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17th July 2014, 08:13 AM
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Re: SBI clerk exam Solved question paper

This is the SBI clerk exam Solved question paper:

SBI clerk exam Solved question paper


1. In row of forty children, R is eleven
h from the right end and there
are fifteen children between R and
M. What Is M's position from the
left end of the row ?
(1) Fourteenth
(2) Fifteenth
(3) Thirteenth
(4) Cannot be determined
i (5) None of these
2. In a certain code language 'how
many are there' is written as 'ka
na ta da' and 'many are welcome
here' is written as 'na pi ni ka'.
How is 'how' written in that code
language ?
(1) ta (2) da
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these r
3. If the positions of the first and
the fifth digits of the number
83591427 are interchanged, similarly
the positions of the second
and the sixth digits are interchanged
and so on then which of
the following will be the second
digit from the right end after the
rearrangement ?
(1) 5 (2) 3
(3). 9 (4)2
(5) None of these
4. How many such pairs of letters
are there in the word ADJUSTING
each of which has as many
letters between them in the word
as in the English alphabet ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
5. How many meaningful English
words, can be formed with the
letters LBAE using each letter
only once in each word ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
6. In a certain code BUILDER is
written as JVCKSFE. How is
SEALING written in that code ?
(5) None of these
7. If 'R' denotes V; T denotes '-';
"M", denotes '+' and W denotes
V,then —
27 T 15 R 3 W 4 M 6 = ?
(1) 7 (2) 13
(3) -23 (4) 1
(5) None of these
In a certain code WAVE is written
as '5%3*' and WINS is written
as '59@©'. How is SANE written
in that code ?
(1) ©9@* (2) •%©©
(3) ©©%• (4) ©%©•
(5) None of these
Which of the following is the middle
digit of the third highest
among the five three-digit numbers
given below ?.
368 931 472 715 647
(1) 6 (2) 3
(3) 7 (4) 1
(5) 4
Among P, Q, R, S and T each
having a different height, Q is
shorter than only T and S is
shorter than P and R. Who among
them is the shortest ?
(1) R
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
Directions (11-15) : Study the
following arrangement carefully and answer
the questions given below :
B M % R 3 J @ K © D F 6 9 W 4
• N E P 2 $ A Y 5 I Q Z # 7 U G
11. Which of the following is the sixth
to the left of the twentieth from
the left end of the above arrangement
(1) J (2) Q
(3) W . (4) E
(5) None of these
12. How many such consonants are
there in the above arrangement,
each of which is immediately preceded
by a symbol and immedi-i
ately followed by a number ?
• (1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
13. If all the symbols and all the |'
vowels are dropped from the
above arrangement, which of the
following will be twelfth from the ,
right end ?
(1) 9 (2) 6
(3) P (4) Y
(5) None of these
14. How many such numbers are
there in the above arrangement,
each of which is immediately preceded
by a letter but not immediately
followed by a letter ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
15. What should come in the place
of question mark (?) in the fol- ;
lowing series based on the above ,
arrangement ?
MRJ ©F9 *E2 ?
(1) Y5I (2) YIQ
(3) A5Q (4) YIZ
(5) None of these
Directions (16-20) : In each of,
the questions below are given foui*-
statements followed by four conclusions
numbered I, II, III and IV. You
have to take the given statements to
be true even if they seem to be al
variance from commonly known facts. .
Read all the conclusions and then decide
which of the given conclusions
logically follows from the given state- :
ments disregarding commonly known .
and II are given below it. You have to
decide whether the data provided in
the statements are sufficient to answer
the question.
Read both the statements and -
Give answer (1) if the data in
Statement I alone are sufficient to answer
the question, while the data in
Statement II alone are not sufficient to
answer the question.
Give answer (2) if the data in
Statement II alone are sufficient to answer
the question, while the data in
statement I alone are not sufficient to
answer the question.
Give answer (3) if the data in
Statement I alone or in Statement II
alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (4) if the data in
both the Statements I and II are not
sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (5) if the data in
both the Statements I and II together
are necessary to answer the question.
17. What does 'ka' mean in a code
language ?
I. 'sa ka na' means 'she may
work' in that code language.
II. 'ha ka ta' means 'work is worship' in that code language.
18. What is Sonal's rank from the top
in a group of 10 students ?
I. Meenu's rank is three ranks
above Sonal.
II. Sita is second from the\bottom
and is three ranks below
19. On which day of the month is
definitely Dheeraj's birthday ?
I. Dheeraj's brother correctly remembers
that Dheeraj's birthday
is after 15th but before
19th of the month.
II. Dheeraj's friend correctly remembers
that Dheeraj's birthday
is after 17th but before
21 st of the month.
20. How far is A from the starting
point ?
I. A drives 10 km. towards East,
then takes a right turn and
drives another 10 km. He
again drives 5 km. towards left
and again drives 15 km. towards
left. Finally, he moves
15 km. towards left and stops.
II. A drives 20 km. towards East,
then takes a left turn and
drives another 20 km. He
again drives 10 km. towards
right and again drives 25 km.
towards right. Finally, he
moves 30 km. towards right
and stops.
Directions (21 - 23): Following
questions are based on the five three
digit numbers given below:
756 421 843 615 597
21. What will be the product of the
first and the third digits of the
third highest number ?
0)40 (2)30
(3) 35 (4) 24
(5) 32
22. If the positions of the first and
the third digits of each of the
numbers are interchanged,
which of the following will be the
sum of the first and the second
digits of the lowest number ?
(1)3 (2)7
(3)6 (4)8
23. If '3' is subtracted from the first
digit in each number and T is
added to the third digit in each
number and then if the positions
of the first and second digits in
each number are interchanged,
then which of the following numbers
will be the second lowest ?
(1)615 (2)421
(3) 756 (4) 597
(5) 843
Directions (24- 29) : In each of
the questions below are given four statements
followed by four conclusions
numbered I, II, III and IV, You have to
take the given statements to be true
even if they seem to be at variance from
commonly known facts. Read all the
conclusions and then decide which of
the given conclusions logically follows
from the given statements disregarding
commonly known facts.
24. Statements:
