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22nd August 2014, 01:24 PM
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Re: Question Papers for SET English

Here I am giving you question paper for Pune university State Eligibility Test (SET) english examination............

1. Which class does not provide any
character in Chaucer’s “Prologue” to
The Canterbury Tales ?
(A) The Nobility
(B) The Trading Class
(C) The Clergy
(D) The Artisan Class
2. The lyric “Come live with me and
be my love” was written by :
(A) William Shakespeare
(B) Ben Jonson
(C) Christopher Marlowe
(D) Samuel Daniel
3. Which of the following works is a
collection of sonnets ?
(A) Epithalamion
(B) Amoretti
(C) The Shepherd’s Calendar
(D) Colin Clout’s Come home again

4. “Is this the dagger which I see before
me”, these words are said by :
(A) Hamlet
(B) Macbeth
(C) Richard II
(D) Henry IV
5. Identify the play which is open to
post-colonial reading :
(A) Macbeth
(B) Henry IV Part I
(C) The Tempest
(D) The Winter’s Tale
6. Identify the author of “I wonder, by
my troth, what thou and I did, till
we lov’d” :
(A) George Wither
(B) Andrew Marvell
(C) John Donne
(D) Robert Greene

7. Identify the classical tragedy from
the following :
(A) Samson Agonistes
(B) Lycidas
(C) Il Penseroso
(D) Comus
8. Which of the following is the earliest
practitioner of the Comedy of
Manners ?
(A) Congreve
(B) Wycherley
(C) Etherege
(D) Farquhar
9. Identify the Comedy of Humours
from the following :
(A) The Alchemist
(B) The Man of Mode
(C) The Old Bachelor
(D) The Gentleman Dancing Master
10. In which novel of Fielding the hero
and the heroine are based on
Fielding and his first wife ?
(A) Tom Jones
(B) Joseph Andrews
(C) Amelia
(D) Jonathan Wild the Great
11. The first major English Dictionary
was compiled by :
(A) Dr. Johnson
(B) Ben Jonson
(C) Addison
(D) Richard Steele
12. Elegy Written in a Country
Churchyard mourns the death of :
(A) James Thomson
(B) Soldiers
(C) The Common Man
(D) Cowper

16. Queen Mab was written by :
(A) P. B. Shelley
(B) J. Keats
(C) R. Southey
(D) G. G. Byron
17. In Jane Austen’s novel Emma,
Emma falls in love with :
(A) Knightley
(B) John Fairfax
(C) Colonel Fitzwilliams
(D) Thomas Bertram
18. The poem The Lady of the Lake is
written by :
(A) Tennyson
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Scott
(D) Byron
13. Which work of Browning deals with
the murder of a young wife,
Pompilia ?
(A) Fra Lippo Lippi
(B) Andrea del Sarto
(C) Rabbi Ben Ezra
(D) The Ring and the Book
14. Who amongst the following wrote
Gothic Novels ?
(A) Laurence Sterne
(B) Tobias Smollett
(C) Daniel Defoe
(D) Ann Radcliffe
15. Who has written the following lines
“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive
But to be young was very heaven” ?
(A) P. B. Shelley
(B) J. Keats
(C) G. G. Byron
(D) W. Wordsworth

19. Confessions of an Opium Eater is
written by :
(A) De Quincey
(B) Coleridge
(C) Hazlitt
(D) Leigh Hunt
20. The name of the mad woman in Jane
Eyre is :
(A) Mrs. Reed
(B) Adele
(C) Bertha Mason
(D) Mrs. Fairfax
21. Which of the following novels of
Charles Dickens has auto
biographical elements ?
(A) David Copperfield
(B) Nicholas Nickleby
(C) Hard Times
(D) Bleak House
22. Which character in Middlemarch is
an idealist ?
(A) Dr. Lydgate
(B) Mr. Farebrother
(C) Fred Vincy
(D) Caleb Garth
23. Thomas Hardy’s Dynasts is a :
(A) A Collection of Lyrics
(B) A Play
(C) A Novel
(D) An Epic Poem
24. Idea of a University is written by :
(A) Cardinal Newman
(B) Carlyle
(C) Ruskin
(D) Arnold

