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22nd September 2014, 08:23 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: ONGC GT Exam Paper

Here is the list of few questions of ONGC Graduate Engineer Trainee exam paper which you are looking for .

1. The speech of annhilation of caste (1937) was given by ------- Dr. BR Ambedkar
2. Widal test is used for ----------- Typhoid
3.India largest producer and found in black sand beaches -------- Iliminite
4. Article confer power on the supreme court to issue appropriate direction -------- Article 32
5. Not in Seven sisters (North eastern states ) --------- Sikkim
6.World largest Uranium producing country ------ Kazakhstan
7.Which used in industry to etch glasses ---------- Hydrofluoric acid
8. Who wrote Partition of India ------------ Jaswant Singh
9. Food poisoning organism -------------Staphylococus aureus
10. Khaira decease of paddy is due to soil deficiency of ------- Zink
11. 87:10:3 ( copper :Tin: Zink) --------- Brass
12.Only city in a world situated in two continents ------ Istambul
13. Portion of heart received oxygenated blood ---------- Left atrium
14. Which of the following is not an epic -------- Canterbury Tales 15. Who was the National flag bearer at the closing ceremony of London-2012 Olympics-- Marykom
16.16th Summit of Non aligned movement held recently at -------- Iran
17.Body mass Index (BMI) ----------- Weight of the person /Height^2
18. Good Blood Cholesterol ------ HDL
19.Badami caves made during the regime of ----------- Chalukya
20. Which of the following is wrongly matched ------- Nagarjuna sagar---Cauvery
21. Jawaharlal Nehru port ---Mumbai ; Kandla-----Gujarat; Para deep port ----Odessa
22. The famous poet who was deeply affected by Tagore Gitanjali ------ William Bulter Yeats
23. Blue vitriol another name for ----- Copper sulfate 24. Ants go in a line by secretion of ------- Hormones
25. Yojana for employment on 1st April 2005 is ------ Rajiv Gandhi Kalyan yojana
26. The election of Vice president can be challenged before ------- Supreme court
22nd May 2015, 07:59 AM
Re: ONGC GT Exam Paper

Hi, I am preparing for the ONGC GT Exam. Would you like to share the question paper of ONGC GT Exam?
22nd May 2015, 08:00 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: ONGC GT Exam Paper

As per your request, I am giving you question paper for the Graduate trainee post conducted by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) for the all engineering branches.

1] Mechanical Engineering Questions and Answers

1) In a spring-mass system, the mass is 0.1 kg and the stiffness of the spring is 1 kN/m. By introducing a damper, the frequency of oscillation is found to be 90% of the original value. What is the damping coefficient of the damper?

A) 1.2 N.s/m
B) 3.4 N.s/m
C) 8.7 N.s/m
D) 12.0 N.s/m

Answer : C

2) A solar collector receiving solar radiation at the rate of 0.6 k W/m2 transforms it to the internal energy of a fluid at an overall efficiency of 50%. The fluid heated to 350 K is used to run a heat engine which rejects heat at 313 K. If the heat engine is to deliver 2.5 kW power, the minimum area of the solar collector required would be

A) 8.33m2
B) 16.66m2
C) 39.68m2
D) 79.36m2

Answer : D

3) A company has two factories S1, S2 and two warehouses D1, D2. The supplies from S1 and S2 are 50 and 40 units respectively. Warehouse D1 requires a minimum of 20 units and a maximum of 40 units. Warehouse D2 requires a minimum of 20 units and, over and above, it can take as much as can be supplied. A balanced transportation problem is to be formulated for the above situation. The number of supply points, the number of demand points, and the total supply (or total demand) in the balanced transportation problem respectively are

A) 2, 4, 90
B) 2, 4, 110
C) 3, 4, 90
D) 3, 4, 110

Answer : C

4) During the execution of a CNC part program block NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 the type of tool motion will be

A) circular Interpolation — clockwise
B) circular Interpolation — counterclockwise
C) linear Interpolation
D) rapid feed

Answer : A

5) An incompressible fluid (kinematic viscosity, 7.4 x 10-7 m2/s, specific gravity, 0.88) is held between two parallel plates. If the top plate is moved with a velocity of 0.5 m/s while the bottom one is held stationary, the fluid attains a linear velocity profile in the gap of 0.5 mm between these plates; the shear stress in Pascals on the surface of top plate is

A) 0.651 x 10-3
B) 0.651
C) 6.51
D) 0.651 x 103

Answer : B

6) The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (5,5) to (10,10) while performing an operation. The centre of the arc is at (10,5). Which one of the following NC tool path commands performs the above mentioned operation?

A) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
B) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
C) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
D) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5

Answer : D

7) During a Morse test on a 4 cylinder engine, the following measurements of brake power were taken at constant speed.

All cylinders firing 3037 kW
Number 1 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 2 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 3 cylinder not firing 2100 kW
Number 4 cylinder not firing 2098 kW
The mechanical efficiency of the engine is

A) 91.53%
B) 85.07%
C) 81.07%
D) 61.22%

Answer : C

8) In terms of theoretical stress concentration factor (Kt) and fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf ), the notch sensitivity ‘q’ is expressed as

A) (Kf -1) (Kt -1)
B) (Kf -1) (Kt +1)
C) (Kt -1) (Kf -1)
D) (Kf +1) (Kt +1)

Answer : A

9) Starting from x0 = 1, one step of Newton-Raphson method in solving the equation x3 + 3x -7 = 0 gives the next value (x1) as

A) x1 = 0.5
B) x1= 1.406
C) x1= 1.5
D) x1 = 2

Answer : C

10) A component can be produced by any of the four processes I, II, III and IV. Process I has a fixed cost ofRs. 20 and variable cost of Rs. 3 per piece. Process II has a fixed cost Rs. 50 and variable cost of Re. 1 per piece. Process III has a fixed cost of Rs. 40 and variable cost of Rs. 2 per piece. Process IV has a fixed cost of Rs. 10 and variable cost of Rs. 4 per piece. If the company wishes to produce 100 pieces of the component, from economic point of view it should choose

