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5th August 2014, 10:19 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Here is the list of few questions of RBI Grade B Exam Entrance Exam Question Paper for your idea.

1. Which of the following statements about the BRIC
countries is not correct?
1) The four BRIC countries encompass over 25% of the
world's land and 40% of world's population. They also
hold a combined GDP (PPP) of about 15 trillion US$.
2) These four BRIC countries are the biggest and fastest
growing/emerging global markets.
3) As per an indication, in 2009 the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) of the BRIC countries will come down
by a whooping 36% as compared to last year.
4) The BRIC countries can contribute to building a
harmonious world of lasting peace and common
5) The first summit of the BRIC was held in June 2009 in
2. The cheap imports from which of the following countries
is giving a tough competition to Small and Medium
Enterprises in India, especially when the global economic
slowdown and weak domestic dSmand have already
affected companies across sectors?
I)China 2)SKorea 3)Japan
4) Russia 5) None of these
3. Which of the following statements about the growth of
Indian Economy in 2009-10 or the part of it, is correct ?
1) Economy grew by 5.8 per cent during the period of
January-March 2009.
2) India's growth estimates prepared by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) say that the growth would be in the band
of 8.5 to 10.0 percent during the year 2009-10.
3) The most promising growth of about 6 to 7.5% would
be in the agriculture sector, which contributes around
60-70 percent in the total GDP of India.
4) Service sector, which is astronghold oftheeconomy, is
also I ikely to grow at the rate of 13% during the year.
5) All statements are correct
4. Which of the following is/are the reasons owing to which
about 105 million new people are added to the list of
hungry people and the total number of the same has
reached about I billion?
(A) Unprecedented increase in food prices, particularly
in poor nations
(B) Cut in the supply of foodgrains to poor nations by
many European countries
(Q Sudden increase in population of countries like
Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Namibia as many
refugees have taken shelter there.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)AIIA,B&C 5) None of thes
5. Which ofthe following statements about the reforms
introduced in the pension sector is/are correct?
(A) Govt has allowed 26% Foreign Direct Investment
(FDI) in the pension sector.
(B) A new regulatory and development authority has
been set up to monitor the pension sector.
(C) Only three banks—HDFC Bank, Vysya Bank and Axis
Bank — have been appointed as fund managers ofthe
pension funds.
1) Only A. 2) Only B 3)AI1,A, B&C
4)OnlyB&C 5)OnlyA&B
6. As per the projections made by the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI), the credit flow expansion during the current
financial year should be to the tune of
1)10% 2)15% 3)30% 4)25% 5)20%
7. As we all know. Govt of India is giving much emphasis
these days on the development of Small and Medium
E n t e r p r i s e s (SMEs). Which of the following
statements reflects the importance ofthe SME sector
in the Indian economy?
(A) The Govt is fol lowing a policy of keeping some items
reserved for SMEs only. Hence a good number of
items for local consumption come from these alone.
(B) The main advantages of SMEs are reduction of
regional imbalances, low investment, greater
operational flexibility and low production cost. Thii
helps in good control over prices of such items in
local markets.
(C) A very large number of people are employed in this
sector and this sector is the second largest employer
in India, after agriculture.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)A11A,B&C 5) None of these
8. After the latest global slowdown and financial crisis, a
debate is going on "Dollar Hegemony". What does it
really mean? In simple terms,
(A) it is the trade practice prevalent all over the world in
which US A provides dollars and the rest of the world
manufactures the commodities which dollars can
(B) it is the situation in which all the nations are
forcefully required to evaluate their local currencies
against the value of the dollars. Hence countries
are forced to keep as many dollars as they can to
operate safely in global markets.
(C) now economists all over the world are trying to find
out a solution to come out of this dollar trap as this
hegemony prevents exporting nations from
spending domestically the dollars they have earned
from the USA.

