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17th July 2014, 04:24 PM
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Re: BHU PG Course in Chemistry questions paper

As per your request here I am sharing the BHU PG Course in Chemistry questions paper:

1. LIght waves projected On oil surface shows seven colours due to
{ I } Polarization
( 3) Refraction
( 2) Diffraction
(4) Interference
2. Pyruvate is accumulated by the deficiency.of
( J ) Vitamin B,
( 3) Vitamin B6
( 2) Vitamin B,
( 4) Vitamin B 12
( , ) (Tum Over)
3. The common currency of energy in biological reaction is
( I tAMP (2 t ATP (3 t ADP (4 t UDPG
4. Aerobic dehydrogenase has the prosthetic group
(I t ATP (2 t NAD+ (3 t FAD+ (4 t NADP+
5. The uncoupling agent of oxidative phosphorylation is
( I t Barbiturates
( 3 t Antimycin A
( 2 t Penicillin
( 4 t Dicomarol
6. An example of extracellular enzyme is :
( I t Glucokinase
( 3 t Glucose-6-phosphatase
( 2 t Hexokinase
(4 t Pepsin
7. The end product of purine catabolism in other mammals except man is
( I t Uric Acid
(3 t Ammonia
( 2 t Allantoin
(4 t Creatinine
8. The most prominent causes of dehydration is
( I t Excessive heat ( 2 t Low intakes of water
( 3) Frequent urination ( 4 t Diarrhoea and vomiting
9. Zinc is a constitutes of
( I I Aldolase (2 t Amylase
( 3 I Malate dehydrogenase ( 4 t Carbonic anhydrase
( 2 ) (ContiiJued)
10. Which of the following elements is required for the development of
I I ) Calcium
I 3) Iron
I 2) Magnesium
I 4) Potassium
11. Cream from milk is separated when it is churned due to
( I) Viscous
I 3) Centrifugal force
12. Electro-volt is a unit of
I I ) Momentum
(3) Change
I 2) Gravitational force
(4) Electrostatic force
(2) Energy
(4) Velocity
13. Permanent hardness of water cannot be removed by
I I) Boiling
I 2) Distillation
I 3) Passing through chlorine gas
(4) adding sodium carbonate
14. Camphilr can be easily purified by
I I) Distillation I 2) Sublimation
I 3) Crystallization I 4) Solvent extraction
IS. The most abundant halogen on the earth's crust is
I I) Chlorine
(3) Iodine
(2) Bromine
(4) None of the above
( 1 ) (Tum O'-er)
16. Which of the following is used as anti-knocking substance?
( I ) Tetramethyllead
( 3) Common salt
(2) Tetraethyllead
( 4) Alkyl magnesium halide
17. Alcohohc fermentation can be brought about by the action of
( I ) Diatane ( 2) Oxygen (3) Yeast ( 4) Carbon dioxide
18. Wish of the following used as a refrigerant
( I) Ammonia
( 3) Acetone
(2) Ether
( 4) Nitrogen
19. The chemical substances present in bones and teeth is
( I ) Calcium sulphate
( 3) Calcium borate
( 2) Calcium phosphate
( 4) Calcium chloride
20. If any reaction to be thermodynamically feasible the change in free energy
should be
( I) Negative
( 3) Zero
( 2) Positive
(4) None of the above
21. If the pressure on the solution of gas in equilibrium with the gas itself
is increased, the solubility of gas will be
( I) Decrease ( 2) Increase
( 3) Remain the same (4) None of the above
I 4 I (ContilJued)