All silver are metals.
All metals are steel.
Some steel are stones.
All stones are stands.
I. Some stands are metals.
II. Some stones are silver.
III. Some stands are steel.
IV. Some stones are steel.
(1) Only III and IV follow
(2) Only I follows
(3) Only II follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) None of these
25. Statements:
All chairs are tables.
All tables are songs.
Some songs are rhythms.
Some rhythms are pillows.
I. Some tables are chairs.
II. All tables are rhythms.
III. All chairs are songs.
IV. Some pillows are songs.
(1) Only I and III follow
(2) Only I and IV follow
(3) Only I follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) None of these
26. - Statements:
Some mobiles are pens.
Some pens are covers.
Some covers are plates.
All plates are papers.
I. All mobiles are covers.
II. Some pens are papers.
III. All plates are pens.
IV. Some papers are mobiles.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only 1 and IV follow
(4) Only II and IV follow
(5) None follows
27. Statements:
All shoes are tables.
Some tables are lanes.
All caps are lanes.
Some lanes are row.
I. Some tables are rows.
II. Some tables are shoes.
III. Some rows are caps.
IV. Some lanes are shoes.
(1) Only I and II follow
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only III follows
(4) Only either I or IV follows
(5) None of these
28. Statements:
All brands are bottles.
All bottles are machines.
All machines are files.
All files.are roots.
I. Some flies are machines.
II. Some brands are roots.
III. Some machines are roots.
IV. All brands are flies.
(1) None follows
(2) Only I follows
(3) Only IV follows
(4) All follow
(5) Only I and IV follow
29. Statements:
Some symbols are numbers.
Some numbers are letters.
All alphabets are symbols.
All pianos are letters.
I. Some symbols are letters.
II. Some numbers are pianos.
III. No letter is symbol.
IV. Some symbols are alphabets.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only III and IV follow
(4) Only IV follows
(5) Only either I or III and IV follow
Directions (30-35) : In each
question below is given a group oFIetters
followed by four combinations of
digits/symbols numbered (1), (2), (3)
and (4). You have to find out which of
the combinations correctly represents
the group of letters based on the following
coding system and the conditions
and mark the numbers of that
combination as your answer. If none
of the four combinations correctly represents
the group of letters, give (5)
i.e. 'None of these' as your answer.
(1) If the second letter is a consonant
and the last letter is a vowel,
their codes are to be interchanged.
(ii) If the second as well as last
letter is a consonant, each one is
to be coded as the code for the
letter F.
(iii) If the third as well as fourth
letter is a vowel, then each one
is to be coded as 'P'
(1) ©81624
(3) ©41628
(4) ©26184
(5) None of these
(1)923#P(3 (2)92853#
(3) 92PP3# (4) &2583#,
(5) None of these
(1) %©7#$8 (2) %87#$©
(3) %P7#$P (4) %78©$#
(5) None of these
(1) 5@4#32 (2) 54@32#
(3) 5$@3$2 (4) 5@$32$
(5) None of these
(1)45©1$8 (2)$584©1
(3) 8$ 145© (4) 81 $54©
(5) None of these
(1) #35982
(2) #25983
(3) #53982
(4) #25398
(5) None of these
Directions (36- 40) : Study the
following arrangement carefully and
answer the questions given below :
4 $ 3 Z Y A 5 6 * © @ 7 P L E T Q S B
2 8 C 1 M U I X %
36. Which of the following is the
fourth to the left of the tenth from
' the right end of the above arrangement
d ) B f (2)7
(3) L (4) E
(5) None of these
37. How many such numbers are
there in the above arrangement,
each of which is immediately preceded
by a number and not im-ls
mediately followed by a letter ?
(l)None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three •
(5) More than three
38. If all the symbols and letters from
the above arrangement areR
dropped, which of the following!
will be fifth from the left end of
the above arrangement ?
(1)4 (2)3
(3) 5 (4) 7
39. How many such consonants are
there in the above arrangement, |:
each of which is immediately preceded
by a letter and immediately
followed by a vowel ?
(l)None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
40. Four of the following five are alike
in a certain way based on their
positions in the above arrangement
and so form a group. Which
IS the one that does not belong
to that group ?
(1)4ZA (2)$Y5
(3) CU% (4) PTS
(5) @LT
Directions (41- 50) : In each of the questions given below which one of
the following answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures
on the left, if the sequence were continued ?
Problem Figures Answer Figures
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(1) 27 (2) 66
(3) 45 (4) 33
(5) None of these
75. 468 + 4 x 5 - 285 = ?
(1) 200 (2) 300
(3) 400 ' (4) 450
(5) None of these
76. If the perimeter of a square is 48
cm. what is the measure of its
side ?
(1) 8 cm. (2) 10 cm.
(3) 12 cm. (4) 16 cm.
(5) None of these
77. If a sum of Rs. 736 is equally divided
among twenty three people,
then how much amount will each
person get?
(1) Rs. 30 (2) Rs. 32
(3) Rs. 42 (4) Rs. 46
(5) None of these
78. The ratio between the persent
ages of Ram and Rahim is 3 : 2
respectively. Also, the ratio between
the present ages of Rahim
and Aman is 5 : 2 respectively.
What is the ratio between the
present ages of Ram and Aman
respectively ?
(1) 4 : 15 (2) 15 : 4
(3) 9 :5
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
79. If ( 7 ) 2 is added to a number, the
value so obtained is 52. What is
the number ?
(1) 6 (2) 8
(3) 5 (4) 3
(5) None of these '
5 3 6 11
80. Out of the fractions —.—.—. —
(5) None of these
84. The profit made on selling an item
of cost price of Rs. 1,650 is Rs.
210. What is the selling price of
that item?
(1) Rs. 1820 (2) Rs. 1860
(3) Rs. 1760 (4) Rs. 1920
(5) None of these
85. The speed of a train is 60 km/
hr. The driver exceeds the speed
of train by 12 km/hr. What is
percent gain in speed of train?
v (1) 12 (2) 15
(3) 20 (4) 25
(5) None of these
86. The area of a rectangle is 221
square metre and its length is 4
metre more than its breadth.
What is the measure of its
(1) 13 metre (2) 14 metre
(3) 17 metre (4) 19 metre
(5) None of these
87. The present age of Suraj is six
times the age of Vijay. Also, Vijay's
present age is 20 years less than
Suraj's age. What is Suraj's
present age?
(1) 20 years (2) 22 years
(3) 18 years (4) 16 years
(5) None of these
88. A number when added to twothird
of itself gives the value 150.
What is that number?
(1) 60 (2) 75
(3) 80 (4) 90
(5) None of these
89. What will be the simple interest
accrued on a sum of Rs. 4,050/ {
- at a rate of 8% p.c.p.a. in 2 ;
(1) Rs. 608
Rs. 670
Rs. 640
Rs. 648
None of these
90. Ajit has Rs. 26 more than Anuj.
Anuj has Rs. 60 more than Ravi.
If all of the three together have
total of Rs. 200, then how much
amount does Ajit have?
