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31st July 2014, 10:02 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Xavier Institute of Management Goa

According to my knowledge the Xavier Institute of Management is not in Goa but in Odisha. Here I am listing its programs and courses:

Programmes Offered
Management Programmes

Integrated PhD

Global Management Programme
MBA-GLOBAL Leadership Programme

Graduate Programme
School of Commerce

Courses Offered

BC Business Communication

BEB Business Economics for Banks and Financial Services Industries

EF Ethics in Finance

HRMB Human Resource Management for Banks and Financial Services Industries

IARM Insurance & Risk Management

LIB Life Insurance Basics

FCA Financial & Cost Accounting

MM Marketing Management

QTB Quantitative Tools for Banks and Financial Services Industries

BCB Basics of Commercial Banking

BGLI Basics of General & Liability Insurance

CMCB Credit Management and Corporate Banking

EA Equity Analysis

GIU General Insurance Underwriting


LIU Life Insurance Underwriting

MDCI Marketing & Distribution Channel in Insurance

MF Mutual Funds

ALMB ALM in Banks

RMB Risk Management in Banks

NBFS Non-Banking Financial Services

BRC Banking Regulation & Compliance

IB Investment Banking

IBFM International Banking & Forex Management

FD Financial Derivatives

dc1 Demo Course1

dc2 Demo Course2

DS Descriptive Research Methodology

EA-I Economic Analysis-I

EA-II Economic Analysis-II

EEB Economic Environment of Business

AEMBF Application of Econometric Methods in B.F.

IRP-Eco Independent Research Project (Economics Area)

ME Managerial Economics

MEARS Macro Economic Analysis for Rural Society

REEP Rural Economic Environment and Policy

GTS Global Trading System

MEM Microeconomics for Managers

MEAP Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy

IEEP Indian Economic Environment and Policy

DEAM Data Envelopment Analysis in Management

TSAF Time Series Analysis & Forecasting

IBC The Indian Business Context

PB Productivity Benchmarking

IB International Business

ES Economics of Strategy

BC Business Communication

FAM Financial Accounting for Managers

FM Financial Management

HRM Human Resource Management

IS Information Systems

MEEB Macro Economic Environment of Business

OM Operations Management

OB Organisational Behaviour

PMM Principles of Marketing Management

SWP Statistics for Working Professionals


FMM Foreign Markets Manager

GS Global Strategy

ISCC Innovation Strategy of Competitive Companies

L&SP Leadership & Sustainable Performance

MSI Management of Services Innovation

MIC Managing in Complexity

MSP Marketing Strategy and Planning

SBR Strategic Business Relationships

CB Consumer Behaviour

PROJM Project Management

PDSD Product Design and Service Development

I&N Innovation and Networks

STCAM Strategic Customer Account Management

SKM Starting Knowledge Management

DV Derivatives

CCI Control, Compensation & Incentives

RE Real Estate

BL Business Law

IF International Finance

CS Capital Structure

BFI Banking and Financial Intermediaries

CRM Credit Risk Management

ICIM Industry Change and Innovation Management

CBIC Consumer Behaviour in an International Context

CSRM Corporate Social Responsibility & Marketing

BCR Brand and Corporate Reputation

SM Stress Management

PBE Personal Branding and Efficiency

EF Entrepreneurial Finance

RMBI Banking II: Risk Management in the Banking Industry

BPM Business Process Management

CRM Consumer Relationship Management

SMM Sales Management (Marketing)

SEMOA Search Engine Marketing & Online Advertising

IBM International Brand Management

IBLGC International Business Law in a Global Context

MRSPSS Marketing Research with SPSS

POM Production and Operations Management

GBM Global Brand Management

CEF Corporate Equity Financing

CCM Cross Cultural Management

DP Dividend Policy

EBB Efficiency and Benchmarking in Banking

EM E-Marketing

EMF Emerging Markets Finance

EMod Enterprise Modelling

FID Financial Information and Decisions

FVTP Firm Valuation: Theory and Practices

FFM Fundamentals of Future Markets

HRD Human Resource Development

ISA Information Systems Audit

IEPM International Enterprise Project Management

SMM Social Media Marketing

IEF Introduction to Empirical Finance

IEDBME Islamic Ethics and Doing Business in the Middle East

MFS Management Flight Simulators

MCon Managing Consultancy

MNHCOB Managing the Net : How to Create Online Business

MDM Marketing Decision Making

MGB Marketing-II (GB)

