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17th June 2015, 10:24 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Syllabus of BCA JNVU

As you want I am here providing you syllabus for Bachelor Of Computer Applications (B.C.A) course of Jai Narain Vyas University (JNVU).

Semester 1:

Theory BCA-101 Elementary Mathematics BCA-102 Elementary Physics BCA-103 Communicative English BCA-104 P.C. Software
BCA-105 Information Technology Tren And Language FORTRAN BCA-106 Environmental Studies

BCA-107 M.S Office Lab
BCA-108 IT Lab
BCA-109 Physics Lab

Semester 2 :

BCA-201 Differential Integral Calculus
BCA-202 Statistical Methods
BCA-203 Digital Electronics
BCA-204 Programming Language C
BCA-205 data Structure

BCA-206 Digital Lab
BCA-207 C Lab

Semester 3:
BCA-301 Principles of Programming. Lang
BCA-302 Business Data Processing
BCA-303 Computer System Architecture
BCA-304 Finance & Cost Accounting
BCA-305 Comp. Oriented Numerical Meth.

BCA-306 Microprocessor Lab

BCA I Year Session 2012-2013
Set, Relation and Functions: Set, Cartesian product of sets, relations, functions, binary operations.
Trigonometric Functions: Angles, trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities.
Cartesian system of rectangular coordinates: The number plane, distance formula area of a triangle, section formulae, slope of a line, locus and equation.
Straight line: To find equation of a straight line parallel to an axis: the point slope form, two point form,
intercept from, slope-intercept form, normal form, condition of concurrency for three straight lines, analytical proof of geometric theorems.
Circle and family of circles: Standard form of equation of a circle, its general form, condition of tangentancy.
Quadratic equation: Solution of quadratic equations, symmetric functions of roots.
Determinants and matrices: Properties and applications, definition and type of matrices, elementary
transformation of a matrix, inverse of a matrix, normal form of a matrix, orthogonal matrices.

BCA – 102
Note:- This course is of introductory nature and therefore, emphasis will be on basic concepts and direct applications of mathematical expressions without rigorous analysis.
Physical quantities: Scalar and vector quantities, vector addition, scalar and vector product of two vectors.
Modern Physics: Electromagnetic spectrum, different categories and properties of the electromagnetic waves, communication of signals, modulation and demodulation, cable, microwave and satellite communication.
Photoelectric effect, LASER, application of LASER, CD and Laser printers (Only qualitative aspects without derivation of formula etc.)
Electrostatics and Current Electricity: Coulomb’s law, electric field, Gauss law, force on charged particle in electric field, motion of charged particle in uniform electric field. Electric current: current in conductors, ohm’s
law, conductivity, insulators, dielectric materials, dielectric constant, resistance, potential difference, Source of
Direct current, emf, capacitance, changing & discharging of capacitor through resistance. Potentiometer,
Alternating Current, Peak and rms values, power factor. Electric motors and generators.
Magnetic field, faraday’s law, self inductance and mutual inductance.
Electronics: Semiconductors, doping, N-type and P-type semiconductors. P-N junction diodes, transistors characteristics. Physical principles of LED, Photocells, CRT, Plasma Panel and LCD. Thermoelectric effect,
LD Rs, piezo-electric effect. Principle of transducers.

Books suggested:
Basic Physics: A self teaching guide, Karl F. Kuhn, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Optics and Atomic Physics, Khandelwal D.P., Shiv Lal Agarwal & Co.
Electricity and Magnetism, Berkeley Physics Course Vol. II, Tata McGraw Hill
NCERT Physics Books.