1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)OnlyA&C 5)A11A,B&C
9. As reported in some major financial newspapers/
magazines, the Private Equity (PE) investments into India
for the quarter ending March 2009 have dropped by a
whopping 87%. What is Private Equity (PE) and why is
it so important for our economy ?
(A) The PE is the purchase of a majority or total
ownership in an operating company.
(B) The purchase is done normally through institutional
investors like banks or insurance companies. They
are avoiding such investments these days.
(C) Private Equity stake gives a chance to the stake
holders to have a better control over its management
and crucial functions.
1) Only A 2)OnryB 3)A11A,B&C
4)OnlyB&C 5)OnlyA&B
10. Which of the following is/are the Non-Tax Revenue
components of the Union Budget of India ?
(A) Custom Duties
(B) Interest Receipts
(C) Dividends and Profits
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only B and C
4) Only C 5)A1IA,B&C
11. The investments done by "those financial entities which
were launched or incorporated ip a foreign country but
are investing in an Indian venture in India" are generally
known as
1) Patent Money 2) Private Equity
3) Foreign Institutional Investment
4) Current Account Money 5) None of these
12. Which ofthe following projections is/are made by the RBI
in its Monetary and Credit policy ofthe RBI for 2009-10?
(A) It has projected that the Wholesale Price Index (WPI)-
based inflation would be around 4% by March 2010.
(B) The RBI has decided that it would continue to use
the combination of monetary and debt management
tools to ensure successful completion of Govt
borrowing plans.
(C) As per RBI projections, deposits of scheduled
commercial banks would grow to about 18%.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)OnlyA&C 5)AUA,B&C
13. As we all know, a Committee on Financial Sector
Assessment (CFSA) was set up in 2006 under the
Chairmanship of Dr Rakesh Mohan. What were its major
observations ?
(A) The banks in India are in a good position to absorb
shocks due to credit, liquidity and market risks.
(B) It has been found that the financial sector is
generally sound and fairly liquid. However,
cooperative sector needs some strengthening.
(C) The Committee recommended that the foreign
investments in infrastructure and banking sector
should not be more than 22% as the free flow of the
same is adversely affecting t
deposit and savings. Domestic investors do not get
attractive investment options.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3)OnlyA&B
4) All A, B & C 5) None of these
14. Which ofthe following is/are the major recommendations
of Prof Joseph Stiglitz Committee set up recently by a
major international forum?
(A) The Committee recommended that a Global
Economic Council should be set up urgently to
address global financial issues.
(B) All developed countries should take strong,
coordinated and effective actions to stimulate their
economies. Industrial nations should dedicate 10%
of their stimulus package for this cause.
(C) Developed countries should suspend all their
investments they are making in developing and poor
countries at least for a period of 5 years. The only
aid which should continue should be to UNsponsored
Food Assistance and Emergency
programmes. This will help developed nations to
consolidate their domestic positions.
1) Only A 2)OnlyB 3)OnlyA&B
4)OnlyB&C 5) None of these
15. As we all know, managing inflation has been a very
important aspect ofthe economy in India. Which ofthe
following is/are true about inflation and its effect on the
economy ?
(A) Lack of inflation (deflation) is not necessarily a tiling
which is always good.
(B) Inflation is an increase in the general level of prices
for goods and services.
(C) When inflation goes up the purchasing power of
the money also goes up.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3)OnlyA&B
4)OnlyA&C 5) None of these
16. Which of the following is the correct definition of the
term National Income?
(A) National Income means the total amount of money
Govt earns only through direct tax collections every
(B) It is the total value of all sorts of stocks held by a
country at a particular point of time.
(C) This is the measure of the volume of commodities
and services turned out during a given period
counted without duplication.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)A11A,B&C 5) None of these
17. As we all know, irrigation is a very crucial problem of
Indian Agriculture. At present how much area (in terms
of percentage) out of the total cropped area is irrigated ?
1)30% 2)35% 3)40%
4)45% 5) More than 4 5%
18. As we all know, the cooperative banks in India are passing
through a difficult phase and their performance is NOT
as glamorous as that of the commercial banks today.
What went wrong with cooperative banks?

