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26th July 2016, 03:35 PM
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Re: Manipal University Previous Years Question Papers

Ok, here I am providing you the Previous Years Question Paper of Manipal University Engineering Entrance Exam

Manipal Engineering Entrance Exam question paper


Simple pendulum of length l has a max i mum angular displace ment q. The max i mum kinetic energy of the bob is
(a) mgl ( cos ) 1 - q (b) 0.5 mgl
(c) mgl (d) 2 mgl

A body of specific heat 0.2 kcal/kg° C is heated
through 100°C. The per cent age in crease in its
mass is
(a) 9% (b) 9.3 ´ - 10 11%
(c) 10% (d) None of these

An earth satellites S has or bit ra dius which is
4 times that of commu nication satellite C. The
pe riod of rev o lu tion of S will be
(a) 32 days (b) 18 days
(c) 8 days (d) 9 days

n small balls, each of mass m impinge
elas ti cally each sec ond on a sur face with a
ve loc ity u, then the force ex pe ri enced by the
sur face in one sec ond, will be
(a) 4 mnu (b) 2 mnu
(c) 1.5 mnu (d) 0.8 mnu

A circular disc is rotating with angular
velocity w. If a man standing at the edge of the
disc walks to wards its centre then the angular
velocity of the disc will
(a) decraese (b) increase
(c) be halved (d) not change

1. The angular velocities of three bod ies in sim ple
harmonic mo tion are w w w 1 2 3 , , with their
respective amplitudes as A A A 1 2 3 , , . If all the
three bod ies have same mass and ve loc ity,
(a) A A A 1
2 2
2 w w w2 = = (b)A A A 1
1 2
2 3
3 w w w = =
(c) A A A 1 1
2 2
3 3
2 w w w = , (d) A A A 1 1 2 2 3 3 w w w = =
2. If value of sur face ten sion of a liq uid is
70 dyne/cm, then its value in N/m will be
(a) 7 103 ´ N/m (b) 7 102 ´ N/m
(c) 7 10 2 ´ - N/m (d) 70 N/m
3. A ballon con tains 1500 3 m of a he lium at 27°C
and 4 atmospheric pres sure. The vol ume of
helium at - ° 3 C tem per a ture and 2 at mo
spheric pres sure will be
(a) 2700 3 m (b) 1900 3 m
(c) 1700 3 m (d) 1500 3 m
4. A car is mov ing along a straight hor i zon tal
road with a speed v0. If the co ef fi cient of
fric tion be tween the tyres and the road is m, the
short est dis tance in which the car be stopped is
(a) v0
(b) v
è çç
ø ÷÷
(c) v
(d) v
5. A car travelling on a straight track moves with
uni form ve loc ity of v1 for some time and with
unifrom ve loc ity v2 for the next equal time the
average ve loc ity on the car is
(a) v v 1 2
(b) v v 1 2
(c) v v 1 2
+ (d) v v 1 2
6. Thresh old wavelength of a metal is 4000A°. If
light of wave length 3000Å ir ra di ates the
sur face, the max i mum ki netic en ergy of
photoelec tron is
(a) 1.7 eV (b) 1.6 eV (c) 1.5 eV (d) 1.0 eV
7. Sim ple pen du lum of length l has a max i mum
angu lar displace ment q. The max i mum ki netic
en ergy of the bob is
(a) mgl ( cos ) 1 - q (b) 0.5 mgl
(c) mgl (d) 2 mgl
8. Ra dius of or bit of sat el lite of earth is R. Its
ki netic en ergy is pro por tional to
(a) 1
(b) 1
(c) R (d) 1
3 2 R /
9. The ra dius R of the soap bub ble is dou bled
un der iso ther mal con di tion. If T be the sur face
tension of soap bub ble, the work done in do ing
so is given by
(a) 32 2 pR T (b) 24 2 pR T
(c) 8 2 pR T (d) 4 2 pR T
10. A body of spe cific heat 0.2 kcal/kg°C is heated
through 100°C. The per cent age in crease in its
mass is
(a) 9% (b) 9.3 ´ - 10 11%
(c) 10% (d) None of these