(1) Rs. 78 (2) Rs. 68
(3) Rs. 104 (4) Rs. 106
(5) None of these
91. In a test, a candidate got 381
marks less than the minimum
passing marks. If the minimum*
passing marks are 230, then
how much marks did the candidate
(1) 200 (2) 198
(3) 192 (4) 182
(5) None of these
92. Fifteen men can complete a piece!
of work in 20 days. How many,
men will complete the same work
in 25 days?
(1) 12 (2) 13
(3) 10 (4) 8
(5) None of these
93. In how many different ways can
the letters of the word 'SOME' be
(1) 20 (2) 24
(3) 16 (4) 30
(5) None of these
Directions (94-95): What should
come in place of question mark (?) irfj
the following number series?
94. 7 9 12 16 21 27 (?)
(1) 29 (2) 33
(3) 36 (4) 34
(5) None of these
95. 256 128 64 32 16
(1) 6 (2) 5
(3) 3 (4) 2
(5) None of these
8 (?)
96. What is the average of the following
set of numbers?
112, 102, 133, 116 and 127
(1) 108 (2) 118
(3) 128 (4) 110
(5) None of these
97. Rajiv purchased six calculators at
the cost of Rs. 690. How many
claculators can he purchase from
Rs. 920 ?
(1) 8 (2) 9
(3) 11 (4) 12
(5) Norte of these
98. The area of a circle is 154 square
cm. What is its diameter? •
(1) 8 cm (2) 7 cm.
(3) 14 cm. (4) 22 cm.
(5) None of these
99. The ratio of the angles of a triangle
is 2 : 3 : 5. What is the
sum of the smallest and the largest
(1) 120° (2) 122°
(3) 144° (4) 126°
(5) None of these
100. What least number should be
subtracted from 980 to make it a
perfect square? "
(1) 20 (2) 23
(3) 18 (4) 17
(5) None of these
Directions (101-115) : Read the
following passage carefully and answer
the questions given below it. Certain
words have been printed in bold to help
you locate them while answering some
of the questions.
In a village in the East, there lived
an old couple. They did not have any
children and never spent an extra paisa
on themselves. They never repaired
their house or cooked good food. One
day, a family moved into the village. It
was their son's second birthday and
they sent two delicious laddoos to the
bid couple. The couple ate the laddoos
with great relish. For days after they
could talk of nothing else. Finally the
old man could take it no more. He said
to his wife, "Let's buy the ingredients
to make just two laddoos." His wife
agreed but said, "If I make the laddoos
at home, the neighbours will know and
will want a share. Let's cook in the
woods behind our hut. That way no
one will ever know."
The next day the old man purchased
the ingredients from the market
and they set off to the woods. Having
never prepared food like this before,
they ended up with three laddoos
instead of two. The old couple returned
home with the sweets, dying to eat
them. But there was a problem. "It was
my idea and I went to the market, so I
ought to get two," said the old man.
But his wife refused to give in so easily
and said, "Since I prepared the
sweets, I ought to have two. "The day
wore on and the argument continued.
At last, the old man suggested, "Let
us not talk to each other. Whoever
breaks the silence first will get one laddoo
and the other person two." His wife
agreed. Hours passed, but neither of
them spoke and finally they fell asleep
with the bowl of sweets between them.
That evening one of the neighbours
knocked on the door b,ut the couple
did not answer for fear of losing the
bet. Peering through the window, the
man saw the couple lying on the floor
with an untouched bowl of food. "They
are dead!" He shouted and alertefd the
other villagers. Soon the door was broken
down and the house was swarming
with villagers. They discussed everything
from the funeral to where the
couple had hidden their wealth. But
the couple lay still.
Finally, the villagers carried them
to the cremation ground. As the flames
licked his feet, the old man jumped up
screaming "You win !" His wife jumped
up too, happy that she had won. The
two then rushed home leaving the bewildered
villagers present there behind.
But when they got home.... Alas the
door had been left open and they found
a stray dog licking the last crumbs of
the sweets from the bowl.
101. What caused the old couple's
sudden longing for laddoos ?
(1) They hadn't eaten good food
for several days
(2) They had attended their
neighbour's party and enjoyed
the laddoos served
(3) They saw the mouth watering
laddoos being served to
guests at the party
(4) They had tasted the laddoos
prepared for their neighbour's
son's birthday
(5) They thought that the laddoos
would satisfy their hunger
for days to come
102. Why did the old couple cook in
the woods ?
(1) It was very convenient to
gather firewood
(2) To avoid the risk of their hut
burning down
(3) To keep the fact that they
were preparing laddoos a secret
from their neighbours
(4) To hide the fact that they did
not know how to prepare laddoos
from their neighbours
(5) They did not have the ingredients
to make enough laddoos
for their neighbours as
103. Which of the following can be said
about the old couple ?
(1) They did not have any relatives
to look after them in
their old age
(2) They were misers and did not
spend even on keeping their
house in good condition
(3) They were not allowed to eat
sweets as they were old
(4) They were fond of animals
and sometimes shared their
food with stray animals
(5) They were afraid of the villagers
and hid from them
104. Which of the following is/are
True in the context of the passage
(A) The old woman had prepared
more laddoos than she had
(B) The family who had recently
moved into the village were
fond of the old couple.
(C) The villagers were saddened
by the death of the old couple
and gave them a grand
(1) Only (A)
(2) Only (B) and (C)
(3) Only (A) and (B)
(4) All (A), (B)and (C)
(5) None of these
105. Why did the neighbour peep into
the old couple's house ?
(1) To learn what they were being
so secretive about
(2) To spy on them and discover
where their wealth was hidden
(3) To complain as they had
cooked in the forest
(4) To check up on the old couple
as he did everyday
(5) Not clearly mentioned in the
106. What puzzled the villagers ?
(1) The old couple did not die in
the fire
(2) The sight of the old couple
whom they had presumed
dead, alive
(3) The fact that the old couple
had wasted good food
(4) The lack of concern the old
woman had for her husband
(5) The old couple fed the Iaddoos
to the dog
107. Why did the old man scream
when surrounded by the villagers
{1) He was afraid that his wife,
would get burned
(2) To scare away the villagers
who wanted to kill him for his
(3) His wife refused to allow him
to eat more than one laddoo
(4) To indicate to the villagers,
that he Was alive
(5) The fear of being hurt in the
108. What did the old couple disagree
(1) Where they would cook their
(2) Which of them was entitled
to the first laddoo
(3) Whether to share the extra
laddoo with their neighbours
(4) The quantity of laddoos that
they had made