25. What is Shaw’s play Mrs. Warren’s
Profession about ?
(A) Child Labour
(B) Prostitution
(C) Contemporary Politics
(D) Science Fantasy
26. Who is Galsworthy’s Man of
Property ?
(A) Bosinney
(B) Jolyon
(C) Larry
(D) Soames
27. T. S. Eliot’s play The Family Reunion
takes as its model a Greek play
entitled :
(A) Agamemnon
(B) Antigone
(C) Hippolytus
(D) Eumenides
28. Which Irish author has frequently
included the mythical figure of
Cuchulain in his works ?
(A) J. M. Synge
(B) W. B. Yeats
(C) Sean O’ Casey
(D) James Joyce
29. In which novel did Conrad first
introduce his technique of ‘oblique
narrative’ ?
(A) The Nigger of Narcissus
(B) Lord Jim
(C) Heart of Darkness
(D) Kangaroo
30. The notion of “collective unconscious”
was developed by :
(A) Carl Jung
(B) Freud
(C) Lacan
(D) Adler

31. The Craft of Fiction is written by :
(A) Cleanth Brooks
(B) Henry James
(C) Percy Lubbock
(D) E. M. Forster
32. “Snowball” is a character in :
(A) Animal Farm
(B) Gulliver’s Travels
(C) The Pilgrim’s Progress
(D) Robinson Crusoe
33. Joey is a character in Harold
Pinter’s :
(A) The Caretaker
(B) The Homecoming
(C) The Room
(D) The Dumb Waiter
34. Which landscape is described in Ted
Hughes’ poetry ?
(A) Lancashire
(B) Yorkshire
(C) Surrey
(D) Derbyshire
35. The novel Saturday Night and
Sunday Morning is written by :
(A) Allan Sillitoe
(B) John Braine
(C) Kingsley Amis
(D) John Wain
36. The novels of Iris Murdoch deal
with :
(A) Existentialism
(B) Marxism
(C) Theology
(D) Spiritualism
37. The sub-title of Moby Dick is :
(A) The Angel Whale
(B) The Whale Bone
(C) The Whale Under the Sea
(D) The White Whale
38. The poem Passage to India is
written by :
(A) Walt Whitman
(B) Carl Sandburg
(C) Robert Frost
(D) R. W. Emerson

39. Wedding Album is a play written
by :
(A) Girish Karnad
(B) Manjula Padmanabhan
(C) Mahesh Dattani
(D) Makarand Sathe
40. The poem The Sunshine Cat is
written by :
(A) Mamta Kalia
(B) Gauri Deshpande
(C) Meena Alexander
(D) Kamala Das
41. Which of the following Caribbean
writers has got the Nobel Prize ?
(A) Kenneth Ramchand
(B) Derek Walcott
(C) Shiva Naipaul
(D) Wilson Harris
42. “Can the Subaltern Speak” is a
treatise written by :
(A) Gayatri Spivak
(B) Homi Bhabha
(C) Aijaz Ahmed
(D) Edward Said
43. ‘New Historicism’ was propounded
by :
(A) Greenblatt
(B) Bakhtin
(C) Wimsatt
(D) Eagleton
44. Preface to Shakespeare is :
(A) Introduction to the first folio of
Shakespeare’s plays
(B) An introduction to
Shakespeare’s tragedies
(C) Dr. Samuel Johnson’s essay on
(D) A commentary on Ben Jonson’s
views on Shakespeare

45. “Land and sea
Give themselves up to jollity
And with the heart of May
Doth every beast keep holiday.”
These lines exemplify :
(A) Pathetic Fallacy
(B) Transferred Epithet
(C) Simile
(D) Synecdoche
46. “Cannon to right of them
Cannon to left of them
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered.”
The dominant metre in these lines
is :
(A) Dactyl
(B) Iamb
(C) Amphibrach
(D) Trochee
47. An image is :
(A) a direct comparison
(B) a vague metaphor
(C) a mental picture of an object
(D) a subtle repetition
48. “Womanism” is a term introduced
by :
(A) Marge Piercy
(B) Toni Morrison
(C) Alice Walker
(D) Audre Lorde
49. The central concept of
‘existentialism’ is :
(A) rejection of pessimism
(B) a realisation of nothingness
(C) acceptance of predeterminism
(D) protest against fatalism
50. T. S. Eliot showed the manuscript
of The Wasteland to :
(A) Ezra Pound
(B) R. W. Emerson
(C) Ted Hughes
(D) James Frazer

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