A) Process I
B) Process II
C) Process III
D) Process IV

Answer : B

11) The S-N curve for steel becomes asymptotic nearly at

A) 103 cycles
B) 104 cycles
C) 10 6 cycles
D) 10 9 cycles

Answer : C

12) Environment friendly refrigerant R134a is used inthe new generation domestic refrigerators. Itschemical formula is

A) CH C1 F2
B) C2 C13 F3
C) C2 C12 F4
D) C2 H2 F4

Answer : D

13) A solid cylinder (surface 2) is located at the centreof a hollow sphere (surface 1). The diameter of the sphere is 1m, while the cylinder has a diameter and length of 0.5 m each. The radiation configuration factor F11 is

A) 0.375
B) 0.625
C) 0.75
D) 1

Answer : C

14) A soldering operation was work-sampled over two days (16 hours) during which an employee soldered 108 joints. Actual working time was 90% of the total time and the performance rating was estimated to be 120 percent. If the contract provides allowance of 20 percent of the total time available, the standard time for the operation would be

A) 8 min
B) 8.9 min
C) 10 min
D) 12 min

Answer : D

15) For a fluid flow through a divergent pipe of length L having inlet and outlet radii of R1 and R2 respectively and a constant flow rate of Q, assuming the velocity to be axial and uniform at any cross- section, the acceleration at the exit is

A) 2Q(R1 - R2) p LR23
B) 2Q2 (R1 - R2) p LR23
C) 2Q2 (R1 - R2) p2LR25
D) 2Q2 (R2 - R1) p2LR25

Answer : C

16) In an interchangeable assembly, shafts of size 25.000+0.040mm mate with holes of size 25.000+0.020 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the assembly will be

A) 10 microns
B) 20 microns
C) 30 microns
D) 60 microns

Answer : D

17) In PERT analysis a critical activity has

A) maximum Float
B) zero Float
C) maximum Cost
D) minimum Cost

Answer : B

18) An incompressible fluid (kinematic viscosity, 7.4 x 10-7 m2/s, specific gravity, 0.88) is held between two parallel plates. If the top plate is moved with a velocity of 0.5 m/s while the bottom one is held stationary, the fluid attains a linear velocity profile in the gap of 0.5 mm between these plates; the shear stress in Pascals on the surface of top plate is

A) 0.651 x 10-3
B) 0.651
C) 6.51
D) 0.651 x 103

Answer : B

19) In terms of theoretical stress concentration factor(Kt) and fatigue stress concentration factor (Kf ), the notch sensitivity ‘q’ is expressed as

A) (Kf -1) (Kt -1)
B) (Kf -1) (Kt +1)
C) (Kt -1) (Kf -1)
D) (Kf +1) (Kt +1)

Answer : A

20) A maintenance service facility has Poisson arrival rates, negative exponential service time and operates on a ‘first come first served’ queue discipline. Break downs occur on an average of 3 per day with a range of zero to eight. The maintenance crew can service an average of 6 machines per day with a range of zero to seven. The mean waiting time for an item to be serviced would be

A) 16 day
B) 13 day
C) 1 day
D) 3 days

Answer : A

21) The S-N curve for steel becomes asymptotic nearly at

A) 103 cycles
B) 104 cycles
C) 106 cycles
D) 109 cycles

Answer : C

22) Starting from x0 = 1, one step of Newton-Raphson method in solving the equation x3 + 3x -7 = 0 gives the next value (x1) as

A) x1 = 0.5
B) x1= 1.406
C) x1= 1.5
D) x1 = 2

Answer : C

23) Water at 42°C is sprayed into a stream of air at atmospheric pressure, dry bulb temperature of 40°C and a wet bulb temperature of 20°C. The air leaving the spray humidifier is not saturated. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Air gets cooled and humidified
B) Air gets heated and humidified
C) Air gets heated and dehumidified
D) Air gets cooled and dehumidified

Answer : (B)

24) During a Morse test on a 4 cylinder engine, the following measurements of brake power were taken at constant speed.
All cylinders firing 3037 kW
Number 1 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 2 cylinder not firing 2102 kW
Number 3 cylinder not firing 2100 kW
Number 4 cylinder not firing 2098 kW
The mechanical efficiency of the engine is

A) 91.53%
B) 85.07%
C) 81.07%
D) 61.22%

Answer : C

25) The angle between two unit-magnitude coplanar vectors P(0.866, 0.500,0) and Q(0.259, 0.966,0) will be

A) 0°
B) -30°
C) 45°
D) 60°

Answer : C

26) In a rolling process, sheet of 25 mm thickness is rolled to 20 mm thickness. Roll is of diameter 600 mm and it rotates at 100 rpm. The roll strip contact length will be

A) 5 mm
B) 39 mm
C) 78mm
D) 120mm

Answer : A

27) A lot has 10% defective items. Ten items are chosen randomly from this lot. The probability that exactly 2 of the chosen items are defective is
A) 0.0036
B) 0.1937
C) 0.2234
D) 0.3874

Answer : B

28) Environment friendly refrigerant R134a is used in the new generation domestic refrigerators. Its chemical formula is

A) CH C1 F2
B) C2 C13 F3
C) C2 C12 F4
D) C2 H2 F4

Answer : D

29) When the temperature of a solid metal increases,

A) strength of the metal decreaes but ductility increases
B) both strength and ductility of the metal decrease
C) both strength and ductility of the metal increase
D) strength of the metal increases but ductility decreases

Answer : (A)

30) A company produces two types of toys: P and Q. Production time of Q is twice that of P and the company has a maximum of 2000 time units per day. The supply of raw material is just sufficient to produce 1500 toys (of any type) per day. Toy type Q requires an electric switch which is available @ 600 pieces per day only. The company makes a profit of Rs. 3 and Rs. 5 on type P and Q respectively. For maximization of profits, the daily production quantities of P and Q toys should respectively be

