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1st September 2014, 02:32 PM
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Re: HCL exam Verbal question paper

As per your request here I am sharing the HCL exam Verbal question paper:

3.) How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is neither preceded by a number nor followed by a consonants?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three

4.) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so from a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) 5J1
2) 7TJ
3) 8N@
4) 32$
5) 6DF

5.) Which of the following is sixth to the right of the fourteenth from the right end?
1) 5
2) 6
3) I
4) $
5) None of these

6.) How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a symbol but not immediately preceded by another consonant?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) None of these

7.) Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end?
1) J
2) E
3) %
4) 6
5) None of these

Directions (8-12): In the following questions, the symbols @, ?, %, ?, and $ are used with the following meanings illustrated. 'P % Q' means 'P is either greater than or equal to Q'. 'P ? Q' means 'P is neither greater that nor smaller than Q'.
'P $ Q' means 'P is smaller than Q'. 'P @ Q' means 'P is either smaller than or equal to Q'. 'P ? Q' means 'P is greater than Q'. In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the three conclusion I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true and mark your answer accordingly.

8.) Statements: M $ T, T@ K, K ? D
Conclusions: I. D % T II. K? M III. D ? M
1) Only I and II are true
2) Only I and III are true
3) Only II and III are true
4) All are true
5) None of these

9.) Statements: B ? H, H % A, A ? K
Conclusions: I.B % K II. K@ H III.A $ B
1) Only I and II are true
2) Only I and III are true
3) Only II and III are true
4) Only II is true.
5) None of these

10.) Statements: W % N, N? R, R @ F
Conclusions: I.F ? N II. W ? N III.R $ W
1) None is true
2) Only III is true
3) Only I and II are true
4) Only II and III are true
5) None of these

11.) Statements: F ? K, K ? M, M @ V
Conclusions: I. F % V II. V @ K III.M ? K
1) Only I is true
2) Only II is true
3) Only III is true
4) All are true
5) None of these

12.) Statements: N @ D, D $ T, T % J
Conclusions: I.J $ D II. N ? J III.T ? N
1) Only III is true
2) Only II is true
3) Only I and II are true
4) Only I is true
5) None of these

13.) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) Building
2) Toy
3) Vehicle
4) Mountain
5) Machine

14.) In a certain code language 'pik na ha' means 'who is there ', 'na ta ka' means 'what is that' and 'ha ja pa' means 'here and there’. Which of the following means 'here' in that code language?
1) ha
2) pa
3) ja
4) pa or ja
5) None of these

15.) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
1) HR
2) PR
3) NP
4) BE
5) VX

Directions (Q. 1-5):*In each of the following number series one of the given numbers is wrong. Find out the wrong number.
1.*8 34 207 1661 16617 199417
1) 8
2) 34
3) 207
4) 1661
5) None of these

2.*7 75 395 2379 11879 47541
1) 7
2) 75
3) 395
4) 2379
5) None of these

3.*420 70 75 300 197 148.5
1) 70
2) 75
3) 300
4) 197
5) None of these

4.*9 21 51 155 540 2163
1) 9
2) 21
3) 51
4) 2163
5) None of these

5.*22 37 59 97 155 251
1) 37
2) 59
3) 97
4) 155
5) None of these

6.*An angry Arjun carried some arrows for fighting with Bheeshm. With half the arrows, he cut down the arrows thrown by Bheeshm on him and with six other arrows he killed the Chariot driver of Bheeshm. With one arrow each he knocked down respectively the Chariot, the flag and the bow of Bheeshm. Finally, with one more than four times the square root of arrows he laid Bheeshm unconscious on an arrow bed. Find the total number of arrows Arjun had.
1) 100
2) 121
3) 144
4) 169
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 7-11):*Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Total population of a village is 64000. Out of this 65% is literate. 60% of the total population is male. Out of the total illiterate population, males and female are in the ratio 3:4
7.*What is the ratio of illiterate females to literate ones?
1) 1:1
2) 1:2
3) 4:7
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