PRO Pricing and Revenue Optimization

PDM Product Design Management - Computer Aided, Design and Manufacture

RM Risk Management

SM Services Marketing

SEM Sport and Event Marketing

ERIMS Exchange Rates and the International Monetary System

HCIWD Human Computer Interaction: Website Design

IDR International Distribution and Retailing

INM International Marketing

IPM International Purchasing Management

MCF Multinational Corporate Finance

RLOMT Reverse Logistics: Overview and Management Tools

ABCM Activity Based Cost Management

ECF Empirical Corporate Finance

OPS Option Pricing and Strategies

SP Sustainable Procurement

IRM Introduction to Risk Management

CGFP Corporate Governance : A Financial Perspective

SCD Supply Chain Development

SOM Service Operations Management

HTM High-Tech Marketing

PI Product Innovation

NIC Negotiation in Context

SE Social Entrepreneurship

GMM Global Marketing Management

MPS Market Place Simulation

ICN International Communication & Negotiation

IPM International Performance Management

STM Strategic Marketing

AT Audit Techniques

APBMBR Asset Price Behaviour & Market Abuse Regulation

CM Change Management

CS Consulting Skills

MKS Managing Knowledge Strategically

RMS Retail Marketing Strategy

DM Direct Marketing

EM Environmental Marketing

IMCS Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

NPIE Negotiation & Purchasing in an International Env.

IS Internal Selling

IGL International Green Logistics

MTC Managing Techno-Change : Strategy, Tool & Technique

PDI Product Design & Innovation

IBV Improving Brand Values

CCRMN Cross Cultural Relationship in Marketing & Negot

IM Inventory Management

DMUBI Decision Making Using Business Intelligence

EBSMS Experiencing Business Software for Master Studen

IDCB International Dimensions of Consumer Behaviour

IMC International Marketing Communication

SM Sport Marketing

IMEM International Marketing in Emerging Markets

ICAN Interpersonal Communication Applied to Negotiation

SCM Supply Chain Management

BBM Business to Businees Marketing

CM Comparative Management

IND International Negotiation & Diplomacy

CIIBM Culture Impart on International Business & Management

SNA Social Network Analysis : How to Approach Business 2.0

IPM International Purchasing Management-I

ENTP Entrepreneurship

MI Managing Innovation

IB International Business

BF Behavioral Finance

CR Creative Research

DFUE Design For Users Experience

EXPL Exploratory Research Methodolgy

EXPM Experimental Research Methodology

COMA Cost & Management Accounting

M&A Mergers & Acquisitions

OFS Options, Futures & Swaps

WCM Working Capital Management

COMB Commercial Banking

PROF Practices of Finance

SAPM Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

PROJAP Project Appraisal

FISM Fixed Income Securities Management

IRP-FIN Independent Research Project (A & F Area)