A) 100, 500
B) 500, 1000
C) 800, 600
D) 1000, 1000

Answer : C

31) A spherical thermocouple junction of diameter 0.706 mm is to be used for the measurement Aof temperature of a gas stream. The convective heat transfer co-efficient on the bead surface is 400 W/m2K. Thermophysical properties of thermocouple material are k = 20 W/mK, C = 400 J/kg K and r = 8500 kg/m3. If the thermocouple initially tot 30°C is placed in a hot stream of 300°C, the time taken by the bead to reach 298°C, is

A) 2.35 s
B) 4.9 s
C) 14.7 s
D) 29.4 s

Answer : B

32) Stokes theorem connects

A) a line integral and a surface integral
B) a surface integral and a volume integral
C) a line integral and a volume integral
D) gradient of a function and its surface integral

Answer : A

33) In a machining operation, doubling the cutting speed reduces the tool life to 1/8 of the original value. The exponent n in Taylor

A) 1/8
B) 1/4
C) 1/3
D) 1/2

Answer : C

34) In a rolling process, sheet of 25 mm thickness is rolled to 20 mm thickness. Roll is of diameter 600 mm and it rotates at 100 rpm. The roll strip contact length will be

A) 5 mm
B) 39 mm
C) 78 mm
D) 120 mm

Answer : A

35) A welding operation is time-studied during which an operator was pace-rated as 120%. The operator took, on an average, 8 minutes for producing the weld-joint. If a total of 10% allowances are allowed for this operation, the expected standard production rate of the weld-joint (in units per 8 hour day) is

A) 45
B) 50
C) 55
D) 60

Answer : A

36) The tool of an NC machine has to move along a circular arc from (5,5) to (10,10) while performing an operation. The centre of the arc is at (10,5). Which one of the following NC tool path commands performs the above mentioned operation?

A) N010 G02 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
B) N010 G03 X10 Y10 X5 Y5 R5
C) N010 G01 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5
D) N010 G02 X5 Y5 X10 Y10 R5

Answer : D

37) In PERT analysis a critical activity has

A) maximum Float
B) zero Float
C) maximum Cost
D) minimum Cost

Answer : B

3] General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1) India had a plan holiday:

A) after the China-India War of 1962
B) after the drought of 196

B) after the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971
D) after the India-Pakistan War in 1965

Answer : B

2) If the usual rule of calculation of time were aplied for the extremes of Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh, then aproximately time

A) at Gujarat would be ahead of that at Arunachal Pradesh by about 3 hours
B) at Gujarat would be ahead of that at Arunachal Pradesh by about 2 hours
C) at Arunachal Pradesh would be ahead of that at Gujarat by 2 hours
D) at Arunachal Pradesh would be ahead of that at Gujarat by 2 hours

Answer : D

3) While the time in India is 4 pm, that coresponding time (aproximate) in?

A) Auckland (New Zealand) is 6 pm

B) London (England) is 10.30 am
C) Tokyo(Japan) is 2 p.m.
D) Cairo (Egypt) is 5 p.m.

Answer : B

4) Consider the folowing statements:

1. Lord Mountbaten was sent to India in place of Lord Wavel as the Governor General of India in March 1947.
2. In July 1947, Britsh Government pased the Act containing the main provisions of the Mountbaten
Plan. This is known as the Indian Independence Act.
Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) Both land 2

D) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C

5) The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a living entiy because it can:

A) move from one cel to another
B) disturb host cel respiration
C) undergo auto-reproduction
D) cause disease in the host

Answer : A

6) Which of the folowing States is the first to have enacted a comprehensive legislation to protect the
girl child?

A) Karnataka
B) Goa
C) Maharashtra

D) Madhya Pradesh
Answer: D

7) Which one of the folowing European countries borders Atlantic Ocean?

A) Portugal
B) Austria
C) Finland
D) Romania

Answer : A

8) Select the corect sequence in the decreasing order of contribution to the forest-cover of India:

A) Dense forest—Open forest— Mangrove forest
B) Open forest—Dense forest—Mangrove forest
C) Dense forest—Mangrove forest—Open forest
D) Open forest—Mangrove forest—Dense forest

Answer : B

9) Consider the folowing statements:

1. ‘Astra’ is an air-to-air guided misile which was recently test-fired.

2. Recently test-fired ‘Akash’ is a medium range surface to surface misile.
Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) Both 1and 2
D) Neither 1 nor 2.

Answer : A

10) Which of the folowing countries is not included in 0-8 (Group of eight industrialized countries)

A) Italy
B) Rusia
C) Holand
D) Canada.

Answer: C

11) Match List (Dance Forms) with List-I (State) and select the corect answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I (Dance Forms) List-I (State)
A. Kathakali 1. Tamil Nadu
B. Kuchipudi 2. Kerala
C. Bharat Natyam 3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Orisa
5. Karnataka

A) 2 3 4
B) 5 3 2

C) 2 3 1
D) 5 4 2

Answer : C

12) Match List-I (Tennis Player) with List-I (Country) and select the corect answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I (Tennis Player) List-I (Country)
A. Justine Henin-Hardene 1. Belgium
B. Kim Clijsters 2. England
C. Tim Henman 3 Australia
D. Andy Rodick 4. US
5. Spain

A) 1 4 3 4

B) 5 1 2 3
C) 1 1 2 4
D) 5 4 3 2

Answer : C

13) Gros National Product of a country Is the sum of the market value of al the gods and services
produced in a year

A) plus export earnings
B) plus market value of imports.
C) minus foreign aid
D) plus net Income from abroad

Answer : D

14) In the Constiution of India promotion of International peace and security is included In the-

A) Preamble of the Constiution
B) Directive Principles of State Policy
C) Fundamental Duties
D) Ninth Schedule

Answer : B

15) Consider the folowing statements related to the Prime Minister of India:

1. He signs the bils pased by the two Houses of the Parliament on behalf of the President during his

2. He asists the President in making al the apointments.
3. He communicates to the President al the decisions of the Council of Ministers.
Which of these statements are corect?