(5) None of these
109. What was the villager's reaction
to the old couple's presumed
'death' ?
(1) They were upset and all came
to pay their last respects
(2) They were worried about how
to pay for the funeral
(3) They could not decide what
to do with the couple's wealth
(4) They disliked the old couple
and demolished their house
(5) They dutifully arranged the
couple's last rites
110. Why did the old couple initially
not reveal that they were alive to
the villagers ?
(1) To learn the villagers' true
opinion of them
(2) They did not like the villagers
and were mocking them
(3) Neither of them wanted to be
the first to speak and lose the
(4) To test the honesty of the villagers
(5) None of these
Directions (111-113) : Which of
the following is most similar in meaning
to the word given in bold as used
in the passage.
111. SHARE
(1) half (2) part
(3) participate (4) divide
(5) common
(1) interrupts (2) separates
(3) solves (4) defeats
(5) escapes
(1) overtook (2) occupied
(3) unnoticed (4) elapsed
(5) succeeded
Directions (114-115): Which is
most opposite in meaning to the word
given in bold as used in the passage.
114. STILL
(1) restless (2) noisily
(3) conscious (4) calmly
*• (5) lifeless
115. LAST
(1) new (2) begin
(3) constant (4) discontinue
(5) first
Directions (116-125): Read
each sentence to find out whether there
is any grammatical mistake error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of
the sentence. Mark the number of the
answer. If there is no error, mark '5'.
116. The main advantage of (1) / investing
such schemes (2)/ is that you
will not ( 3 ) / have to pay any taxes
(4). No error (5)
117. That customer has (1)/written a
letter (2)/ thanks the manager
(3)/ for her timely help. (4). No
error (5)
118. Our company was recently (1)/
award the contract (2)/ to construct
two major (3)/ bridges in
the state. (4). No error (5)
119. Accordingly the circular ( 1 ) / that
was issued yesterday RBI (2)/ has
raised the rate at (3)/ which it
lends to banks. (4). No error (5)
120. Their company is going to incur
(1)/ heavy losses this year because
(2)/ of the big discounts
they (3)/ offers to customers.(4)/
No error (5)
121. A large number of policy (1)/ have
. lapsed because many (2)/ people
have not paid (3)/ their instalments
on time. (4). No error (5)
122. The Foreign Investment Promotion
Board is (1) / the government
body who (2)/ regulates investment
received (3)/ by Indian factories
from foreign countries. (4).
No error (5)
123. The final decision can (1)/ be taken
only after ( 2 ) / we consider all
(3)/ the panel suggestions. (4). No
error (5)
124. If his aim is to (1)/ buy a house in
the (2)/ next three years he (3)/
should start immediate saving.
(4). No error (5)
125. Can you explain why (1) / you were
late this morning (2)/ when we
had to make (3)/ such an important
presentation ? (4). No error (5)
Directions (126-130): In each
question below a sentence with four
words printed in bold type is given.
These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and
(4). One of these four words printed in
bold may be either wrongly spelt or
inappropriate in the context of the sentence.
Find out the word which is
wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any.
The number of that word is your answer.
If all the words printed in bold
are correctly spelt and also appropriate
in the context of the sentence,
mark (5) i.e. 'All correct' as your answer.
126. He found (1)/ the company in
1980 to provide (2)/ electricity
to people living (3)/ in rural ar->
eas. (4)/ All correct (5)
127. Salaries (1)/ of bank employees
(2)/ are likely (3)/ to. go above
(4)/ by ten per cent. All correct
128. The Chairman has promissed
(1)/ to look (2)/ into the matter
(3)/ and take necessary (4)/ ac
tion. All correct (5)
129. Since (1)/ the interest rate on
bank deposits is low ( 2 ) / at
present, people prefer (3)/ to
deposit their savings (4)/in post
office schemes. All correct (5)
130. Most (1)/ projects are delayed
(2)/ because of the absents (3)/
or proper planning (4)./ All correct
Directions (131-140): In the following
passage there are blanks, each
of which has been numbered. These
numbers are printed below the passage
and against each, five words are
suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate
word in each case.
A rich merchant owned a beautiful
horse. Now, one of his neighbours
was keen tq (1311 this horse. He offered
the merchant gold, (132) the
merchant refused. This angered the
neighbour. He (133) to trick the merchant.
He disguised himself (134) a
beggar and lay down at the (135) of
the road, that the merchant used everyday.
(136) at the sad plight of the
beggar, he (137) from his horse and
gently lifted the beggar (138) his horse.
No sooner did the beggar get into the
(139) than he galloped away. But hearing
the merchant (140) out to him, he
stopped when he was a safe distance
away. "Please don't tell anyone how you
came to possess this horse. Some day
an ill man may be lying by the roadside
and people who have heard about
your trick, may not want to help, "said
the merchant. The merchant's neighbour
was deeply ashamed, rode back
and returned the horse to the merchant.
(1) side
(3) gutter
(5) distance
(1) Unhappily
(2) Carefully.
(3) Distressed
(4) Misery
(5) Upsetting
(1) climbed
(3) jump
(5) dismounted
(1) onto
(3) above
(5) off
(1) way
(3) arms
(5) danger
{}) beg
(3) shouted
(5) cried ,
(2) middle
(4) ending
(2! .oped
(2) with
(4) from
(2) saddle
(4) horse
(2) appeal
(4) call
Directions (141-165): In each question below a combination of Name and Address is given in the first unnumbered
column at the left followed by four such combinations one each under the columns 1,2,3 and 4. You have to find out the
combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the first unnumbered column. The number of that column
which contains that combination is the answer. If all the combinations are different, the answer is '5'.
1 2 3 4 5
141. MansiArora ManviArora Mansi Arora Mansi Arora Mansi Arora None
SagarApts Sagar Apts SagarApts SagarApts SagarApts
Vani Vihar Van! Vihar Bani Vihar Vani Vihar Vani Vihar
. M.P.-82 M:P.-82 M.P.-82 M.P.-82 M.P.-92
142. Sonam Mishra Sonal Mishra Sonam Mishra Sonam Mishra Sonam Mishra • None
L.H. Road L.H. Road L.K. Road L.H. Road L.H. Road
NewDelhi-01 NewDelhi-01 NewDelhi-01 NewDelhi-01 • NewDelhi-01
143. AnishSharma Anish Sharma Amish Sharma AnishSharma Anish Sharma None
122, B Wing 122, B Wing 122, B Wing 122, D Wing 122, B Wing
Symphony Soc. Symphony Soc. Symphony Soc. Symphony Soc. Symphony Soc.
* Mumbai-411 Mumbai-411 Mumbai-411 Mumbai-411 Mumbai-114
144. Delta Const. Delta Const. Delta Const. Delta Const. Delta Const.
Sector 125 Sector 126 Sector 125 Sector 125 Sector 125
D.N. Road D.N. Road D.N. Road *D.M. Road D.N. Road
Noida Noida Noida Noida Noidu
