, weak, superficial, and incoherent, life will appear insipid, uninteresting, petty and chaotic. It is difficult to bear the resultant feeling of emptiness, and the vacuum of our minds may only too easily be filled by some big, fantastic notion-political or otherwise-which suddenly seem to illumine everything and to give meaning and purpose to our existence. We feel that education will help solve each new problem or complexity that arises. It needs no emphasis that herein lies one of the great danger of our times.When people ask for education they normally mean something more than mere training, something more than mere knowledge of facts, and something more than a more diversion. May be they cannot themselves formulate precisely that they are looking for; but I think what they are really looking for its ideas that could make the world, and their own lives intelligible to them. When a thing is intelligible you have a sense of participation; when a thing is unintelligible you have a sense of estrangement. ‘Well, I don’t know’, you hear people say, as an impotent protest against the unintelligibility of the world as they meet it. If the mind cannot bring to the world a set-or, shall we say, a tool box- of powerful ideas, the world must appear to it as a chaos a mass of unrelated phenomena, or meaningless events. Such a man is like a person if a strange and without any signs of civilization, without maps or signposts or indicators of any kind. Nothing has any meaning to him; nothing can hold his vital interest; he has no means of making anything intelligible to himself.QUESTIONS:The writer’s contention in the passage is that the crisis in Western civilization can be explained by:
A the presence of some flaws in its education
B some inherent lack of co-ordination among its various elements
C some basic misunderstanding in its society
D the energy it has devoted to education
E none of the above
Question 2
According to the writer, Lord Snow sees the intellectual life of Western society as split between
A the educated and the uneducated
B the government servants and the plebeians
C scientists and literary intellectuals
D administrators and intellectuals
E none of the above
Question 3
The writer seems to criticize the belief that
A education gives rise to further complexities as the civilization progresses
B all new problems and complexities can be tackled and solved by more and better education
C people need to learn more in order to earn more
D all of the above
E none of the above
Question 4
What, according to the author, would be the definition of ‘prejudice’?
A Ideas that help people to identify with new situations
B Fixed ideas with which people think without being aware of doing so
C Ideas that people cull from experience in order to judge a situation
D Fixed ideas that see a person through the trails and tribulations of life
E None of the above
Question 5
According to Lord Snow, which of the following groups need to be educated enough to at least understand the works of scientists and engineers?
A politicians, administrators, and the entire community
B politicians and literary intellectuals
C politicians and the laymen
D all of the above
E none of the above
Question 6
In the passage, the writer questions
A the neutrality of science
B scientists’ stand on the neutrality of science
C scientists’ stand on the neutrality of their labours
D Lord Snow’s assertion regarding the potential of intellectual in society
E none of the above
Question 7
The author’s assertion in the passage is that education’s main responsibility is to
A transmit ideas of value
B transmit technical knowledge
C both (1) and (2)
D transmit values regarding human and social norms
E none of the above
Question 8
The author believes that
A the gulf between science and literature needs to be bridged
B ideas should be maintained for a holistic view of society and its problems
C words are not ideas
D all of the above
E none of the above
Question 9
Thinking is
A being
B application of pre-existing idea to a situation
C knowing
D application of fixed ideas to a situation
E none of the above
Question 10
PASSAGE-2 The following passage was excerpted from a book called ‘The Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things’, which was published in 1987. Because early man viewed illness as divine punishment and healing as purification, medicine and religion were inextricably linked for centuries. This notion is apparent in the origin of our word “pharmacy,” which comes from the Greek pharmakon, meaning “purification through purging”. By 3500 B.C the Sumerians in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley had developed virtually all of our modern methods of administering drugs. They used gargles, inhalations, pills, lotions, ointments and plasters. The first drug catalog or pharmacopoeia, was written at that time by an unknown Sumerian physician. Preserved in cuneiform script on a single clay tablet are the names of dozens of drugs to treat ailments