A) 1, 2, and 3
B) land 2
C) land 3
D) 2 and 3

Answer : D

16) Bauxite is the principal ore of:

A) Coper
B) Aluminum
C) Iron
D) Zinc

Answer : B

17) Separation of the Judiciary from the executive in public service of the State is enjoined by -

A) the Preamble of the Constitution of India
B) a judicial decision

C) the Seventh Schedule of the Constiution of India
D) a Directive Principle of State Policy

Answer : 4

18) Consider the folowing statements:

1. Grenland is an overseas teritory of France.
2. Bermuda an overseas teritory of UK is situated in Western Atlantic.
3. State of Bahrain is situated in the Persian Gulf.
Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) l, 2, and 3

B) 2 only
C) 2 and 3
C) land 3

Answer : C

19) Which one amongst the folowing is the oldest Dynasty?

A) Palava Dynasty
B) Chola Dynasty
C) Maurya Dynasty
D) Gupta Dynasty

Answer : C

20) Who among the folowing Indian rulers was a contemporary of Akbar?

A) Rani Durgawati
B) Ahilya Bai
C) Martanda Varma
D) Raja Sawai Jai Singh

Answer : A

21) Consider the folowing statements related to Raja Rammohan Roy:
1. He advocated widow remariage.
2. He strongly .advocated for the aboliton of Sati system
3. He advocated for the promotion of English education.Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 1 only
B) 1 and 2
C) 2 and 3
D) 1, 2, and 3

Answer : C

22) The Chalukya King who defeated Harshavardhana on the banks of the Narmada was:

A) Pulakesin I

B) Srimukha
C) Mangalesa

D) Kirtivarman I

Answer : A

23) Tisue culture is:

A) growing of tiny plant fragments in a nutrient solution
B) a system of physical exercise for the regeneration of body tisues
C) growing of plant fragments on tisue paper
D) culturing of bacteria on tisue paper

Answer : A

24) The six distinct schols of Indian philosophy—Vedanta, Mimamsa, Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Valsesika became fuly articulated during the:

A) Vedic age
B) Gupta age
C) Kushana age
D) Mauryan age

Answer : D

25) Gautama Budha atained pari- nirvana at:

A) Lumbini
B) Sarnath
C) Kushinagar

D) Bodh Gaya

Answer : C

26) Who among the folowing belongs to the period of Kanishka?
1. Budhaghosa
2. Nagarjuna
3. Vasumitra
4. Asvaghosa
Select the corect answer using the codes given below:

A) 2, 3, and 4
B) 1, 2, and 3
C) 1, 3, and 4

D) 1 and 4

Answer : A

27) Which one of the folowing pairs is not corectly matched?

A) Jacques Chirac : President of France
B) Gerhard Schroeder : Chancelor of Germany
C) Silvio Berlusconi : Prime Minister of Italy
D) Jean Chrétien : President of Austria

Answer : 4

28) Consider the folowing statements:
1. In India, the maximum part of electric energy is generated by the hydroelectric plants.
2. In India, the maximum part of electric energy is generated by the thermal power plants.
3. Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. is located in Tamil Nadu
Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 2 and 3
B) land 3
C) 2 only
D) 3 only

Answer : A

29) The layer of the atmosphere which makes radio communication posible is

A) troposphere
B) tropopause
C) ionosphere
D) stratosphere

Answer : C

30. Which one of the folowing pairs is not corectly matched?

A) Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya : Bhopal
B) Ramakrishna Mision Instiute of Culture : Kolkata
C) Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library : Lucknow
D) Anthropological Survey of India (Headquarters) : Kolkata

Answer : A

31) Consider the folowing statements: The Estimates Commite
1. is an ad hoc commite.
2. has members from both the Houses of Parliament.
3. has members drawn entirely from the Lok Sabha.
Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) land 2
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 only
D) 3 only

Answer : C

32) The Fundamental Duties of the Indian citzens were laid down by which of the folowing Amendments to theConstiution of India?

A) 40th Amendment
B) 41st Amendment
C) 42nd Amendment
D) 43rd Amendment

Answer : D

33) Match List-I (Substance) with List-I(Constituent) and, select the corect answer using the codes given belowthe Lists:
List-I (Substance) List-I (Constituent)
A. White paint 1. Titanium dioxide
B. Glas 2. Phosphorus
C. Artifcial fertilzer 3. Sodium silcate
D. Match-stick 4. Potasium sulphate
5. Potasium chloride

A) 4 3 5 2
B) 1 2 4 3
C) 4 2 5 3

D) 1 3 4 2
Answer : D

34) Consider the folowing statements:
1. In July 203, East Bengal Club won the L.G Asean Cup fotbal tournament defeating Bec Tero Sasana Club of Indonesia at Jakarta
2. Sandip Nandy of East Bengal Club was adjudged the best goalkeper of this tournament.
3. Baichung Bhutia of East Bengal Club was the highest goal scorer of the tournament.
Which of these statements are corect?

A) 2 and 3
B) 1 and 3
C) land 2
D)1, 2, and 3

Answer : B

35) Match List-I (Major Port) with List-I (State) and select the corect answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I (Major Port) List-I (Estate)
A. Jawaharlal Nehru Port 1. Tamil Nadu
B. Paradip Port 2. Maharashtra
C. Kandla Port 3. OrisaD. Enore Port

4. Gujarat

A) 4 1 2 3
B) 2 3 4 1
C) 4 3 2 1
D) 2 1 4 3

Answer: 2

36) Match List-I with List-I and select the corect answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I List-I
A. Linux 1. Internet
B. Pentium 2. Programming language
C. C++ 3. Microprocesor
D. Modem 4. Operating system
5. Laser printerCodes:

A) 2 1 5 3
B) 4 3 2 1
C) 2 3 5 1
D) 4 1 2 3

Answer : B

37) Match List-I (Disease) with List-I (Nature of Disease) and select the corect answer using the codes given below the Lists:
List-I (Disease) List-I (Nature of Disease)
A. Filaria 1.Hereditary
B. Epilepsy 2. Waterborne
C. Enteric fever 3. Contagious
D. Mumps 4. Insect-Transmited

A) 2 3 4 1
B) 4 1 2 3

C) 2 1 4 3
D) 4 3 2 1

Answer: B

38) Consider the folowing statements:

1. Indo-Tibetan Border Police was raised after the Chinese agresion.
2. Border Security Force was raised in 1965.
3. Sardar Valabhbhai Patel National Police Academy is located in Udaipur.

