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5th March 2016, 09:35 AM
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Re: PHD Kurukshetra University

As you want I am here giving you syllabus and model paper for Ph.D. Entrance test in Geophysics of Kurukshetra University.

Syllabus for Ph.D. Entrance test in Geophysics:

Mathematical Methods in Geophysics

UNIT-I: Special Functions
Bessel’s and Legendre’s differential equations and their series solutions.
Legendre functions: Generating functions, Rodrigue’s formula, Recurrence relations, Orthogonality, Expansion of an arbitrary function in a series of Legendre Polynomials, Associated Legendre functions and its recurrence relations and orthogonality property.
Bessel Functions: Generating functions, Recurrence relations, Integral representation, Orthogonality, Expressions when ‘n’ is half an odd integer, Spheraical Bessel functions.

UNIT-II: Complex Variables
Complex variable, limit, continuity and differentiability of function of complex variables, analytic functions, Cauchy Reimann’s equations, Cauhy’s integral theorem, Morera’s theorem, Cauchy integral formula, Expansion by Taylors and Laurents series, singularities, Residue theorem, contour integration.

Unit-III: Integral Transforms
Fourier series, Fourier transform, inverse Fourier transform, properties of Fourier transform, application of Fourier transform in solving differential equations.
Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem, Properties of Laplace transform, application of laplace transform in solving differential equations.
A brief introduction to Hankel, Hilbert and Radon transforms

Unit-IV: Partial Differential Equations
Solution by separation of variables of
(a) Wave equation: Transverse vibrations of a stretched string; Oscillations of a hanging chain, vibrations of rectangular and circular membrances, tidal waves in a canal.
(b) Laplace’s equation: Laplace equation in Cartesian, Cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, two dimensional steady flow of heat, General cylindrical and spherical harmonics.
(c) Diffusion equation: Variable linear heat flow, periodic heat flow in one dimension, two dimensional heat conduction.

Solid Earth Geophysics


A brief history of the development of Earth Sciences and of Geophysics in particular, An overview of Geophysical methods and their essential features, Problems of inversion and non-uniqueness in Geophysics, Origin & evolution of Earth, A review of the Earth’s major surface features, its structure and composition, A brief review of the knowledge of the solar system and history of the earth-moon system

Chemical composition of Earth, Rheological behaviour of crust and upper mantle, Geochronology: Radiometric dating and their advantages, meaning of radiometric ages, Major features of the Earth’s gravitational field and relationship with tectonic processes in the crust and upper mantle, concept of isostasy, hypotheses of isostasy.

Origin of geomagnetic field, polar wandering, secular variations and westward drift, reversals of geomagnetic field, geomagnetic storms, sea-floor spreading, Paleomagnetism and its uses, Thermal history of the Earth, sources of heat generation and temperature distribution inside the earth, convection in the mantle.

Earthquake seismology, Global seismicity and tectonics, Earth’s internal structure derived from seismology, Earthquake mechanism and Anderson’s theory of faulting, Continental drift and plate tectonics: its historical perspective and essential features, present day plate motions, Triple junctions, oceanic ridges, Benioff zones, trenches and island arcs, Mountain building, origin of Himalaya, Geodynamics of Indian subcontinent.

GP-102: Solid Earth Geophysics


A brief history of the development of Earth Sciences and of Geophysics in particular, An overview of Geophysical methods and their essential features, Problems of inversion and non-uniqueness in Geophysics, Origin & evolution of Earth, A review of the Earth’s major surface features, its structure and composition, A brief review of the knowledge of the solar system and history of the earth-moon system

Chemical composition of Earth, Rheological behaviour of crust and upper mantle, Geochronology: Radiometric dating and their advantages, meaning of radiometric ages, Major features of the Earth’s gravitational field and relationship with tectonic processes in the crust and upper mantle, concept of isostasy, hypotheses of isostasy.

Origin of geomagnetic field, polar wandering, secular variations and westward drift, reversals of geomagnetic field, geomagnetic storms, sea-floor spreading, Paleomagnetism and its uses, Thermal history of the Earth, sources of heat generation and temperature distribution inside the earth, convection in the mantle.

Earthquake seismology, Global seismicity and tectonics, Earth’s internal structure derived from seismology, Earthquake mechanism and Anderson’s theory of faulting, Continental drift and plate tectonics: its historical perspective and essential features, present day plate motions, Triple junctions, oceanic ridges, Benioff zones, trenches and island arcs, Mountain building, origin of Himalaya, Geodynamics of Indian subcontinent.

(1) The Solid Earth by C.M.R. Fowler
(2) Understanding the Earth by I.G. Guass, P.S. Smith and R.G.L. Wilson
(3) The dynamic Earth by P.J. Wyllie
(4) Introduction to Geophysics by B.F. Howell
(5) Physics and Geology by J.J. Jacobs, R.D. Russel and J.T. Klilson
(6) Fundamental of Geodynamics by A.E. Schieddeggar
(7) Fundamentals of Geophysics by W. Lowrie



Basic computer organization, information storage media, computer software, computer languages, problem solving on a computer, algorithm, flowchart and computer program, introduction to computer operating systems: DOS, WINDOWS, UNIX/LINUX, concept of SHELL programming.