that still afflict us today.The Egyptians added to the ancient medicine chest. The Ebers Papyrus, scroll dating from 1900 B.C. and named after the German Egyptologist George Ebers, reveals the trial-and-error know-how acquired by early Egyptian physicians. To relieve indigestion, a chew of peppermint leaves and carbonates (known today as antacids) was prescribed and to numb the pain of tooth extraction, Egyptian doctors temporarily stupefied a patient with ethyl alcohol.The scroll also provides a rare glimpse into the hierarchy of ancient drug preparation. The “chief of the preparers of drugs” was the equivalent of a head pharmacist, who supervised the “collectors of drugs,” field workers who gathered essential minerals and herbs. The “preparers’ aides” (technicians) dried and pulverized ingredients, which were blended according to certain formulae by the “preparers”. And the ‘conservator of drugs” oversaw the storehouse where local and imported mineral, herb and animal-organ ingredients were kept.By the seventh century B.C., the Greeks had adopted a sophisticated mind-body view of medicine. They believed that a physician must pursue the diagnosis and treatment of the physical (body) causes of disease within a scientific framework, as well as cure the supernatural (mind) components involved. Thus, the early Greek physician emphasized something to a holistic approach to health, even if the suspected “mental” causes of disease were not recognized as stress and depression but interpreted as curses from displeased deities.The Modern era of pharmacology began in the sixteenth century, ushered in by the first major discoveries in chemistry. The understanding of how chemicals interact to produce certain effects within the body would eventually remove much if the guess work and magic from medicine.Drugs had been launched on a scientific course, but centuries would pass before superstition was displaced by scientific fact. One major reason was that physicians, unaware of the existence of disease-causing pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, continued to dream up imaginary causative evils. And though new chemical compounds emerged, their effectiveness in treating disease was still based largely on trial and error.Many standard, common drugs in the medicine chest developed in this trial-and-error environment. Such is the complexity of disease and human biochemistry that even today, despite enormous strides in medical science, many of the latest sophisticated additions to our medicine chest shelves were accidental finds.The author cites the literal definition of the Greek word pharmakon in order to
A show that ancient civilizations had an advanced form of medical science
B point out that many of the beliefs of ancient civilizations are still held today
C illustrate that early man thought recovery from illness was linked to internal cleansing
D stress and mental and physical causes of disease
E emphasise the primitive nature of Greek medical science
Question 11
It was possible to identify a number of early Sumerian drugs because
A traces of these drugs were discovered archaeological excavations
B the ancient Egyptians latter adopted the same medications
C Sumerians religious texts explained many drug making techniques
D a pharmacopocia in Europe contained detailed recipes for ancient drugs
E a list of drugs and preparations was compiled by an ancient Sumerian
Question 12
The passage suggests which one of following as a similarity between ancient Sumerian drugs and modern drugs?
A ancient Sumerian drugs were made of the same chemical as modern drugs
B like modern drugs, ancient Sumerian drugs were used for both mental and physical disorders
C the different ways patients could take ancient Sumerian drugs are similar to the ways modern drugs are taken
D both ancient Sumerian drugs and modern drugs are products of sophisticated chemical research
E hierarchically organized groups of labourers are responsible for the preparation of both ancient Sumerian and modern drugs
Question 13
According to the passage, the seventh-century Greeks’ view of medicine differed from that of the Sumerians is that the Greeks
A discovered more advanced chemical applications of drugs
B acknowledged both the mental and physical roots of illness
C attributed disease to psychological, rather than physical causes
D established a rigid hierarchy for the preparation of drugs
E developed most of the precursors of modern drugs
Question 14
The “hierarchy” referred to in the passage is an example of
A A superstitious practice
B the relative severity of ancient diseases
C the role of physicians in Egyptian society
D a complex division of labour
E a receipt for ancient drug
Question 15
In the final paragraph, the author makes which one of the following observations about scientific discovery?
A Human biochemistry is such a complex science that important discoveries are uncommon
B Chance events have led to the discovery of many modern drugs