Which of these statements are corect.?

A) 2 and 3

B) 1 and 2
C) 2 and 3
D) land 3

Answer : B

39) Consider the folowing statements:

1.The President of India can promulgate an Ordinance at any time if he is satisfied that circumstances
exist which render it necesary for him to take immediate action.
2.The Vice-President of India can be re-elected to his post.

Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) Both 1 and 2

D) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer : B

40) Bhimbetka which was ben confered the status of World Heritage Site is situated in:

A) Orisa
B) Rajasthan
C) Madhya Pradesh
D) Bihar

Answer : C

41) Prof. Raghuram Rajan is/was asociated as Chief Economist of:

A) World Trade Organization
B) World Bank
C) International Monetary Fund
D) Economic and Social Council of the UNO

Answer : C

42) Consider the folowing statement related to the 50th National Film Awards:
1. Aishwarya Rai got the Best Actres award for her role in the film Devdas.
2. Aparna Sen got the Best Director award for the film Mr. and Mrs. Iyer
3. Konkona Sen got the Best Actres award or her role in the film Mr. and Mrs.Iyer4. Sanjay Lela Bhansali got the Best Director award for the film Devdas.

Which of these statements are corect?

A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 3 and 4
D) 1 and 4

Answer : B

43) The autobiography Living History has ben authored by—

A) Margaret Atwod
B) Benazir Bhuto
C) Hilary Clinton
D) Monica Lewinsky

Answer : D

44) Match list-I (Person) with List-I (Organization) and select the corect answer using the codes given
below the Lists:

List-I (Person) List-I (Organization)

A. C. P. Jain 1. Indian Oil Corporation
B. M. S. Ramachandran 2. National Thermal Power Corporation
C. Sunil Arora 3. Securites and Exchange Board of India
D. G. N. Bajpai 4. Indian AirlinesCode:

A) 4 1 2 3
B) 2 3 4 1
C) 4 3 2 1
D) 2 1 4 3

Answer : D

45) Jharkhand does not share boundary with

A) West Bengal
B) Orisa
C) Chatisgarh
D) Madhya Pradesh

Answer : D

46 ) Which one of the folowing pairs is not corectly matched?

A) Nalin Surie : Ambasador to America
B) Shiv Shankar Menon : High Commisioner to Pakistan
C) S. K. Sinha : Governor of Jammu & Kashmir
D) K. Kasturirangan : Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization

Answer : D

47)No Biosphere Reserve. has ben set up at —

A) Nilgiri
B) Sunderbans
C) Gulf of Manar
D) Gulf of Kuchch

Answer : D

48) Consider the folowing statements:
1. State Central Library is located at Mumbai.
2. National Library is located at New Delhi.Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) Both 1 and 2
D) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A

49) Match List-I (Place) with List -I (State) and select the corect answer using the codes given below the Lists:

List-I (Place) List-I (State)

A. Sriharikota 1. Karnataka
B. Thumba 2. Andhra Pradesh
C. Hasan 3. OrisaD. Chandipur

4. Kerala
5. Tamil Nadu

A) 1 3 5 4
B) 2 4 1 3
C) 1 4 5 3
D) 2 3 1 4

Answer : B

50) Consider the folowing statements:

1. Antrix is the commercial arm of ISRO for marketing Indian space capabilties.
2. Megha-Tropiques is a joint satelite mision of ISRO and Rusian Space Agency for atmospheric studies.
Which of these statements is/are corect?

A) 1 only

B) 2 only
C) Both 1 and 2
C) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A

3] Civil Engineering Questions and Answers

1) Steel of yield strength 400 MPa has been used in a structure. What is the value of the maximum allowable tensile strength?

A) 240 MPa
B) 200 MPa
C) 120 MPa
D) 96 MPa

Answer : D

2) Which one of the following is not a desirable property of the subgrade soil as a highway meterial?

A) Stability
B) Ease of compaction
C) Good drainage
D) Bitumen adhesion

Answer : D

3) Consider the following statements:In surverying operations, the word ‘reciprocal’ can be associated with
1. ranging
2. levelling
3. contouring

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A) 1 only
B) 1 and 2 only
C) 2 and 3 only
D) 1, 2 and 3

Answer : B

4. How many- sidereal days are there in a solar year?

A) 365.2840
B) 366.2422
C) 360.2500
D) 365.0000

Answer : B

5) Consider the following statements

A sidereal year can be defined as the time interval:
1. between two successive transits .of the sun through the meridian of any of the fixed stars
2. between two successive passages of the sun through perigee

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
A) 3 only
B) 1and 2
C) 2 and 3
D) 1 only

Answer : B

6) Which one of the following methods of computing area assumes that the short, lengths of the boundary between the ordinates are parabolic ares?

A) Average ordinate rule
B) Middle ordinate rule
C) Simpson’s rule
D) Trapezoidal rule

Answer : C

7) Which one the following errors is more severe in plane-table surveying?

A) Defective sighting
B) Defective orientation
C) Movement of board between sights
D) Non-horizontality of board when points sighted are at large differences of their elevation .

Answer : B

8) Which one of the following sets of factors is related to design of thickness rigid pavement by Westergaard method?

A) CBR value and stiffness index of soil
B) Deflection factor and traffic index
C) Swelling index and bulk modulus
D) Radius of relative stiffness and modulus of subgrade reaction

Answer : D

8) Which one of the following tests is performed in the laboratory to determine the extent of weathering of aggregates for road works?

A) Soundness test
B) Crushing test
C) Impact test
D) Abrasion test

Answer : A

9) Which one of the following geometric features requires the magnitudes of weaving angle and weaving distance for its design?