(A) The cooperative banks disbursed credit on the
loans on demand mostly without proper guarantees
and documents. Hence repayments were always
at the mercy of the borrowers and up to some extent
on good crops.
(B) The cooperative banks are mostly under the
supervisory control of the Panchayats, which are
not professionally qualified to control such
(C) Cooperative Banks do not get any relief package
from the Govt. Hence they have to manage their
affairs on their own resources only.
l)OnlyB 2) Only A 3) Only C
4)A11A,B&C 5) None of these
19. As we have noticed, many banks are now entering into
Insurance business. Why are Banks entering into this
sector, particularly when many insurance companies are
already there in India?
(A) By providing insurance products, banks are earning
additional revenue in terms of fee/commission.
(B) Banks with their huge customer base are leveraging
on their existing relationship to convert customers
into policyholders.
(C) With increase of health-related problems, everybody
wants an insurance cover, no matter how big or small
it is. Banks are coming up with many attractive
offers, which are also affordable.
1) Only A 2) Only B r3)OnlyC
4)AI1A,B&C 5)OnlyA&B
20. As we know, sometimes the Exim Bank of India extends
the line of credit at the behest of and with the support of
the Govt of India to developing countries as part of
bilateral economic cooperation programmes named as
IDEAS. What is the full form of IDEAS?
1) Indian Development and Economic Assistance
2) Industrial Designing and Exemplary Assistance
3) International Division of Export Accounts & Services
4) Integrated Development of European & Asian
5) None of these
21. One of the key factors that provide impetus to strong
growth is Interest Rates. How do interest rates
contribute to the growth of economy, particularly when
these are lowered down ?
(A) It gives corporations the opportun ity to prepay highcost
debts and replace them with fresh funds raised
at lower rates.
(B) Banks use this opportunity to maximize profits on
their treasury operations and these excess profits
are used to clean their Balance Sheets by making
higher provisions for NPAs or sticky loans.
(C) The Govt also gets benefited as it can borrow funds
from open market at low interest rates and bridge its
fiscal deficit.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)AI1A,B&C 5)Noneofthese
22. The concept of "Meeting the needs of present without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet
their needs", is generally known as the concept of
1) Climate Migration 2) Sustainable Development
3) Structural Development 4) Inclusive Growth
5) None of these
23. Which of the following is NOT the component of India's
Securities Market?
1) Commodity Futures
2) Small Savings in National Saving Certificates
3) Government Bonds
4) Corporate Equity 5) Derivatives on currency
24. Which of the following was/were the objectives of the
Competition Act 2002?
(A) To keep a check on unfair trade practices
(B) To promote Govt-supported products/services in
competition to those launched by private parties
(C) To control the activities of the stock markets in India
which are considered highly volatile
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)A11A,B&C 5) None of these
25. Which of the following is/was NOT included in the
agenda set for the Banking Reforms in India?
1) Dismantling of administered interest rates
2) Measures to strengthen risk management
3) Promulgation of SARFAESI Act
4) Promotion of the concept of easy credit to all with a
guaranteed subsidy from the Govt
5) Granting of operational autonomy to public sector
banks and allowing them to raise capital from the open
26. Which of the following is the full form of the 'BRA' as
used in banking field?
1) Brazilian and Russian Association
2) Banking Restructuring Act
3) Banking Resources for Agriculture
4) Borrowing Risk Assessment
5) Banking Regulation Act
27. As we all know, Govt of I ndia pays special emphasis on the
management of Fiscal Deficit. What is Fiscal Deficit ?
1) The gap between projected or estimated GDP and
actual GDP
2) The gap between the total number and value of the
currency notes issued by the RBI uptill now over the
number and value of those which are in actual
3) The gap between the actual borrowings of the Govt
of India and the expected expenditure for which
provision is made in the budget
4) Excess of Govt's disbursement comprising current
and capital expenditures over its current receipts (Tax/
non-tax receipts)
5) None of these

28. An argument amongst the economists al( over the world
is going on, on the issue of imposing special taxes on
goods and services whose prices do not reflect the true
social cost of their consumption, for example, tax on
polluting environment. Which of the following are the
other examples of such taxes?
(A) Duties on cigarettes
(B) Duties on alcohol
(C) Tax on gambling and lotteries
(D) Airport Tax
1) Only A 2)OnlyA&B 3)OnlyA,B&C
4) All A, B, C & D 5) None of these
29. The presidential election of Iran held in June 2009 was
contested between Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and
1) Hashmi Rafsanjani 2)Ali Larijani
3) Mohd Ali Jafari 4) Mir Hossein Mousavi
5) None of these
30. The presidential and Provincial Council elections took
place in which of the following countries in August 2009?
1) Nepal 2) Afghanistan 3)Myanmar
4) Pakistan 5) Sri Lanka
31. Alice Munro. who won the Man Booker Prize 2009, is
from which of the following countries?
1) Canada 2) Britain 3) USA 4) Italy 5) France
32. Which of the following statements t r u l y reflect(s) India's
position in the report titled "Agriculture Outlook 2009-
18" released by the United N a t i o n s ' Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ?
(A) India is required to develop its infrastructure and
also to take care of growing water shortage.
(B) India is self-sufficient in its food production. Hence
i t should help c o u n t r i e s like Myanmar, N e p a l ,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka who are badly in need of
support. At least 100 million tonnes foodgrains
should be provided by India to all these countries
(C) India should find out some other methods of
calculating inflation as the present index of the
prices does not give the correct picture of the same.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4 ) A I I A , B & C 5) None of these
33. Which of the following is/are c o r r e c t statements as per
the "World Bank's Report on Global Economy"?
(A) The report says that India's growth rate will swing
back to 8 percent in 2010 and move to 8.5 per cent in
(B) Global growth will be even worse than what we
saw earlier. There may be 2.9 percent contraction
in 2009.
(C) ThereportsaysthatBrazilandChinawillemergeasthe
two fastest developing economies of the world in 2011
and 2 0 1 2 . India may be lagging behind as its
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e d e v e l o p m e n t is very slow and
1) Only A 2) Only B 3)OnIyA&B
4 ) A 1 I A , B & C 5) None of these
34. Which of the following countries is NOT the member of
the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), which was
in news recently?
1) Russia 2) China 3) India
4) Britain 5) Iran
35. The Govt of India has authorised which of the following
organisations to raise Rs 10,000 crores to refinance those
banks who are lending money for infrastructural projects?
4) LIC 5) None of these
36. Which of the following is/are t r u e about the Loan Waiver
Scheme for the farmers launched by the Govt of India
(A) The Govt has taken over the debt of the farmers and
has made reimbursement to the banks.
(B) The Govt has identified 237 low-productivity districts
where farmers would be eligible for a minimum loan
relief of Rs 20,000 even if their land holdings were
above two hectares.
(C) A n d h r a Pradesh has the highest number of
beneficiaries of the scheme.
1) Only A" 2) Only B 3) Only C
4 ) A 1 I A , B & C 5) None of these
37. As we all know, one of the major imports of India is oil and
petroleum. Out of the total consumption of oil and
petroleum, how much is consumed by the transport sector?
1)20% 2)40% 3)30% 4)50% 5)60%
38. Specially Developed Economic Zones (SEZs) in India
where some of the economic laws and restrictions of the
land are relaxed with the purpose of giving incentives to
investors, are commonly known as
1) Preferential zones 2) Economic Corridors
3) Industrial parks 4) Special Economic Zones
5) None of these
39. Stock market indexes traditionally served as a benchmark
to measure the performance of which of the following types
of portfolios of the investors/promoters?
1) Equity portfolio 2) Tax saving instruments
3) Mutual Funds 4) Investments in Govt Securities
5) All of these
40. Which of the following is the name of the organisations,
created to provide full employment and self-reliance to the
women folk in India?
41. An agreement, which in fact is a contract, between the RBI
and Banks for the sale and repurchase of Govt securities
and short-term treasury bills at a future date and for which
the RBI indicates "the interest rate", is generally known as
1) Repo Rate 2) Bank Rate 3) Reverse Repo Rate
4) Prime Lending Rate 5) None of these
42. 'Focus Africa' programme, launched by the Govt of India
in 2002, was to promote
1) cooperation in the fields of higher and technical