Comprehension: (Comprehension includes understanding the language by reading and listening & writing.
Passages or poems will be given to read, read out or made audible in class and question will be asked verbally
to evaluate the level of comprehension)
Reading Comprehension: Simple passages and note making passages, poems (question relating to
understanding, relationship, summarizing the main idea & judging the tone of the passage).
Listening Comprehension: Talks, reports, poems usage of multimedia (Relates to extracting ideas,
understanding the meaning of words and sentences in context).
Writing Skills: Writing of paragraph, report, composition, diary, entry, various types of business letters and
applications relating to bio-data & testimonials.
Functional Grammar: Grammar will be taught in functional, integrated and informal way, laying stress more on
the usage rather that defining them (relates to stress marking, pronounciation, word formation, words in usage
in different situations) Maximum possible exercises will be given.
Structural Items: Simple compound and complex sentences. Coordinate clause (with, but or either-or, neithernor
otherwise or else), Subordinate clauses noun, clause subject, object and complement: Relative clauses
(restrictive and non-restrictive clauses), Adverb clauses (open and hypothetical, conditional with because,
though here, so that as long as, as soon as)
Tenses: Simple present progressive and present perfect, Simple past, progressive and past perfect, indication of
futurity, the passive (simple present and past, present and past perfect and ‘to’ infinitive structure), Report
speech: (i) Declarative sentences (ii) Imperatives (iii) Interrogatives wh questions, Yes/No Questions,
Exclamation sentences, Models (will, shall, should, would, ought to, have to/ have got to, can, could, me-might
and need), Verb structures (infinitives and gerundial), Linking devices. The focus should be to irradicate
grammatical errors.
Literature: Six good essays and six poem should be discussed with the students to enhance their
comprehension ability.

Introduction and history of Operating system, Basic commands of windows OS, FAT and NT file systems, file
and directory structures and naming rules, booting process, system files, integral and external files.
Windows 98/XP/2000. Windows concept, Features, Windows structure, Desktop, Taskbar, Start menu, My
Computer, Recycle bin, Windows Accessories-Calculator, Notepad, Paint, Word Pad, Character Map,
windows Explorer, Entertainment, Managing Hardware & Software-installation of Hardware and Software,
Using Scanner, System Tools, Communication, Sharing information between programs.
Word processing, MS-Word Features, Creating Saving and Opening Documents in Word, Interface , Toolbars,
ruler Menus, Keyboard shortcut, Editing, Previewing, Printing & Formatting a Document, Advance Features of
MS word, Find & Replace, Using Thesaurus, Using Auto Multiple functions, Mail Merge, Handling Graphics,
Tables & charts, Converting a word document into various formats like-text, Rich text format, word perfect,
HTML etc.
Worksheet-MS Excel: Worksheet basics, creating worksheet, entering data into worksheet, heading
information, data, text, dates, alphanumeric values saving & quitting worksheet, Opening and moving around
in an existing worksheet, Toolbars and menus, Keyboard shortcuts, working with single and multiple
workbook, working with formula & cell referencing, Auto sum, coping formulas, absolute and relative
addressing, working with ranges, formatting of worksheet, Previewing & Printing worksheet, Graphs and
Charts, Database, Creating and using macros, Multiple worksheets-concepts, creating and using.
Introduction to Power Point: Creating slide show with animation.
Introduction to front Page & Microsoft Access: Creating & using database in Access.

Introduction to computer: Brief history of development of computers, computer system concept,
characteristics, capabilities and limitations, types of computers-Analog, Digital, Hybrid, General, Special,
Purpose, Micro, Mini, Mainframe, Super, Personal computer (PCs) Configuration, Pentium and Newer PCs
specifications and main characteristics, types of PCs desktop, Laptop, Notebook, Palmtop, Workstations etc.
their characteristics, Bios, software, Hardware, firmware, booting files & Directory system.
Data, Need to data processing, Information & its need, Information ?, Levels of information, Need of
information, Quality of information, Comparison of manual & electronics storage of data, Organization of data
as file, Use of information in data processing systems, Various data processing methods.
Need, types of Software: System Software, Application Software, Program concept, characteristics of
programming, various stages in program development, Generation/ types of computer languages, Machine,
Assembly, high level, 4 GL Merits & demerits.
Language translators: Comparative study, assembler, compiler, Interpreter, Examples & areas of use of various
high level language & their features, procedure & object oriented Janguage, applications programming
Internet technology: Introduction of networking, Concept of LAN and WAN. Concept, e-mail service,
browsers, search engines, WWW, HTML, introduction to e-commerce, advantages & growth. Introduction to
LAN and WAN. Virus working principals, Types of viruses, Trojans and horses, Virus detection and
prevention, viruses on network.
Language FORTRAN: numerical constant, Variable names, Arithmetic operation, Mixed mode, Built-inmathematical
functions, unformatted Input output, formatted Input Output, field specifications, literal field.
Transfer on control: unconditional and conditional transfer, relational expression, logical if statement,
Arithmetic IF, Do loops: use of Do statements, exit form Do loops, continue statement and nested loops,
Arrays: declaration of arrays, linear and multidimensional array. Input/Output statement for array. An
introduction to function sub program.