A) Rotary design
B) Right-angle intersection
C) Roundabout

D) Grade-separated junction

Ans. (a)

10) Which one of the following methods is used in the design of rigid pavements?

A) CBR method
B) Group index method
C) Westergaard’s method
D) McLeod’s method

Answer : C

11) In which one of the following yards, are reception, sorting and dispatch of railway wagons done?

A) Loco yard
B) Marashalling yard
C) Goods yard

D) Passenger yard

Answer : B

12) Hot bitumen is sprayed over freshly constructed bituminous surface followed by spreading of 6.3 mm coarse aggregates and rolled. Which one of the following is indicated by this type of construction?

A) Surface dressing
B) Gravel-bitumen mix
C) Liquid seal coat
D) Seal coat

Answer : A

13) Radius of relative stiffness of cement concrete pavement does not depend upon which one of the following?

A) Modulus of subgrade reaction
B) Wheel load

C) Modulus of elasticity of cement concrete
D) Poisson’s ratio of concrete

Answer : B

14) For conditions obtaining in India, at which location in a cement concrete payement will the combined stresses due to traffic wheel studies is needed for well as for ‘highway load and temperature have to be critically checked during design?

A) Corner
B) Corner and interior
C) Corner and edge
D) Corner, edge and interior

Answer : D

15) Consider the following factors:

1. The change in the shape and size of the channel cross-section
2. The change in the slope of the channel
3. The presence of obstruction
4. The change in the frictional forces at the boundaries

Which of the above factors would cause a gradually varied flow?

A) 1, 2, 3 and 4
B) 1, 2 and 3 only
B) 2 and 4 only
D) 3 and 4 only

Answer : A

16) Consider the following in relation to group index of soil:

1. Liquid limit
2. Sandy loam
3. Plasticity index
4. Per cent passing 75 microns sieveWhich of the above is/are used for estimating the group index?

A) 1 only
B) 1and 2
C) 2 and 3
D)1, 3 and 4

Answer : D

17) Which set of traffic functional design as well as for ‘highway capacity’ design?

A) Origin and destination studies
B) Parking and accident studies
C) Speed and volume studies
D) Axle load studies

Answer : A

18) Which one of the following traffic survey schemes is most relevant when deciding on locating major ‘routes’ in a city?

A) Traffic volume survey
B) Origin and destination survey
C) Speed survey
D) Traffic capacity survey

Answer : B

19) Which one of the following equipments is useful in determining spot speed in traffic engineering?

A) Endoscope
B) Periscope
C) Radar
D) Tachometer

Answer : C

20. Under which one of the following categories is the river Ganga classified in the reach through UP and Bihar?

A) Straight river
B) Meandering river
C) Braided river
D) Deltaic river

Answer : B

21) Consider the following chemical emulsions:

1. Methyl alcohol
2. Cetyl alcohol
3. Stearyl alcohol
4. Kerosene

Which of the above chemical emulsions is/are used to minimize the loss of water through the process of evaporation?

A) 1 only
B) 1 and 4
C) 2 and 4
D) 2 and 3

Answer : D

22) A catchment area of 60 ha has a runoff coefficient of 0.40. If a storm of intensity 3cm h and duration longer than the time of concentration occurs in the catchment, then what is the peak discharge?

A) 2.0 m3/s
B) 3.5 m3/s
C) 4.5 m3/s
D) 2.5 m3/s

Answer : A

23) Which combination of surface water quality parameters will indicate sweep coagulation as the preferred mechanism of coagulation?

A) High turbidity — low alkalinity

B) High turbidity — high alkalinity
C) Low turbidity — high alkalinity
D) Low turbidity — low alkalinity

Answer : B

24) In a canal irrigation project, 76% of the culturable command area (CCA) remained without water during Kharif season; and 58% of CCA remained without water during Rabi season in a particular year. Rest of the areas got irrigated in each crop respectively. What is the intensity of irrigation for the project in that year?

A) 134%
B) 76%
C) 66%
D) 58%

Answer : B

25) What is the critical combination of vertical and horizontal earthquake accelerations to be considered for checking the stability of a gravity dam in reservoir full condition?

A) Vertically upward and horizontally downstream
B) Vertically upward and horizontally upstream
C) Vertically downward and horizontally upstream
D) Vertically downward and horizontally downstream

Answer : D

26) Which of the following categories best describes the Hirakud reservoir?

A) Reservoir for irrigation and power
B) Reservoir for flood control, power and irrigation
C) Reservoir for irrigation and water supply
D) Reservoir for recreation and fishery

Answer : B

27) During a particular stage of the growth of a crop, consumptive use of water is 2.8 mm/day. If the amount of water available in the soil is 25% of 80 mm depth of water what is the frequency of irrigation?

A) 9 days
B) 13 days
C) 21 days
D) 25 days

Answer : C

28) Consider the following statements: Irrigation water has to be supplied to the crops when the moisture level falls

1. below field capacity
2. to wilting point
3. below wilting point

Which of the above statement is/are correct?

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 3 only
D) 2 and 3

Answer : A

29) A groundwater basin consists of 10 km2 area of plains. The maximum groundwater table fluctuation has been observed to be 1.5 m. Consider specific yield of the basin as 10%. What is the available groundwater storage in million cubic metres?

A) 1.0
B) 1.5
C) 2.5

D) 2.0

Answer : B

30) What is the height of wave which is likely to be generated by a wind of 80 km/hr in a reservoir having a fetch of 50 km:

A) 0.5m

B) 1.0 m
C) 2.0 m
D) 3.0 m

Answer : C

31) In a siphon system employed for carrying water from a reservoir A at a higher elevation to another reservoir B at lower elevation, both being separated by a higher hill, what will be the pressure at the ‘Summit’ (S)?