2) bilateral trade between the two countries
3) healthcare service in Africa, as Africa is badly affected
4) safety cover to the workers of Indian origin in African
countries as Indian workers are becoming victims of
racial discrimination there
5) None of these
43. Usain Bolt, who won the "Laureus World Sportsman of
the Year Award" for his record-breaking performance in
Beijing Olympics, is basically a/an
1) Golfer 2) Badminton player 3) Tennis player
4) Boxer 5) Athlete
44. Which of the following teams won the Roger Danet
Trophy (Junior Hockey^2009?
1) Italy 2) Germany 3) Netherlands
4) Pakistan 5) India
45. Habib Tanvir, who passed away recently, was a famous
I) politician 2) playwright 3) classical singer
4) sportsman 5) social worker
46. Rameshwar Thakur has taken over as the new Governor of
1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Madhya Pradesh 3) Andhra Pradesh
4)Goa 5) None of these
47. Which of the following States has launched an Insurance
scheme named as "Aam Aadami Insurance Scheme",
which will provide Rs 75,000 insurance cover to all the
1) Delhi 2) Himachal Pradesh 3)Kamataka
4) Maharashtra 5) Uttar Pradesh
48. The UN Security Council recently imposed sanctions on
which of the following nations for its recent missile tests
and an underground test of a nuclear device?
1) Pakistan 2) North Korea 3) Iran
4) Turkey 5) None of these
49. In which of the following countries, India recently started
its first Poverty Alleviation Project by sponsoring a
farmers' training and information centre?
1) Bangladesh 2) Nepal 3) Afghanistan
4) Iraq 5) China
50. Who amongst the following is the author of the book
The Grass is Singingl
1) Gunter Grass 2) John Maxwell Coetzee
3) Harold Pinter 4) Doris Lessing 5) Orhan Pamuk

For more questions , here is the attachment
Attached Files
File Type: pdf RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper.pdf (1.32 MB, 68 views)

Last edited by Kiran Chandar; 5th August 2014 at 10:51 AM.
7th August 2014, 12:10 PM
RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Will you please provide the Question Paper of RBI Grade B Exam Entrance Exam ?
7th August 2014, 02:46 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Here is the list of few questions of RBI Grade B Exam Entrance Exam Question Paper for your idea.

Which of the following is/are the reasons owing to whichabout 105 million new people are added to the list ofhungry people and the total number of the same hasreached about I billion?
(A) Unprecedented increase in food prices, particularlyin poor nations
(B) Cut in the supply of foodgrains to poor nations bymany European countries
(Q Sudden increase in population of countries likeUganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Namibia as many
refugees have taken shelter there.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4)AIIA,B&C 5) None of thes

Which of the following statements about the BRIC countries is not correct?
1) The four BRIC countries encompass over 25% of the world's land and 40% of world's population. They also hold a combined GDP (PPP) of about 15 trillion US$.
2) These four BRIC countries are the biggest and fastest growing/emerging global markets.
3) As per an indication, in 2009 the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the BRIC countries will come down
by a whooping 36% as compared to last year.
4) The BRIC countries can contribute to building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common
5) The first summit of the BRIC was held in June 2009 in

The cheap imports from which of the following countriesis giving a tough competition to Small and MediumEnterprises in India, especially when the global economicslowdown and weak domestic dSmand have alreadyaffected companies across sectors?
I)China 2)SKorea 3)Japan
4) Russia 5) None of these

