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11th December 2014, 02:38 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Soft Computing question paper

Hi, as you want the question paper of Soft Computing of Peoples University so here I am providing you
Peoples University Soft Computing question paper
Note: 1. Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
1. (a) Discuss different type of production system .what is the characteristics of
2. (b) Write short note on natural Language processing?
(a) Explain monotonic and non-monotonic reasoning with example .Compare them
advantages and drawback of each.
(b) Write short note on Frames with example.
3. (a) Differentiate between biological neuron and artificial neuron on the basis of
structure and
function of a single neuron.
(b) Explain Mc Culloch and Pitt’s model.
(a) Write short note on ADALINE and MEDALINE.
(b) Write short note on AI vs ANN.
4. (a) Explain the architecture and working of counter propagation network in
interpolative mode.
(b) Explain the signification of hidden layer. How it is useful in pattern recognition and
(a) What is interpolative mode of counter propagation network?
(b) Explain the limitation of back propagation learning .Describe the Boltzmann
5. (a) With suitable block diagram, explain the working principle of FIS.
(b) What is the different property of fuzzy sets?
(a) Define Crisp sets with its fundamental concept.
(b) Mention the operation performed on crisp relation.
6. (a) Discuss the following –
(i) Permutation Encoding
(ii) Value Encoding
(iii) Tree Encoding
(b) Explain MLP problem with linear activation function.
(a) What are the application of genetic algorithm?
(b) Write short on–
(ii) Specific heat methods
(iii) Neocognitron
Model Test Paper -II
Soft Computing
Time: 3 Hours
MM: 100
Note: 1. Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks.
1. (a) Write short note on hill climbing. with neat sketch problem associated with hill
climbing algorithms.
(b) Explain the various problems in representing knowledge.
(a) Construct a script for going to a restaurant from the view point to the customer.
(b) Convert the following sentences to predicate logic-
(i) Marcus was a man
(ii) All man are mortal
(iii) No mortal lives longer than 150 years.
2. (a) Describe the taxonomy of neural network.
(b) What is the use of bias input?
(a) Differentiate the supervised and unsupervised learning.
(b) Derive the weight change expression for the weight between hidden and output
layer in EBPA network. Consider hyperbolic tangent function as the activation
function .Use momentum factor in your weight adjustment formula.
3. (a) What is the signification of Widrow’s learning for linear associative network?
(b) Discuss the application of recurrent network.
(a) State the training procedure of Kohonen layer and Grossberg layer in counter
propagation network.
(b) write short note on Cauchy machine.
4. (a) Discuss the basic or standard fuzzy sets operation.
(b) What is decision making? What are its steps?
(a) Explain multiattribute decision making.
(b) List the various application of FLC system.
5. (a) Discuss the categorization of bit-wise operators.
(b) Describe tournament selection strategy.
(a) Explain binary encoading for knapsack problem in detail.
(b) What do you understand by fitness function?
Model Test Paper -I
Web Engineering
Time: 3 Hours
MM: 100
Note: 1. Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Q.1 a) What is search engine & also write down the criteria to selecting the search engine &
discuss about the Meta search engine.
b) Compare and contrast the Netscape and Microsoft browser.
a) What is IIS? &discuss in brief the service supported by IIS.
b) Discuss the feature of Web server & explain caching in detail.
Q.2 a) Describe high-level architecture blueprints in Web Applications.
b) Discuss briefly the web site design issues.
a) Explain in brief contextual navigation and discuss in detail the supplemental
navigation systems.
b) Describe the basic search system anatomy. Explain different retrieval algorithm
Q.3 a) Explain how database is integrated using PHP and Mysql.
b) What are cascading styles sheets (CSS).
Write short note on the followinga)
Inline style sheets
b) Embedded style sheets
c) External style sheets
Q.4 a) Explain the concept of web services. Discuss the issues and applications in web
b) What is e-commerce? How it differ from e-business?
Write short notes on the following internet application to electronic commerce:
a) Newsgroup b) WAIS
c) Gopher d) Agents.