A) Equal to the pressure at the water surface of reservoir A
B) Higher than the pressure at the water surface of reservoir A
C) Equal to the pressure at the water surface of reservoir B
D) Less than the pressure at both A and B above

Answer : D

32) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:

List-I List-II

A. Rehbock formula 1. Sutro weir
B. Francis formula 2. Rectangular suppressed weir
C. A special trapezoidal weir 3. Rectangular side- contracted weir
D. Linear proportional weir 4. Cippolletti weir

Code:A B C D

A) 1 3 4 2
B) 2 4 3 1
C) 1 4 3 2
D) 2 3 4 1

Answer : D

33) Consider the following statements related to undersluices provided in diversion weirs on permeable foundations:

I. They are fully gate-controlled and have crest at the same level as the weir crest when no silt excluders are provided.
2. They scour the silt deposited on the river bed in the pockets upstream of the canal head regulator.
3. It is not necessary to provide end pile line on the downstream end of the undersluice floor.

4. The discharge capacity of the undersluice is 10-15% of the maximum flood or two times the maximum discharge of the offtaking canal or maximum winter discharge, whichever is the highest.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A) 1
B) 2 and 4 only
C) 2, 3 and 4
C) 3 and 4 only

Answer : B

34) What is the theoretical oxygen demand of 300 mg/L glucose solution?

A) 300 mg/L
B) 320 mg/L

C) 350 mg/L
D) 400 mg/L

Answer : B

35) Consider the following statements:

1. Giving equal weightings to horizontal and vertical creeps for design of weir foundations is one of the drawbacks of Kennedy’s theory.
2. Khosla’s theory of design of foundations for weirs is based on potential theory.
3. Piping problem can be reduced by increasing the length of floor.
4. In Lane’s weighted creep theory, horizontal creep is given less weightage compared to vertical creep.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A) 1

B) 2, 3 and 4
C) 2 and 4 only
D) 3 and 4 only

Answer : B

36) The power transmitted through a pipeline is maximum when the head lost due to friction in the pipe is equal to:

A) the total supply head
B) half of the total supply head
C) one-third of the total supply head
D) one-fourth of the total supply head

Answer : C

37) Consider the following with respect to the application of the Navier-Stokes equations:

1. Laminar flown in circular pipes
2. Laminar flow between concentric rotating cylinders
3. Laminar unidirectional flow between stationary parallel plates
4. Laminary unit directional flow between parallel plates having relative motion

Which of the above is/are correct?

A) 1 only
B) 2 and 3 only.
C) 3 and 4 only
D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer : C

38) Consider the following:

1. Force on pipe bends and transitions
2. Jet propulsion
3. Flow velocities in open channel
4. Vortex flow

Which of the above admit employing the moment of momentum equation?

A) 1 and 2 only
B) 1, 2 and 3
C) 1 and 3 only
D) 2, 3 and 4

Answer : D

39) Consider the following statements:

1. Shear stress is maximum at the centre line.
2. Maximum velocity is 3\2 times the average velocity
3. Discharge varies inversely with the coefficient of viscosity.
4. Slope of hydraulic gradient line increases linearly with the velocity of flow.

Which of the above statements are correct in connection with a steady laminar flow through a circular pipe?

A) 1, 3 and 4
B) 3 and 4 only
C) 1 and 3 only
D) 2 and 4

Answer : B

40) Consider the following statements:Cavitation generally results from a combination of several influences

1. by reduction of pressure intensity below a limiting value
2. by increase in either elevation or the velocity of flow
3. by reduction of pressure load in the system
4. by decrease in the velocity of flow

Which of the above statements are correct?

B) 1, 2 and 3
B) 1 and 2 only
C) 2 and 3 only
D) 3 and 4

Answer : B

41) What is Hydrological Cycle?

A) Processes involved in the transfer of moisture from sea to land
B) Processes involved in the transfer of moisture from sea back again
C) Processes involved in the transfer of water from snowmelt in mountains
D) Processes involved in the transfer of moisture from sea to land and back to sea again

Answer : D

42) A triangular direct runoff hydrograph due to a storm has a time base of 60 hr and a peak flow of 30m3/s occurring at 20 hr from the start. If the catchment area is 300 km2, what is the rainfall excess in the storm?

A) 50 mm
B) 20 mm
C) 10.8 mm
D) 8.3 mm

Answer : C

43) A 3 hr unit hydrograph U1 of a catchment of area 235 km2 is in the form of a triangle with peak discharge 30 m3/s. Another 3 hr unit hydrograph U2 is also triangular in shape and has the same base width as U1, but has a peak flow of 90 m3/s. What is the catchment area of U2?

A) 117.5 km2
B) 235 km2
C) 470 km2
D) 705 km2

Answer : D

44) While selecting a centrifugal pump for your requirement of head and discharge on the basis of its performance characteristics,which one of the following criteria is to be adopted?

A) Head, discharge and efficiency
B) Head and discharge only
C) Discharge only
D) Head only

Answer : A

45) Consider the following statements: The function of the impeller in a centrifugal pump is to:

1. Convert the pressure energy into hydraulic energy
2. Convert the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy
3. Convert the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
4. transform most of the kinetic energies to pressure energy

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A) 1 only
B) 3 only
C) 1, 2 and 3
D) 2, 3 and 4

Answer : B

46) A centrifugal pump gives maximum efficiency when its impeller blades are

(a) bent forward
(b) bent backward
(c) straight
(d) wave-shaped

Answer : B

47) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the the code given below the

Lists-I List-II

A. Spiral casing 1. To allow flow of water through it to produce a torque for the rotation of the runner
B. Stay ring 2. To direct the water on the runner at an appropriate angle

C. Guide vane 3. To distribute the flow over the periphery of the runner
D. Runner 4. To act as column helping to support the electrical generator above the turbine

Code: A B C D
(a) 3 2 4 1
(b) 1 2 4 3
(c) 3 4 2 1
(d) 1 4 2 3

Answer : C

48) By which one of the following, a small quantity of water may be lifted to a great height?