22. When iron rusts its weight
( I) Increases ( 2) Decreases
( 3) Remains same ( 4) None of the above
23. Which of the following is not a natural polymer?
( I) Silk ( 2) Rubber ( 3) Plastic ( 4) Cellulose
24. Dry ice at room temperature gives
( I) Water (2) CO, gas
( 3) Salty water ( 4) Liquid CO,
25. Radio carbon dating is used to find the age of
( I) Building (2) Fossils ( 3) Babies ( 4) Rocks
26. Artificial rain is produced by seeding clouds with
( 1) Potassium iodide
( 3) Silver nitrate
( 2) Silver iodide
( 4) Copper sulphate
27. Hydrolysis of oils and fats by alkali is known as
( I) Hydroxylation
( 3) Saponification
(2) Hydrolysis
( 4) Esterification
28. Coloured glasses for goggles contain
( I) Ferrous oxide
( 3) Nickel oxide
( 2) Lanthanide oxide
(4) Ferric oxide
( 5 ) (Tum Over)
29. For welding the gas is used
( I ) Methane (2 ) Ethane
( 3 ) Ethylene (4 ) Acetylene
30. Malachite is the mineral of
( 1 ) Copper (2 ) Iron
( 3 ) Calcium (4 ) Magnesium
31. The drugs catleine and nicotine are
( I ) Steroids ( 2 ) Cortisones
( 3 ) Alkaloids (4 ) Mild alkali
32. The particle that initiates fission reaction is
( I) Electron
( 3) Neutron
( 2) Proton
( 4) Positron
33. Lithium shows diagonal relationship with
( I) Sodium
( 3) Berilium
( 2) Magnesium
( 4) None:1" these
34. The molecules responsible for staring the genetic code are
( I) Protein
(3) RNA
35. Salk Vaccine is used against
( I) Polio
( 3) Tuberculosis
( 2) Chromosomes
(4) DNA
(2) Smallpox
(4) Measles
( 6 ( (COIJlli/(Jed)
36. The species become extinct most easily by
( I) Deforestation
( 3) Sliding of hills
37. Rf value is related to
( I) TLC (2) CLC
( 2) Urbanization
( 4) Heavy rains
(3) IEC (4) GFC
38. The techniques commonly used to estimate the concentration of plasma
( I ) Double immunodiffusion
( 2) Simple immunodiffusion
( 4) None of the above
39. Nucleic acid strongly absorb UV light at
(I) 250nm (2) 260nm ( 3) 270 nm ( 4) 300 nm
40. A cosmid is a
( I) Circular DNA
(2) Plasmid with unique 'cos' site
( 3) Larger plasmid
( 4) Smaller plasmid
41. Fuelgen staining is an identifying feature for
( I) Unicellular organisms
( 3) Nucleus
( 2) Chromosomes/DNA
( 4) Nucleolus
( 7 ( (Tum Over)
42. Which of the following is a template dependent enzyme?
( I ) DNA polymerase
( 3) Oligonucleotidase
( 2) RNA polymerase
( 4) DNA ligase
43. BOD is a useful parameter to study
( I) Air pollution
(3) Water pollution
( 2) Soil pollution
(4) All of the above
44. Eutrofication is mainly caused by
( I ) Sulphates and Nitrates
I 2) Nitrites and Nitrates
I 3) Carbonates and Sulphates
( 4) Carbonates and Nitrates
45. Xcnobiotics are
( I) Natural compounds
( 3) Protein
46. AZT (Azidothymidine) is an
( I) Biocatalyst
(3) Anti-A1DSdrug
( 2) Food materials
(4) Non-naturally occurring
(2) Antibiotics
( 4) Anabolic hormone
47. Penicillin a potent antibiotic acts by destroying other organisms
( I) DNA formation
( 3) Protein synthesis
(2) Cell wall formation
(4) RNA synthesis system
( , )
