2024 2025 Student Forum > Management Forum > Main Forum

11th April 2016, 09:21 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: May 2012
Re: Project Topics in Java

The various topics on which the projects can be made in Java by the students of Computer Science discipline are as follows:

1. ATM_Database_System
2. A_Civilisation_Game
3. A_Pong_Game_System
4. A_faculty_book_system
5. Advanced_Payroll_System
6. AirStrike_System
7. Airline_Reservation_System
8. Airways_reservation_system
9. Asteroids_java_applet
10. Atm_simulation_System
11. Bank_Application_System
12. Bank_Software_with_ATM
13. Banker_Database_System
14. Basic_Library_System
15. Beat_it_Game
16. Belle_Boutique_POS_System
17. Blackjack_Applet
18. Blogging_Application
19. Bluetooth_multiplayer_game
20. Budget_Controlling_System
21. BugTracking_system
22. Bus_Scheduling_and_Booking_System
24. Car_Sales_System
25. Chess_Game
26. Classic_Road_Fighter
27. Classic_drugwars_game
28. Client_Server_application
29. Coin_Game
30. CollegeManagementSysyetm
31. College_Enrollment_System
32. College_Enrollment_System2
33. College_Library_Record_Application
34. Complete_Banking_System
35. Complete_Mailing_System
36. Concentration_Game
37. Concentration_System
38. Country_Guessing_Game
39. Credit_Card_Approval_System
40. Cricket_Game_in_Java
41. Dice_Application_System
42. Discover_The_Word
43. Drag_Drop_Board_Game_Template
44. Dragon_War
45. EMail_System_Client_Server
46. Easy_Pong_Game
47. Eater_System
48. Ecare_System
49. Email_Program_system
50. Employee_Information_and_Payroll_System
51. Employee_Tracking_System
52. Evaluation_System
53. Falcon_Fighter_Java_game
54. Fashion_Model_Management_System
55. Flight_Reservation_System
56. Fun_Game_JAVA
57. Funny_Horoscope_Teller
58. Furniture_System
59. Graphical_Library_System
60. Graphical_Payroll_System
61. Hosptal_Management_System
62. ISAP_System
63. IntranetChatting
64. Inventory_System
65. JavaExamSystem
66. Library_Application_System
67. Library_Information_System
68. Library_Information_System2
69. Library_Management_System
70. Library_Members_Info_System
71. Library_System
72. MIS_coding_Nokia_soft
73. Medical_Diagnostic_System
74. Mobile_Phone_Anti_Virus
75. Network_Banking_System
76. News_System
79. One_player_chess_game
80. Online_Address_Book
81. Online_Remote_Server
82. Online_databse_System
84. Personnel_System
85. Pharmacy_ management_system
86. Phone_Book_System
87. Photo_Album_System
88. Picture_Search_Machine
89. Placement_Office_Automation
90. Practical_Aircraft_Position
91. Puyo_game
92. RMI_Card_Game
93. RPC_Card_Game
94. RPG_Battle_Demo
95. Recruitment_Officer_System
96. Result_Intemation_System
97. Scheduler_System
98. Shopping_Cart_Example
99. Short_Course_Management_System

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