SMA Strategic Management Accounting

INFRAFIN Infrastructure Finance

IF International Finance

FE Financial Engineering

CIF Cases in Finance

CTP Corporate Tax Planning

IFRM International Finance And Risk Management

FA Financial Accounting

FIM Financial Institutions & Markets

COSTA Cost Accounting

FM Financial Management

FCA Financial & Cost Accounting

IARM Insurance & Risk Management

CFS Corporate Financial Strategy

Valuation Valuation

FRIS Financial Reporting - International Standards

FM Financial Mathematics

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

FinMod Financial Modeling

RMCM Risk Management & Capital Measurement

ALMCB ALM in Commercial Banks

CMD Commodity Markets & Derivatives

IIF Introduction to International Finance

FEF Fundamentals of Environmental Finance

FR Financial Reporting

AVAL Advanced Valuation

RMII Risk Management in International Investing

MMM Money & Money Markets

FAV Financial Analysis & Valuation

FSA Financial Statement Analysis

ADM Accounting for Decision Making

RAF Regulatory Accounting and Finance

CBRM(F) Commercial Banking for Rural Management

IRV Introduction to Risk and Valuation

CID Capital Investment Decisions

ACF Advance Corporate Finance

OFS-1 Options, Futures & Swaps-1

OFS-2 Options, Futures & Swaps-2

OFS-3 Options, Futures & Swaps-3

RMII Risk Management & International Investing

ACB Advance Commercial Banking

CAPI Corporate Accounting Practices and IFRS

RMCM Risk Management and Capital Measurement in Commercial Banks

FRA Financial Reporting and Analysis

GTDM Game Theory & Decision Making

RMII Risk Management in International Investing

FTE Financial Tools for Entrepreneurs

CMRM Commodity Markets & Risk Management

EF Entrepreneurial Finance

NBFS Non-Banking Financial Services

INBA Investment Banking

DRM Derivative & Risk Management

PWC Project Appraisal & Working Capital Management

AHRM Accounting for HR Managers

FRM FOREX Risk Management

CIF Cases in Financial Risk Management

CAPAS Corporate Accounting Practices and Accounting Standards

IFM Introduction to Financial Markets, Financial Institutions & Financial Products

IFP Introduction to Financial Planning

RAIP Risk Analysis & Insurance Planning

IP Investment Planning

SMFP Study of Mutual Funds & Products

RPEB Retirement Planning and Employee Benefits

AFP Advanced Financial Planning

TEP Tax and Estate Planning

ACWM Advanced Concepts in Wealth Management

COMM Communication

SRM Social Research Methods

BE Business Ethics

BL Business Law

BP Business Policy

CP Corporate Planning

IBE International Business Ethics

IRP-GM Independent Research Project (Strategic Management Area)

MCRS Management Control & Reporting Systems

ABC Advanced Business Communication

IB International Business

SER Social & Ethical Responsibilities

IPCET Interactive Presentation & Corporate Etiquette

STM Strategic Management

TIPS Training in Interactive Presentations Skills

NIHONGO Basic Japanese Language

NCDM Negotiations & Competitive Decision Making

NEM New Enterprise Management

EPB European Perspective to Business

IMS Indian Multinational Strategies

PD Personality Development

NCS Non-Competitive Strategies

FLC French Language Course

IM Innovation Management

SUMPROJ Summer Project

EL Entrepreneurship & Livelihoods

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

RM Research Methods

DEAB DEA for Benchmarking

CSRSM CSR, Strategy & Marketing

SENRM Sustainable Environment & Natural Resource Management

PPM Principles and Practices of Management

OCPS Oral Communication and Presentation Skills

WCHRM Written Communication for HR Managers

E&S Environment & Sustainability

CIB Corporate Image Building

OCPS Oral Communication & Presentation Skills

MAC Managerial Analysis & Communication - Oral Skills

PM Principles of Management

I&E Innovation and Entrepreneurship

WC Written Communication

ISDCS Introduction to Sustainable Dev. & Corporate Sustainability

CEIM Corporate Etiquette and Impression Management

PDP&IS Personal Development Portfolio & Indian Spirituality and Leadership

IS Indian Spirituality

MPROJ Master Project

PDP (AMS) Personal Development Portfolio

SDCS Sustainable Development and Corporate Sustainability

CG Corporate Governance: Principle and Practice

ENTP Entrepreneurship

PDP Personal Development Portfolio

CSRS CSR & Sustainability

BECSR Business Ethics and CSR

HRM Human Resource Management

IR Industrial Relations

LL-I Labour Laws-I

T&D Training & Development

LL-II Labour Laws-II

MC Management of Compensation

GDM Grievance & Discipline Management

HRP Human Resource Planning

IRP-HR Independent Research Project (HR Area)

LL Labour Laws

HRP Human Resource Planning

IDGM Industrial Disputes & Grievance Management

CRM Compensation & Reward Management

HRIS Human Resource Information Systems

PM Performance Management

SHRM Strategic Human Resource Management

LTB Leadership & Team Building

ETHR Emerging Trends in HR

PIM Participation in Management

ID Industrial Discipline

EMR Employee Management Relations

IHRM International HRM

STCM Strategic Compensation Management

MID Managing Industrial Discipline

SHRRM Strategic HR & Reward Management

OLL Overview of Labour Legislation

HRD Human Resource Development

SNM Social Network Management

PGL Personal Growth Lab.

