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30th April 2016, 02:19 PM
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Join Date: May 2012
Re: BSC Biotech In Kanpur University

Ya sure buddy I will get the BSC Biotechnology Syllabus issued by Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University so that you can have idea about the syllabus.

Here is the syllabus

Nature of biological materials: polymeric reactions, carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, oxidation properties, pH, pKa and buffering, isomerism, types of chemical bonds, hydrophilic and hydrophobic group in biomolecules, neurotransmitters, hormones and growth factors, high energy biomolecules (ATP, GTP and Creatine phosphate).

Perspectives of biological macromolecules: The repeating units in nucleic acids and proteins, helicity, bending, looping, pleats, salt bridges etc. and their determinants, basis for intermolecular interactions with examples, enzyme substrate and antigen-antibody reactions, salient featured of biochemical reactions involved in the biosynthesis of amino acids, fatty acids and nucleotides.

Enzymes, proteins and non-protein enzymes: classification and nomenclature of enzymes, regulation of enzymes activity, coenzymes- structure and function of coenzymes and coenzyme A, kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions, isolation and purification of enzymes in food processing, medicine and production of chemical compounds.

Bioenergetics: laws of thermodynamics (First and Second laws), electrical properties of biological compartments, electrochemical gradients, membrane potential, charismatic hypothesis.

Energetic of a living body:
Sources of heat limits to temperature, heat dissipation and conservation, Lambert-Baer law, spectrophotometry and colorimetry, primary events in
photosynthesis, strategies of light reception in microbes, plants and animals, correction of vision faults, generation and reception of sonic vibrations, hearing as electrical properties of biological compartments, electricity as a potential signal, intra and inter nuclear interactions in biological system, spatial and changes compatibility of such interactions.

