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10th November 2014, 01:08 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Homeopathic MD Entrance Exam Sample Paper

As you want I am here providing you the sample paper of IHMA Model MD Homeopathy Entrance for Homeopathic MD.

Sample questions :
1. Lymph from the tonsil drains into
a) jugulo omohyoid node c) submental node
b) jugulo digastric node d) upper deep cervical node
2. Mastoid process antrum begins to develop in the
a) 6th week c) 1st year
b) 9th week d) 2nd year
3. Which is not transmitted through foramen ovale
a) Mandibular nerve c) Middle meningeal artery
b) Accessory meningeal artery d) lesser petrosal nerve
4. Kidney is embryologicaly developed from which layer
a) endoderm c) ectoderm
b) mesoderm d) endo-mesoderm
5. Which among the following are primary retroperitoneal organs
1) kidney 2) lower rectum
3) aorta 4) tail of pancreas
a) 1&2 c) 1,2&3
b) 1&4 d) 1,3&4
6. Epidural heamorrhage is commonly caused by injury to which vessel
a) bridging cortical veins c) posterior cerebral artery
b) middle meningeal vessel d) basilar artery
7. The most abundant protein in human body is
a) myosin c) collagen
b) albumin d) keratin
8. The fallowing is not a phospholipid
a) sphingomyelin c) cerebroside
b) lecithin d) cephalin
9.Glucose can be synthesized from all, except
a) aminoacid c) acetoacetate
b) glycerol d) lactic acid
10. R-RNA is mainly synthesized by
a) nucleus c) ribosome
b) nucleolus d) endoplasmic reticulum
11. The lipid bilayer of cell membrane exist as
a) solid c) gel
b) semisolid d) fibers
12) Vitamin used in the treatment of homocysteinuria
a) B1 c) B6
b) B5 d) B12
13. Queensland tick typhus is produced by
a) R.Sibirica c) R. Conori
b) R.Australis d) R. Orientalis
14. Classical typhus is produced by
a) R. typhi c) R. akari
b) R. prowazakii d) R. rickettsii
15. Match the following
A) H. influenza 1) Fried lander’s bacillus
B) Koch-week bacillus 2) Vibrio
C) K. pneumonia 3) Piffeiffer’s bacillus
D) String test 4) H. Egypticus
a) A1 B2 C3 D4 c) A1 B4 C2 D3
b) A3 B4 C1 D2 d) A3 B1 C4 D2
16) Pintiac fever is produced by
a) Legionella c) Leptospira
c) Aeromonas d) Yersenia
17. Khan reaction is a
a) precipitation test c)agglutination test
b) tube flocculation test d) none of the above
18. Hair falls out when touched in nursing women
a) Nat.m c) Lyco
b) Nat.m & Sep d) Nat.m, Sep , Lyco
19. Vertigo, >lying down
a) Rhus.t c) Apis
b) Bryonia d) all the above
20. Tension in nape or occiput before menses
a) Amm.m c) Sep
b) Nat.c d) Gel
21. Tea lead to prosopalgia, Tea lead to tppyhache
a) Thuja, Spig c) Staph, Thuja
b) Spig. Thuja d) China, Thuja
22. Menses with fatigue especially of thigh
a) Amm.m & Amm.c c) Amm.m
b) Amm.c d) Mag.c
23. Restless limb in typhoid
a) Tarax c) Verat.v
b) Verat.alb d) Teribinth
24. Ailments lessen after dinner
a) Iod c) Chel
b) Anac d) all the above
25. Disease of venous system predominates, in
a) Carb.v c) all the above
b) Sulphur d) none of the above
26. Tears fairly gush out
a) Chel c) Sep
b) Euph d) Valariana
27. Aversion to cold open air, “goes right through her”
a) Theridion c) Thuja
b) Cal.c d) Ruta
28. Labour pain, < by least noise
a) Nux.v c) Cyclamen
b) Sulphur d) Act.r
29. Match the following
A) Chewing motion of the mouth 1) Act.r
B) Heart action ceases suddenly 2) Hell
C) Soreness in folds 3) Sulph
D) Perfect indifference 4) Bapt
a) A1, B4, C2, D3 c) A1, B2, C3, D4
b) A2, B1, C3, D4 d) A4, B2, C3, D1
30. Red part become white
A) Ferr C) Valariana
B) Millifolium D) Syphillium
a) A&B b) B&C
c) A&C d) A&D
31. Match the following
A) Vomiting, olive green 1) Hep.s
B) Hasty speech & drinking 2) Con.m
C) Students remedy for night work 3) Bov
D) Tenacious mucous in the air passage 4) Pyro
a) A1, B4, C3, D2 c) A4, B1, C2, D3
b) A2, B3, C1, D4 d) A3, B2, C4, D1
32. People who grow too rapidly, tall lean – chose the most appropriate answer