LL Labour Legislations

ER Employment Relations

STHRM Strategic HRM & Employee Compensation

SHR & IHRM Strategic HR & International HRM

PMED Performance Management & Employee Development

RTM Reward & Talent Management

MCFT Managing Conflict

MCVT Managing Creativity

HRDI HRD Instrument

CMSTA Career Management - Strategies, Trends and Action

R & S Recruitment & Selection

L&D Learning and Development

CMNS Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills

FLL Fundamentals of Labour Law

ERP Employee Resource Planning

LLA Labour Law Applications

LL-I Labour Legislation-I

LL-II Labour Legislation-II

GHRM Global Human Resource Management

PMA Performance Management & Appraisal

WLI Work Life Interface

ECR Employee Compensation & Reward

EC Employee Counselling

CMAC Competency Mapping & Assessment center

TM Talent Management

IJ Industrial Jurisprudence

SLIM Social Legislation for Indian Managers

LL-III Labour Legislation-III

CMBL Coaching, Mentoring and Beyond for Leadership

ECWLI Employee Counselling, and Work and Life Interface

SUMPROJ Summer Project

MDI Managing Diversity and Inclusion

MC Managerial Computing

MIS Management Information Systems

SOOP Structured & Object Oriented Programming

DBMS Database Management Systems

SAD System Analysis & Design

UNC Unix & C

DSS Decision Support Systems

PLP Programming Languages and Paradigms

IRP-IS Independent Research Project (Systems Area)

