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16th June 2015, 10:24 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Punjab Section Officer Exam

Hi ! as you are looking for the Punjab Section officer exam so here I am availing you some details :

PPSC Punjab Section Officers Exam Eligibility Details: Punjab Public Service Commission recruits Section Officers in the Department of Finance (Treasuries and Accounts) Govt. of Punjab.

The following are the eligibility details to apply for the Section Officers Post.

Eligibility Criteria:
1. Nationality Basis : An applicant shall be a:
i) A Citizen of India; or
ii) A Citizen of Nepal; or
iii) A Subject of Bhutan; or
iv) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India; or.
v) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyi kaand Zanzibar) Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India; Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of Punjab in the Department of Home Affairs and Justice.

2. Age limit: Candidate should not be below 18 years and above 38 years of age on 01-01-2013. Age is relaxable for the reserved applicants as per the rules.
A)The Upper age limit is relaxed up to 43 years for Scheduled Castes of all States and Backward classes of Punjab.
B)Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such a vacancy in the Service C)Rules concerned by more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regardingagelimit.
D). Upper age limit is also relaxed up to 43 years for Widows, Divorcees and certain other Categories of Women.
E). Upper age limit is also relaxed up to 48 years for Physically Handicapped of Punjab.

3. Educational Qualification: Applicants must have M.Com. Degree in first division or B.Com. with (ICWA) Inter / C.A. Inter / C.S. Inter from a recognized University/ Institution. Punjabi of Matric or its equivalent Standard.

Here i am also providing you the syllabus details of Punjab section officer exam :

Syllabus Of M. Com (Punjabi University, Patiala)
Business management

Nature and scope of Management, School of Management Thought: Scientific, process, human behavior and social system school; Decision making; creative elements in decision making, Analytical tools to decision making. Function of a manager, planning: concept, objective, significance, process and types; organizing-concept, principles, theories. Organizational Structure: Formal & Informal Organizations, organizational culture. Motivation: Need, Theories of motivation: need hierarchy; theory X and theory Y, two factor theory, Mc Cleland’s learned need theory.

Leadership: Concept; Leadership Styles; Theories-trait theory, behavioural theory, Fielder’s contingency theory; Harsey and Blanchard’s situational theory; Managerial grid, Likert’s four system of leadership. Communication: Concept of two-way communication; Communication process: Barriers to effective communication; Types of organizational communication; Improving communication; Transactional analysis in Communication. Controlling: Elements of Management control, Control systems, control Techniques and steps in controlling process. Business Ethics.

Corporate financial accounting
Development of Accounting Standards; Purpose, Development of International and Indian Accounting Standards, Convergence of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards, Indian Accounting Standards 1& 2, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21, 25 and 26. Issue, Forfeiture and Reissue of Shares, Final Accounts and Financial statements of companies, Purchase of Business, Liquidation Accounts, Valuation of Shares.

Amalgamation, Absorption and Reconstructions of Companies, Holding Company Accounts, Corporate Reporting; Objectives, Factors of including Corporate reporting. Reporting practices in India. Accounting for Price Level Changes; Nature and Techniques. Accounting for Human Resources; Need, Model of Valuation, Areas of Corporate Social Performance; Measurement and Public reporting of Corporate Social Performance, value added accounting.

Financial Management
Financial Management: Meaning, Scope, and Objectives, Finance Functions: Investment, Financing and Dividend decisions; Capital Budgeting: Nature of Investment Decisions, Investment evaluation criteria: Payback period, Accounting rate of return, Net present value, Internal rate of return, Profitability index, Capital Rationing, Capital Budgeting under Risk and Uncertainty. Cost of Capital: Meaning and Significance, Cost of debt, preference capital, equality capital and retained earnings, Weighted average cost of capital; Financial, operating and combined leverage: their measurement and effect on profit.

Capital Structure: Concept and significance, Theories of Capital, Capital Sturcture in Practice. Dividend Policy: Forms of dividend, stability in dividend policy, Dividend theories, Dividends policy in practice. Working Capital: Meaning, significance and types, Factors affecting working capital requirements, Determining working capital needs, working capital management, Sources of working capital, Financing of working capital, Management of Cash,Receivables and Inventories; Mergers and Acquisitions: Reasons and Financial considerations.

Computer Applications In Business
Introduction to HTML and Web Designing: Table, forms, frames and other text formatting tags.
MS-ACCESS: Introduction to MS-ACCESS, working with database and tables, queries in Access, Applying integrity constraints, Introduction to forms, sorting and filtering, controls, Reports and Macro: creating reports, using Macros. Introduction to Accounting Packages, Manual Account ing Vs Computerized Accounting, Preparing vouchers, invoice and salary statements. Maintenance of accounting Books and final accounts, Financial Report generation using Tally, Inventory record keeping using Tally, Practical knowledge on wings Accounting and Tally.Introduction to statistical Packages: usage of Statistical packages for analysis in research. SPSS, Statistical.