8.*Among the males what is the ratio of literate ones to illiterate ones?
1) 3:1
2) 1:3
3) 9:4
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

9.*What is the ratio of literate males to literate females?
1) 4:9
2) 9:4
3) 9:13
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

10.*What is the total number of illiterate males?
1) 6400
2) 12800
3) 9600
4) 3200
5) None of these

11.*What is the total number of literate females?
1) 6400
2) 12800
3) 9600
4) 3200
5) None of these*

Directions (Q.12-16):*Study the following table and answer the questions given below:
Following table shows the rural population and the percentage of total population living in the rural areas of the country X.

Cences************* Population(in million)******** Percentage
1901*********************** 213******************************* 89.2
1911*********************** 246******************************* 89.7************
1921*********************** 223******************************* 88.8
1931*********************** 246******************************* 88.0
1941*********************** 275******************************* 86.1
1951*********************** 299******************************* 82.7
1961*********************** 360******************************* 82.0
1971*********************** 439******************************* 80.1
1981*********************** 524******************************* 76.7
1991*********************** 629******************************* 74.2
2001*********************** 743******************************* 72.3
12.*Approximately what was the urban population of country X in the census year 1981?1) 109 million
2) 129 million
3) 159 million
4) 218 million
5) 155 million

13.*In which of the following census years was the population of the urban area 79 million?
1) 1951
2) 1961
3) 1971
4) 1981
5) 1991

14.*Approximately what was total population of the country X in the census year 2001?
1) 1050 million
2) 1129 million
3) 1000 million
4) 743 million
5) 1029 million

15.*The total population of the country X was approximately how much more in the census year 1931 with respect to the same in the census year 1921?
1) 23 million
2) 29 million
3) 25 million
4) 32 million
5) 34 million

16.*The population of urban area in the census year 1941 was approximately what percent of the same in the census year 1951?
1) 55%
2) 60%
3) 62%
4) 65%
5) 70%

Passage(Questions From 17-21):
A spate of soul-searching is guaranteed by two major anniversaries that loom this year: the abolition of the slave trade in the British empire in 1807, and the Act of Union of England and Scotland in 1707. Both will feed into Britain's nagging sense of self-doubt: who are we? As the debates around integrated and multi-culturalism show no sign of flagging, both anniversaries will be mind for their contemporary relevance.
Television programmes, books, ceremonies, conferences, and newspaper supplements have been in the planning for months.
Some might regard this self-referentialism as tedious; they might advocate an apology for the slave trade and let's be done with 2007's anniversaries. But our reckoning with British history has been so limited that these two anniversaries provide us with a good opportunity for an overdue reality check.

Any chance of reinventing a plausible national identity now (as many are keen to do) is only possible if we develop a much better understanding of how our nation behaved in the past and how nationalisms (English, Scottish, and British) were elaborately created over the past few hundred years — and how incomplete and fragile that process always was.
The coincidence of these two anniversaries is fortuitous. The abolition of the slave trade is a painful reminder of British imperial history, which we have, incredible, managed to largely forget. Who remembers the Bengal famine or Hola camp, the empire's opium trade with China or our invention of concentration camps in the Boer war? We too easily overlook how empire was a linchpin to British national identity, vital to welding Scotland and England together. Indeed, historian Linda Colley suggests three ingredients for British identity: “Great Britain is an invented nation that was not founded on the suppression of older loyalties so much as superimposed on them, and that was heavily dependent for its raison d'etre on a broadly Protestant culture, on the treat and tonic of recurrent war, especially war with France, and on the triumphs, profits and Otherness represented by a massive overseas empire.”
These three props for Britishness have collapsed: Protestant Christianity has declined sharply, war with France is the pastime only of a few drunken football fans, and the empire is no more. No wonder Britishness is no the decline; over the past couple of decades, people have become increasingly likely to define themselves in polls as English or Scottish rather than British.
This is the social trend in defining identity that politicians such as Gordon Brown watch closely. Could this re-emergence of the older loyalties to which Ms Colley refers have political consequences? Could the Scottish National Party translate that into significant electoral gains in the Scottish elections only a few days after the official commemoration of the Act of Union in May?