OS & U Operating Systems & Unix

ECom E-Commerce

NM&IT Network Management & Internet Technology

OOP Object Oriented Programming

SPA Structured Programming & Algorithms

TEB Technology for E-Business

PITEO Planning IT Enabled Organisations

OOSD Object-Oriented Software Development

ANNFS Artificial Neural Networks: AF&S

SPM Software Project Management

BSUSD Business Simulation Using System Dynamics

BSG Business Simulation Game

ECT Enterprise Computing Technology

ERP-I Enterprise Resource Planning, Part-I

ERP-II Enterprise Resource Planning, Part-II

SE Software Engineering

DW&DM Data Warehousing & Data Mining

SC Structured Computing

OOC Object Oriented Computing

SOOC Structured & Object Oriented Computing

EPIT Emerging Paradigms in Information Technology

ITS IT Strategy

SDM System Development Methodologies

EB E-Business

SSD Structured System Development

IIS Introduction to Information Systems

BPA Business Process Automation

BDCN Business Data Communications and Networking

DBTE Digital Business in the Transforming Economy

KMKE Knowledge Management in Knowledge Economy

ITSM IT Security Management

ISDS Information System Development Strategies

BSPM Business System & Process Modeling

BD Business Dynamics

EB e-Business

RMIT Risk Management in IT

BPRA Business Process Re-engineering & Automation

ITGM IT Governance & Management

ISA Information System Audit

KMS Knowledege Management Strategy

RMIS Risk Management and IT Security

BIS Business Information Systems

ITGM IT Governance & Management

IBIS Introduction to Business Information Systems

SMSB Social Media Strategy for Business

ITSDI IT Strategy Design & Implementation

AMC Audit Managerial Computing

ISM Information Security for Managers

ITG IT Governance

MT Management of Technology

KMSDI KM Strategy Design & Implementation

ITMP IT Management Practices

KMSDS KM Strategy for Development Sector

BPMS Business Process Modeling Strategies

MBDV Modeling Business Dynamics using Vensim

BA Business Analytics

TIM Technology in Innovation Management

BC Business Communication

BE Business Economics

BS Business Statistics

INS-I Insurance-I

INS-II Insurance-II

ITM IT for Managers

MM Marketing Management

CTNS Creative Thinking & Negotiation Skills

INS-III Insurance-III

IA Investment Analysis

BS & BE Business Strategy & Business Ethics

PD & BE Personality Development & Business Etiquette

INS-IV Insurance-IV

INS-V Insurance-V

IPMAT Introduction to Portfolio Management and Taxation

INS-IV Insurance-IV (Financial Plan Construction)

INS-V Insurance-V (Underwriting & Actuarial Application)

DEAA Data Envelopment Analysis & Its Application

FSI Financial Services & Institutions

GPRM Global Practices in Risk Management

MM-1 Marketing-I

MM-2 Marketing-II

BM Brand Management

PCM Product & Category Management

DLM Distribution & Logistics Management

SSFM Sales & Sales Force Management

e-Mktg e-Marketing

ADVT. Advertising Management

INM International Marketing

BBM Business to Business Marketing

CB Consumer Behaviour

SM Services Marketing

SDM Sales & Distribution Management

PRODMAN Product Management

RM Rural Marketing

IRP-MM Independent Research Project (Marketing Area)

MAR Managing Retailing

ITM Introduction to Marketing

MIP Marketing in Practice


RAD Rural Advertisement

MP Media Planning

QUALRES Qualitative Research

IPS International Policy Studies

NM Neuro Marketing

ML Marketing Laws

INPIM Innovation & New Product Introduction Management

MNP Management of New Products

PBM Product & Brand Management

IMC Integrated Marketing Communication

CRM-M Customer Relationship Management

S&N Selling & Negotiation

RMCB Retail Management and Consumer Behaviour

SDMCRM Sales, Distribution Management & CRM

MIM Market Insight Mining

IMT Indigenous Marketing Theories

SMKTG Strategic Marketing

CBRM(M) Consumer Behaviour in Rural Markets

MM-III Marketing-III

PM Pricing Management

SHM Stakeholder Marketing

MMHRP Marketing Management for HR Professionals

RM Retail Management

MR Marketing Research

EN Effective Negotiations

ES Effective Selling

BA Behavioural Architecture

RIM Rural & Inclusive Marketing

SSM Sustainability & Stakeholder Marketing

SFM Sales Force Management

GIM Globalisation and International Marketing

SMM Strategic Marketing Management

MCBoP Marketing to Consumers at the BoP

MO.EX Modeling with Excel

OB-I Individuals in Organisation (OB-I)

OB-II Groups in Organisation (OB-II)

OB-III Organisation Structure & Design (OB-III)

OC&D Organisational Change & Development

IRP-OB Independent Research Project (OB Area)

G&G Governance & Globalisation

OD Organisational Development

OMC Organisational & Managerial Creativity

FMGD Firms, Markets & Global Dynamics

CIA Communication in Action

TL Transformational Leadership

OB Organisational Behaviour

EQ & L EQ & Leadership

DPGD Dynamics of Personal Growth & Development

GDTB Group Dynamics and Team Building

GDL Group Dynamics and Leadership

IM Impression Management

C&I Creativity & Innovation

QM-I Quantitative Methods-I

POM-I Production & Operations Management-I

QM-II Quantitative Methods-II

POM-II Production & Operations Management-II

TQM Total Quality Management

PROJM Project Management

BPR Business Process Reengineering

BS Business Simulation

STOR Special Topics in Operations Research

MM Materials Management

TM Technology Management

BLM Business Logistics Management

SCM Supply Chain Management

IRP-OM Independent Research Project (OM Area)