48. Which of the t(,lIowing growth curve is represented by bacterial cultures?
( I) S~Shaped
(3) IShaped
49. Transgcncs are
( I) Proteins
( 3) Foreign gene
( 2) V ~Shaped
( 4) Linear shaped
( 2) Transferable genes
( 4) Bacteriophage
50. Polymerase chain reaction (peR) was invented by
( I ) Werner Arber ( 2) Kary Mullius
( 3) Hamihion Smith ( 4) Harbert Boyer
51. A mctaccntric chromosome'i will appear at anaphase as
( I ) L Shaped
(3) V Shaped
( 2) W ~Shaped
(4) Y~Shaped
52. An energy funding pathway which is resistant to cyanide i~
( I) Kerb's
( 2) Glycolysis
( 3) Entner Duodorotf
( 4) Ilexose monophosphate shunt
53. ~()st ahundant protein in biosphere is
( I) Keratin
( .1) Rubisco
( 2) Glycoprotein
( 4) None of above
f <) I (Tum OH'r)
54. Which of the following is an energized nucleotide?
(1) GMP (2) dCMP (3) dCTP (4) dAMP
55. The percentage of mammalian DNA coding for protein is
( I) 3 % only (2) 4 % only ( 3) 2 % only (4)1 % only
56. Membrane bound ribosomes and free ribosomes differ
( I) In the structure
(2) In their function
( 3) In the type of protein synthesis
( 4) All of the above
57. Fidelity of transcription as compared to translation is
( I) Lowcr
( 2) Highcr
(3) Equal
(4) Depend on the pH of the nucleoplasm
58. The DNA inter(i;aiating antibiotics is
( I) Mitomycin C
(3) Puromycin
( 2) Actinomycin D
( 4) Polmyxin B
59. The only polymerase found in nucleolus is
( I) RNA Pol I ( 2) RNA Pol II
( 3) RNA Pol II! (4) RNA Poll & II!
( 10 ) (Colllifllled 1
60. Type of DNA Exhibiting left handed helix is/ are
( I ) B type ( 2 ) A &B type
( 3 ) B & Z type (4 ) Z only
61. NADP is
( I ) An enzyme (2 ) A part of S-RNA
( 3 ) A Coenzyme (4 ) A part of t -RNA
62. Most of the enzyme secreted by cells arc
( I ) Rich in lipoproteins ( 2 ) Stored
( 3 ) Active ( 4 ) Inactive
63. Abzymcs are
( I ) Hydrolases ( 2 ) Antigen
( 3 ) Antibody (4) Proteases
64. An inhibitor and the enzyme usually bind by
( I) Electrostatic bond
( 3) Covalent bond
(2) Tandons force
(4) van der Waals' forces
65. Animals with ant eating habbits are called
( 1 ) Omnivorous
(3) Herbivorous
( 2) Carnivorous
( 4) Myrmecophagous
66. Which typc of cells are called neuroglial cells
( I) Microglia
( 3) Astcocytes
( 2) Oligodendroglia
( 4) All oUhe above
t i1 )
67. The sex linked genes arc prescnt in significant way on
( I I X chromosomes
( 2.) Y chromosomes
( 3) Autosome!'>
(4) Homologous chromosomes
68. Hean is made of
( I ) Cardiac muscles
(2) Longitudinal muscles
( 3) Horizontal muscles
(4) Connective muscles
69. Excretion deals mainly with the disposal of
( I) Dead haemoglobin
( 2) Fattv materials ~.
