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9th August 2014, 09:05 AM
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Re: Special Class Railway Apprentice Solved Papers

As you required Special Class Railway Apprentice Papers so here I am providing you the papers.

Directions : Each question in this section consists of a word printed in capital letters followed by words or phrases listed as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose from these the word or phrase that has most nearly the same meaning as the word in capital letters.


(a) find the exact position of

(b) lessen the pain

(c) give up gracefully

(d) to apportion for a specific purpose

Ans: d


(a) most satisfactory

(b) relating to vision

(c) cheerful

(d) not compulsory

Ans: a


(a) cut off a part

(b) annoy exceedingly

(c) carry off

(d) conclude

Ans: b


(a) save

(b) old-fashioned

(c) hoard

(d) store

Ans: a


Directions : Each question in this section consists of a word printed in capital letters followed by words or phrases listed as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose from these the word or phrase that has most nearly the meaning opposite to the word in capital letters.


(a) impartially

(b) entirely

(c) favouring one party

(d) not together

Ans: b


(a) paralyzed

(b) sickly

(c) living

(d) misled

Ans: c


(a) barren

(b) productive

(c) without germs

(d) infectious

Ans: b


(a) quite similar

(b) expressing admiration

(c) showing compassion

(d) unable to exist together with

Ans: d


(a) debate

(b) agreement

(c) discussion

(d) contradiction

Ans: b


Directions : Read the following short passages. After each passage, you will find several questions based on what is stated or implied in the passages. Answer the questions that follow each passage.

Passage -1

Vehicles do not move about the roads for mysterious reasons of their Own. They move only

because people want them to move in connection with the activities which the people are engaged in. Traffic is therefore a ‘function of activities’, and because, in towns, activities mainly take place in buildings, traffic in towns is a ‘function of buildings’, The implications of this line of reasoning are inescapable.

10. Line 1 of the passage means that vehicles move on the roads

(a) for reasons difficult to understand.

(b) to serve specific purposes of people.

(c) in a haphazard fashion.

(d) in ways beyond our control.

Ans: b

11.The author says that traffic is a ‘function of activities’. He means that

(a) human activities are taking place.

(b) human activities are dependent on traffic.

(c) traffic is not dependent on human activities.

(d) traffic is connected with human activities.

Ans: d

12. The author suggests by his argument that

(a) to regulate traffic more policemen have to be employed.

(b) to regulate activities, traffic has to be controlled.

(c) to regulate traffic, buildings have to be taken into consideration.

(d) to understand the traffic problem we must examine the social context in which it is found.

Ans: d

13. By ‘this line of reasoning’, the author means

(a) idea contained in this line.

(b) idea contained in anyone line of his argument.

(c) the manner of arguing.

(d) this row of printed characters.

Ans: c


Governments throughout the world act on the assumption that the welfare of their people depends largely on the economic strength and wealth of the community. Under modern conditions, this requires varying measures of centralized control and the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. It also means that governments are increasingly compelled to interfere in these sectors in orderto step up production and ensure that it is utilized to the best advantage.

14. According to the author, the function of the government of a country is to

(a) ensure the progress of science in all directions.

(b) encourage mainly agricultural production.

(c) redistribute the wealth of the community.

(d) promote economic growth and proper utilization of resources.

Ans: d

15. Government needs the help of

(a) scientists engaged in theoretical research only.

(b) scientists who belong to different disciplines.

(c) social scientists only.

(d) scientists with a wide general knowledge.

Ans: b

16. The author states that a country’s economy is

(a) strengthened by the contribution of science to agriculture and industry.

(b) entirely dependent on its agriculture.

(c) chiefly based on the efficiency of its industry.

(d) closely related to the industry of its people.

Ans: a

17. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?

(a) Environmental science is the most important of sciences.

(b) The community as a whole is dependent on industry.

(c) The government is unnecessarily interfering with science and technology.