QM Quantitative Methods

AMDA Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

POM Production & Operations Management

OR Operations Research

OS Operations Strategy

MAOSP Modeling & Analysis of Operations Systems and Processes

MSO Managing Service Operations

SSME Services Science, Management & Engineering

PI&SS Process Improvement & Six Sigma

O&SCM Operations & Supply Chain Management

BS Business Statistics

OR Operations Research

OM-I Operations Management-I

OM-II Operations Management-II

TQMSS TQM & Six Sigma

OM Operations Management

SOM Services Operations Management

QT Quantitative Techniques

OPC Operational Planning and Control

DOS Design of Operations Systems

QMB Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions

TOC Theory of Constraints

OLSCEGW Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Excellence in the Globalized World

BAR Business Analytics with R

MoT Management of Technology

GSCM Global Supply Chain Management

GSLMM Global Sourcing & Lean Material Management

BLOG Business Logistics

PMoS Philosopies and Methodologies of Science

QLM Qualitative Research Methods

QM Quantitative Research Methods

RC Research Communication

RDA Rural Development Administration

SADA Societal Analysis & Development Action

RFS Rural Financial Services

NRM Natural Resources Management

RPLS Rural Production & Livelihood Systems

REP Rural Economy Policy

RME Rural Marketing & Entrepreneurship

PROJM Project Management

CM Cooperative Management

MP Micro Planning

PMAI Procurement Management for Agro-Industries

AMPA Agriculture Marketing & Price Analysis

MFRD Management of Forests for Rural Development

DM Disaster Management

PRA PRA & RAAKs: Issues & Application

WM Watershed Management

AIM Agriculture Input Marketing

EMP Environment Management in Projects

GID Gender Issues in Development

MCM Micro Credit Management

LEDO Legal Environment for Development Organisations

SUMPJ-RM Summer Training

REEP Rural Economic Environment & Policy

DT Development Training

AOM Agricultural Output Marketing

PECM Participatory Extension and Communication Management

RE Rural Entrepreneurship

GIS Geographical Information System

APROJM Advance Project Management

LFMDO Legal & Financial Management for Development Organisations

EM Energy Management

PME Project Monitoring & Evaluation

GD Globalization & Development

PIM Participatory Irrigation Management

HCM Health Care Management

PMT Procurement Management

WAC Written Analysis and Communication

SEM Strategic Extension Management

MONGO Management of NGO

IM Innovation Management

RFIM Rural Financial Institutions & Markets

RLLE Rural Living & Learning Experience

CMIB Community Mobilisation & Institution Building

RFIS Rural Financial Institutions & Services

AFCD Agri-Finance & Commodity Derivaties

AM Agriculture Marketing

AMDA & MR Advanced Methods of Data Analysis & Market Research

RCSM Rural Communication & Social Marketing

EM Extension Management

PQRM Participatory Qualitative Research Methods

ITCD ICT for Development

SE Social Entrepreneurship

DIDAR Development Induced Displacement & Rehabilitation

N&A Networking & Advocacy

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

REPP Rural Environment and Public Policies

IMAN Innovation Management And Networking

WTOG WTO and Globalisation

DTRP Development Theories and Rural Polity

IRP-RM Independent Research Project

ESM Ecosystem Management

PMW Procurement Management & Warehousing

RMC Rural Marketing Communication

G&D Globalisation & Development

DATA Data Analysis Techniques and Application

CCSD Climate Change & Sustainable Development

UDO Understanding Development Organisations

MFM Micro Finance Management

AOFM Agriculture Output & Food Marketing

GD Governance & Development

QRM Qualitative Research Methods

ESM Ecosystem and Sustainability Management

RPS Rural Production Systems

RLS Rural Livelihood Systems

STM Strategic Management

FMGD Firms, Markets & Global Dynamics

IMS Indian Multinational Strategy

NCS Non-Competitive Strategies

IM Innovation Management

CSDS Corporate Sustainable Development Strategies

GSO Global Strategy and Organisation

SSS Strategy, System & Sustainability

CFAF Cross Functional Analysis of Firms

MCRS Management Control and Reporting Systems

STM-II Strategic Management-II

STM-I Strategic Management-I

MRIFYO MRI for Your Organisation

HSDM Heuristics of Strategic Decision Making

SBM Sustainable Business Management

CP Capstone Project

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science

TL Teaching Lab

STRIM Strategic Issues in Management

CMA Cost & Management Accounting

FM Financial Management

ELAB Ethical & Legal Aspects of Business

IT Information Technology

MM Marketing Management

EBP Emerging Business Paradigms

POM Production & Operations Management

BEM Basic Economics for Managers

OB Organisational Behaviour

QMBD Quantitative Methods for Business Decisions

ADM Accounting for Decision Making

HRM Human Resource Management

LHRS Leadership & Human Relations Skills (On-Campus)