(3) Carbhohydratc material
(4, Nitrogenous materials
70. Hormones afC dcstroycJ mainly in
( I) Liver
( j) Stomach
(2) Heart
(4) Intestine
71. Placing of sperm artificially ncar uterus is called
( I ) Artificial Insemination
( 2) Artificial fertilization
( :3) Artificial embryo development
(4) Parthenogenesis
{ ~: 1 \ Co.rr;-'w,•j)
72. Bolus of food undergoing digestion in alkaline medium is called
( I j Chile (2) Chyme
( 3) Alkaline (4) Casein bolus
73. Optic chaisma is formed hy the function of two
( I) Olfactory nerves
( 3) Trochlcas nerves
74. Thc cones of retina eye aTC
t 2) Oculomotor nerves
( 4) Optic nerves
( I) Sensitive to (o!ouf.:d light only
( 2) Sensitive h1 ..lourlcss light only
( 3) Sensitive to tmth \.\"hnc and coloured light
(4-) Active in srrong li.:;ht and sensitive to both white and coloured light
75. The most polluted Cit) in [he world is
( I) Los Angeles
( 3) Paris
(2) Delhi
(4) London
76. Thc possible beneficial dlcct of the grazing of animals is
( I) Eradication of seeds
( 2) Removal of wild plants
( 3) Removal of wild animals
(41 Addition of their excreta in the soil
77. Lichens involve two organisms
( I) Virus and Bacteria
( 2) Algae and Ba(teria
{ 3} Algae and \'tosses
( 4) Algae and Fungi
( 13 )
78. Phospholipid synthesis occurs
( I) Cytosolic ribosome
( 3) Smooth ER
(2) Rough ER
( 4) Goigi body
79. Cardiolipin is a membrane lipid can be seen in
( I) Mitochot\ctria
( 3) Bacteria
( 2) Chloroplast
( 4) All of the above
80. Glycosylation of Protein occurs in
( I ) Golgi body
( 3) Endoplasmic reticulum
( 2) Mitochondria
(4) All of the above
81. Beta oxidation pathway of fatty acid oxidation resembles
( I) Kreb•s cycle
( 3) ETS
82. Glycine is unique in the sense
( 2) Glycolysis
(4) Calvin cycle
( I) It is an uncreative amino acid
( 2) It is optically active
( 3) It is optic-ally inactive
(4) It has aromatic side chain
83. The amino acid found in the active site of enzyme is
( I) Methionine
( 3) Arginine
(2) Lysine
( 4) Histidine
( 14 I (C()tJtiIlIJed)
84. Which of the following arc natural antiseptic substances of our body?
( I ) Urine
( 3) Mucus and tears
85. Osteoporosis is
(I) Weakening of Bones
( 3) Weakening of Muscles
(2) Blood
( 4) All of the above
(2) Weakening of Gums
(4) Weakening of Teeth
86. Gel filtration chromatography separates protein on the basis of
( I) Charge
( 3) Mass
( 2) Sizc
(4) Structure
87. The unique feature of enzyme Taq Polymerase used in peR is
( I) High speed (2) High fidelity
( 3) High thermal stahility (4) Low thermal stability
88. Iso clcdric point is a point at which
( I) The mass of protein is maximum
( 2) The nct charge of protein zero
( 3) Thc speed of mobility is maximum
(4) The protein loses structure
89. Anti hodies arc produced against self RBC membrane protein is
( 1 ) Addison's disease
( 2) Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
( 3) Leukemia
(4) Myocardial infraction
( IS ) (Tum O\crJ
90. The monoclonal antibody technique was developed by
I I) Wilkins
I 3) :I1ilstein
(2) Watson
I 4) Jacobson
91. Gall bodies are characteristic cytoplasmic structure of
(I) Th&Tc
( 3) B cells
(2) Te
(4) Plasma cells
92. Plant absorh nitrates from soil and covert them into
( I ) Urea I 2) Ammonia
( 3) Nitrogen (4) None of the above
93. The source of hallucinogenic drug is
( I ) Alternaria
I 3) Rhizopus
( 2) Calviceps
( 4) Aspergillus
94. Hormone oxytocin at the time of birth acts on uterus by
( 1 I Producing rhythmic movements in uterus
( 2 J Increa~ing the movements of foetus
( :3 J Reducing the lumen of uterus
(4) Stimulating the smooth muscle to contract
95. Process of maintaining [he composition of blood is called
( I) Blood plasma filtration
( 3) Blood regulation
( 2) Blood filtration
( 4) Homeostasis
( 16 ) (Co!ltilwed)
