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7th July 2015, 02:26 PM
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Re: B.Tech in CSJM University

Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University was established in the year 1966. It is located at Kanpur Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, India . It is affiliated to UGC, AIU, NAAC .

It offers four year B.Tech Program in Computer Science Engineering.

Semester -I
Mathematics – I
Physics – I
Physics Lab-I
Engineering Drawing
Basic Electrical &
Electronics Engineering
Basic Electrical &
Electronics Engineering Lab
Communicative English

Semester -II
Mathematics – II
Physics – II
Physics Lab-II
Programming & Computing
(C & UNIX)
Programming Lab
(C & UNIX)
Workshop Concepts
Workshop Practice
Chemistry – I
Chemistry Lab – I

Semester -III
Mathematics – III
Engineering Mechanics
Data Structure
Data Structure-Lab
Digital Electronics
Logic Design
Digital Electronics
Logic Design Lab

Semester -IV
Industrial Economics
Object Oriented Programming
Using C++ or Java)
Object Oriented Programming Lab
Computer Organization
Operating Systems
Discrete Mathematics
CSJM B.Tech Computer Science Engineering syllabus
Course Details:
Unit I
Applications of Integrals : Areas between curves, Methods of finding volume : Slicing, Solids of
revolution, Cylindrical shell, Lengths of plane curves, Areas of surface of revolution, Moments and Center
of mass, Improper integrals .
Unit II
Sequences: Definition, Monotonic sequences, Bounded sequences, Convergent and Divergent Sequences.
Series: Infinite series, Oscillating and Geometric series, their Convergence, Divergence. Tests of
Convergence: nth Term test of divergence, Integral test, Comparison Test, Limit Comparison test, Ratio
test, nth root test (Cauchy root test), Alternating series, Absolute and Conditional convergence.
Power Series: Power series and its convergence, Radius and interval of convergence, Term by term
differentiation, Term by term integration, Product of power series, Taylor and Maclaurin series,
Convergence of Taylor series, Error estimates, Taylor’s Theorem with remainder .
Unit III
Vector Calculus: Vector valued functions, Arc length and Unit Tangent vector, Curvature, Torsion and
TNB frame .
Partial Derivatives: Function of two or more variables (Limit, Continuity, Differentiability , Taylors
Theorem ) , Partial derivatives, Chain Rule, Partial Derivatives of higher orders, , Maxima and Minima and
Saddle Point, Lagrange Multipliers, Exact differential, Leibniz Theorem.
Directional derivatives, Gradient Vectors, Divergence and Curl, Tangent planes .
Unit III
Multiple Integrals: Double and triple integral, Change of order, Jacobian, Change of variables, Application
to area and volume, Dirichlet integral and Applications.
Line, surface integrals , Path independence, Statement and problems of Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss
divergence theorems (without proof).
Text Books and Reference :
1. G.B.Thomas and R.L.Finney : Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 9th edition,
Pearson Educaion
B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005
Course Details:
Unit-I: Newton’s laws and their applications, Friction, conservative forces and potentials, Work energy
theorem, conservation of energy and linear momentum, variable mass system (rocket), impulse,
system of particles and collision, Elementary rigid body kinematics, rotation motion, moment of
inertia, and Gyroscopic motion.
Unit-II:Rigid body motion, angular momentum, fundamental of classical mechanics, Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian formulation.
Unit-III:Motion in non-inertial frames, fractious forces, special theory of relativity, central forces,
Gravitation motion under central forces and Kepler’s Laws.
Unit-IV:Simple harmonic motion (SHM), small oscillations and resonance; Wave particle duality, de-
Broglie matter’s waves, Phase and group velocities, Davisson-Germer experiment, Heisenberg
uncertainty principle and its applications.
Unit-V:Wave function and its significance, Schrödinger equations (time dependent and independent),