a) Sulp, Cal.p, Phos.ac c) Sulph, Cal.p, Phos.ac, Sil
b) Sulph, Cal.p, Phos.ac, Coffea d) Sulph, Cal.p, Phos.ac, Tub
33. Constant titillating cough in childrens, begins as soon as head touches pillow at night, give the most appropriate answer
a) Dros, Hyos, Rumex, Bell c)Dros, Hyos, Cup.m, Rumex
b) Dros, Hyos, Crot.t, Croc.c d) Dros, Hyos, Bry, Spong
34. Match the following
A) Syphilitic angina 1) Hydrastic
B) Disgust for everything ,drink 2) Caul
Food ,tobacco
C)Rheumatism of women 3) Canth
D) Rappid carries of teeth 4) Fluric.ac
a) A2, B1, C3, D4 c) A4, B2, C3, D1
b) A1, B3, C2, D4 d) A1, B3, C4, D2
35. Nose bleeding, with cold sweat in large drops on forehead
a) Verat.a c) Croc.sat
b) Amm.c d) Arnica
36. Music makes her weep
a) Graph c) Graph, Puls
b) Graph, Thuja d) Graph, Med
37. Profuse epistaxis during every paroxysm
a) Croc.c c) Ind
b) Croc.c, Ind d) Ind, Amm.m
38. Pain, raw, sore, burning in every part of body
a) Canth c) Caust
b) Cap d) Caust, Canth
39. Feeble or suspended function of organ or special senses
a) Cyclamen c) Sulph
b) Tab d) Asar.eurp
40. Disposition to paronychia
a) Hep c) Amm.m
b) X-ray d) Rann.b
41. Child on repimantation, lead to dilatation of pupils
a) Ign c) Stram
b) Graph d) Hell
42. Fidgety, while sitting at work
a) Zinc c) Graph, Tarend
b) Zinc, Graph d) Zinc, Phos
43. Heart’s action persistently rapid but weak
a) Collinsonia c) Act.r
b) Dig d) Gel
44. Which drug is the complementary of Nat.m, in headache
a) Nux.v c) Gel
b) Lyco d) Spig
45. Graph fallows …….., well in skin affection
a) Puls c) Sulph
b) Cal.c d) all the above
46. Fallows well, after Opium in bad effects of fright
a) Hell c) Sabad
b) Samb d) Sulph
47. Theridion fallows well after
a) Cal.c & Lyco c) Sep & Lyco
b) Cal.c & Sep d) Lyco & Cal.p
48. Diet in acute disease is described in
a) 259-261 c) 267-268
b) 142-143 d) 262-263
49. Psychoanalysis is the concept of
a) William Wundt c) Sigmund Fruid
b) John Hunter d) Galen
50. olfactory is described in the footnote of
a) 275 c) 285
b) 272 d)288
51. Which is the observation which deals with the action of medicine on prover
a) 8th c) 11th
b) 9th d) 10th
52. Friend of health , was published in Leipzig, in the year
a) 1792 c) 1789
b) 1795 d) 1793
53. After administering a remedy, the mental symptoms of the patients were relieved with appearance of few new symptoms , what is your inference?
a) Indicate correct medicine and good prognosis c) Partially indicated remedy
b) Wrong medicine d) Unfavourable prognosis
54. Cinchona is more suitable for
a) All intermittent fever c) Epidemic intermittent fever
b) Endemic intermittent fever d) None
55. Egyptian god of health
a) Horus c) Asclepius
b) Imhotep d) Hippocrates
56. William James defined psychology as
a) Science of consciousness c) Science of materialism
b) Science of behavior d) Science of function of bodily process
57. Dr. Hahnemann’s first book on Homoeopathic principles
a) Medicine of Experience c) Aescuplius in the balance
b) An essay for ascertaining the curative principles d) Fragmenta de viribus
58. 6th edition of Organon of medicine was edited by
a) William Boericke b) Dudgeon
b) Richard hales d) Hering
59. Psoric mind is
a) Avaricious c) Inconsistent
b) Dissatisfied d) Destructive
60. Desire for salt and potato is marked in
a) Syphilis c) Tubercular
b) Psora d) Sycosis
61. Oxygenoid constitution is is typically seen in
a) Psora c) Sycosis
b) Syphilis d) Tubercular
62. EINLEITUNG means
a) Introduction of Organon of Medicine c) Aphorisms
b) Preface of Organon of Medicine d) Appendix of Organon of Medicine
63. 4th edition of Organon of Medicine contains
a) 271 c) 320
b) 317 d) 292
64. In the 3rd edition of Organon of Medicine, Dr. Hahnemann introduced for the first time
a) Bath c) Electricity & Galvanisation
b) Mesmerism d) Vital force
65. Consider the following statements
1) Cure can be perceived