96. \1aln function ofPcycr's patches is
( 1 ) To help in digestion of protein
( 2) To ahsorh food
( ,) To manufacture RBC
(4) To manufacture WBC
97. The protein are constituted by
( I) Both L & D amtnoaeid
( 2) D amino aCid only
( 3) L amino acid only
(4) Depends nn the t)'pe of protein
98. Proteins contain Regulatory sites called
( 1) Folding sites
( 3) Clefts
( 2) Complementary sites
(4) Allosteric sites
99. Th<: transport hy channel protcii1 is
( I ) Active
( J) Both
(2) Passive
(4) :\one
100. Which of the following Ion I'; important for t•RNA stabilization?
( I ) Vln"' ( 2) :-'Ig• (3) cr (4) Na'
101. Prihnow Box (TATA"T) !<lUnd in all
{ I J Promoters
( J) Eukaryotes
( 2) Repressors
(4) Prokaryotic promoters
( 17 ) ('j'mIO.cr)
102. The most abundant type of RNA in tbe cell pool is
(2) mRNA ( I) rRNA
(3) tRNA (4) All are found in equal ratios
103. Proteins at the time of degradation becomes joined to
( I) Clatbrin
( 3) Ubiquitin
( 2) Peptidase
(4) SRP
104. The guanidino group is found in
( I) Tryptophan
(2) Leucine
( 4) Arginine
lOS. Which of the following is not an essential attribute that a biological
molecule would need to be a useful genetic material?
( 1) It must carryall of the information needed to direct the specific
organization and metabolic activities of the cell
(2) It must replicate accurately so that the information it contaiIls is
precisely inherited by the daughter cells
( 3) it must have highly repetitive DNA sequences
( 4) All are essential attributes of useful genetic materiaL
106. The Hershey and Chase experiment which offered evidence in support
of DNA being the genetic material in bacteriophage made use of the
following labelled components
( I ) Phosphorous and sulfur
(2) Nitrogen and oxygen
(3) Tritium
( 4) Hydrogen
t 18 ) (CvJJtinued)
107. Penta peptide has
( I) 5 peptide bond
( 3) 4 amino acids
( 2) 4 peptide bond
(4) 2 & 3 both
108. A IflLVI aqueous HCL solution is diluted 1000 times. The pH of the
solution would be approximately
( I) 8 (2) 7 (3) 6 (4) 5
109. Which one of the following vector can carry the longest piece of foreign
( I) Plasmids (2) Cosmids
( 3) Bacteriophage ( 4) Yeast artilicial chromosome
110. A common target for antibiotics in bacteria is
( I) Microsomes
( 3) Ribosomes
( 2) M esosomes
( 4) Non of the above
111. Degeneracy of the genetic code means that
( 1) A given base triplet can code for more than one amino acid
( 2) There is no punctuation in the code sequence
(3) The third base in a code is not important in coding
( 4) A given amino acid can be coded by more than one base triplet
112. Which is not the constituent of biomembrane?
( I) Sphingolipids
( 3) Glycolipid
! 2) Phospholipids
( 4) Triglyceride
( 19 ) ( TlJmOverJ
113. Anticancer drug, vincristine & vinblastin used in the treatment of
leukemia afe obtained from
( I ) Rauwolfia canesccns
( 3) Catharanthus roseau:;
(2) Rauwolfia serpcntina
( 4) Azhadirachtu indica
114. \Vhich of the following docs not participate in the formation of antigen
antibody complex?
( I ) Hydrophobic bonds
( 3) Hydrogen bonds
( 2) Covalent bonds
{ 4, van def Waals' forces
115. Immunoglobulins arc proteins that exhibit
( 1 ) Primary structure
( 3) Tertiary strU(:tuTC
( 2) Secondary structure
( 4) Quaternary structure
116. The site of metabolism of xenobiotic in animal is
( I) Brain
1 3) Kidney
( 2) Liver
14) Heart
117. The lagging strand is characterized by
( I) Aeonstcnt supply of RNA primer
( 2) Discontinuous synthesis of new strand
(3) Replication of DNA in 5'- 3' direction
14) All of thc above
118. The separation of two DNA strand for replication is brought about hy
1 I) DNA pol III
(3) DNA pol I
( 2) DNA helicase
( 4) DNA ligase
( 20 ) (ConliIlLJcd)