Schrödinger’s wave equation for particle in one dimensional box, diffraction of X-rays by crystal
planes, Bragg’s spectrometer, Compton’s effect.
Text Books and References:
1. Mechanics: D. S. Mathur
2. A textbook of Mechanics: J. C. Upadhyay
3. Concept of physics (I & II): H. C. Verma
4. Introduction to Mechanics: R. D. Kleppner and J. Kolenkow
5. Physics: Resnick, Halliday and Krane
6. Vector analysis: M. R. Spiegel
7. Classical Mechanics: Goldstien
8. Modern Physics: Author Beiser
Course Details:
1. Graphical Analysis (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
2. Trajectory of projectile (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
Apparatus Used (Trajectory Apparatus, Metal Balls, Channels, Vernier Callipers, Carbon & Graph
3. Moment of Inertia of Bicycle wheel (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Bicycle Wheel, Masses, Thread, Stopwatch, Meter Scale, Vernier Callipers)
4. Spring Oscillations (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
Apparatus Used (Spring Oscillation Apparatus, Stop Watch, Masses)
5. Coupled Pendulum (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
Apparatus Used (Coupled Pendulum Setup, Stop Watch, Scale)
6. Bifilar Suspension System (Ref. UIET Laboratory Manual)
Apparatus Used (Bifilar Suspension System Setup, Stop Watch, Masses)
7. Frequency of AC Mains by Melde’s Method (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Electrical Vibrator, String, Pulley, Small Pan, Weight Box & Physical Balance)
8. Kater’s(Reversible) Pendulum (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Kater’s Pendulum, Stop Watch)
9. Inertia Table (Ref. Book by K. K. Dey, B. N. Dutta)
Apparatus Used (Inertia Table, Stop Watch, Vernier Callipers, Split Disc, Balancing Weights, and Given
Course Details:
Introduction- Drawing instruments and their uses, BIS conventions, lettering dimensioning and free hand
Orthographic projections: Lines, planes and surfaces of objects, Sectional views, Auxiliary views, Space
geometry: lines and planes, True lengths and shapes, Properties of parallelism, Perpendicularity and
intersections of lines and planes, Simple intersections of solids and development of lateral simple solids.
Isometric Projections: Introduction , isometric scale, isometric projection of simple plane figures, isometric
projection of tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), right regular prisms , pyramids, cylinders, cones, spheres, cut
spheres and combinations of solids.
Introduction to computer graphics: Some problems on above topics on computer graphics.
Text Books and References:
1. Narayana,K.L. & Kannaiah,P. “Engg.Graphics”. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Bhatt,N.D. “Elementary Engg. Drawing” Charotar Book stall. Anand.
3. Lakshminarayanan ,V and Vaish Wannar , R. S. “Engg.Graphics”.Jain Brothers , New Delhi.
4. Chandra, A.M. & Chandra Satish, “Engg.Graphics”.Narosa.
5. French & Vireck, “The Fundamental Of Engg. Drawing & Graphic Tech.”. McGraw Hill.
6. Gill, P.S. “A Text Book Of Machine Drawing” Katson Publishing House , Ludhiana.
Course Details:
Unit – I
Sinusoidal steady state circuit analysis, voltage, current, sinusoidal & phaser presentation single phase AC
circuit – behavior of resistance, inductance & capacitance & their combination, impedance concept of
power, power factor. Series & parallel resonance – band width & quality factor. Three phase circuits – phase
voltage & current, line & phase quantities, phasor diagram, balanced & unbalanced loads, Measurement of
R, L, and C.
Unit –II
Network Theory: Network theorems – Thevenin’s, Norton, maximum power transfer theorem, star delta
transformation, circuit theory concept – mesh & nodal analysis.
Unit – III
Magnetic circuit concepts: self inductance , magnetic coupling analysis of single tuned & double tuned
circuit involving mutual inductance , introduction to transformer.
Unit – IV
Basic Instruments, electrical measurement – measurement of voltage , current , power & energy, voltmeters
& ammeter , wattmeter , energy meter , three phase power measurement , electronics instrument –