Introduction to E-Commerce: Meaning and concept; Electronic commerce versus traditional commerce; Business applications of e- commerce. Business Models of E-Commerce; Supply chain management , product and service digitization , remote serving. Electronic Payment Systems: Special features required in payment systems for e-commerce, types of e-payment System; cash and currency servers, e-cheques, credit cards, smart cards, electronic purses and debit cards. Security issue in E-Commerce: Security risks of e-commerce, exposure of resources, type of threats, source of threats, security tools and risk management approach.

Accounting For Managerial Decisions

Changing role of accountant in profession and industry; Basic Accounting Concepts and Conventions and their implications; Branches of accounting; Nature and Scope, Nature and attributes of Financial Statements, their need to shareholders, creditors and other interested parties, limitations of Financial Statement. Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements, Techniques of analysis; comparative statements, common size statements, trend analysis, ratio analysis and AS 20, Fund flow and cash flow analysis (with special reference to As 3).

Marginal Costing: Concept and application of technique for decision making in business, Cost-Volume-Profit analysis; costing for Decision making. Standard Costing: Concept, types of standards, fixation of standards. Variance Analysis: Material variance, labour variance and overhead variance, Budgetary Control; Concept, Steps in budgetary control, Types of budgets, Budgetary Control and Standard Costing, Introduction to Performance Budgeting and Zero Base Budgeting. Uniform Costing & Inter-Firm Comparsion, Responsibility Accounting.

Contemporary Auditing
Auditing : Introduction, major influences in the field of auditing and its link with accounting; Basic concepts in Auditing, and Assurance Standards (AAS) 1 to 10. AAS 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28 & 29. Appointment of company auditors covering qualifications and disqualifications; Ceiling number of audits. Branch audit etc.: Rights, duties and liabilities of company auditor,Audit report.

Internal Audit and its need, Independence of Internal auditors; Qualifications, rights and duties of internal auditor, Internal audit report; Relationship between statutory and internal auditor; Management Audit: Meaning, scope, objectives, process of conducting management audit; Appointment and qualifications of management auditor. Audit of Management functions and functional areas; Propriety audit, tax audit and social audit. Meaning, Objectives and scope of cost audit, its merits and demerits; Cost auditor Appointment, duties and liabilities, Relationship between cost auditor and financial auditor; Cost audit report; Audit programme with special emphasison cost and techniques; detailed checking Vs. sample plans.

Business Environment
Theoretical framework of Business Environment: concept, significance and nature of business environment; Elements of Business Environment: Internal and external; changing dimensions of business environment; techniques of environmental scanning and monitoring. Economic Environment: Economic planning, Economic policies: Fiscal and Financial Policy, Monetary Policy, EXIM Policy. Policy Environment: Economic reforms; liberalization, privatization and Globalisation. Second generation reforms, industrial policy and implementation, industrial growth and structural changes.

Political Environment and Its Critical elements. FEMA, competition Policy, Consumer Protection Act, Changing dimensions of Legal Environment: MRTP Act, Licencing Policy, FDI and Role of NRIs, Foreign Technology Policy. Environment Protection: Environment degradation; Environment Protection Policy under Five Year Plans. Consumer Protection Act.

Research Methodology And Statistical Techniques
Introduction of Research: Nature, Objectives, Types & Utility, Process of Research.
Hypothesis: Meaning, Nature, Importance, Types, Criteria for Construction of Hypothesis, sources of deriving hypothesis. Data Collection Methods: Primary Sources: Obsevation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedules, Survey. Secondary Sources: Types and sources of locating secondary data and computer assisted information acquisition. Sampling Methods: Probability and non probability methods; sampling frame, sampling design, sampling and non sampling errors, size of a sample.

Statistical Analysis of Data: Probability distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. Testing of Hypothesis: Procedure, Measuring power of test. Tests of Hypothesis: Parametric and non parametric tests, difference test of significance, type I & II errors. Statistical tests: Chi square, t-test, Kruksal wallis H test, Wald wolfowitz test. Report writing: Mechanics of report writing, preliminary pages, Main body, appendices.

Management Of Financial Services

Financial Services: Nature and types; Merchant Banking : Role, Services provided by merchant bankers, structure of merchant banking in India, SEBI regulations, recentdevelopments; Venture Capital : Characteristics, SEBI guidelines, venture capital funds in India; Leasing : Characteristics and types, leasing and Hire-Purchase, Leasing as a tax planning instrument. Undertaking:concept, SEBI Regulation.