It's not just the Scots who could decide they've had enough of the English — the feeling could become mutual. The grumbles are getting louder about Scottish MPs who vote on legislation affecting the English and the disproportionate amount of public spending swallowed up by the Scots.
Mr Brown clearly has a vested interest in stilling such complaints. He's been at the forefront of an establishment attempt to redefine Britishness on the grounds of “common values” such as fair play and tolerance.

Who is going to define Englishness? Julian Baggini has a stab at it in a book to be published in March, Welcome to Every town: A Journey into the English Mind. He spent six months living in Rotherham to get beyond the metropolitan, liberal elite's perceptions of Englishness and establish what most people (that is, the white working class) understand by their Englishness.

Parochial, tightly knit, focused on family and local communities; nostalgic, fearful of the future and insecure; a dogged belief in common sense: these are his conclusions. Mr Baggini confesses to feeling that his six months in Rotherham was like visiting a foreign country, and no doubt many of the people he met would regard six months in London as profoundly alienating. How do you weld national identities out of global metropolises disconnected from hinterland? Englishness is riven with huge regional and class divides. The stakes are high — for example, a rising British National Party vote, a fear of asylum, and hostility to Islam. The anniversary of the Act of union will provide a stage for all this to be played out. It's just as painful a commemoration for the English as for the Scottish. It required one nation to lose its sovereignty and the other its identity.
17.*According to the passage, the two major anniversaries will
1) give an impetus to the questioning of British national identity.
2) set the Britons thinking who they really are.
3) be just another occasion to raise the issue of British national identity.
4) be just another occasion to give rise to a debate on multiculturalism.
5) not be celebrated because of the shame attached with slave trade.

18.*According to Linda Colley, Great Britain owes its nation-state concept to
1) ceding of its territory by Scotland to England.
2) a shared relation of race, religion and economy.
3) what can today be seen as a concept of free trade area.
4) the perpetuation of slave trade.
5) commonality of interest between its constituents.

19.*Going by the passage, which of the following may instill a sense of national identity among the Britons?
1) The return of Catholics to the Protestant fold
2) Britain going to war with Germany
3) Britain going to war as an Allied force
4) Regular football matches between British and French clubs
5) Any of the above

20.*According to the facts stated in the passage, if England and Scotland decide to split,
1) it is the former that stands to gain.
2) it is the latter that stands to gain.
3) it will be a win-win situation.
4) it will be a lose-lose situation.
5) both the parties will lose their face but gain materially

21.*According to the passage, the post-modern mind views imperialism as
1) something that was necessary in the context of the times.
2) a thing of the past which need not be mentioned further.
3) a blot on the history of mankind.
4) the white man's burden.
5) a concept relevant even in the present times, given the inability of the developing countries to catch up with the West.

22.*Oranges are bought at 7 for Rs.3. At what rate per hundred must they be sold to gain 33%?
(1) Rs.56
(2) Rs.60
(3) Rs.58
(4) Rs.57
23.The cost price of 36 books is equal to the selling price of 30 books. The gain is :
(1) 20%
(2) 16%
(3) 18%
(4) 82%

24.A person sells two machines at Rs.396 each. On one he gains 10% and on the other he loses 10% .His profit or loss in the whole transaction is :
(1) No gain, no loss
(2) 1% loss
(3) 1% profit
(4) 8% profit
25.A trader bought 10kg of apples for Rs.405 out of which 1kg of apples were found to be rotten. If he wishes to make a profit of 10%, at what rate should he sell the remaining apples per kg?
(1) Rs.45
(2) Rs.49.50
(3) Rs.50
(4) Rs. 51
ANSWERS: **1. (5) 2. (2)** 3. (4)** 4. (1)** 5. (3)** 6. (1)** 7. (1)** 8. (1)** 9. (2)** 10. (3) ** 11. (2)** 12.(3)** 13. (2) 14. (5)** 15. (2)** 16. (5)** 17. (1)** 18. (5)** 19. (2)** 20. (1)** 21. (3) ** 22.(4)** 23.(1)**24(2)** 25(2)