Which of the following statements about the growth ofIndian Economy in 2009-10 or the part of it, is correct ?
1) Economy grew by 5.8 per cent during the period ofJanuary-March 2009.
2) India's growth estimates prepared by the Reserve Bankof India (RBI) say that the growth would be in the bandof 8.5 to 10.0 percent during the year 2009-10.
3) The most promising growth of about 6 to 7.5% wouldbe in the agriculture sector, which contributes around60-70 percent in the total GDP of India.
4) Service sector, which is astronghold oftheeconomy, isalso I ikely to grow at the rate of 13% during the year.
5) All statements are correct
RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

For more questions , here is the attachment
Attached Files
File Type: pdf RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper.pdf (1.32 MB, 66 views)
23rd September 2014, 02:56 PM
RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Will you please provide the RBI Grade B entrance Exam Question Paper?
23rd September 2014, 03:25 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Here is the list of few questions of the RBI Grade B entrance Exam Question Paper which you are looking for .

RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Q.1. In that sort of account, banks in all don’t compensate interest—
(A) Saving Account
(B) Current Account
(C) Fixed Deposit Account
(D) Interest is regularly upon credit in all sorts of account
Q.2. A bank station sequence would be befitting for paying—
(A) Telephone accounts
(B) Electricity accounts
(C) Grocery bills
(D) Mortgage repayments
Q.3. Payment of a coupon cannot be done upon a income opposite of bank if a coupon is—
(A) Bearer
(B) Cross
(C) Order
(D) All of these
Q.4. Which of a following is not Commercial Bank ?
(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) State Bank of India
(C) Canra Bank
(D) Oriental Bank of Commerce
Q.5. What is a Bank breeze ?
(A) Letter from a Bank
(B) Cheque that a bank draws upon itself
(C) Instraction to a landowner to pick up a customer’s debt
(D) Instruction not to honour a stop payment
Q.6. The necessary evil of whatever serves as income is that it must—
(A) Be released by a State
(B) Be in all acceptable
(C) Not be unconditionally fiduciary
(D) Have a little instrinsic value
Q.7. One of a following is not an e.g. of Near-Money, that ?
(A) Bill of Exchange
(B) Bonds as well as Debentures
(C) Equity shares of Ranbaxy Company Ltd.
(D) Treasury bills of a Government of India
Q.8. ‘Fiat Money’ is that that is—
(A) Accepted by abroad banks only
(B) Accepted during a moment in lieu of gold
(C) Backed by bullion or silver
(D) Decreed as income by a government
Q.9. Money is—
(A) Acceptable usually when it has unique value
(B) Constant in purchasing power
(C) The many glass of all assets
(D) All of a above
Q.10. Greshan’s law states that—
(A) Bad income promotes great income in a system
(B) Bad income drives great income out of circulation
(C) Good income drives bad income out of circulation
(D) Good income promotes bad income in a system
Q.11. Value of Money—
(A) Is eccentric of a cost level
(B) Is without delay associated to a cost level
(C) Is inversely associated to a cost level
(D) None of a above
Q.12. Demand lift acceleration can be caused by income factors including—
(A) A tumble in expenditure expenditure
(B) A pointy enlarge in unemployment
(C) A high rebate in approach taxation
(D) An enlarge in Income Tax
Q.13. The routine of deplation tends to favour—
(A) Debtor as well as Creditiors a like
(B) Debtor during a responsibility of Creditors
(C) Creditors during a responsibility of Debtors
(D) Profit receivers during a responsibility of bound income receivers
Q.14. Which of a following matter is not utterly loyal ?
(A) An enlarge in a supply of income will outcome in inflation
(B) Cost acceleration occurs when prices climb to cover increasing cause costs
(C) Inflation occurs when a worth of income declines
(D) Inflation will have a outcome of redistributing incomes inside of a country
Q.15. Which of a following people is many approaching to good from an inflationary incident ?
(A) A chairman who buys units from a Unit Trust
(B) A chairman who keeps his resources underneath a office building during home
(C) A chairman creates a vast in isolation loan to a friend
(D) A chairman who takes out a debt with a office building society
Q.16. The principal guilt of a Joint Stock Bank relates to—
(A) Its investment abroad
(B) Its investment during home
(C) Repayment of a customer’s deposits
(D) Its mandate to have special deposits when requested
Q.17. Which of a following is not a duty of a Commercial Banks ?
(A) Acting as a lender of final resort
(B) Lending to a in isolation as well as open sectors
(C) The sustenance of a coupon complement for environment debts
(D) The sustenance of protected deposition facilities
Q.18. When a Commercial Bank emanate credit areas that have been in outcome as well as
(A) The inhabitant debt
(B) The supply of money
(C) The purchasing energy of a rupee
(D) The genuine resources of a country
Q.19. A patron does not need a bank comment to obtain—