FORTRAN preliminaries, constants, variables, data types, expression and statements, iterative statements, input/output statements, subroutine and functions, data sharing among subprograms/programs, operations with files, programming examples to handle problems of numerical and statistical type

Programming language C: constants, variables, data types, expressions, operators, conditional statements, iterative statements, array, function, simple programming examples
C++ An object oriented language: Concepts of class, object, constructors, destructors, operator overloading, inheritance, pointers, virtual functions, simple programming examples

Numerical integration by Simpson’s method, Trapezoidal method, Numerical differentiation, solution of algebraic equation, Netwon Raphson method, solution of simultaneous linear equations, Gauss method, Gauss-Jordon method, Gauss-Seidel method, matrix inversion, least square curve fitting, straight line and polynomial fits, solution of ordinary differential equations.
A brief introduction of Binomial, Poisson and normal distributions, concept of mathematical expectations

(1) Fundamentals of computers by V. Rajaraman
(2) FORTRAN 77 and Numerical methods by C. Xavier
(3) FORTRAN Programming and Numerical methods by R.C. Desai
(4) Let us C by Yashwant Kanetkar
(5) Object Oriented programming with C++ by E. Balagurusamy
(6) Advanced UNIX- A Programmers guide by Stephen Prata


Earth Sciences, its subdivisions and relation to other sciences Importance of geology to mankind. Historical Geology: Materials and methods of historical geology, Geologic time, Age of the earth, Fundamental principles of geology. Geomorphological Processes: Exogenic processes (weathering, erosive and tectonic denudation), Geological processes by river, wind, glacier and waves and tides.

Mineral: definition, chemical nature of minerals, Basic sub-atomic particles, atomic mass, atomic number, radioactivity, isotopes and ions, chemical bonding, processes of crystallisation in minerals, Physical properties of minerals, Classification of minerals, Physical properties, chemical composition, mode of occurrences and economic uses of some important rock forming minerals.

Distinguish between rocks and minerals. Igneous Petrology: Magma and its crystallisation, Mode of occurrence, texture and structure, mineralogy and classification of igneous rocks. Sedimentology: Sedimentary processes, sedimentary environments of deposition, texture, structure and classification of sedimentary rocks. Metamorphic Petrology: Metamorphism, factors of metamorphism, types of metamorphism, texture, structure, mineralogy and classification of metamorphic rocks. Indian distribution of major rock types.

Primary and secondary structures of rock, Dip, strike, bearing and azimuth. Folds: definition and classification scheme, mechanism of folding, recognisation of folds in the field. Fault: definition and different terminology of fault, mechanism of faulting, recognisation of fault in the field, shear zone, lineament. Joints: definition, types of joint. Unconformity: concepts, types, recognisation and significance of unconformities.

(1) Rutley’s Elements of Mineralogy By H.H. Read
(2) Structural Geology by M.P. Billings
(3) Principles of Physical Geology by A.H. Holmes
(4) A Text Book of Geology by P.K. Mukherjee
(5) The Principles of Petrology by G.W. Tyrrell
(6) Manual of Field Geology by R.R Compton

GP-201: Remote Sensing and GIS

Unit I
Introduction: Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum, Interaction of EM radiations with earth’s surface and atmosphere, special signatures, remote sensing platforms. Aerial photographs; types of aerial photographs, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic parallax, measurement of height difference, vertical exaggeration, image distortion. Photo elements, geotechnical elements, photocharacteristics of different rock types and structures, photo-mosaic, rectification. Plotting instruments

Unit II
Satellite Imagery: Imagery vis a vis aerial photograph, active and passive sensors, MSS, LISS, CCD, Infrared and thermal scanners, different satellite programmes, microwave sensors, Remote sensing data products, fundamentals of image interpretations and analysis, visual interpretation of remote sensing data; false colour composite, Concept of digital image analysis, image restoration, image enhancement and information extraction. Supervised and unsupervised classification. Map accuracy assessment.

Unit III
Applications: Interpretation and analysis of aerial photographs and images for identification of different rock types, structures, lineaments and preparation of geological map. Recognition of landforms, drainage pattern and preparation of geomorphological map; applications in engineering projects (dam reservoir, tunnel alignment, route location etc), ground water prospecting, exploration for minerals and oil, geoenvironmental studies (soil conservation, land degradation etc), Disaster management (flood, landslide etc) and monitoring of atmospheric pollution.

Unit IV
Introduction to Geographical Information System (GIS), components of GIS, data structures, Concept of raster and vector data, digitization, editing, attribute attachment etc, creation of layers, Data Integration, vector to raster conversion and vice –versa. Introduction to Global Position System (GPS) and its uses.

Recommended Books:
1. Remote Sensing Geology (Springer Verlag). R.P. Gupta
2. Remote Sensing in Geology (John Wiley & sons). B.S. Siegel and A.R. Gillespie
3. Remote Sensing and image interpretation (John Wiley & sons). T.M. Lillesand and R.W. Kiefer
4. Remote Sensing Principles and interpretation (WH Freeman Company. F.F. Reeds
5. Remote Sensing fro Earth Resources (AEG publication), D.P. Rao
6. Principles of Remote sensing (ELBS London). P. J. Kuran
7. Advances in Geophysics Vol. 1 and 13 (Academic press) H.E. Landesberg
8. Handbook of Information issued by GSI (Airborne Mineral surveys and exploration wing), AEC (Atomic Minerals Divisions) and NGRI.
9. Principles of GIS, P. A. Burrough
10. Indian Society of Geomatics News letters 2004-2005

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Kurukshetra University
Thanesar, Haryana 136119
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