11. Two sim i lar coils are kept mutually
per pen dic u lar such that their cen tres co in cide.
At the cen tre, find the ra tio of the mag netic
field due to one coil and the re sul tant mag netic
field through both coils, if the same cur rent is
(a) 1 2 : (b) 1 2 :
(c) 1 3 : (d) 3 1 :
12. A prism of re frac tive in dex 2 has re fract ing
an gle of 60°. At what an gle a ray must be
in ci dent one it so that it suf fers a min i mum
(a) 45° (b) 60° (c) 90° (d) 180°
13. A elevator car whose floor to dis tance is 2.7 m
starts ascending with a con stant acceleration
of 1.2 m/s2, 2s af ter a bolt is be gin to fall from
the ceil ing of the car. The free fall time of the
bolt is ( / ) g se = 9.8 m
(a) 2.7
s (b) 5.4
(c) 5.4
s (d) 5.4
14. A wet open um brella is held ver ti cal and it
whirld about the han dle at a uni form rate of 21
revolutions in 44s. If the rim of the umbrella is
cir cle of 1 m in diam eter and the height of the
rim above the flour is 4.9 m, the lo cus of the
drop is a cir cle of ra dius
(a) 2.5 m (b) 1 m
(c) 3 m (d) 1.5 m
15. The mo ment of inertia of a body about a given
axis is 1.2 kg-m2. To pro duce a ro ta tional
ki netic en ergy of 1500 J an an gu lar
acceleration of 25 rad/s2 must be ap plied for
(a) 8.5 s (b) 5 s
(c) 2 s (d) 1 s
16. A running man has half the ki netic en ergy of
that of a boy of half of his mass. The man speed
up 1 m/s, so as the have same ki netic en ergy as
that of a boy. The orig i nal speed of the man is
(a) ( ) 2 1 - m/s
(b) 2 m/s
(c) 1
2 1 ( ) - m/s
(d) 1
17. An earth satelites S has or bit ra dius which is
4 times that of commu nication satellite C. The
pe riod of rev o lu tion of S will be
(a) 32 days (b) 18 days
(c) 8 days (d) 9 days
18. n small balls, each of mass m impinge
elas ti cally each sec ond on a sur face with a
ve loc ity u, then the force ex pe ri enced by the
sur face in one sec ond, will be
(a) 4 mnu (b) 2 mnu
(c) 1.5 mnu (d) 0.8 mnu
19. A cir cu lar disc is ro tat ing with an gu lar
ve loc ity w. If a man stand ing at the edge of the
disc walks to wards its cen tre then the an gu lar
ve loc ity of the disc will
(a) decraese (b) increase
(c) be halved (d) not change
20. The mo ment of in er tia of a disc of mass m and
radius R about an axis, which is tan gen tial to
the cir cum fer ence of the disc and par al lel to its
diameter is
(a) 3
mR2 (b) 2
(c) 5
mR2 (d) 4
21. A body weights 500 N on the sur face of the
earth. How much would it weigh half way
be low the sur face of the earth ?
(a) 1000 N (b) 500 N
(c) 250 N (d) 125 N
22. Es cape ve loc ity at sur face of earth is 11.2
Km/s. Es cape ve loc ity from a planet whose
mass is the same as that of earth and ra dius
1/4 that of earth, is
(a) 2.8 km/s (b) 15.6 km/s
(c) 22.4 km/s (d) 44.8 km/s
23. The Bulk Modulus for an in com press ible
liquid is
(a) zero (b) unity
(c) infinity (d) between 0 and 1
24. In a cap il lary tube, wa ter rises to 3 mm the
height of water that will rise in an other
cap il lary tube hav ing one-third ra dius of the
first is
(a) 1 mm (b) 3 mm (c) 6 mm (d) 9 mm
25. An ob ject is placed at a dis tance 20 cm from the
pole of a con vex mir ror of focal length 20 cm.
The im age is produced
(a) 13.3 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 25 cm (d) 10 cm