(A) A Loan
(B) A Cheque Card
(C) A Banker’s Draft
(D) An Overdraft
Q.20. Which of a following is not a guilt of Commercial Banks—
(A) Security Holdings
(B) Treasury deposition during banks
(C) Demand deposits as well as time deposits
(D) Borrowing from Central Bank
Q.21. ‘Not negotiable’ created upon a coupon channel means—
(A) The coupon cannot be paid to any a single though a payee
(B) The coupon is stream usually for remuneration of a contract for that it is done out
(C) An honest chairman reception a stolen coupon is probable to compensate off a legitimate owner
(D) The coupon contingency be paid in to a bank
Q.22. The Central Bank is not approaching to perform a duty of—
(A) Acting as a clearing house
(B) The landowner to a government
(C) Accepting deposition from Commercial Banks
(D) Accepting deposits from ubiquitous public
Q.23. Increase in bank rates in all is followed by—
(A) An enlarge in marketplace rate of interest
(B) A tumble in marketplace rates of interest
(C) A climb usually in a deposits rates though not a lending rates
(D) A climb usually in a lending rates
Q.24. The vital quantitative financial apparatus accessible with a Central Bank is—
(A) Retioning of credit
(B) Regulation of consumer credit
(C) Margin requirements
(D) Reserve comparative measure requirements
Q.25. Bank contingency exclude remuneration of a coupon where—
(A) Cheque is not dated
(B) Where coupon is stale, i.e. date has expired
(C) Payment has been stopped by customer
(D) The coupon is not presented during operative hours of Bank
Q.26. A ‘Stale’ coupon is a single that is—
(A) Over 6 months old
(B) Converning an owing payment
(C) Cancelled by a drawer
(D) Written upon an comment that is overdrawn
Q.27. When a Central Bank sells securities, as a result—
(A) The income resources during a ordering of a blurb banks increase
(B) The income resources of a blurb banks sojourn unchanged
(C) The income resources during a ordering of blurb banks get diminished
(D) None of a above
Q.28. When a coupon is returned by a bank noted ‘Refer to Drawer’ this equates to a drawer—
(A) Has educated a bank not to compensate a cheque
(B) Whishes to be contacted prior to a coupon is cashed
(C) Has improperly finished a coupon as well as contingency scold it prior to payment
(D) Had deficient supports in his comment to compensate a cheque
Q.29. The stream Bank Rate is—
(A) 6%
(B) 8%
(C) 9%
(D) 9•5%
Q.30. It has been done mandatory for Non-Banking Financing Companies to get themselves
purebred with … prior to Jul 8, 1997.
(C) Government of India
(D) None of a above
Q.31. India ranks series … between a countries with a greatest expansion intensity in a universe
according to a ultimate inform of universe Economic Forum.
(A) Six
(B) Five
(C) Four
(D) Three
Q.32. Which is a ‘most rival country’ of a universe according to a ultimate inform of universe
Economic Forum ?
(A) Hong Kong
(B) Singapore
(C) United State of America
(D) Netherlands
Q.33. The extent slight extent of seductiveness upon post shipment rupee credit upon direct bills
for movement duration upto 90 days is—
(A) 13%
(B) 14%
(C) 15%
(D) 16%
Q.34. Which of a following matter is scold about India according to a World Bank’s ultimate
calculations ?
(A) India’s per capita inhabitant resources is $ 25000
(B) India’s per capita incomeis $ 360
(C) India’s per capita income (according to purchasing energy parity) is $ 2390
(D) All of a above
Q.35. Scheduled blurb banks available nonperforming resources (NPAs) of … during a finish of
Mar 2006-07 opposite 1•8% during 2005-06.
(A) 2•3%
(B) 3•3%
(C) 1•5%
(D) 7•9%
Q.36. Which of a following is not a apparatus in a hands of RBI to carry out a inflationary vigour
in a nation ?
(A) Bank Rate (BR)
(B) Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
(C) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
(D) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
Q.37. Which of a following is/are enclosed in Legal Tender Money in India ?
(A) Coins as well as banking notes
(B) Coins as well as bank drafts
(C) Currency records as well as SDRs
(D) Currency records released by RBI
Q.38. Which of a following is rightly matched?
(A) CRR upon FCNR (B) Scheme—12%
(B) Bank Rate—6%
(C) SLR upon NRE deposits—31•5%
(D) CRR upon NRE—13%
Q.39. India’s First Financial Archive has been set up at—
(A) Mumbai
(B) New Delhi
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Kolkata
Q.40. Which of a following Bank joined with Oriented Bank of Commerce ?
(A) New Bank of India
(B) Punjab Co-operative Bank
(C) Bari Doab Bank
(D) (B) as well as (C) both

Answers :
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15.
(D) 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (A) 21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (C) 28.
(D) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (C) 36. (B) 37. (A) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (D)
28th October 2014, 03:51 PM
RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Will you please provide the Question Paper
of RBI Grade B Exam ?
28th October 2014, 03:57 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper

Here is the list of few questions of RBI Grade B Exam Question Paper which you are looking for .
Q.1. In that sort of account, banks in all don’t compensate interest—
(A) Saving Account
(B) Current Account
(C) Fixed Deposit Account
(D) Interest is regularly upon credit in all sorts of account
Q.2. A bank station sequence would be befitting for paying—
(A) Telephone accounts
(B) Electricity accounts
(C) Grocery bills
(D) Mortgage repayments
Q.3. Payment of a coupon cannot be done upon a income opposite of bank if a coupon is—
(A) Bearer
(B) Cross
(C) Order
(D) All of these
Q.4. Which of a following is not Commercial Bank ?
(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) State Bank of India
(C) Canra Bank
(D) Oriental Bank of Commerce
Q.5. What is a Bank breeze ?
(A) Letter from a Bank
(B) Cheque that a bank draws upon itself
(C) Instraction to a landowner to pick up a customer’s debt
(D) Instruction not to honour a stop payment
Q.6. The necessary evil of whatever serves as income is that it must—
(A) Be released by a State
(B) Be in all acceptable
(C) Not be unconditionally fiduciary
(D) Have a little instrinsic value
Q.7. One of a following is not an e.g. of Near-Money, that ?
(A) Bill of Exchange
(B) Bonds as well as Debentures
(C) Equity shares of Ranbaxy Company Ltd.
(D) Treasury bills of a Government of India
Q.8. ‘Fiat Money’ is that that is—
(A) Accepted by abroad banks only
(B) Accepted during a moment in lieu of gold
(C) Backed by bullion or silver
(D) Decreed as income by a government
Q.9. Money is—
(A) Acceptable usually when it has unique value
(B) Constant in purchasing power
(C) The many glass of all assets
(D) All of a above
Q.10. Greshan’s law states that—
(A) Bad income promotes great income in a system
(B) Bad income drives great income out of circulation
(C) Good income drives bad income out of circulation
(D) Good income promotes bad income in a system
Q.11. Value of Money—
(A) Is eccentric of a cost level
(B) Is without delay associated to a cost level
(C) Is inversely associated to a cost level
(D) None of a above
Q.12. Demand lift acceleration can be caused by income factors including—
(A) A tumble in expenditure expenditure
(B) A pointy enlarge in unemployment
(C) A high rebate in approach taxation
(D) An enlarge in Income Tax
Q.13. The routine of deplation tends to favour—
(A) Debtor as well as Creditiors a like
(B) Debtor during a responsibility of Creditors
(C) Creditors during a responsibility of Debtors
(D) Profit receivers during a responsibility of bound income receivers
Q.14. Which of a following matter is not utterly loyal ?
(A) An enlarge in a supply of income will outcome in inflation
(B) Cost acceleration occurs when prices climb to cover increasing cause costs
(C) Inflation occurs when a worth of income declines
(D) Inflation will have a outcome of redistributing incomes inside of a country
Q.15. Which of a following people is many approaching to good from an inflationary incident ?
(A) A chairman who buys units from a Unit Trust
(B) A chairman who keeps his resources underneath a office building during home
(C) A chairman creates a vast in isolation loan to a friend
(D) A chairman who takes out a debt with a office building society
Q.16. The principal guilt of a Joint Stock Bank relates to—
(A) Its investment abroad
(B) Its investment during home
(C) Repayment of a customer’s deposits
(D) Its mandate to have special deposits when requested
Q.17. Which of a following is not a duty of a Commercial Banks ?
(A) Acting as a lender of final resort
(B) Lending to a in isolation as well as open sectors
(C) The sustenance of a coupon complement for environment debts
(D) The sustenance of protected deposition facilities
Q.18. When a Commercial Bank emanate credit areas that have been in outcome as well as
(A) The inhabitant debt
(B) The supply of money
(C) The purchasing energy of a rupee
(D) The genuine resources of a country
Q.19. A patron does not need a bank comment to obtain—
(A) A Loan
(B) A Cheque Card
(C) A Banker’s Draft
(D) An Overdraft
Q.20. Which of a following is not a guilt of Commercial Banks—
(A) Security Holdings
(B) Treasury deposition during banks
(C) Demand deposits as well as time deposits
(D) Borrowing from Central Bank
Q.21. ‘Not negotiable’ created upon a coupon channel means—
(A) The coupon cannot be paid to any a single though a payee
(B) The coupon is stream usually for remuneration of a contract for that it is done out
(C) An honest chairman reception a stolen coupon is probable to compensate off a legitimate owner
(D) The coupon contingency be paid in to a bank
Q.22. The Central Bank is not approaching to perform a duty of—
(A) Acting as a clearing house
(B) The landowner to a government
(C) Accepting deposition from Commercial Banks
(D) Accepting deposits from ubiquitous public
Q.23. Increase in bank rates in all is followed by—
(A) An enlarge in marketplace rate of interest
(B) A tumble in marketplace rates of interest
(C) A climb usually in a deposits rates though not a lending rates
(D) A climb usually in a lending rates