The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, Definition, scope and importance. Need for public
Natural Resources
Renewal of non-renewable resources: Natural resources and associated problems.
a. Forest resources: Use and over-exploration, deforestation, mining and effects on forest and tribal
b. Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts
over water, benefits and problems.
c. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using minerals
d. Food resources: World food problem, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of
modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems.
e. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of
alternate energy source.
f. Land resource: Land as a resource, land degradation, soil erosion and desertification.
Conservation of natural resources
Equitable use of resources for sustainable development.
Concept of ecosystem, structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, consumers ad decomposers. Energy
flow in the ecosystem. Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction types characteristics
features, structure and function of following ecosystems:
a. Forest ecosystem
b. Desert ecosystem
c. Aquatic ecosystem (Ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Biodiversity and its conservation: Introduction-Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity. Value of
biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and opinion values.
Biodiversity at global, national and local levels. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, manwildlife
conflicts. Important Endangered and endemic species of India.
Environmental Pollution: Definition, causes, effects and control measures of:
a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Noise pollution
e. Thermal pollution
f. Nuclear hazards
Soil water Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Role of an
individual in prevention of pollution. Role of NGOs.

1. Write a paragraph in Ms-Word and show the use of various tools.
2. Write an application & copy it to another document & differentiate between paste & paste special.
3. How to insert a picture or chart in a document & reference it to another document?
4. Write a paragraph in Ms-word of 12 line and Explain these Formatting tools:-
a) Columns.
b) Drop cap.
c) Paragraph.
d) Alignment.
e) Bullet & Numbering.
f) Tab Setting
5. What is mail merge? How to use this facility? Describe it Step by Step.
6. Create a Student Table (Rno,Name,Fname,Class,Address,Phone) and insert 5 records in it.
7. To study various charts and their implementations using a marksheet of 10 students.
8. Create a salary statement of an organization of 10 employees using if condition (S.no., name,
designation, basic, da, hra, total, net salary)
9. What is a pivot table? How to create and use a pivot table?
10. Create a power point presentation to present your institution detail, create at least 7 slides with different
animations effect.
11. Create a power point presentation on “destination India” & show the following.
(a) Custom Animation.
(b) Computer & mere presentations.
(c) Slide design
(d) Cascade.

Combinational Circuits
1. Verify various logic gates: NOT, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR.
2. Verify various Boolean Laws
3. Verify NAND gate as Universal Gate
4. Verify NOR gate as Universal Gate
5. Realize Half-Adder and Half-Subtractor circuits
6. Realize Full-Adder and Full Subtractor Circuit
7. Realize BCD to Seven Segment Decoder Sequential Circuits
8. Realize RS Flip flops using NAND and NOR gates
9. Realize D Flip Flop using NOR and NAND gates
10. Realize JK flip flop using gates
11. Realize JK flip flop using IC
12. Realize 3 bit ripple up counter
13. Realize 3 bit ripple down conuter
14. Realize mod- 5 counter
15. Realize mod-10 counter
16. Realize mod-13 counter
17. Realize ring counter

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