Mutual Funds: Meaning, types, Measuring, return of mutual funds, SEBI guidelines,performance of mutual fundsin India, Current developments, credit Rating : Meaning, significance, types; SEBI regulations for credit rating, credit rating agencies; factoring : characteristics and forms, factoring in India; forfeiting Plastic money : concept, various form of plastic money. Growth and present scenario of Plastic money in India.

Corporate Legal Framework
Concept of Corporation & Legal Entity, Formation of a Company : Memorandum and Articles of Association and their alteration, Doctrine of Ultra Vires, Doctrine of Indoor Management, Prospectus, Shares and Share Capital, Transfer and Transmission of shares. Borrowing powers of the company, Fixed and Floating charge, management of companies, Directors, Meeting of directors and share holders; Winding up and dissolution.

The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881; Definition, types of negotiable instruments; negotiation; Holder and holder in due course; payment of due course; Endorsement and crossing of Cheque; presentation of negotiable instrument. The Competition Act 2002 : Establishment, composition, duties, functions and powers of Competition Commission of India, provisions relating to anti-competitive agreements.

Strategic Cost Management
Traditional Costing System : Cost Management System; Concept, Farm Affecting Cost Management, Cost Assignment; Direct tracing, Driver Tracing, Allocation, Cost Behaviour; Basics; Resources, Activities and Cost Behavior. Strategic Cost Management (SCM) : Concept and Philosophy, Key elements in S Value Chain Analysis, Strategic Positioning and Cost Driver Analysis. Contemporary Cost Management: Activity Based Costing; Concept, rationale, issues limitations. Design and Implementation of Activity Based Costing.

Activity Based Management and Activity Based Budgeting : Target costing, cycle costing, Kaizen Costing, Back Flush Costing. Cost Management and Performance Evaluation, Evaluation criterion; Return on Cash Systems; The Balanced Score card; Strategic Based Control; concept, process implementation of Balanced Scorecard, Challenges in implementation of Balanced Score card. Transfer pricing and Divisional Performance. Transfer pricing in Internal Business.

Corporate Tax Planning
Introduction to Tax Management: Concept of tax planning; Tax avoidance and tax evasions; Methods of tax planning; justification of tax. Tax Planning for New Business: Tax planning with reference to location, nature and form of organization of new business. Special Tax Provisions : Tax provisions relating to free trade zones, infrastructure sector and backward areas; Tax incentives for exporters. Tax issues Relating to Amalgamation : Tax Planning with reference to amalgamation and demerger of companies.

Tax Planning and Financial Management Decisions : Tax planning relating to capital structure decision, dividend policy, inter-corporate dividends and bonus shares. Tax Planning and Managerial Decisions : Tax planning in respect of own or lease, sale of assets used for scientific research, make or buy decisions; Repair, replace, renewal or renovation and shutdown or continue decisions. Tax planning and Compensations package; Double taxation avoidance agreements; Tax planning and non-residents; Tax-payment: Tax deductions and collection at source, Advance Payment of Tax.

Marketing Management
Marketing : Meaning, importance, scope and various concepts, Tasks of marketing manager under different demand situations, marketing environment. Consumer Behaviour : Meaning, importance, major factors influencing buyer behaviour, various stages of the buying decisions process; Business buying behaviour. Identifying market segments and selecting target markets.

Product Decisions: Concept of a product, classification of products, major products decisions, product line and product mix; Branding; Packaging and labelling; Product life cycle-strategic implications; New product development and consumer adoption process. Pricing Decisions : Factors affecting price determination; Pricing policies and strategies; Discounts and rebates.

Physical Distribution Decisions : Nature, functionsand types of distribution channels, Channel management decisions, retailing and wholesaling. Promotion Decisions : Communication process; Promotion mix: advertising personal selling, sales promotion.Publicity and public relations; Determining advertising budget; Copy designing and its marketing; Media selection; Advertising effectiveness : promotion tools and techniques; Various steps in selling; Training, supervising, motivating the sales force. Managing Direct and Online Marketing. Marketing Organisation and Control : Organising and controlling major operations.
Marketing of services : Concept, characteristics and problems; International marketing; Green marketing;Relationship marketing, Rural marketing. Marketing Research : Meaning,importance, scope and process.

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management : Meaning, Definition, Scope of HRM, Objectives and functions of HRM, Role and qualities of HRM Manager, HRM Policies and Principles, HRM Model. Evolution of HRM, Organisation of HRM Department. Environment of HRM,Role of Government and other external and internal forces which effect HRM functions. Human resource Planning and Development of Human Resource Information System (HRIS), job analysis, Job Description and Job specification.
Human Resource (Procurement) : Recruitment Process and its effectiveness, Selection Process & its effectiveness, Orientation & Placement. Human Resource Training and Development & its effectiveness.