Q.24. The vital quantitative financial apparatus accessible with a Central Bank is—
(A) Retioning of credit
(B) Regulation of consumer credit
(C) Margin requirements
(D) Reserve comparative measure requirements
Q.25. Bank contingency exclude remuneration of a coupon where—
(A) Cheque is not dated
(B) Where coupon is stale, i.e. date has expired
(C) Payment has been stopped by customer
(D) The coupon is not presented during operative hours of Bank
Q.26. A ‘Stale’ coupon is a single that is—
(A) Over 6 months old
(B) Converning an owing payment
(C) Cancelled by a drawer
(D) Written upon an comment that is overdrawn
Q.27. When a Central Bank sells securities, as a result—
(A) The income resources during a ordering of a blurb banks increase
(B) The income resources of a blurb banks sojourn unchanged
(C) The income resources during a ordering of blurb banks get diminished
(D) None of a above
Q.28. When a coupon is returned by a bank noted ‘Refer to Drawer’ this equates to a drawer—
(A) Has educated a bank not to compensate a cheque
(B) Whishes to be contacted prior to a coupon is cashed
(C) Has improperly finished a coupon as well as contingency scold it prior to payment
(D) Had deficient supports in his comment to compensate a cheque
Q.29. The stream Bank Rate is—
(A) 6%
(B) 8%
(C) 9%
(D) 9·5%
Q.30. It has been done mandatory for Non-Banking Financing Companies to get themselves
purebred with … prior to Jul 8, 1997.
(C) Government of India
(D) None of a above
Q.31. India ranks series … between a countries with a greatest expansion intensity in a universe
according to a ultimate inform of universe Economic Forum.
(A) Six
(B) Five
(C) Four
(D) Three
Q.32. Which is a ‘most rival country’ of a universe according to a ultimate inform of universe
Economic Forum ?
(A) Hong Kong
(B) Singapore
(C) United State of America
(D) Netherlands
Q.33. The extent slight extent of seductiveness upon post shipment rupee credit upon direct bills
for movement duration upto 90 days is—
(A) 13%
(B) 14%
(C) 15%
(D) 16%
Q.34. Which of a following matter is scold about India according to a World Bank’s ultimate
calculations ?
(A) India’s per capita inhabitant resources is $ 25000
(B) India’s per capita incomeis $ 360
(C) India’s per capita income (according to purchasing energy parity) is $ 2390
(D) All of a above
Q.35. Scheduled blurb banks available nonperforming resources (NPAs) of … during a finish of
Mar 2006-07 opposite 1·8% during 2005-06.
(A) 2·3%
(B) 3·3%
(C) 1·5%
(D) 7·9%
Q.36. Which of a following is not a apparatus in a hands of RBI to carry out a inflationary vigour
in a nation ?
(A) Bank Rate (BR)
(B) Special Drawing Rights (SDR)
(C) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)
(D) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
Q.37. Which of a following is/are enclosed in Legal Tender Money in India ?
(A) Coins as well as banking notes
(B) Coins as well as bank drafts
(C) Currency records as well as SDRs
(D) Currency records released by RBI
Q.38. Which of a following is rightly matched?
(A) CRR upon FCNR (B) Scheme—12%
(B) Bank Rate—6%
(C) SLR upon NRE deposits—31·5%
(D) CRR upon NRE—13%
Q.39. India’s First Financial Archive has been set up at—
(A) Mumbai
(B) New Delhi
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Kolkata
Q.40. Which of a following Bank joined with Oriented Bank of Commerce ?
(A) New Bank of India
(B) Punjab Co-operative Bank
(C) Bari Doab Bank
(D) (B) as well as (C) both
Answers :
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15.
(D) 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (A) 21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (C) 28.
(D) 29. (A) 30. (A) 31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (C) 36. (B) 37. (A) 38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (D)
22nd November 2014, 09:09 AM
RBI Grade B Exam question paper

Hi will you please provide me the question paper of RBI Grade B Exam?
22nd November 2014, 10:27 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: RBI Grade B Exam question paper

Ok, as you want the question paper of RBI Grade B Exam so here I am providing you.

RBI Grade B Officer Exam question paper

The Phase I examination is having the following sections

1. General Awareness: 80 Questions
2. English Language: 30 Questions
3. Quantitative Aptitude: 30 Questions
4. Verbal Reasoning : 60 Questions.

In total 200 questions and each question carries 1 mark. 2 hours and 10 minutes are available to complete the examination.

Negative Marking-

For every wrong answer 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.

The Phase II descriptive examination having the following papers

Paper I – English (Essay, [Precis writing, Comprehension [Business / Office Correspondence]

Paper II – Economic and Social Issues

Paper III – Finance & Management

Each paper is a 3 hour examination consists descriptive questions and carries 100 marks.

RBI Grade B Exam question paper

Here I am attaching a pdf file of question paper..........
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