Aptitude Questions

1. Which of the following involves context switch,
(a) system call
(b) priviliged instruction
(c) floating poitnt exception
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above

Ans: (a)

2. In OST, terminal emulation is done in
(a) sessions layer
(b) application layer
(c) presentation layer
(d) transport layer

Ans: (b)

3. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required,
(d) 24

Ans. (b)

4. Semaphore is used for
(a) synchronization
(b) dead-lock avoidence
(c) box
(d) none

Ans. (a)

5. Which holds true for the following statement
class c: public A, public B
a) 2 member in class A, B should not have same name
b) 2 member in class A, C should not have same name
c) both
d) none

Ans. (a)

6.Preproconia.. does not do which one of the following
(a) macro
(b) conditional compliclation
(c) in type checking
(d) including load file
Ans. (c)

7. Piggy backing is a technique for
a) Flow control
b) Sequence
c) Acknowledgement
d) retransmition
Ans. (c)

8. Given the following statement
enum day = { jan = 1 ,feb=4, april, may}
What is the value of may?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 11
(e) None of the above

Ans (e)

9. Find the output for the following C program
for(j=1;j9 && Y++!=10 && Y++>10)
{printf("%d", Y);
printf("%d", Y);

Ans. 13

12. Find the output for the following C program
a) f points to max of x and y
b) f points to min of x and y

Ans. (a)

13. What is the sizeof(long int)
(a) 4 bytes
(b) 2 bytes
(c) compiler dependent
(d) 8 bytes

Ans: (a) or (c)

14.1. a=2, b=3, c=6
Find the value of c/(a+b)-(a+b)/c
Ans : 0.3 or 3/10

15.. What does the hexanumber E78 in radix 7.
(a) 12455
(b) 14153
(c) 14256
(d) 13541
(e) 131112

Ans. (d)

16.. 10 : 4 seconds :: ? : 6 minutes

Ans. 900

17.. From the following statements determing the order of ranking
? M has double the amount as D
? Y has 3 rupess more than half the amount of D
Ans. Data insuffiecient

Questions 18 - 22 are to be answered on the following data
? A causes B or C, but not both
? F occurs only if B occurs
? D occurs if B or C occurs
? E occurs only if C occurs
? J occurs only if E or F occurs
? D causes G,H or both
? H occurs if E occurs
? G occurs if F occurs

18. If A occurs which of the following must occurs
I. F and G
II. E and H
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) III only
(d) I,II, & III
(e) I & II (or) II & III but not both
Ans. (e)

19. If B occurs which must occur
(a) D
(b) D and G
(c) G and H
(d) F and G
(e) J
Ans. (a)

20. If J occurs which must have occured
(a) E
(b) either B or C
(c) both E & F
(d) B
(e) both B & C
Ans. (b)

21. Which may occurs as a result of cause not mentioned
I. D
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) I & II
(d) II & III
(e) I,II & III
Ans. (c)

22. E occurs which one cannot occurs
(a) A
(b) F
(c) D
(d) C
(e) J
Ans. (b)

[ Draw table and see ]

23.A man fixed an appointment to meet the manager, Manager asked him to come two days after the day before the day after tomorrow. Today is Friday. When will the manager expect him? (repeated from previous papers)
Ans: Monday

[Don't confuse it with Tuesday.the correct answer is Monday]

24.A man said he spent 1/6 of his as a child, 1/12 as salesman in a liquor shop, 1/7 and 5 years as a politician and a good husband respectively. At that time Jim was born. Jim was elected as Alderman four years back.when he was half of his age. What is his age? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: 84 years