C Many cures for common diseases have yet to be discovered
D Trial and error is the best avenue to scientific discovery
E Most of the important discoveries made in the scientific community have been inadvertent
Question 16
It can be inferred from the passage that some drugs commonly used in 1987
A were not created intentionally
B caused the very diseases that they were designed to combat
C were meant to treat imaginary causative evils
D were created in the sixteenth century
E are now known to be ineffective
Question 17
The passage implies that
A ancient Greek medicine was superior to ancient Egyptian medicine
B some maladies have supernatural causes
C a modern head pharmacist is analogous to an ancient Egyptian conservator of drugs
D most ailments that afflicted the ancient Sumerians still afflict modern human beings
E the ancient Egyptians made no major discoveries in the field of chemistry
Question 18
In the passage, the word “holistic” most nearly means
A psychological
B modern
C physiological
D comprehensive
E homeopathic
Question 19
The passage indicates that advances in medical science during the modern era of pharmacology may have been delayed by
A the lack of a clear understanding of the origins of disease
B primitive surgical methods
C a shortage of chemical treatments for disease
D an inaccuracy in pharmaceutical preparation
E an overemphasis on the psychological causes of disease
Question 20
If x2 – 3xy + λy2 + 3x - 5y + 2=0 represents a pair of straight lines, than the value of λ is
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
E cannot be determined
Question 21
If S is 150 percent of T, than T is what percent of S + T?
A 33 1/3
B 40
C 75
D 80
E 85
Question 22
At the first stop on his route, a driver unloaded 2/5 of the packages from his van. After he unloaded another three packages at the next stop, ½ of the orginial number of packages in the van remained. How many packages were in the van before the first delivery?
A 10
B 25
C 30
D 36
E 40
Question 23
R.s 1,000 bonus is to be divided among three people so that Ram receives twice as much as Sam, who receives 1/5 as much as Guna. How much money should Guna receive?
A R.s 100
B R.s 250
C R.s 375
D R.s 625
E R.s 750
Question 24
If x = 2 + 21/3 + 21/3, than the value of x3 – 6x2 + 6x is
A 3
B 2
C 1
D -1
E none of the above
Question 25
A jar contains black and white marbles. If there are ten marbles in the jar, than which of the following could NOT be the ratio of black and white marbles?
A 9:1
B 7:3
C 1:10
D 1:4
E 1:2
Question 26
A tank with capacity T litres is empty. If water flows into the tank from pipe X at the rate of X litres per minute and water is pumped out by pipe Y at the rate of Y litres per minute and X>Y, than in how many minutes will the tank be filled?
A T/(Y-X)
B T/(X-Y)
C (T-X)/Y
D (X-Y)60T
E (X-Y)T
Question 27
Determine the ratio of the number of people having characteristic X to the number of people having characteristic Y in a population of 100 subjects from the following table Having X and Y 10 Having X but not Y 30 Having Y but X 20 Having neither X nor Y 40
A 4:3
B 3:2
C 1:2
D 2:3
E 3:4
Question 28
The interest charged on a loan is R.s x per 1000 for the first month and R.s y per 1000 for each succeeding month. How much interest will be charged during the first 3 months on a loan of R.s 15,000?
A 20x + 10y
B 10x + 20y
C 15x + 30y
D x + 2y
E 30x + 15y
Question 29
There are three cities: A, B and C. Each of these cities is connected with the other two cities by at least one direct road. If a traveller wants to go from one city (origin) to another city (destination), she can do so either by traversing a road connecting the two cities directly, or by traversing two roads the first connecting the origin to the third city and the second connecting the third city to the destination. In all, there are 33 routes from A to B (including those via C). Similarly, there are 23 routes from B to C (including those via A). How many roads are there from A to C directly?
A 6
B 3
C 5
D 10
E 12
Question 30
You can collect rubies and emeralds as many as you can. Each ruby is worth R.s 4 crore and each emerald is worth of R.s 5 crore. Each ruby weighs 0.3 kg and each emerald weighs 0.4 kg. Your bag can carry at the most 12kg. What you should collect to get the maximum wealth?
A 20 rubies and 15 emeralds
B 40 rubies
C 28 rubies and 9 emeralds
D 16 rubies and 6 emeralds
E none of the above
Question 31
A piece of paper is in the shape of a right angled triangle and is cut along a line that is parallel to the hypotenuse, leaving a smaller triangle. There was a 35% reduction in the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. If the area of the original triangle was 34 square inches before the cut, what is the area (in square inches) of the smaller triangle?
A 16.665
B 16.565
C 15.465
D 14.365
E 15.565
Question 32
It takes 30 days to fill a laboratory dish with bacteria. If the size of the bacteria colony doubles each day, how long will it take for the bacteria to fill one half of the disk?