A) Hydraulic ram
B) Hydraulic crane
C) Hydraulic lift
D) Hydraulic coupling

Answer : A

49) A 1.6 m3 capacity tractor loaded works at a site with an effective per-round-trip time of 64 seconds. Effective delivery of excavated material is 90%. If utilization is 50 minutes per hour working, what will be the productivity in a 4-hour shift?

A) 253 m3
B) 262 m3
C) 270 m3
D) 282 m3

Answer : C

50) Consider the following with respect to a double-mass curve:

I. Plot of accumulated rainfall with respect to two chronological orders
2. Plot for estimating multiple missing rainfall data
3. Plot for checking the consistency of the rainfall data
4. Plot of accumulated annual rainfall of a station vs. accumulated rainfall of a group of stations

Which of the above are correct?

A) 1 and 3
B) 2 and 3
C) 3 and 4
D) 1 and 4

Answer : C

51) Generally to estimate PMP, Pm = 42. 16D0.475 is used (Pm is maximum depth of precipitation,

D = duration). What are the units of Pm and D in the equation?

A) mm, sec
B) cm, sec
C) mm, hr
D) cm, hr

Answer : D

52) A 1.75 m3 capacity tractor loader has forward loaded speed of 240 m/min, returning unloaded speed of 300 m/min and operates at 80% of the specified speed. It hauls earth over a distance of 60 m with fixed time per trip being 25 seconds. What is its effective cycle time?

A) 54.25 seconds
B) 55.50 seconds
C) 56.75 seconds
D) 58.75 seconds

Answer : D

53) Which one of the following relates to determination of critical path in PERT?

A) Event oriented slack
B) Activity oriented float
C) Event oriented float
D) Activity oriented slack

Answer : A

54) In order to achieve a safe compressive strength of 20 kg/cm2 in a brick masonary, what should be the suitable range of crushing strength of bricks?

A) 35kg/cm2 to 70 kg/cm2
C) 70 kg/cm2 to 105 kg/cm2
C) 105 kg/cm2 to 125 kg/cm2

D) More than 125 kg/cm2

Answer : B

55) What is the requirement of water (expressed as % of cement w/w) for the completion of chemical
reactions in the process of hydration of OPC?

A) 10 to 15%
B) 15 to 20%
C) 20 to 25%
D) 25 to 30%

Answer : C

56) Which factors comprise maturity of concrete?

A) Compressive strength and. flexural strength of concrete /
B) Cement content per cubic metre and compressive strength of concrete

C) Curing age and curing temperature of concrete
D) Age and aggregate content per cubic metre of concrete

Answer : C

57) What is the minimum value of individual tests results (in N/mm2) for compressive strength compliance requirement for concrete M20 as per codal provision?

A) fck 1
B) fck 3
C) fck 4
D) fck 5

Answer : C

58) For what reason is it taken that the nominal maximum size of aggregate may be as large as possible?

A) Larger the maximum size of aggregate, more the cement required and so higher the strength.
B) Larger the maximum size of aggregate, smaller is the cement requirement for particular water cement ratio and so more economical the mix.
C) Larger the maximum size of aggregate, lesser are the voids in the mix and hence also lesser the
cement required.
D) Larger the maximum size of aggregate, more the surface area and better the bond between
aggregates and cement, and so higher the strength.

Answer : D

59) What is the modulus of elasticity of standard timber (Group B) in (MN/cm2)?

A) 0.5 to 1.0
B) 1.0 to 1.25

C) 1.25 to 1.5
D) 1.5 to 1.75

Answer : B

60) What is the treatment for making timber fire- resistant?

A) ASCU treatment
B) Abel’s process
C) Creosoting
D) Tarring

Answer : B

61) How is the process of treatment of wood using a preservative solution and forcing air in at pressure designated?

A) Ruping process

B) Lawri process
C) Full cell process
D) Empty cell process

Answer : D

62) Modular bricks are of nominal size 20 × 10 × 10cm and 20% of the volume is lost in mortar between joints. Then what is the number of modular bricks required per cubic meter of brick work?

A) 520
B) 500
C) 485
D) 470

Answer : D

63) A solid metal of uniform sectional area throughout its length hangs vertically from its upper end. Devails of the bar are:length = 6m, material density = 8 × 10-5 N/mm3 and B =2 × 1o5 N/mm2. What will be the total elongation of the bar in mm?

A) 288/104

B) 48/104
C) 144/104
D) 72/104

Answer : D

64) What is the representative geometric mean size of an aggregate sample if its fineness modulus is

A) 150 μm
B) 300 μm

C) 600 μm
D) 12 μm

Answer : C

65) A square steel bar of 50 mm side and 5m long is subjected to a load where upon it absorbs a strain energy of 100 J. What is its modulus of resilience?

A) 1/125 Nmm/ mm3
B) 125 mm3/Nmm
C) 1/125 Nmm/ mm3
D) 100 mm3/Nmm

Answer : A

66) What is the ratio of flexural strength (fcr) to the characteristic compressive strength of concrete (fck) for M25 grade concrete?

A) 0.08
B) 0.11
C) 0.14
A) 0.17

Answer : C

67) Which of the following tests compares the dynamic modulus of elasticity of samples of concrete?

A) Compression test

B) Ultrasonic pulse velocity test
C) Split test
D) Tension test

Answer : B

68) Which one of the following is correct regarding the most effective requirements of durability in concrete?

A) Providing reinforcement near the exposed concrete surface
B) Applying a protective coating to the exposed concrete surface
C) Restricting the minimum cement content and the maximum water cement ratio and the type of cement
D) Compacting the concrete to a greater degree.

Answer : C)

69) What is the radius of Mohr’s circle in case of bi-axial state of stress?

A) Half the sum of the two principal stresses
B) Half the difference of the two principal stresses
C) Difference of the two principal stresses
D) Sum of the two principal stresses

Answer : B

70) A square beam laid flat is then rotated in such a way that one of its diagonal becomes horizontal.
How is its moment capacity affected?

A) Increases by 41.4%
B) Increases by 29.27%
C) Decreases by 29.27%
D) Decreases by 41.4%

Answer : D

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