119. The codon of mRNA and anticodon of tRNA recognise each other by
(I) 5' .... 3' ofmRNAwith 5' .... 3' oftRNA
(2) 3' .... 5'ofmRNAwith3' .... 5'oftRNA
(3) 5' .... 3' ofmRNA with 3' .... 5' oftRNA
(4) In any of the above manner
120. Frame shift mutations are characterized by
( 1) Insertion or deletion of one or more base pairs in DNA
( 2) Insertion of one or more base pairs in DNA
( 3) Deletion of one or morc base pairs in DNA
(4) Replacement of purine by pyrimidille or vice-versa
121. Which is not a fibrous protein?
(1)[gG (2) Wool (3) Silk ( 4) Collagen
122. The precursors of oligosaccharide residues ill glycoproteins are
( I) Amino sugars
( 3) Glycoproteins
( 2) Nucleotide sugars
(4) Hcxoarnine
123. The tertiary structure of a protein refers to the
( I) Three-dimensional folding of the molecule
( 2) Sequence of the amino acids
(3) Presence of alpha-helices and beta sheets
(4) Interaction of one protein with another protein•
i 21 )
124. Denaturation of double stranded DNA
( 1) Involves its separation into single strands
(2) Tends to occur more readily as the temperature of the DNA solution
i:-; decreas.ed
( 3) Results in decrease in the absorption of light at 260 nm by the DNA
( 4) Cannot be reversed even if the salt concentration and the
temperature of solution are adjusted appropriately
125. Cellular DNA replication
( I) Is known as transcription
( 2) Requires the DNA double helix to be unwound
(3) Occurs in the 3' to 5' direction
( 4) Employs an enzyme called DNA Jigase
126. Repair of damaged DNA
( I) Can occur spontaneously because of the nature of the chemical
bonds in DNA
( 2) Can occur during normal replication of DNA
( 3) Is not amenable to genetic analysis
t 4) May not require enzymatic reaction
127. Transport of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
( I ) Involves passage through nuclear pores
( 2 ) Is linked to translation ofthe protein encoded by the mRNA
( 3) Is in the 3' to 5' direction
( 4) Occurs with the spliceosomes bound to mRNA
( 22 ) (Continued)
128. A protein molecule binds a drug at two ditlerent sites. The method to
evaluate the two binding constants and whether binding at onC site
intluences binding at the other is by generating a
( 1) Lineweaver-Burk plot
( 3) Arrhenius plot
(2) Scatchard plot
( 4) None of the above
129. A patient develops vomiting and diarrhea after consumption of milk.
His blood is found to have a low concentration of glucose than normal
hut a much higher concentration of reducing sugars. The urine gives
positive tcst for galactose. What treatment would you recommend?
( 1) Low Fat diet
(3) Low protein diet
(2) Low lactose diet
(4) Low glucose diet
130. Amino acid that most often occurs at the active sites of enzymes and
can be uncharged or positively charged depending on its' local
( 1) R ( 2) H (3) K (4) 0
131. Lysine is an ammo acid with three ionizable groups. These are the
a-COOH, a-amino and E-amino groups with pKa values of 2•2, 9•2 and
10•8, respectively. The isoelectric point (pI) for lysine is
( 1 ) 5•7 (2) 65 ( 3) 9•2 (4) 100
132. Immobilization of enzymes using entrapment method requires
( 1 )
( 2 )
( 3 )
( 4 )
Inclusion in microcapsules

CNBr activation of scpharose
Polyfunctional reagent like hexamcthylene diisocynate
Radiation of polyvinyl alcohol
I 23 ) I Tum Over)
133. Isoleucine is derived from Threonine via 5 step metabolic pathway.
Threonine dcaminasc is crucial enzyme which is allosterically regulated
by Isokucinc through feedback inhibition. If substrate saturation curve
in presence and absence of isoleucine arc compared, one can find that
{ I} The subBtratc saturation curve will be sigmoid and will shift to right
in presence of isoleucine.