Q.5 Write short note on following (Any four):
a) Digital Signature and firewalls b) Cybercrime and law.
c) PHP d) ASP
e) New operator in jsp
Model Test Paper -II
Web Engineering
Time: 3 Hours
MM: 100
Note: 1. Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Q.1 a) What is Web engineering and discuss its applications?
b) Discuss the history of Web development and also write down the category of Web
a) Discuss the Web application versus conventional software.
b) Discuss the various types of E-mail protocols.
Q.2 a) Define information architecture and also discuss the role of information
b) Discuss the Requirement engineering in Web applications.
Explain the following organization structures- a) Hierarchy
b) Database model
c) Hypertext
Q.3 a) what are the common anchors attributes. Discuss the TAB INDEX and
TARGET attributes for anchor element.
b) Discuss the various image file format.OR
a) Explain in detail about the <table>tag. Also explain all its attributes and related
tags with examples.
b) How do we provide audio and video support with HTML.
Q.4 a) What is XML? Discuss about XML vs HTML
b) Discuss the relationship between HTML, SGML, and XML.
a) Explain fully rules and reasoning with proper methods.
b) Describe the artificial intelligence and related techniques applied to semantic
Q.5 Write short note on following (Any Four):
a) Phases of Web site Development.
b) Cookies
c) Online Security and payment system
d) Web effort estimation
e) JSP
Model Test Paper –I
Data Warehousing & Mining
Time: 3 Hours
MM: 100
Note: 1. Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Note-Attempt any five question. All question carry equal marks.
1. ( a ) De f ine the t e rm 'Da t a Mining' . Wha t a r e differences between data mining strategies and
data mining techniques? Explain with examples.
(b) Write differences between the following
(i) Supervised learning and unsupervised learning
(ii) Training data and test data
(iii) Prediction and summarization
(iv) KDD vs DM
2. (a) What are the limitations of data mining ? What kind of answers we can and we cannot expect
from a data mining algorithm application?
(b) Write the differences and similarities between the following
(i) Discrimination and prediction
(ii) Characterization and clustering
(iii) DBMS and DM
3. (a) What are the differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage : information
processing, analytical processing and data mining ? Also discuss OLAP mining (OLAM).
(b) Describe the following terms with examples:
(i) Data cube
(ii) Data warehouse architecture
4. (a) What are the different ways to classify data ?
(b) Explain about the following:
(i) Warehouse schema
(ii) Metadata and its types
5. (a) Why preprocessing of data is required ? What are the various forms of data preprocessing?
(b) Using the information ahead below, draw the following curves
(i) Quantile plot
(ii) q-q plot
(iii) Scatter plot
(iv) Loess curves
Unit Price (Rs.) Items Sold
40 275
43 400
47 250
74 360
75 520
78 560
115 310
117 280
120 390
6. (a) What is data cleaning? Explain basic methods of data cleaning.
(b) Describe various forms of Data Normalization. Also specify their value ranges.
7. (a) What is market basket analysis? Write a priori algorithm. Also demonstrate the
working of a priori algorithm.
(b) Describe the principle of pruning in level-wise algorithms. What is its importance?
8. (a) Describe association rule with item constraint. What is the problem with it? Propose a method for
(b) A database has five transactions. Let min. sup =60%
and mm.conf. = 80%
T1D Items-bought
T100 {M,
O, N, K, E, Y}
T200 {D, 0, N,
K, E, Y}
T300 {M, A, K,
T400 {M, U, C,
K, Y}
T500 {C,
0, 0, K, I, E}
Find all frequent itemsets using apriori
List all of the strong association rules (with
support S and confidence C) matching the
following meta rule, where X is a variable
representing customers and item denotes
variables representing items
for all x E transaction, buys (X, itemi) A buys
(X, item2) buys (X, item3) [S, C]
9. (a)What are the advantages and disadvantages of Naive-Bayes algorithm compared
to C4 -5 algorithm?
.(b)Define the following terms:
(i) K-clusters
(ii) Intra-attribute summary
(iii) Cluster projection
10.(a) What are the different methods of computing the best split? What is Gini Index? What are entropy
gain and g a i n r a t i o ?