2) Everything of a morbid nature that is curable makes itself known to the physician by
disease symptom
Choose the correct answer
a) 1 is correct & 2 is correct c) Both are correct and 2 is the correct explanation of 1
b) 1 is correct & 2 is wrong d) Both are wrong
66. A practicing which may be called inninal treason against divine homoeopathy
a) Practicing allopathy c) Practicing allopathy and homoeopathy at the same time
b) Mineral bath d) Practicing antipathy and homoeopathy at the same time
67. Only medicine that Brousseu used was
a) Peruvian bark c) Oil of Balsam
b) Reserpine d) gum Arabic solution
68. In footnote of aph.67 , it is said that metallic poisoning is antidote by
a) Sulphur c) Opium
b) Hepar sulph d) Camphor
69. Disease develops in a person who lives in a state of worry, according to Dr. Hahnemann is
a) Mental disease of doubtful origin c) True chronic disease
b) Emotional disease d) Inappropriately called chronic disease
70. Aph 116 deals with
a) Grading of symptom in proving c) Action of medicine
b) Grading of medicine in proving d) Surrogates
71. Choose the correct match from the following regarding time taken for cure
A) Disease of recent origin 1) Few days
B) Disease of long standing 2) Few minutes
C) disease of some what long standing 3) Proportionately longer time
D) Chronic disease due to allopathic bungling 4) Much longer time
5) few hours
a) A5, B3, C1, D4 c) A5, B1, C3, D4
a) A2, B4, C2, D1 d) A2, B2, C4, D1
72. Generals and undefined symptoms are dealt in
a) 153 only c) Both
b) 165 only d) None
73. Old ulcer in the leg get worse is produced when …….. , miasm is left uncured
a) Tubercular c) Sycosis
b) Syphilis d) Psora
74. In the mental disease of 2nd type, the proper plan of management is
a) Aconite, Bell, Stramon, Hyos, Merc etc only c) a+b+ psychotherapy
b) a+ finally antipsoric d) First antipsoric and then constitutional remedy
75. Those diseases that reccur at certain period is
a) Intermittent diseases c) Intermittent diseases + intermittent fever
b) Alternating diseases d) Intermittent fever only
76. In the management of intermittent fever, when the apyrexic stage is short, administer the medicine at
a) When the perspiration begins to abate
b) Other subsequent phenomena of the expiring paroxysm begin to diminish
c) early morning before food
d) a+b
77. Dr. H.A Robert’s idea of “deflected current” can be correlated with
a) aph 257 c) aph 156
b) aph 255 d) aph 248
78. Which of the following is an indication for the application of electricity, galvanism, magnetism
a) Infantile epilepsy c) Mania
b) Menorrhagia d) Involuntary muscular movements
79. In case of mineral magnetism, dose can be modified by
a) The length of time of contact with north pole c) The length of time of contact with either pole
b) The length of time of contact with south pole d) By the application of a plate of polished zinc
80. Aph 3, is explanation of a sentence from
a) Aphorism of Hippocrates c) From the preface of Materia medica pura
b) Friend of Health d) Medicine of experience
81. The chronic disease that is most easily cured
a) Psora c) Sycosis
b) Syphilis d) Tubercular
82. According to Dr. Kent, the physician must know himself and that the patient is on the road to recovery, in
a) 9th observation c) 11th observation
b) 10th observation d) 12th observation
83. Lord Bacon is known as
a) Master clinician c) Luther of Medicine
b) Prince of Physician d) None
84. Which of the following words have Greek origin
a) Homoeopathy c) Similia
b) Materia medica d) Drug
85. Dr. Hahnemann’s death certificate was issued by
a) Gross c) Ruckert
b) Staph d) Jahr
86. “To a candidate for the degree of MD” was published in
a) 1819 c) 1799
b) 1809 d) 1829
87. Basilar headache is
a) Psora c) Sycotic
b) syphilis d) Tubercular
88. Number of medicine in the concordance repertory of Gentry?
a) 420 c) 312
b) 408 d) 526
89. “Steiss” in TPB means
a) scapula c) Sacrum