145. Nagpal&Sons Nagpal & Sons Nagpal Sons Nagpal & Sons Nagpal & Sons None
Opp. B.T. Colony Opp. B.T. Colony Opp. B.T. Colony Opp. B.T. Colony Opp. B.T. Colony
Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Panchkula Panshkula
Tel-3119867 Pin-3119867 Tel-3119867 Tel-3119867 Tel-3119867 .
146. Rewa Stores Rewa Stores Reva Stores Rewa Stores Rewa Stores None
Indira Mkt. Indira Mkt. Indira Mkt. India Mkt. Indira Mkt.
Block A Block A Block A BlockA BlockA
Fax : 231975 Fax : 231975 Fax : 231975 Fax : 231975 Tel : 231975
147. KishoreTech Kishore Teck Kishore Tech Kishore Tech Kishore Tech
IFCI Plaza IFCI Plaza IFCI Plaza ICFI Plaza IFCI Plaza
G.N. Marg G.N. Marg G.N. Marg G.N. Marg G.N. Marg
Rourkela-10 Rourkela-10 Rourkela-10 Rourkela-10 Raurkela-10
148. Ajantalnc. Ajanta Inc. Ajanta Inc. Ajanta Inc. Ajanta Inc.
Rupali, R-19 Rupali, R-91 Roopali, R-19 Rupali, R-19 Rupali, R-19
Near A. B. Est. Near A.B. Est. Near A. B. Est. Near A.B. Est. Near A.B. Est.
Pin-7fr^84 Pin-700084 Pin-700084 Pln-700884 Pin-700084
149. V. Muttiah V. Muttiah V. Muthlah V. Muttiah V. Muttiah
A-81Janaki A-81, Janaki A-81, Janakl A-18, Janaki A-81, Janaki
Anna nagar Anna Nagar Anna Nagar Anna Nagar Anne Nagar
Chennai 10 Chennai 10 Chennai 10 Chennai 10 Chennai 10
150. Manali Centre Manali Center Manali Centre Manali Centre Manali Centre
Sant Enclave Sant Enclave Sant Enclave Santa Enclave Sant Enclave
Opp. Bus Depot. Opp. Bus Depot. Opp. Bus Depot. Opp. Bus Depot. Opp. Bus Depat.
Patlala Patiala Patiala Patiala Patiala
151. Sania Mehta Sonia Mehta Sania Mehta Sania Mehta Sania Mehta
Plot 24/2 Plot 24/2 Plot 24/2 Plot 224 Plot 24/2
Sector XII Sector XII Sector XIII Sector XII Sector XII
Rohini Rohini Rohini Rohini Rohini
152. Ganechari Ent. Ganechari Ent. Ganechari Ent. Ganechari Ent. Ganchari Ent.
An and Bhawan Anand Bhawan Anand Bhavan Anand Bhawan Anand Bhawan
Indore - 18 Indore - 81 Indore - 18 Indore - 18 Indore - 18
Ph. 4084464 ' Ph. 4084464 Ph. 4084464 Ph. 4084464 Ph. 4084464
153. K. C. Chowdheiry K. C. Chawdhary K. C. Chowdhary K. C. Chowdhary K. C. Chowdhary
Asha Hsg. Soc. Asha Hsg. Soc. Asha Hsg. Sec. Asha Hsg. Soc. Asha Hsg. Soc.
Rajarhat Rajarhat Rajarhat Rajaghat Rajarhat
Kolkata - 56 Kolkata - 56 Kolkata-56 Kolkata - 56 Kolkata - 56
154. Agarwal Farms Agrawal Farms Agarwal Farms Agarwal Farms Agarwal Farms
105/49-C 105/49-C 105/94-C 105/49-C 105/49-C
Kovilpatti Kovilpatti Kovilpatti Kovilpatti Kovilpatti
South 628501 South 628501 South 628501 South 628501 North 628501
155. Sanjeev Varma Sanjeev Verma Sanjeev Varma Sanjeev Varma Sanjeev Varma
Shalimar Sq. Shalimar Sq. Shalimar Sq. Shalimar Sq. Shalimar Sq.
26, Lalbaug 26, Lalbaug 26, Lalbaug 62, Lalbaug 26, Lalbagh
Lucknow-26 Lucknow-26 Lucknow-26 Lucknow-26 Lucknow-26
156. Nitin Assoc. Nitin Assoc. Nitin Assos. Nitin Assoc. Nitin Assoc.
A/102 Orion A/102 Orion A/102 Orion A/102Drion A/102 Orion
Tolstoj Bldg Tolstoj Bldg Tolstoj Bldg Tolstoj Bldg Tolstoy Bldg
Faridabad-92 Faridabad-92 Faridabad-92 Faridabad-92 Faridabad-92
157. C M X Systems C M X Systems C M X Systems C M Z Systems C M X Systems
Todi Indl. Est. Todi Indl. Est. Todi Indl. Est. Todi Indl. Est. Todi Indl. Est.
Near Fortis Near Portis Near Fortis Near Fortis Near Fortis
Dehradun - 12 Dehradun - 12 Dehradun - 12 Dehradun - 12 Dehradun - 21
158. Soni Electronics Soni Electronics Soni Electronics Soni Electronics Soni Electronics
E-17, C H S E-71, C H S E-17, C H S E-17, C H S E-17, G H S
Susneha Susneha Susneha Susneha Susneha
Nagpur- 41 Nagpur- 41 Nagpur - 41 Nagpur-14 Nagpur- 41
Prasad Media Prasad Media Prasad Media Prasad Media Prasad Media None
S. D. Layout S. D. Layout S. D. Layowt S. D. Layout S. D; Layout
Tirupati, 19 Tirupati, 19 Tirupati, 19 Tirupati, 19 Tirupathi, 19
Ph. 2286620 Ph. 2288620 Ph.2286620 Ph. 2286620 Ph. 2286620
Sahay Corp. Sahay Corp. Sahay Corps. Sahay Corp. Sahay Corp. None
7 /D 'Sri Malda' 7 /B 'Sri Malda' 7 /D 'Sri Malda' 7 /D 'Shri Malda' 7 /D Sri Malda'
Nageshwar Nageshwar Nageshwar Nageshwar Nageshwar
Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar
Panda Xerox Panda Xerox Panday Xerox Panda Xerox Panda Xerox None
87, Ansari St. 87, Ansari St. 87, Ansari St. 78, Ansari St. 87, Ansari St.
Besant Rd. Besant Rd. Besant Rd. Besant Rd. Beasant Rd.
LIC Colony LIC Colony LIC Colony LIC Colony LIC Colony
Skyz Cables Skys Cables Skyz Cables Skyz Cables Skyz Cables None
3 B Ramanl 3 B Ramani 38 Ramani 3 B Ramani 3 B Ramani
New Enclave New Enclave New Enclave New Enclove New Enclave
Jaipur - 52 Jaipur - 52 Jaipur - 52 Jaipur - 52 Jaipur - 52
M.J. Bhatia M . J . Bhatia M.J. Bhutia M.J. Bhatia M. J. Bhatia None
42. C.H. Avenue 42, C.H. Avenue 42, C.H. Avenue 42, C.H. Avenue 42, G.H. Avenue
RNA Complex RNA Complex RNA Complex DNA Complex RNA Complex
Nashlk Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik
Franc. Publ. Frank. Publ. Franc. Publ. Franc. Publ. Franc. Publ. None
Bungalow, 9 Bungalow, 9 Bangalow, 9 Bungalow, 9 Bungalow, 6
Shanti Hosp. Shanti Hosp. Shanti Hosp. Shanti Hosp. Shanti Hosp.
Pune411009 Pune411009 Pune411009 Pune411009 Pune411009
R. N. Pillai R. N. Pillay R. N. Pillai R. N. Pillai B. N. Pillai* None
6 - Ramkunj 6 - Ramkunj 6 - Ramkonj 6 - Ramkunj 6 - Ramkunj
Mogal Lane Mogal Lane Mogal Lane Mogal Lane Mogal Lane
Mahim- 16 Mahim - 16 Mahim - 16 Mahim -61 Mahim - 16
Directions (166-170): T h e letter
group in each question below is to be
codified as per the following letter
Letter B 1 K Y L W P A X F
6 4 2 8 1 7 3 9 0 5
You have to find out which of the
answers (1) or (2) or (3) or (4) has the
correct coded form of the given .letter
group and indicate it on the
answersheet. If none of the coded
forms is correct, mark (5) i.e. 'None of
these' as the answer.
(1) 309764 (2) 307946
(3) 309746 (4) 309674
(5) None of these
(1) 186024
(2) 180624
(3) 184206
(4) 186042
(5) None of these.
168. WAFLYX • 173. (1) small (2) smog
(1)759801 (2)795180 (3) smoke (4) smell
(3) 790815 (4) 791508 (5) smile
(5) None of these 174. (1) role (2) roar
169. PBKYXL (3) roast (4) rock
(1) 362810 (2) 326810 (5) rogue
(3) 328601 (4) 362801 175. (1) relief (2) relax
(5) None of these (3) relay (4) regret
170. KYAWFB (5) relapse
(1) 289765 (2) 298765
( 3 ) 2 8 7 9 5 6 (4)289756
(5) None of these
Directions (171-175): Below in
each question five words are given.
Which of them will come in the third
place if all of t h em are arranged alphabetically.
The serial number of that
word is your answer.
171. (1)
172. (1)
(2) afraid
(4) adverse
(2) degree
(4) discuss
Directions (176-180): The news
in each question below is to be classified
into one of the following five areas
(1) Politics
(2) Social Issues
(3) Sports
(4) Science and Health
(5) Miscellaneous
176. Foreign University to set up five
campuses in India by March 2012.
(1) Politics
(2) Social Issues
(3) Sports
(4) Science and Health
(5) Miscellaneous