Human Resource Potential Appraisal System, Performance Appraisal (Meaning, Definition, Appraisal Process, Past Oriented Methods, new approaches like 360 degree, Assessment Centres, MBO). Compensation Management : (Job evaluation, Employee Remuneration Incentive Payments) (Individual as well as group incentive Plans), Employee Benefits and Executive Remuneration. Employee Welfare, Safety and Health, Internal Mobility (Promotion Transfer). Work Redesigning (Job enlargement, Job Evaluation,Job relation), Quality of Work life.

Fundamentals Of Investment
Investment : Concept, Investment and speculation, Nature and scope of investment analysis; objectives of investment; Risk : Concept, types, measurement of risk, Return : Meaning and measurement. Investment alternatives for individuals : Bank deposits, Post office schemes, PF, Public deposits, Mutual Funds, shares, debentures, Government Securities, Derivatives : Options and Futures, Valuation models of equity shares and debentures.

Investment Analysis : Fundamental analysis covering economic, industry and company analysis.Technical Analysis and Chartist techniques; Dow Theory, Types of charts used, Technical indicators : Advance-Decline Line, Support and Resistance Levels, moving Averages.Efficient Market Theory : Forms and Tests, Random Walk Hypothesis, Portfolio Management; Concept, objectives and significance.

International Finance
Foundations of International Finance : Concept, Goals of International Finance; and role of International Finance Manager in an MNC; Globalisation of World Economy; Recent trends. Evolution of International Monetary system : Classical gold standard, Bretton woods system, Current Exchange Rate arrangements. European Monetary system. Balance of payments (BOP) Accounting, the Current Account, the Capital Account, Official Reserve Account. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Multinational Corporations, Regional Economic Integration; SAARC, ASEAN, EC, NAFTA.

Foreign Exchange Market : Function and structure; Spot Market, Forward Mark International Parity Relationships and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates, Interest Rent Parity, Purchasing Power Parity, Fisher Effects. Foreign Investment Institutions : Instruments; ADRs, GDRs, FIIS- their role in Indian Capital Market. Foreign Exchange Exposure and Management; Types of exposure, Transaction Exposure Translation Exposure, Economic Exposure and Operating Exposure. Measurement Exposure and Exposure Management Techniques. Multinational Working Capital Management, Centralised Vs. Decentralized Capital Management, Managing International Receivable Management.

Banking And Insurance Services
Banking in India : Functions of Commercial Banks. Deposits : Different deposits products offered by banks, Deposit mobilization by banks : volume and trends, know your customer guidelines. Credit- Principles of Lending, various credit products/facilities offered by banks, volume and trends, credit appraisal techniques: approach to lending, credit management, credit monitoring, NPA management, priority sector lending, financial inclusion, securitization. Management of Funds in Commercial Banks: Liquidity Management, Management of
Capital funds, Assets Liabilities Management, Risk Management. Emerging Trends in Banking : Retail Banking, Banking Technology, E- Banking : Distribution Channels : Teller Machines, cash dispensers, ATM, Home Banking, online Banking,E-Payment system, E-funds transfer system.

Insurance : Introduction to Insurance : Purpose, need and types, organizational structure of Insurance Business in India, Legislative framework : Main provision of IRDA, Entry of Private Sector in Insurance business : progress and problems, Major life and non-life insurance players in India, Risk Management Practices in Insurance sector.

Contemporary Auditing
Auditing: Introduction, major influences in the field of auditing and its link with accounting; Basic concepts in Auditing, Auditing standards on journal principles and Responsibilities (200-299), Risk Assessment and Response to Assessed Risks (300-499), Audit Evidence (500-599), Using work of Others (600-699), Audit Conclusions and Reporting (700-799). Appointment of company auditors, qualifications and disqualifications, Ceiling on number of audits, Branch audit etc; Rights, duties and liabilities of company auditor, Audit report.

Internal Audit and its need, Independence of Internal auditors; Qualification, rights and duties of internal auditor, Internal audit report; Relationship between statutory and internal auditor; Management Audit : Meaning, scope, objectives, process of conducting management audit; Appointment and qualifications of management auditor, Audit of Management functions and functional areas ; Propriety audit, tax audit and social audit. Meaning, objectives and scope of cost audit, its merits and demerits; Cost auditor; Appointment, duties and liabilities, Relationship between cost auditor and financial auditor; Cost audit report; Audit programme with special emphasison cost audit techniques; detailed checking Vs. sample plans.

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