b) back in general d) Coccyx
90. “the force of gentlemess is great” this is the motto of
a) Murphy c) Kneer
b) Hering d) Kent
91. Clinical repertory is the concept of
a) J.H Clark c) W.A Allen
b) J.B Bell d) C. Burnett
92. Hand sign in Herings guiding symptoms of materia medica denotes
a) cross reference c) symptoms verified by cures
b) approved characteristic d) none
93. Thematic repertory is written by
a) Phatak c) Mirrilli
b) Bakshi d) R.P Patel
94. Magnum oppos, by Dr. Field was published in
a) 1920 c) 1948
b) 1922 d) 1892
95. Rubrics related to dreams can be seen in which volume of Synthetic repertory?
a) 1 c) 3
b) 2 d) 4
96. Denotation of “frivolous” is
a) confused c) doesnot pay serious attention to anything
b) fearless d) affectionate
97. C.M Boger’s –collected writings, was published by
a) Robert Bannan c) H.A Robert
b) Francis Peabody d) M.L Dhawale
98. In TPB, the rubric “hair of head falls out” seen in
a) External head c) Aggravation
b) Skin d) Face
99. “ Anamnesis” has its origin from
a) Latin c) French
b) German d) Greek
100. Potential differential field is
a) reportorial totality only c) numerical totality – conceptual image
b) conceptual image only d) conceptual image - reportorial totality
101. Modern method of repertorization is
a) computer method c) using reportorial sheet
b) using plain paper sheet d) computer method and reportorial sheet
102. Repertory written by, C.F Mills Paugh
a) repertory of heart c) repertory of eczema
b) repertory of foot sweat d) repertory of rheumatism
103. First original repertory in French
a) Homoeopathic repertory of Symptomatology c) Symptom register
b) Systemic alphabetic repertory d) Manual of homoeopathy
104. “We term a symptom index a repertory” , this statement was made by
a) Boger c) M.L. Tyler
b) Elizabeth Wright d) Boeninghausen
105. Contraindication, the use of repertory is
a) Mismanaged cases
b) To trace out the probable sequence of remedies that may be necessary for cure
c) In those cases where there are clear indication for a remedy
d) Chronic cases where several remedies seem to cover the picture
106. “ Symptom repertory” and “Symptom dictionary” , these two repertories are written by
a) Hahnemann, Jahr respectively
b) Jahr, Hahnemann respectively
c) T.F Allen , Jahr respectively
d) Jahr, T.F Allen respectively
107. Verwandschattu repertory is
a) repertory of antipsoric
b) systematic alphabetic repertory
c) Homoeopathic repertory of Symptomatology
d) An attempt to show the relative kingship of Homoeopathic remedies
108. Choose the correct match
A) Repertory of respiratory organs 1) Morgan
B) Repertory of respiratory diseases 2) Lee & Clark
C) Repertory of cough and expectoration 3) Nash
D) Repertory of Therapuetics of respiratory system 4) Lutze
5) Vanderburg
a) A1, B3, C5, D2 c) A4, B3, C2, D1
b) A4, B2, C3, D5 d) A1, B5, C3, D4
109) Steps to repertorization starts from
a) analysis c) selection of proper repertory
b) synthesis/ erecting totality d) case taking
110. Need for repertory is dealt in
a) aph 153 c) aph 154
b) FN to aph 153 d) FN to aph 154
111. Who coined “guiding symptom”?
a) Hering c) Grath Borick
b) Gurnesy d) H.C Allen
112. Author of “An attempt at the Homoeopathic therapy of Intermittant fever”
a) W.A Allen c) H.C allen
b) Boger d) Boenninghausen
113. In TPB, burns can be seen in
a) Skin c) Face
b) Sensation & complaints d) None
114. “ASTHMA- MILLERI” this rubric is seen in which chapter of BBCR?
a) Larynx & Trachea c) Heart
b) Chest d) Sensation & complaints
115. Kent’s repertory was published in book form, in the year
a) 1898 c) 1897
c) 1896 d) 1899
116. “Italics” is not used in the typhography of which repertory?
a) Synthesis c) BBCR
b) Synthetic repertory d) all the above
117. IPC for grevious injury is
a) 320 c) 319
b) 318 d) 319A
118. Pugilistic attitude is seen in
a) antemortom burns c) antemortem as well as postmortem burn