[Assume that he lived x years.
X/6 + x/12 + x/7 + 5 + 4 + x/2 = x. Solving x= 84, Same as Question in Shakundala Devi book]

25.Jack,Doug and Ann, 3 children had a running race while returning from school.Mom asked who won the race. Then Jack replied" I wont tell u.I wil give u a clue,When Ann takes 28 steps Doug takes 24 steps, meantime I take 21 steps. Jack explained that his 6 steps equals Droug's 7 steps and Ann's 8 steps. Who won the race? (repeated from previous papers)

Ans: Doug

[ Ann steps = 8,16,24,28 --- finished by 3 & half full steps
Doug steps=7,14,21,24 --- finished before 3 & half full steps
Jack steps= 6,12,18,21 --- finished by 3 & half full steps
So Doug won the race ]

26. Every day a cyclist meets a car at the station.The road is straight and both are travelling in the same direction. The cyclist travels with a speed of 12 mph.One day the cyclist comes late by 20 min. and meets the car 5miles before the Station. What is the speed of the car?

Ans: 60 mph

[Very similar to Shakuntala Devi puzzles to puzzle you problem no: 38 ]

27.A lady goes for shopping. She bought some shoestrings. 4 times the number of shoestrings, she bought pins and 8 times, handkerchiefs. She paid each item with their count as each piece's cost. She totally spent Rs. 3.24.How many handkerchiefs did she buy? (repeated from previous papers)

28. Complete the series :

a) 3,6,13,26,33,66,____(repeated from previous papers)
b) 364,361,19,16,4,1,___( " " " )

Ans : a) 63
b) 1

29. Lucia is a wonderful grandmother. Her age is between 50 and 70.Each of her sons have as many sons as they have brothers. Their combined number gives Lucia?s age. What is the age?

Ans: 64

30.There are two towers A and B. Their heights are 200ft and 150ft respectively and the foot of the towers are 250ft apart. Two birds on top of each tower fly down with the same speed and meet at the same instant on the ground to pick a grain. What is the distance between the foot of tower A and the grain?


31. Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for 30 cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it take for 20 cows to do the same?

Ans: 120

32. Four tourists A,B,C,D and four languages English, German, French and Italian. They are not able to converse among themselves in one language. Though A does not know English he can act as an interpreter between B and C. No one spoke both French and German. A knows German and was able to converse with D who doesn?t know a word in German. Only one language was spoken by more than two persons. Each spoke two languages. Find who spoke what.

Ans : A- German,Italian
B- French,Italian
c- German,English
D- Italian,English

33. There is a five digit number. It has two prime digits (1 is not a prime number). Third digit is the highest. Second digit is the lowest. First digit is one less than the third digit. The fifth digit is half of the fourth. The sum of 4th and 5th is less than the first. Find the number.

Ans ? 71842

34. Four persons A, B, C and D are playing cards. Each person has one card, laid down on the table below him, which has two different colours on either side. No card has the same color on both sides. The colours visible on the table are Red, Green, Red and Blue respectively. They see the color on the reverse side and give the following comment.

A: Yellow or Green
B: Neither Blue nor Green
C: Blue or Yellow
D: Blue or Yellow

Given that out of the 4 people 2 always lie find out the colours on the cards each person.

Ans: A- Yellow
B- Yellow
C- Green
D- Red

35. A 1 k.m. long wire is held by n poles. If one pole is removed, the length of the gap becomes 12/3m. What is the number of poles initially?


36. Find the digits X,Y,Z
Y Y Y Y +
Ans: X Y Z
9 1 8

37. A man starts walking at 3 pm . ha walks at a speed of 4 km/hr on level ground and at a speed of 3 km/hr on uphill , 6 km/hr downhill and then 4 km/hr on level ground to reach home at 9 pm. What is the distance covered on one way?