(d) Science and technology are increasingly coming under the control of the government.

Ans: d

Spotting Errors

Directions: In this section you have to spot errors in sentences. Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any underlined part. Errors, if any, are only in the underlined parts. No sentence has more than one error. Letters (a), (b) and (c) have been placed beneath the underlined parts for their identification. When you find an error in anyone of the underlined parts, indicate your response on the separate Answer Sheet in the relevant column. You may feel that there is no error in the sentence. In that case, letter (d) will signify a ‘No error’ response.

18. Arun explained me his problem and he asked me to help him. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: a

19. My father knows the most of the engineers working at BHEL. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: b

20. Neroli oil is an essential oil obtained from the flowers of orange trees. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

21. Neurotoxin attacks the nervous system and damage it. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

22. I went to see the coal mines in Asansol in last summer. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

23. All his children are knowing at least one foreign language. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: b

24. We don’t discuss about the case in his presence. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

25. Who do you think that did it? No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

26. He didn’t know whether he will enjoy himself. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: b

27. What are their reasons to say it? No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

28. I was filled with admiration by watching him. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

29. He has only coffee in breakfast. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: a

30. You had better worked harder if you want to get a promotion. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)


31. Man does not live by bread alone. No error.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans: c

Selecting Words

Directions: In the following passage, at certain points you are given a choice of three words marked (a), (b) and (c), one of which fits the meaning of the passage. Choose the best word out of the three. Mark the letter, viz., (a), (b) or (c), relating to this word on your Answer Sheet. Examples K and L have been solved for you.



(a) boy

(b) horse

(c) dog

was in the school in Simla.


(a) She was homesick

(b) It

(c) He

Explanation: Out of the list given in item K, only, ‘boy’ is the correct answer because usually, a boy, and not a horse or a dog, attends school. So ‘(a)’ is to be marked on the Answer Sheet for item K. A boy is usually referred to as ‘he’, so for item L, ‘(c)’ is the correct answer. Notice that to solve the first item K, you have to read the rest of the sentence and then see what fits best.


It is not true to say that stress and anxiety are experiences of recent origin for mankind. Every era

has been an age of anxiety. A few hundred years ago, for example,


(a) then

(b) here

(c) there

Ans: c

was no threat of nuclear war,


(a) yet

(b) but

(c) still

Ans: a

there was the terrible danger of


(a) the

(b) a

(c) that

Ans: a

plague which quite literally destroyed whole


(a) populations.

(b) continents.

(c) departments.

Ans: a

Everything in human life is


(a) uncertain

(b) impossible

(c) unbearable

Ans: a

and contingent – you may be rich


(a) now

(b) always

(c) today

Ans: c

and poor tomorrow, or healthy or sick; this has been true throughout history.

Ordering of words in a sentence

Directions: In each of the items in this section, there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labelled P, Q, Rand S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence and mark in your Answer Sheet accordingly.

38. If you need help

P – promptly and politely

Q – ask for attendants

R – to help our customers

S – who have instructions.

The proper sequence should be

(a) SQPR

(b) QPSR

(c) Q S R P

(d) SQRP

Ans: c

39. He was so kind and generous that

P – he not only

Q – made others do so

R – but also

S – helped them himself.

The proper sequence should be

(a) P S R Q

(b) SPQR

(c) PR S Q

(d) QPRS

Ans: a

40. People

P – at his dispensary

Q – went to him

R – of all professions

S – for medicine and treatment.

The proper sequence should be

(a) QPRS (b) RPQS

(c) RQSP (d) QRPS

Ans: c

41. Little

P – that he had been let down

Q – stood by all these years

R – did he realize

S – by a colleague whom he had.

The proper sequence should be

(a) RPSQ

(b) RSQP

(c) QSRP

(d) QSPR

Ans: a

42. There was

P – needed for its everyday life

Q – a time when each family

R – for itself most of the things it

S – actually produced.