(b) The accompanying data provide information about
12 customers with attributes age and income:
(21, 21) (22, 26) (25, 35) (27, 24) (27, 18) (29, 15)
(32, 27) (35, 24) (37, 56) (37, 29) (38, 56) (40, 23)
Assume an Euclidean distance measure and use the K-means clustering algorithm to identify these
clusters starting with the three means; (27, 24) (29, 15) (22, 26). Sketch the clustered graph.
Model Test Paper –II
Data Warehousing & Mining
Time: 3 Hours
MM: 100
Note: 1. Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks.
Note-Attempt any five question. All question carry equal marks.
1. (a) What is a Data Warehouse? How is a DW different from a database?
(b) Discuss the major challenges in DM regarding DM methodology & performance
2. (a) What do you understand by DM? Discuss the role of DM as a step in knowledge
discovery process.
(b) Explain in brief the major components of a typical DM system architecture.
3. (a) Discuss various types of OLAP servers. How are the data actually stored in different
server architectures?
(b) Differentiate between Star & Snowflake schemas with the help of examples.
4. (a) What do you understand by Partial materialization? What the significance of Partial
materialization is as compared as compared to the Full materialization of the data cube?
(b) What are the differences among the three main types of DW usage, information
processing, analytical processing & DM?
5. (a) Discuss in brief, why do we pre-process data in DM?
(c) What do you understand by Concept Hierarchy generation? Discuss it in case of
numeric data & categorical data.
6. (a) Propose an algorithm in pseudo-code for automatic generation of a Concept
Hierarchy for categorical data based on the number of distinct values of attributes the
given schema.
(b) Discuss why analytical categorization is needed & how it can be performed?
7. (a) Write the A-priori algorithm for discovering frequent item sets for mining single
dimensional Boolean Association Rule & explain it with the help of an example.
(b) Differentiate between Multi-level & Multi-dimensional Association Rule.
8. (a) What do you understand by ARM? Discuss partitioning approach for Association
(b) Explain FP growth algorithm for mining Association Rule in large databases.
9. What are the different methods of classification? Explain any two.
10. (a) What are the different categories of clustering methods?
(b) Differentiate between k-means & k-medoid partitioning methods.
Model Test Paper -I
Mobile Ad-hoc & High Speed Network
Time -3 Hrs MM-100
Note-Attempt any five question. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 (i) Discuss the need of ad-hoc network.
(ii)Write down the differences between cellular and ad-hoc wires network.
(i) Discuss exposed node terminal problem in ad- hoc channel access.
(ii)Explain Wireless datagram protocol.
Q.2 Explain multiple access with collision avoidance in ad-hoc MAC protocol
(i) Discuss hidden terminal problem in ad-hoc channel access..
(ii) Explain the shortcomings of RTS-CTS solution for hidden terminal problem.
.Q.3 Explain destination sequential distance vector routing protocol with
advantage and disadvantage.
Discuss dynamic routing protocol.
Q.4. (i) Discuss end to end delay performance in ad-hoc wireless network.
(ii) Describe the power management at various layer.
(i)Discuss advantage and disadvantage of packet switching and circuit
(ii)Discuss frame relay sequence with its advantage and disadvantages.
Q.5. What are mail services provided by 802.11 standard? Explain in Detail.
What is ATM adaption layer ?Also explain its services.
Model Test Paper -II
Mobile Ad-hoc & High Speed Network
Time -3 Hrs MM-100
Note-Attempt any five question. All question carry equal marks.
Q.1 Describe ad-hoc wireless network in detail. Also discuss its characteristics.
(i)Discuss hidden terminal problem in ad-hoc channel access..
(ii) Explain Bluetooth in detail
Unit -II
Q.2 (i) Discuss communication throughput performance in ad-hoc wireless network.
(ii) What are functions provide by ACPI?
Unit –III
Q.3 Explain signal stability routing with its advantage and disadvantage.
Explain the ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing.
Unit IV
Q.4. Discuss main application of wireless LAN in details.
Explain the control signaling for VCC/VPC in establishment and release
Q.5. Compare the X.25 and frame relay protocol architecture.
What do you mean by ATM ?How does it support data transfer?

Contact details

People's University
Peoples Campus, Bhanpur Bypass Road, Bhanpur, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462037 ‎
0755 400 5203

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