Ans: 12 km

38. A grandma has many sons; each son has as many sons as his brothers. What is her age if it?s the product of the no: of her sons and grandsons plus no: of her sons?(age b/w 70 and 100).

Ans: 81

39. An electric wire runs for 1 km b/w some no: of poles. If one pole is removed the distance b/w each pole increases by 1 2/6 (mixed fraction). How many poles were there initially?

40. There is a church tower 150 feet tall and another catholic tower at a distance of 350 feet from it which is 200 feet tall. There is one each bird sitting on top of both the towers. They fly at a constant speed and time to reach a grain in b/w the towers at the same time. At what distance from the church is the grain?

Ans: 90

41. A person wants to meet a lawyer and as that lawyer is busy he asks him to come three days after the before day of the day after tomorrow? on which day the lawyer asks the person to come?

ans: thursday
42. A person is 80 years old in 490 and only 70 years old in 500 in which year is he born?

ans: 470

43.A person says that their speed while going to a city was 10mph however while returning as there is no much traffic they came with a speed of 15mph. what is their average speed?

ans: 12mph

45. There is a peculiar island where a man always tells truth and a women never says two 2 consecutive truth or false statements that is if she says truth statement then she says false statement next and vice versa. A boy and girl also goes in the same way. one day i asked a child " what r u a boy or a girl" however the child replied in their language that i dint understand but the parents knew my language and one parent replied that " kibi is a boy" the other one said that "no kibi is a girl, kibi lied".
a: is kibi a boy or a girl
b: who ansered first mother or father?

ans: kibi is a girl and mother answered first.

46. The boy goes to school reaches railway station at his 1/3 of his journey& mill at 1/4 of his journey the time taken him to walk between railway station & mill is 5 mins. Also he reaches railway station at 7.35amwhen he started from house& when he reaches school?

Ans: 7:15to8.15

47. if a person is sitting in a exam having 30 questions (objective type) the examiner use the formula to calculate the score is S=30+4c-w here c is number of correct answer and w is number of wrong answer , the examiner find the score is more than 80, tell how may questions are correct ? if the score is little less but still more than 80 then u wont be able to answer.

ans :- 16

48. if a person having 1000 rs and he want to distribute this to his five children in the manner that ecah son having 20 rs more than the younger one , what will be the share of youngest child*
ans- 160

49.raju having some coins want to distribute to his 5 son , 5 daughter and driver in a manner that , he gave fist coin to driver and 1/5 of remaining to first son he again gave one to driver and 1/5 to 2nd son and so on.... at last he equally distributed all the coins to 5 daughters. how many coins raju initially have???


50. if ravi binded his book and the binder cut the pages of the book , ravi decided to mark the pages by himself own , what he found that number of three appears 61 times find of number of pages answer

ans - 300

51. a painter went in a exhibition to purchases some pictures where T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z pictures were remaining , he want to buy only five in the condition on that if T is there then X should not be there, if U is there than y should be there if if v is there then X should be there

which is the combination the painter can have
(a) T,U,V,W,Y

ans (d)

52.There are 100 men in town. Out of which 85% were married, 70% have a phone, 75% own a car, 80% own
a house. What is the maximum number of people who are married, own a phone, own a car and own a house ? ( 3 marks)

Sol: 15%

53. There are 10 Red, 10 Blue, 10 Green, 10 Yellow, 10 White balls in a bag. If you are blindfolded and asked to pick up the balls from the bag, what is the minimum number of balls required to get a pair of atleast one colour ? ( 2 Marks)

Sol :6 balls.

54. Triplet who usually wear same kind and size of shoes, namely, Annie, Danny, Fanny. Once one of them broke a glass in kitchen and their shoe prints were there on floor of kitchen. When their mother asked who broke Annie said, ?I didn?t do it?; Fanny said ?Danny did it?; Danny said ?Fanny is lieing?; here two of them are lieing, one is speaking truth. Can you find out who broke it ? (3 Marks)

Sol : Annie

Rests of the questions are in the attachment, download it freely from here:
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