177. Inflation hits all tiime high of 40
per cent. .
(1) Politics (2) Social Issues
(3) Sports
(4) Science arid Health
(5) Miscellaneous
178. Four Indian referees appointed
for Hockey World Cup.
(1) Politics
Social Issues
Sports .
Science and Health
179. State sponsored climate study to
{gauge threat to Himalayan glaciers.
(1) Politics
Social Issues
Science and Health
180. Ragging incidents on the Rise -
Parents demonstrate outside University.
(1) Politics
(2) Social Issues
(3) Sports
(4) Science and Health
(5) Miscellaneous
181. The most widely used input device
is the .
(I) mouse (2) keyboard
(3) modem (4) monitor
(5) None of these
A CPU contains_
(1) a card reader and a printing
(2) an analytical engine and a control
(3) a control unit and an arithmetic
logic unit
(4) an arithmetic logic unit and a
card reader
(5) None of these
183. The ability of an OS to run more
than one application at a time is
(1) multitasking
(2) object-oriented programming
(3) multi-user computing
(4) time sharing
(5) None of these
184. Permanent instructions that the
computer uses when it is turned
on and that cannot be changed
by other instructions are contained
(l)ROM (2) RAM
(3) ALU (4) REM
(5) None of these
185. Computations and logical operations
are performed by the .
(1) RAM (2) ALU
(3) Register (4) Control unit
(5) None of these
186. The benefit of using computers
is that .
(1) Computers are very fast and
can store huge amounts of
(2) Computers provide accurate
output even when input is incorrect
(3) Computers are designed to be
(4) All of these
(5) None of these
187. Developing sets of instructions for
the computer to follow and to do
the task the same way as many
times as needed is called .
(1) listing
(2) sequencing
(3) programming
(4) directing
(5) None of these
188. The term used to define all input
and output devices in a computer
system is
(1) Monitor
(2) Software
(3) Shared resources
(4) Hardware
(5) None of these
189. What type of resource is most
likely to be a shared common resource
in a computer network?
(1) Printers
(2) Speakers
(3) Floppy disk drives
(4) Keyboards
(5) None of these
190. The vast network of computers
that connects millions of people
all over the world is called .
(1) LAN (2) Web
(3) Hypertext (4) Internet
(5) None of these
191. Which is not an item of hardware?
(1) AnMP3file
(2) A keyboard
(3) A disk drive
(4) A monitor
(5) None of these
192. To shrink a window to an icon_ |
(1) open a group window
(2) minimise a window
(3) maximise a window
(4) restore a window
(5) None of these
193. Computers connected to a LAN ;
(local area network) can .
(1) run faster
(2) go on line
(3) share information and/or '
share peripheral equipment
(4) E-mail
(5) None of these
194. The portion that shows all the
choices you can make while
working in a window is called
(1) options (2) table
(3) menu bar (4) item bar
(5) None of these
195. is the process of carrying
out commands.
(1) Fetching
(2) Storing
(3) Decoding
(4) Executing
(5) None of these
196. Which of the following is a common
extension used in the file
names for application programs?
(l)EXE (2)DIR
(3) TXT (4) DOC
(5) None of these
197. Which of the following is not true
. about passwords ?
(1) A password should be a combination
of mixed case alphanumeric
(2) Password should be maximum1
6 characters in length
(3) A password that can be memorized
easily should be used, so
that it need not be noted down'
(4) A password that can be typed
quickly without much effort
should be used
(5) None of these
198. A(n) —contains commands that
can be selected.
(1) pointer (2) menu
(3) icon (4) button
(5) None of these
199. is a set of computer programs
that runs or controls computer
hardware and acts as an
interface with application programs
and users.
(1) Object code
(2) A compiler
(3) An operating system
(4) The CPU
(5) None of these
200. Another word for the CPU is
(1) microprocessor
(2) execute
(3) micro chip
(4) decode
(5) None of these
201. Hardware devices that are not
part of the main computer system
and are often added later to
the system are
(1) clip art (2) highlight
(3) execute (4) peripherals
(5) None of these
202. Information on a computer is
stored as -
{1) analog data (2) digital data
(3) modem data (4) watts data
(5) None of these
203. If you want to move an icon en
your desktop, this is called .
(1) double clicking
(2) highlighting
(3) dragging
(4) pointing
(5) None of these
204. To^ a document means to
make changes to its existing content.
(1) format (2) save
(3) edit (4) print
(5) None of these
205. Where is the disk put to enable
the computer to read it ?
(1) Disk drive (2) Memory
(3) CPU (4) ALU '
(5) None of these
( 206. Which of the following is not an
example of hardware ?
(1) Mouse (2) Printer
(3) Monitor (4) EXCEL
(5) None of these
207. Which of the following is part of
the System Unit ?
(1) Monitor (2) CPU
(3) CD-ROM (4) Floppy Disk
(5) None of these
208. IT stands for.
(1) Information Technology
(2) Integrated Technology
(3) Intelligent Technology
(4) Interesting Technology
(5) None of these
209. Something which has easily-understood
instructions is said to
be .
(1) user friendly
(2) information
(3) word processing
(4) icon (5) None of these
210. What is the full form of KB related
to computer?
(1) Key Block (2) Kernel Boot
(3) Kilo Byte (4) Kit Bit
(5) None of these
211. What is the purpose of Software
(1) use and maintenance of software
(2) to sell software at handsome
(3) to sell software to many customers
(4) to show its importance
(5) None of these
212. Personal computers are connected
to form .
(1) Server
(2) Super Computer
(3) Network (4) Enterprise
(5) None of these
213. What does happen in RAM
when computer is turned off?
(1) Operating System
(2) BIOS
(3) Software Application
(4) Nothing
(5) None of these
214. When you save the following, the
data would remain intact even
after turning off computer?
(1) RAM
(2) Motherboard
(3) Secondary Storage Device
(4) Primary Storage Device
(5) None of these
215. All the deleted files go to
(1) Recycle bin (2) Task bar
(3) Tool Bar (4) My Computer
(5) None of these
216. What is the shape of CDs?
(1) Quadrilateral
(2) Rectangular
(3) Circular (4) Hexagonal
(5) None of these
217. The name given to a document
by user is called
(1) Filename (2) Program
(3) Data (4) Record
(5) None of these
218. What is output?
(1) Processor takes from user
(2) User gives to processor
(3) Processor gets from user
(4) Processor gives to user
(5) None of these
219. The blinking symbol which indicates
the next character will appear
at which place, is called
(1) Delete key (2) Control key
(3) Cursor (4) Return key
(5) None of these
220. A small figure which depicts some
application on the screen is called
(l)Menu (2) Photo
(3) Modem (4) Icon
(5) None of these
6th August 2014, 09:57 AM
SBI Clerk Exam Solved question paper