The proper sequence should be

(a) Q R S P


(c) RSPQ

(d) QSRP

Ans: d

43. We have to

P – as we see it

Q – speak the truth

R – there is falsehood and darkness

S – even if all around us.

The proper sequence should be

(a) RQSP

(b) QRPS

(c) RSQP

(d) QPSR

Ans: d

44. This majestic mahogany table

P – belongs to an old prince

Q – which has one leg missing

R – who is now impoverished

S – but proud of his background.

The proper sequence should be

(a) P Q S R

(b) QRSP

(c) P R S Q

(b) QPRS


45. By this time

P – at the railway station

Q – reported mass looting

R – reports of violence were flooding in

S – while police dispatches.

(a) RSPQ

(b) SPRQ

(c) SQRP

(d) RSQP

Ans: b/d

46. It would

P – appear from his statement

Q – about the policy of the management

R – in dealing with the strike . , .

S – that he was quite in the dark.

The proper sequence should be

(a) R S P Q

(b) PSQR

(c) RQPS

(d) PRQS

Ans: b

Sentence Improvement

Directions : Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence are given three

possible substitutions for the underlined part. If one of them (a), (b) or (c) is better than the underlined part, indicate your response on the Answer Sheet 51. against the corresponding letter. If none of the substitutions improves the sentence, indicate (d) as your response on the Answer Sheet.

47. He has gone to Kolkata last week.

(a) went to Kolkata last week . , .

(b) has left for Kolkata last week

(c) has proceeded to Kolkata last week

(d) No improvement

Ans: a

48. If he would receive my letter in time, he would be able to change his plans.

(a) If he will receive my letter in time

(b) If he receives my letter in time

(c) Since he would receive my letter in time

(d) No improvement

Ans: b

49. I have been ringing the doorbell five times but no one has answered.

(a) I had been ringing the doorbell .

(b) I am ringing the doorbell

(c) I have rung the doorbell

(d) No improvement

Ans: d

50. Raman is having a good ear for music.

(a) Raman has a good ear

(b) Raman is owning a good ear

(c) Raman is possessing a good ear

(d) No improvement

Ans: a

51. The new medicine made the children get better.

(a) the children to get better

(b) the children getting better

(c) the children got better

(d) No improvement

Ans: d

52. When he will arrive, the band will play the National Anthem.

(a) After he will arrive .

(b) If he would arrive

(c) When he arrives

(d) No improvement

Ans: c

53. I didn’t do it with the hopes to get something.

(a) with the hope to get something

(b) with the hope of getting something

(c) with the hope for getting something

(d) No improvement

Ans: b

54. This inheritance of ours is something to be proud of.

(a) This inheritance of our

(b) Our this inheritance .

(c) This inherited of ours

(d) No improvement

Ans: a

55. He will break up the marriage unless the promised dowry is paid to him before the ceremony starts.

(a) The marriage will break down

(b) The marriage will be broken up by him

(c) He will break off the marriage

(d) No improvement

Ans: b

56. The cell usually comprises of two distinct forms of protoplasm.

(a) comprised of

(b) comprises

(c) comprise of

(d) No improvement

Ans: d .

57. The Planning Commission is drawing up a scheme for involve the scientists of the country.

(a) for involvement

(b) in involvement of

(c) to involve

(d) No improvement

Ans: c

58. A Magnesium-Aluminium alloy has been developing for covering Uranium fuel elements in certain types of nuclear reactors.

(a) have been developed

(b) is being develop

(c) has been developed

(d) No improvement .

Ans: c

59. TU-124 aircraft consumed excessive fuel comparing to modern fuel-efficient jets.

(a) compare with

(b) compared to

(c) compared for

(d) No improvement

Ans: b

60. The heads of safety matches usually contain some Sulphur or Charcoal.

(a) head of safety matches

(b) heads of safety match

(c) head of safety match

(d) No improvement

Ans: d

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