26. An gu lar mo men tum is con served
(a) always
(b) never
(c) when external force is absent
(d) when external torque is absent
27. The plano-con vex lens of fo cal length 20 cm
and 30 cm are placed to gether to form a dou ble
con vex lens, the fi nal focal length will be
(a) 12 cm (b) 60 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 30 cm
28. Due to a force of ( $ $) 6 2 i j + N the dis place ment of
a body is ( $ $) 3i j - m, then the work done is
(a) 16 j (b) 12 j (c) 8 j (d) zero
29. For a body mov ing with relativistic speed if the
ve loc ity is dou bled, then
(a) its linear momentum is doubled
(b) its linear momentum will be less than double
(c) its linear momentum will be more than double
(d) its linear momentum remains unchanged
30. Po si tion of a body with ac cel er a tion a is given
by x ka t m n = , here t is time, find the di men sion
of m and n
(a) m = 1, n = 1 (b) m n = = 1 2 ,
(c) m n = = 2 1 , (d) m n = = 2 2 ,
31. The cor rect re la tion be tween a and b in a
tran sistor is
(a) b a
- 1
(b) b a
+ 1
(c) b a
= + 1 (d) b a = - 1
32. A man crosses a 320 m wide river
perpendicular to the cur rent in 4 min. If in still
wa ter he can swim with a speed 5/3 times that
of the cur rent, then the speed of the cur rent, in
mm-1 in is
(a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 60
33. Two spheres of equal masses, one of which is a
thin spherical shell and the other a solid, have
the same moment of inertia about their
respective diameters. The ratio of their radii
will be
(a) 5 7 : (b) 3 5 :
(c) 3 5 : (d) 3 7 :
34. The speed with which the earth have to ro tate
on its axis so that a per son on the equa tor
would weight ( / ) 3 5 th as much as pres ent.
[Ra dius of earth = 6400 km]
(a) 4.83 ´ - 10 3 rads-1
(b) 5.41 ´ - 10 3 rads-1
(c) 7.82 ´ - 10 4 rads-1
(d) 8.88 ´ - 10 14 rads-1
35. The rate of flow of glyc er ine of den sity
1.25 ´ 103 kgm-3 through the con i cal sec tion of
a pipe if the ra dii of its ends are 0.1 m and
0.04 m and the pres sure drop across its length
10 2 Nm- is
(a) 6.93 m s ´ - - 10 4 3 1
(b) 7.8 m s ´ - - 10 4 3 1
(c) 10.4 m s ´ - - 10 5 3 1
(d) 14.5 m s ´ - - 10 5 3 1
36. The tem per a ture of the black body in creases
from T to 2T . The fac tor by which the rate of
emis sion will in creases is
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 16 (d) 8
37. A po lice jeep is chas ing with ve loc ity of
45 km/h a thief in an other jeep moving with
ve loc ity 153 km/h. Police fires a bullet with
muz zle ve loc ity of 180 m/s. The ve loc ity it will
strike the car of the thief is
(a) 150 m/s (b) 27 m/s
(c) 450 m/s (d) 250 m/s
38. If the en ergy of a hydrogen atom in nth or bit is
En then en ergy in the nth or bit of a sin gly
ion ized he lium atom will be
(a) 4 En (b) En /4
(c) 2 En (d) En /2
39. If the work func tion of a po ten tial is 6 875 . eV,
its threshold wavelength will be
(Take = = ´ c 3 108 m/s)
(a) 3600 Å (b) 2400 Å
(c) 1800 Å (d) 1200 Å
40. Which of the fol low ing is unipoler transistor ?
(a) p-n-p transistor
(b) n-p-n transistor
(c) field effect transistor
(d) point confact transistor

For more questions here is the attachment


Manipal University
Madhav Nagar
Near Tiger circle
Madhav Nagar
Manipal, Karnataka 576104
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