Kindly provide me the SBI Clerk Exam Solved question paper………….
6th August 2014, 10:56 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: SBI Clerk Exam Solved question paper

This is the SBI Clerk Exam Solved question paper:

1. Which of the following States will soon have its first Civil Airports?
(A) Jammu & Kashmir
(B) Maharashtra
(C) Assam
(D) Meghalaya
(E) Sikkim
Ans : (E)

2. Who amongst the following made the 41st Test Century of his career recently?
(A) Saurav Ganguly
(B) V. V. S. Laxman
(C) Rahul Dravid
(D) Sachin Tendulkar
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

3. Which of the following was/were the objective(s) of the Mission Chandrayaan 1 ?
(a) Preparing dimensional atlas of the lunar surface.
(b) Chemical Mapping of the entire lunar surface.
(c) Locating minerals in the soil of the moon.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

4. Which of the following States introduced a high tech foodgrain rationing system to ensure timely supply of the foodgrains to people living below poverty line ?
(A) Maharashtra
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Delhi
(D) West Bengal
(E) Karnataka
Ans : (E)

5. Which of the following is NOT a part of India’s Money Market ?
(A) Bill Markets
(B) Call Money Market
(C) Banks
(D) Mutual Funds
(E) Indian Gold Council
Ans : (E)

6. Which of the following is the objective of the project ‘Bhoomi Keralam’ launched by the State Govt. ?
(A) To conduct a survey of the land
(B) To bring those people back who have left the State and settled in other States
(C) To provide financial security to farmers who are in distress
(D) To identify those tribals who need jobs or financial assistance
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

7. Which of the following countries adopted its new constitution recently ?
(A) Russia
(B) Equadore
(C) South Korea
(D) North Korea
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

8. Which of the following awards was given to Pt. Bhimsen Joshi recently (2008) ?
(A) Padma Bhushan
(B) Sangit Natak Academy Award
(C) Maharashtra Bhushan
(D) Karnataka Ratna
(E) Bharat Ratna
Ans : (E)

9. Which of the following States got its first Rail link recently ?
(A) Haryana
(B) Arunachal Pradesh
(C) Sikkim
(D) Manipur
(E) Jammu & Kashmir
Ans : (E)

10. Barack Hussain Obama belongs to which of the following political parties ?
(A) Republican
(B) Democratic
(C) Labour
(D) American National Congress
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

11. Which of the following is/are NOT the features of India’s Foreign Trade policy (2004 to 2009)?
(a) To double India’s percentage share of global trade from present 0·7 per cent to 1·5 per cent by 2009.
(b) Simplifying the procedures and bringing down the cost.
(c) Make SAARC countries India’s most preferred foreign trade partners by 2009.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) Only (a) & (c)
Ans : (C)

12. Stephen Harper whose name was in news recently is the ……….
(A) President of Canada
(B) Prime Minister of Canada
(C) President of Italy
(D) Prime Minister of Switzerland
(E) Foreign Minister of U.S.A.
Ans : (B)

13. Which of the following is NOT a fertilizer product ?
(A) Urea
(B) Murate of Potash
(C) Di Amonium Phosphate
(D) Calcium Carbonate
(E) All are fertilizers
Ans : (E)

14. A Rs. 35,000 crore JSW Steel Plant project was inaugurated in West Bengal recently. The project is setup / developed in ……….
(A) Singur
(B) Nandigram
(C) Salboni
(D) Malda
(E) Joynagar
Ans : (C)

15. Which of the following State Govts. Has announced that it will provide a special package of incentives to Employment Intensive Industries?
(A) Punjab
(B) Karnataka
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) Uttar Pradesh
(E) Bihar
Ans : (C)

16. Which of the following nations has decided to increase its co-operation in the field of energy with India?
(A) Russia
(B) China
(C) Bangladesh
(D) Nepal
(E) Japan
Ans : (A)

17. Which of the following services is NOT provided by the post offices in India ?
(A) Savings Bank Scheme
(B) Retailing of Mutual Funds
(C) Sale of stamp Papers (Judicial)
(D) Issuance of Demand Drafts
(E) Life Insurance cover
Ans : (D)

18. Mohammed Anni Nasheed is the newly elected President of ……….
(A) Fiji
(B) Maldives
(C) Iraq
(D) Iran
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

19. Who amongst the following is the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2008 ?
(A) Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio
(B) Martti Ahtisaari
(C) Yoichiro Nambu
(D) Francoise Barre Sinoussi
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

20. A national level commission of India has asked about twenty States to set up which of the following commissions in their States as early as possible ?
(A) Farmers Commission
(B) Women Commission
(C) Child Welfare Commission
(D) Law Commission
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

21. Which of the following is/are the measure(s) taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ease the liquidity crunch in the country ?
(a) Cut in Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
(b) Increase the flow of foreign direct investment.
(c) Supply of additional currency notes in the market.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

22. The third India Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Summit took place in which of the following dies recently ?
(A) Brazilia
(B) New Delhi
(C) Suncity
(D) Salvador
(E) Durban
Ans : (B)

23. Which of the following States has dcided to set up Arsenic Removal Plants in all the districts of the State to enable itself to provide arsenic free drinking water to all the people by 2010-11 ?
(A) Karnataka
(B) Kerala
(C) West Bengal
(D) Orissa
(E) Maharashtra
Ans : (C)

24. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘The Exile’ ?
(A) B. G. Verghese
(B) Philip Roth
(C) Aravind Adiga
(D) Navtej Saran
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

25. Which of the following programmes is being implemented in all the districts of the country ?
(A) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(B) Navodaya Vidhyalay
(C) Ultra Mega Power Project
(D) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyuthikara Yojana
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

26. The Govt. of India decided to provide a bonus price of Rs. 50 per quintal on which of the following products over and above its minimum support price of Rs. 850 per quintal ?
(A) Wheat
(B) Paddy
(C) Sugarcane
(D) Cotton
(E) None of these
Ans : (B)

27. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘The Namesake’ ?
(A) Vikram Seth
(B) V. S. Naipaul
(C) Arun Bhagat
(D) Anita Desai
(E) Jhumpa Lahiri
Ans : (E)

28. Besides USA India has signed Nuclear Agreement with which of the following countries and is named as ‘Co-operation Agreement for Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy’ ?
(A) Italy
(B) Germany
(C) France
(D) Canada
(E) Australia
Ans : (C)

29. Tzipi Livini whose name was in news recently is from which of the following countries ?
(A) Singapore
(B) South Korea
(C) Austria
(D) Israel
(E) None of these
Ans : (D)

30. World Ozone day is observed on ……….
(A) 16th September
(B) 16th October
(C) 16th November
(D) 26th September
(E) 26th October
Ans : (A)

31. Which of the following is NOT a Govt. Sponsored organization ?
(A) Small Industries Development Bank of India
(C) National Housing Bank
(D) ICICI Bank
(E) All are Govt. sponsored
Ans : (D)

32. ‘Merdeka Cup’ is associated with the game of ……….
(A) Badminton
(B) Football
(C) Hockey
(D) Golf
(E) Tennis
Ans : (B)

33. India’s Space Rocket Launching Centre is in ……….
(A) Portblair
(B) Hassan
(C) Tirupati
(D) Kochi
(E) Sri Harikota
Ans : (E)

34. The National Games scheduled in 2011 will be organized in ……….
(A) Bengaluru
(B) Goa
(C) Kolkata
(D) Kochi
(E) Jaipur
Ans : (B)

35. Which of the followiing diseases is not covered under Integrated Disease Surveillance project ?
(A) Cholera
(B) Tuberculosis
(D) Polio
(E) Cancer
Ans : (E)

36. Which of the following is TRUE about ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ ?
(a) Scheme is for Below Poverty Line families.
(b) People are provided cooked meals under the scheme.
(c) All beneficiaries of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act are covered in this scheme.
(A) Only (a)
(B) Only (b)
(C) Only (c)
(D) All (a), (b) & (c)
(E) None of these
Ans : (E)