(2) The suh<.;tratc saturation curve will be. sigmoid and will shift to left
in prcscm::c of isoleucine
( 3) The substrate saturation curve will be linear and will shift to right
in prcscnr.;c of isoleucine
{4} The substrate saturation curve will be linear and will shift to left
in presence of isoleucine
13<1.. Which enzyme is not involved as biosensor?
( 1 ) Glucose oxidase
( 3) Alcohal oxidase
( 2) Urease
(4) Amylase
135. Which one of the following is formed element of blood?
( I) Erythrocytes
( 3) Thrombocytes
( 2) Leucoeytes
(4) All of these
136. Blood is classified into four main groups on the hasis of the nature of?
( I) Erythrocyte
( 3) Thrombocyte
137. Which is not the biofuel 'j
( I) Bioethanol
(3) Biohydrogen
(2) Leucocyte
(4) All of the above
( 2) Biodissel
( 4) Biocompost
( 24 ) (CuJl/illued l
138. In protein disuIphide bond can be cleaved by
( 3) Acid
(2) Alkali
( 4) ~-mercaptoethanoI
139. One of the following spectroscopies is efficiently used to determine the
3-D structure of the macromolccuie in solution
( I) Infra red
(2) X-ray ditfraction
(4) Ultraviolet
140. DNA is prescnt in the form of nucleosomes in
( I) An eukaryotic cell
( 3) Virus
( 2) A yeast cell
( 4) Bacteria
141. The mechanisms regulating the decision between lysis and lysogeny for
bacteriophage lamda have been described as 'genetic switch'. Which
of the following statements arc true of the systems?
( I) The cI and era genes are transcribed in opposite directions
( 2) The mRNAs encoding cl and era protein arc synthesized using the
same strand of DNA as template
( 3) Synthesis of cI is not stimulated by its binding to OR I and OR 2
(4) Of the three OR sites in the lambda genome, c1 has greatest affinity
for OR I
142. A double stranded DNA molecule with 6390 base pairs long will have
the following number of turns
( I) 639 .I 2) 639 (3)6-39 ( 4) 195
f 25 ) t Tum Over)
143. Eukaryotic DNA
( 1 ) Takes part directly in protein synthesis by coming out of the nucleus
( 2) Takes part indirectly in protein synthesis, the DNA itself stays in
the nucleus
( 3) Has nothing to do with protein synthesis but involves in replication
(4) Is involved in protein synthesis that takes place in the nucleus
144. Which one of the following is essential for bacteria for DNA rcpair and
( I ) DNA E protein
( 2) Rec A protein
( 3) Thymidine kinase
(4) Chaperone proteins
145. The lac repressor
( I) Is a DNA binding protein
(2) Is induced by exposure of a bacterial cell to lactose
( 3) Uses the same promoter as the lac Z gene
(4) Can from alternative stem-loop structures
146. DNA synthesis begins at a
( 1) Single location in the adenovirus genome
( 2) Single location in E. coiJ
( 3) Single location in yeast
(4) Site that is G•C rich in E. coli
t 26 ) (Colliinucd)
147. The enzyme lysozyme is used in the treatment of
( I) Coronary diseases
( 3) Leukaemia
( 2) Liver diseases
(4) Eye diseases
148. The group transferring coenzyme is
( I) DPN
(.1) FAD'
(2) TPN
(4) eoA
149. The absorptiOn of glucose is interfered by the deficiency of
( I) Vitamin A
( J) Mg"
( 2) Thiamine
(4) Fe"
ISO. Whi-ch of the hormones decreased blood sugar level?
( I) Glucagon
( 3) Glucocorticoids
(2) Epinephrine
(4) Insulin

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21st May 2020, 07:11 AM
Itbp animal transport result

Dear sir
Animal transport ka result kab tak aaye ga something

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