b) postmortem burn d) electric shock
119. What is “knockout drop”
a) Chloral hydrate c) Hydrogen sulphide
b) Hydrocyanic acid d) Organophosphorous
120. Antidote of phosphrous poison
a) Hydrated ferric oxide c) Olive oil
b) Copper sulphate d) Calcium gluconate
121.All of the following are true except
a) Repertory Of Fever –H.C Allen
b)Therapeutics of Intermittent fever – W.A Allen
c) Repertory Of Intermittent Fever – W.A Allen
d) Repertory of miasm – R.P Patel
122. “Guide to health” is written by
a) Boenninghausen c) Hahnemann
b) Father Muller d) Babu Rajendralan Dutta
123. Test for arsenic poisoning
a) Marsh test c) Mackevien’s test
b) Marquis test d) Mydriatic test
124. R wave, in ECG represents
a) depolarization of the right ventricles
b) depolarization of left ventricles
c) repolarisation of left ventricles
d) repolarisation of right ventricles
125. Atypical hyperplasia is
a) Dysplasia c) Metaplasia
b) Hypertrophy d) Hypoplasis
126. A man about 45yrs old, who works in a dairy farm, complaints of PUO, with lassitude and joint pain that have lasted for many years, the most probable clinical diagnosis is
a) TB c) malignancy
b) brucellosis d) AIDS
127. River blindness is produced by
a) loa loa c ) Onchocercha volvulos
b) Brugiya malay d) Brugiya timori
128. Richest source of essential fatty acid is
a) safflower oil c) con oil
b) sunflower oil d) coconut oil
129. India is in which phase of demographic cycle
a) early expanding c) high stationary
b) late expanding d) low stationary
130. Normal ejection fraction is about
a) 70% c) 65%
b) 60% d) 74%
131. The most common type of necrosis is
a) coagulation necrosis c) colliquative necrosis
b) fat necrosis d) fibrinoid necrosis
132. Immunoglobulin that crosses placenta
a) Ig G c) Ig A
b) Ig E d) Ig M
133. Daily requirement of vit C, is
a) 40 mg c) 42 mg
b) 35 mg d) 60 mg
134. Effective diameter of sand, in slow sand filter is
a) 0.2 to 0.3 mm c) 0.2 to 0.4 mm
b) 0.1 to 0.2 mm d) 0.4 to 0.5 mm
135. Haemophilia B, is a
a) Bleeding disorder c) clotting disorder
b) both bleeding as well as clotting disorder d) non of the above
136. Number of amino acid in insulin molecule
a) 55 c) 51
b) 54 d) 52
137.Hahnemann’s method for mother tincture prepration, from less juicy plant have been described in
a) FN of aph 267 c) FN of aph 266
b) aph 267 d) aph 266
138. Absolute alcohol is also called
a) strong alcohol c) alcohol officinalis
b) anhydrous alcohol d) proof spirit
139. The term polycrest is
a) American c) Greek
b) German d) French
140. Second heart sound is heard during
a) iso-volumetric contraction c) protodiastolic phase
b) period of reduced filling d) rappid filling phase
141. Which part of prescription is called, body of prescription?
a) inscription c)subscription
b) superscription d) signature
142. Drug strength in class-3, old method prepration is
a) 1/2 c) 1/10
b) 1/5 d) 1/6
143.Cloudy swelling is otherwise called
a) Hyalin degeneration c) Fibrinoid degeneration
b) Albuminous degeneration d) Fatty degeneration
144. All are true about TRANSUDATE, except
a) non- inflammatory c) coagulates
b) low protein d) no permeability change
145. Following cells takes basophilic staining, except
a) Lactotropes c) Thyrotropes
b) Gonadotropes d) Corticotropes
146. Flowers for medicinal preparation should be collected in
a) dry weather c) rainy weather
b) autumn d) spring
147. Type of alcohol used for converting solid into liquid potency
a) dilute alcohol c) dispensing alcohol
b) strong alcohol d) anhydrous alcohol
148. Nat.m, according to old method of preparation is prepared , via
a) class- v, a c) class- v, b
b) class- vi, a d) class- vi, b
149. Hormone that decreases erythropoisis
a) oestrogen c) vasopressin
b) TSH d) prolactin
150. Artesian well is a type of
a) shallow well c) step well
b) deep well d) deep well with steps
17th December 2019, 03:04 PM
Re: Homeopathic MD Entrance Exam Sample Paper