A 10 days
B 15 days
C 24 days
D 29 days
E 29.5 days
Question 33
Directions: In each of the following sentences four words or phrases have been underlined. Only one underlined part in each sentence is not acceptable in standard English. Pick up the part-(A) or (B) or (C) or (D). If there is no mistake mark (E). In spite of your decision against him, we were compelled to avail of his services for a fortnight. __A B C D No error. __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 34
I have asked my aunt to bring two pairs of jeans from New York; one for myself and another for __________A B __ C D my girl friend. No error. ___________E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 35
My guess is, either of these three young men should be able to handle the job efficiently. No error. _____A B ___ C D ___E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 36
He was ordered to investigate the whole affair and produce the most complete report of his ____________________________A B C _D findings. No error. _________E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 37
The elephants of India are generally less bulky than Africa. No error. _A ___B C _D __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 38
His college is situated on a hillock about a mile further up from mine. No error. _____________A B ___C D E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 39
One of my brother is a doctor, the other studies medicine in the U.S.A. No error. ____A B _C __D E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 40
I had ordered for six units but the manufacturer could supply only two. No error. __A _B ____C _D E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 41
The stranger asked me whether he may get some assistance from our company. No error. _____A __B C __D E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 42
The reports prove that the head of the section was incapable of leading his team. No error. ___________A B _C _D __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 43
Neither the colour nor the size of the shirt were right. No error. ________A B C D __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 44
All the players of this team are friendly they love each other. No error. _____A B C D ___E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 45
The two brothers struck one another at the school. No error. ______A B C D __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 46
A little milk that is in the flask may be used for the baby. No error. _____A B C _D __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 47
With each academic year the number of applicants are increasing in the professional colleges. __________A B C ____D No error. __E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 48
Though he is poor but he is honest. No error. ___A B C D _E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 49
He told the members of the staff that every one of them should carry out his task on self. No error. _____________A B C D _E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 50
The crowd at the stadium clapped jubiliantly when the champion received his trophy. No error. __________A B ____C D _E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 51
While going to the market he accompanied by his friends. No error. ____A B ___C D _E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)
Question 52
If she took a taxi she would have reached the station in time. No error. ________A B ___C D E
A (A)
B (B)
C (C)
D (D)
E (E)

Last edited by Arun Vats; 1st August 2014 at 01:25 PM.
3rd December 2015, 01:18 PM
Re: TANCET Exam MBA Question Papers

Hello sir I am preparing for MBA TANCET exam so please provide me previous years questions paper of this exam.
3rd December 2015, 01:22 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: TANCET Exam MBA Question Papers

TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. It is conducted every year by Consortium of Self - Financing Professional, Arts and Science Colleges in Tamil Nadu.

TANCET Exam MBA paper

The duration of test is of 2 hours.

The question paper has many sections to evaluate several qualities required by an aspiring MBA.

The paper also evaluates the candidate’s skill in comprehension.

The paper has a section to evaluate the mathematical problem solving skills of the candidate.

Subjects covered

Data Interpretation

The question paper is objective type and has 100 questions.

Each question has five options given and only one of them is correct.

There is a provision for negative marking.

Each correct answer fetches you 1 mark while for each wrong answer 1/5 mark is deducted.

Previous years paper of TANCET MBA Exam

Now here I am attaching pdf file of previous years paper of TANCET MBA Exam so you can go through it.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Previous years paper of TANCET MBA Exam.pdf (150.3 KB, 70 views)

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