GES Global Enterpreneurship Skills (On-Campus)

EIM Emerging Issues in Management (On-Campus)

INM International Management

PM & A Performance Management & Appraisal

CMOD Change Management & Organisational Development

Contact Detail:
Xavier Institute of Management
Xavier Square, Bhubaneswar - 751013
Odisha, India


[MAP]https://www.google.co.in/maps?q=Xavier+Institute+of+Management&hl=en&sll=10 .091236,76.331436&sspn=0.369784,0.591202&t=m&z=16[/MAP]
2nd December 2015, 11:34 AM
Re: Xavier Institute of Management Goa

Hii sir, I wanted to do MBA from the Xavier college GOA please give me the basic overview of the college ?
2nd December 2015, 11:35 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Xavier Institute of Management Goa

As you wanted to do MBA from the Xavier college GOA let me tell you that As per my knowledge the Xavier college GOA does not offered MBA it offered the following courses:

Under Graduate
B.Sc. - Biotechnology
B.Sc. - Computer Science
B.Sc. - Electronics
B.Sc. - Microbiology
B.Sc. - Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
B.Com. - Accounting, Cost Management Accounting, Business Management and Banking
B.A. - Mass Communication & Videography
B.A. - Journalism
B.A. - Psychology / English / Hindi / Konkani / Marathi (6 Units in Each Subject)
B.A. - Economics / History / Sociology / Philosophy (3 Units in Each Subject)
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Bachelor of Business Administrations
Bachelor of Business Administrations (Travel & Tourism)

Post Graduate
M.A. - Clinical Psychology, Human Resource
Management, Counseling Psychology
M.Com. - Accounting and Finance, Business Management
M.Sc. - Physical Chemistry
For nay query you may contact to the Xavier college GOA the contact details are given below :

Contact details :
St. Xavier's College Of Art Science & Commerce
Duler-Marna-Siolim Rd
Goa, 403507

Contact no: 0832 226 2356
As you wanted to do MBA here I am giving you the names of the names of the MBA colleges of GOA the names are given below :

IAS School of Management
Goa Institute of Management (GIM)
Sri Sri Institute of Management Studies
Goa University
WLC College India
19th March 2016, 12:07 PM
Xavier Institute of Management Goa

Hello sir, I want to know that any Xavier Institute of Management center is located in Goa? If any institute of Xavier Institute of Management is in Goa then provide me its address? Also provide me name of other institutes in Goa?
19th March 2016, 12:08 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: May 2012
Re: Xavier Institute of Management Goa

The Archdiocese of Goa & Daman took the initiative to establish this College soon after the liberation of Goa, in order to provide facilities to youngsters, who would like to grow and progress in a congenial environment and blossom into mature persons

St. Xavier’s College has secured 5th position. The NAAC Peer Team visited St. Xavier’s College on 6th - 8th March, 2014, to validate its Self-Study Report.


St. Xavier’s College
P.O. Box No. 32, Mapusa, Bardez Goa, 403 507 India
Tel. No : 91-0832-2262356 , 91-0832-2250705
Fax : 91-0832-2262356

Some other institutes in Goa:

Goa Institute of Management
Business School
0832 236 6700

St. Xavier's College Of Art Science & Commerce
Duler-Marna-Siolim Rd, Mapusa
0832 226 2356

Goa Institute of Management Hostel 4
Backpacker Hostel
Goa Institute of Management, Sanquelim Campus, Poriem
0832 236 6700

Goa Institute of Management

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