multimeter, CRO(analog & digital),An overview of voltage regulator.
Unit – V
Introduction to basic electronics devices – junction diode, BJT, amplifier, op-amps & instrumentation
amplifier with mathematical operation.
Number System: Introduction to binary, octal, decimal & hexadecimal systems, representation of negative
numbers, 1’s, 2’s, 9’s, 10’s complement and their arithmetic.
Text Books and References:
1. W.H.Hayt & J.E. Kemmerly : Engg. Circuit Analysis , Mc Graw Hill.
2. N.N. Bhargava : ‘Basic Electronics’,Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Malvino, A.P. / “Electronics Principles” / Tata McGraw-Hill / 6th Ed.
4. Morris Mano, “Digital Computer Design” PHI
5 Del Toro : Principles of Electrical Engg. – PHI
6 Boylstad & Neshishkey, “Electronic devices & circuits” , PHI
7. Malvino & Leech “Digital Principle and application”, TMH
Course Details:
1. Familiarization with the Electronic Instruments.
2. Familiarization with electronic components and Bread board.
3. To verify the Thevenin theorem.
4. To verify the Superposition theorem.
5. Measurement of voltage and frequency with CRO.
6. To study half wave rectifier.
7. To study full wave bridge rectifier.
8. To study full wave bridge rectifier with filter.
9. To study and verify the truth table of different logic gates using digital IC.
10. To study different type of transformer and there operation.
11. To study basic wiring and design a switchboard/extension board.
12. To study the polarity test of a single phase transformer.
13. To study the open & short circuit test of a transformer and calibration losses.
14. To study the load test and efficiency of a single phase transformer.
Course Details:
Unit 1: Basics of Technical Communication: Technical Communication: features; Distinction between
General and Technical communication; Language as a tool of communication; Levels of
communication: Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass communication; The flow of Communication:
Downward, Upward, Lateral or Horizontal (Peer group); Barriers to Communication.
Unit 2: Constituents of Technical Written Communication: Word formation, Prefix and Suffix;
Synonyms and Antonyms; Homophones; One Word Substitution; Technical Terms; Paragraph
Development: Techniques and Methods -Inductive, Deductive, Spatial, Linear, Chronological etc;
The Art of Condensation- various steps.
Unit 3: Forms of Technical Communication: Business Letters: Sales and Credit letters; Letter of Enquiry;
Letter of Quotation, Order, Claim and Adjustment Letters; Memos, Notices, Circulars; Job
application and Resumes. Reports: Types; Significance; Structure, Style & Writing of Reports.
Technical Proposal; Parts; Types; Writing of Proposal; Significance.
Unit 4: Presentation Strategies: Defining Purpose; Audience & Locale; Organizing Contents; Preparing
Outline; Audio-visual Aids; Nuances of Delivery; Body Language; Space; Setting Nuances of Voice
Dynamics; Time- Dimension.
Unit 5: Value- Based Text Readings: Following essays form the suggested text book with emphasis on
Mechanics of writing,
(i) The Language of Literature and Science by A.Huxley
(ii) Man and Nature by J.Bronowski
(iii) The Mother of the Sciences by A.J.Bahm
(iv) Humanistic and Scientific Approaches to Human Activity by Moody E. Prior
(v) The Effect of Scientific Temper on Man by Bertrand Russell.
Text Books and References:
1. Improve Your Writing ed. V.N. Arora and Laxmi Chandra, Oxford Univ. Press, New Delhi.
2. Technical Communication – Principles and Practices by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma,
Oxford Univ. Press 2007, New Delhi.
3. Effective Technical Communication by Barun K. Mitra, Oxford Univ. Press, 2006, New Delhi
4. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by Prof. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata
McGraw Hill & Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. How to Build Better Vocabulary by M.Rosen Blum, Bloomsbury Pub. London.
6. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis, W.R.Goyal Pub. & Distributors; Delhi.
7. Developing Communication Skills by Krishna Mohan, Meera Banerji- Macmillan India Ltd. Delhi.