BSC Biotechnology Syllabus Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
Cell Biology- Paper-II (BBT-102)
Cell a basic unit of living systems:- the cell theory, pre-cellular evolution, artificial creation of "cells",
broad classification and ultrastructure of cell types (PPLOs, Bacteria, eukaryotic microbes, plant and
animal cells), tissue, organ and organism at different level of organization of other genetically similar
cells. ecology amplitude of cells in higher altitude, sediments, arctic, hot springs, arid, brackish and
freshwater environments, biochemical comparision of cells (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids
and metabolic pool).
Ultrastructure of cell membrane and cell organelle:- structure and function of cell organelles, ultrastrucure
of cell membrane, cytosol, golgi bodies, endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth), ribosomes,
cytoskeletal structures (actin microtubules etc), mitochondria, chloroplast, lysosomes, peroxisomes,
nucleus (nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, nucleolus)
chromosomes: discovery, morphology, chemical composition, structural organization of chromatids,
centromere, telomere, chromatin, nucleosome organization, eu- and heterochromatin, special
chromosomes (polytene, lampbrush chromosomes), banding patterns in human chromosomes.
Cell division and Cell cycle: mitosis and meiosis, interphase, comparision of mitosis and meiosis, cell
cycle regulation.
Cell-cell interaction: cell locomotion (amoeboid, flagellar and ciliary), muscle and nerve cells, cell
senescence and programmed cell death.
Cell differentiation: difference between normal and cancer cells,
Microbiology- Paper III (BBT-103)
History and development of microbiology: Pasteur's experiments, concept of sterilization, methods of
sterilization (dry heat, wet heat, radiation, chemical and filtration), microscopy (optical, TEM and SEM),
concept of microbial species and strains, growth curve, various forms of microorganism (bacteria, fungi ,
viruses, protozoa, PPLOs), nature of microbial cell surfaces, gram positive and gram negative bacteria,
kinds of flagella, serotypes, nutritional classification of microorganism.
Genetic homogeneity in colonel populations:- isolation of auxotrophs (replica plating technique and
analysis of mutation in biochemical pathways), microbial assay for vitamins and antibiotics, strain
improvement by selection.
Microbial agents of diseases: bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan
Microbes in extreme environments: the thermophiles and alkalophiles, pathogenic microorganism,
defense mechanism against microorganism, symbiosis and antibiosis among microbial population,
nitrogen fixing microbes in agriculture and forestry.
Industrial microbuses and their uses: production of food (dairy and SCP) and antibiotics (with reference
to penicillin and streptomycin), ferment centurion product, a survey of product from microorganism.
Genetics –Paper-IV (BBT-104)
Mendelian laws of Inheritance, test cross, back cross, incomplete dominance and co-dominance.
Lethality and interaction of genes.
Multiple alleles and Isoalleles, blood groups in human beings.
Chromosomes- Chemistry and ultrastructure, abnormal chromosomes, chromosome banding.
Structure and numerical aberrations involving chromosomes: evolution of wheat cotton and
rice, hereditary defects- Kleinefelter, Turner, Cri-du-chat and Down syndromes.
Linkage and crossing over: Mapping of genes, interference, coincidence in pro- and
Sex determination in plants and animal: sex linkages, non-disjunction as proof of
chromosomal theory of inheritance.
Basic microbial genetics: conjugation, transformation, transduction and their uses in genetic
Concept of gene: classical and modern gene concept, pseudoallelism position effect, intragenic
crossing over on rII locus in T4 phage.
Mutations-spontaneous and induced: chemical and physical mutagens, induced mutations in
plants, animal and microbes for economic benefit of man.
Extra-chromosomal inheritance: Cytoplasmic inheritance, mitochondrial and chloroplast
genetic systems.
DNA and RNA as genetic material: Replication, Gene expression (transcription and
Practicals (BBT-105)
B. Sc. II year
Instrumentation & Bio-analytical Techniques-Paper-I (BBT-201) M.M.-
Microscopy: Simple microscopy, Phase contrast microscopy, dark-field, florescence and electron
microscopy (TEM and SEM).
Instruments, basic principle and usage: pH meter, absorption and emission spectroscopy,
principle and law of absorption and radiation, use of densitometry, fluorimetry, colorimetry,
spectrophotometry (UV, visible and IR), manometry, paleography, centrifugation (rpm and G,
ultracentrifugation), atomic absorption, IR, NMR, fluorescence, X-ray crystallography.
Chromatography technique: Paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, column
chromatography, gas chromatography, affinity chromatography, ion exchange chromatography,
gel filtration.
Electrophoresis: SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, agarose gel electrophoresis,
immunoelectrophoresis, isoelectric focusing.
Fermentation: Different type of fermenters, principle, operating characteristics of fermenters,
computer control of fermentation process.
Radioisotope tracer technique, importance in biological studies, measures of radioactivity,
Biomathematics, Biostatics, Computers & Bioinformatics- Paper II-
Mathematics: The set theory, properties of subsets; linear and geometric function, the binomial
theorem of integer, limits of function, (basic idea of limit of functions without analytic
definition) derivatives of function logarithm (definition & laws of logarithm, use of logarithm
table), differentiation , integration (general introduction, significance and application for simple
algebraic and trigonometric functions).
Biostatistics: Probability calculation (classical & axiomatic definition of probability, theorem on
total and compound probability), standard distribution with important properties, simple
problems involving binomial, poisson and normal variables, methods of sampling, collection of
data, primary and secondary data, classification & tabulation, confidence level, statistics , idea of
sampling, distribution and standard error, large samples; normal tests, measurement of dispersion
(measures of location and desperation).
Computers: General introduction (characteristics, capabilities, generations), software, hardware;
memory, control unit, arithmetic logic unit, output devices), software: (system software,
application software, languages-low level, high level), interpreter, compiler, data processing;
batch, online, real time (examples from bioindustries; e.g. application of computers in coordination
of solute concentration, pH, temperature, etc., of a fermenter in operation); internet
Bioinformatics : Application of computers in biotechnology, genome analysis, sequence
analysis, primer designing, phylogenetic analysis, database for biotechnology.
Molecular Biology Paper-III (BBT-203)
Molecular basis of life: Structure and function of DNA and RNA, DNA replication both
prokaryotes and eukaryotes; DNA recombination (molecular mechanisms, prokaryotes and
eukaryotes), DNA repair.
Insertion elements and transposons: Transposable elements in Drosophila and maize
Organization of genetic material: split genes, overlapping genes, pseudo genes, cryptic genes.
Genetic code: Properties of genetic code, codon assignments, chain initiation and chain
termination codons, wobble hypothesis.
Structure of prokaryotic genes: Prokaryotic transcription, prokaryotic translation, prokaryotic
gene expression (lac, his, trp operon, catabolite repression).
Structure of eukaryotic genes: Eukaryotic transcription, eukaryotic translation.
Prokaryotic gene regulation: Operon model for regulation of lac genes; positive control of lac
operon; molecular details of lac operon; regulation of trp operon.
Eukaryotic gene expression: Levels of control of gene expression; RNA processing transport,
mRNA translation, mRNA degradation and protein degradation control.
Gene organization and expression in mitochondria and chloroplast

Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
Aligarh-Kanpur Road, Indira Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208024

086528 00815

For full information buddy please go through the file;

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