37. Jelena Jankovic of Serbia won which of the following titles of tennis after defeating Svetlana Kuznetsova ?
(A) China Open
(B) Japan Open
(C) New Zealand Open
(D) Australian Open
(E) None of these
Ans : (A)

38. Who amongst the following is the Minister of Home Affairs in Union Cabinet of India at present ?
(A) Shivraj Patil
(B) Lalu Prasad Yadav
(C) P. Chidambaram
(D) Sharad Pawar
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

39. Banks are required to pay how much percentage of their net bank credit to Priority Sector is advance ?
(A) 5%
(B) 7%
(C) 10%
(D) 15%
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)

40. Dronacharya Award is given for excellence in ……….
(A) Literacy Work
(B) Social Service
(C) Coaching in Sports
(D) Journalism
(E) None of these
Ans : (C)
20th November 2014, 03:07 PM
SBI Clerk Exam Solved Question Paper

Can you provide me the solved question papers of SBI Clerk Exam as I need it for preparation?
21st November 2014, 08:45 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: SBI Clerk Exam Solved Question Paper

State bank of India had conducted written exam for recruitment on written exam basis. Candidates get questions from the following categories:

General Awareness

General English

Quantitative Aptitude


Computer Knowledge/Marketing Aptitude

SBI Clerk Exam Solved Question Paper
1) (11)2+ (9)2-(14)2+? = 32
1. 6 2. 7 3. 1 4. 3 5. None of these
2) 0.5×3.9×1.3=?+0.5
1. 0.01 2. 0.1 3. 0.2 4. 1.0 5. None of these
3) (15/31) + (90/186)×(729/9) = (?)2
1. ±1 2. ±3 3.±9 4.±6 5. None of these
4) 81% of 2300-34%of 596=?
1. 1060.63 2. 1060.36 3. 1660.36 4. 1006.36 5. None of these
5) 3.1×2.6×1.5=?
1. 12.09 2. 12.05 3. 12.03 4. 12.07 5. None of these
6) (144/16 × 828/9) =? + 325
1. 530 2. 535 3. 505 4. 513 5. None of these
7) 9352-2569+7153 = 13900 + ?
1. 9 2. 81 3. 25 4. 36 5. None of these
8) 23% of 1630 =?
1. 530 2.535 3. 505 4. 513 5. None of these
9) 73 + 238 ÷14-71 =?
1. 16 2.15 3.13 4.19 5. None of these
10) √ 576+ √841 =?
1. 53 2.41 3.51 4.43 5. None of these
11) 71+897÷13×3=?
1. 276 2.273 3.278 4.271 5. None of these
12) 190×38÷4=?
1. 1850 2.1508 3.1805 4.1085 5. None of these
13) 7/5 of 30/63 of 558/3 =?
1. 122 2.142 3.144 4.128 5. None of these
14) 4.3 + 43.34+34.43+43.34+3.4=?
1. 1850 2.1508 3.1805 4.1085 5. None of these
15) 3/7 of 497/249 of ? = 639
1. 474 2.774 3.477 4.747 5. None of these
Directions: Study the following information and answer the questions that follow
A sum of Rs.7740 is to be divided amongst A, B and C in the ratio 7:5:8
16) What is the difference between C’s and B’s share?
1. 387 2.774 3.1021 4.591 5. 1161
17) What is the sum of B’s and A’s share?
1. 4931 2.4644 3.5580 4.5805 5. 5031
18) How much is A’s Share?
1. 2709 2.3096 3.1935 4.2851 5. 3190
19) In how many different ways can the letters of the word FRANCE be arranged?
1. 2400 2.720 3.2005 4.5040 5. None of these
20) How much will a sum of Rs.7250 amount to in a span of 2 years at 6 per cent per annum rate of
compound interest?
1. 2400 2.720 3.2005 4.5040 5. None of these
21) At what rate of simple interest will Rs.4200 amount to Rs.6216 in a span of 8 years
1. 5 2.3 3.6 4.4 5. None of these
22) The cost of 20 pens and 17 pencils is Rs.418. What is the cost of 60 pens and 51 pencils?
1. Rs.1251 2.Rs.1257 3.Rs.1227 4.Rs.1221 5. None of these
Study the following table carefully and answer the questions that follow
The table represents the total number of students studying courses P,Q,R,S and T across eight institutes, ie
A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H
Course Institutes
Q 520 410 550 450 570 210 750 450
R 410 540 610 580 380 550 570 310
S 350 280 570 320 410 480 610 460
T 370 480 380 250 180 370 590 660
23) What is the ratio of the total number of students studying in Institute A to the total number of students
studying in Institute H?
1. 55:59 2.52:55 3.55:59 4.59:61 5. None of these
24) The number of students studying course Q in Institute B forms what per cent of the total number of
students in Institute C?
1. 14 2.17 3.11 4.8 5. 20
25) What is the total number of students who are studying course T across all institutes?
1. 3480 2.3280 3.3420 4.3840 5. None of these
26) The number of students studying course P in Institute A forms what per cent of the total number of
students in Institute A?
1. 27 2.23 3.25 4.20 5. 29
27) What is the average number of students studying in Institute D?
1. 446 2.426 3.540 4.454 5. None of these
28) What will be the average of the following set of scores (round off to the nearest integer)?
1. 45 2.59 3.62 4.48 5. 53
29) The area of a circle is 3850 square metres. What will its circumference be?
1. 233 metres 2. 226 metres 3. 230 metres 4. 220 metres 5. 249 metres
30) The product of three consecutive numbers is 4080. What is the least number?
1. 17 2. 14 3. 13 4. 16 5. None of these
31) If the perimeter of a rectangle is 180 metres and the difference between the length and the breadth is 8
metres. What is the area of the rectangle?
1. 2116 square metres 2. 226 metres 3. 230 metres
4. 220 metres 5. 249 metres
32) A and B together can complete a particular task in 6 days. If A alone can complete the same task in 10
days, how many days will B take complete the task if he works alone?
1. 15 2. 16 3. 230 metres 4. 220 metres 5. 249 metres
What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
33) 7, 33, 137, 553,?, 8873
2. 1217 2. 2217 3. 2117 4. 2127 5. None of these
34) 8, 56, 335, 2352, 1411, ?
1. 98874 2. 98784 3. 87894 4. 84672 5. None of these
35) 5963, ?, 5938, 5913, 5877, 5828
1. 5932 2. 5940 3. 5951 4. 5954 5. None of these
36) 2916, 972, ?, 108, 36, 12
1. 324 2. 234 3. 248 4. 391 5. None of these
37) 9, 15, 27, 45, 69, ?
1. 1217 2. 2217 3. 2117 4. 2127 5. None of these
38) The cost price of an article is Rs.390. If it is to be sold at a profit of 3.12 per cent, what would its
approximate selling price be?
1. 410 2. 402 3. 417 4. 420 5. 442
39) 17 articles were bought for 3910 and sold for 4590 what was the approximate profit percentage per
1. 17% 2. 12% 3. 9% 4. 21% 5. 25%
40) 12 years ago. The ages of A and B were in the ratio 15:13, 19 years from now, the ration of their ages
will be 23:22. What is the sum of their ages at present?
1. 57 years 2. 54 years 3. 52 years 4. 59 years 5. None of these

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