8. Manual of Practical Communication by L.U.B. Pandey & R.P. Singh; A.I.T.B.S. Publications India
Ltd.; Krishan Nagar, Delhi.
Course Details:
Linear Algebra
Matrices, Elementary row and Column operations, Echelon form, Determinants, Rank of matrix, Vector
spaces, Linear dependence and Independence, Linear transforms and matrices, Consistency of linear system
of equations and their solution, Special Matrices : Symmetric, Hermition etc, Characteristic equation,
Cayley-Hamilton theorem(statement only), Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Diagonalization .
Differential Equations : Separable, Exact Differential Equation , Integrating Factors, Linear differential
equations with constant coefficients, Homogeneous Linear differential equations, Bernoulli Equation,
Simultaneous linear differential equations, Clairaut’s equation, Homogeneous linear differential equations of
second order with constant coefficients, Complex root case, Differential operators, Euler-Cauchy equation ,
Wronskian, Nonhomogeneous equations,
Solution by undetermined coefficients, solution by variation of parameters.
Series solution: Ordinary differential equations of 2nd order with variable coefficients (Frobenius Method).
Unit-III: Laplace Transform
Laplace transform, Existence Theorem, Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, Inverse Laplace
transform, Unit step function, Dirac Delta function, Laplace transform of periodic functions, Convolution
Theorem, Applications to solve simple linear and simultaneous differential equations.
Text Books and Reference :
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
3. C. Ray Wylie & Louis C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd. 2003.
4. G.F. Simmons, Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 1981.
Course Details:
Unit-I: Vector analysis: scalars, vectors, vector differentiation, gradient, divergence and curl, vector,
integration, Gauss divergence and Stoke’s theorem, co-ordinate systems (spherical polar &
cylindrical), Electrostatics: electric fields, potentials, Gauss’s law, electric dipoles and multipoles,
polarization, bound charges, linear dielectrics and force on dielectrics, electric displacement,
boundary condition of E and D, work and energy of electrostatics, Laplace’s equation and
uniqueness theorem, image theory.
Unit-II: Motion of charge in electric and magnetic field, Magnetostatics: current density, magnetic fields,
Ampére’s law, Faraday’s law, magnetic potential, magnetic polarization, bound current, magnetic
properties of materials (para, dia and ferro), boundary condition of B and H, basic idea of
Unit-III: Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations for free space and matter (dielectric and conductor),
Electromagnetic waves, Poynting vector.
Unit-IV: Origin the refractive index, Interference: division of wave-front and division of amplitude;
diffraction: Fraunhoffer, Grating, Resolving power (grating, prism, telescope and microscope);
polarization: Phenomena of double refraction, Nicol prism, optical activity Production and analysis
of plane, circular and elliptical polarized light, Frenels theory of optical activities and Polarimeters.
Unit-V: Fiber optics and photonics: Fundamental ideas about optical fiber, types of fibers, Total Internal
Reflection (TIR), critical angle, acceptance angle and application, basic principal of Laser and
Holography and fundamental ideas about photonics.
Text Books and References
1. Optics: Ajoy Ghatak
2. A textbook of OPTICS: Subrahmanyam, Brijlal and Avadhanulu
3. Electrodynamics: David J. Griffith
4. Classical electrodynamics: J. D. Jackson
5. Modern Physics: Author Beiser
6. Photonic Crystals: J. D. Joannopoulos, R. D. Meade, and R. D. Winn

Contact Details :
Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur
Near G.T. Road,, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208024
0512 257 1588
For detailed syllabus , here is the attachment;
Attached Files
File Type: pdf CSJM B.Tech Computer Science Engineering syllabus.pdf (346.7 KB, 132 views)

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