Can you provide me the previous year Question paper of AIAPGET (All India Ayush Post Graduation Entrance (Homoeopathy)) as I need it for preparation of the exam?
17th December 2019, 03:07 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Oct 2019
Re: Homeopathic MD Entrance Exam Sample Paper

The previous year Question paper of AIAPGET (All India Ayush Post Graduation Entrance (Homoeopathy)) is as follows:

QID : 1 - All of the following provide attachment of trapezius muscle except :
1) First rib
2) Occiput
3) Clavicle
4) Scapula

Correct Answer: First rib
QID : 2 - Sternal angle is the landmark for locating the level of :
1) Jugular notch
2) Second costal cartilage
3) Xiphoid process
4) Costal margin
Correct Answer: Second costal cartilage

QID : 3 - Interventricular septum of heart is supplied by :
1) Right coronary artery only
2) Left coronary artery only
3) Anterior part by right coronary artery and posterior part by left coronary artery
4) Anterior part by left coronary artery and posterior part by right coronary artery
Correct Answer: Anterior part by left coronary artery and posterior part by right coronary

QID : 4 - Hepatopancreatic duct opens into which part of duodenum :
1) First
2) Second
3) Third
4) Fourth
Correct Answer: Second

QID : 5 - Bone devoid of muscular attachments is :
1) Cuboid
2) Cuneiform
3) Navicular
4) Talus
Correct Answer: Talus

QID : 6 - Both glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow are increased by:
1) Constriction of efferent arteriole
2) Dilatation of efferent arteriole
3) Dilatation of afferent arteriole
4) Hypoproteinaemia
Correct Answer: Dilatation of afferent arteriole

QID : 7 - Isoelectric part of ECG, that represents complete depolarisation of ventricles is:
1) PR interval
2) QRS complex
3) ST segment
4) T Wave
Correct Answer: ST segment

QID : 8 - Pulse pressure is:
1) Highest pressure measured in arteries
2) Lowest pressure measured in arteries
3) Decreased with decrease in compliance of arteries
4) Increased with increase in stroke volume
Correct Answer: Increased with increase in stroke volume

QID : 9 - Which of the following statements is true about rods of retina:
1) Rods are more sensitive to low-intensity light as compared to cons
2) Rods adapt to darkness before cons
3) Rods are most concentrated on fovea
4) Rods are primarily involved in colour vision
Correct Answer: Rods are more sensitive to low-intensity light as compared to cons

Question Paper AIAPGET (Homoeopathy)

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