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28th November 2014, 02:49 PM
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Re: NICL Administrative officer (Generalist) Model paper

You are looking for NICL Administrative officer (Generalist) Model paper for Verbal Section, I am giving here:
1. The fact that the- of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - procatss in race
(a) insidiousness - reiterates
(b) practice - inculcates
(c) glimmer - foreshadows
(d) technique - presages
(e) reticence - indicates
Ans : (d)
2. A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - agcatssive.
(a) categorized
(b) instructed
(c) intoned
(d) distracted
(e) refrained
Ans : (a)
3. President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own
Government, - accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to
address the Israeli parliament.
(a) acrimonious - formally
(b) blemished - stiffly
(c) categorical - previously
(d) malignant - plaintively
(e) charismatic - meticulously
Ans : (a)
4. In his usual - manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
(a) pensive
(b) providential
(c) indifferent
(d) circumspect
(e) caustic
Ans : (d)
5. We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded
him as a - man.
(a) charm - insincere
(b) necromancy - pietistic
(c) logic - honorable
(d) prestidigitation - articulate
(e) subterfuge - honest
Ans : (e)
6. The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was - by pointing out that it did
not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
(a) unproven
(b) banal
(c) superficial
(d) complex
(e) heretical
Ans : (e)
7. Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill
and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a - between them.
(a) dichotomy
(b) congruity
(c) reciprocity
(d) fusion
(e) generosity
Ans : (e)
8. The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the catatest - indeed
savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
(a) inventions - know-how
(b) wars - viciousness
(c) triumphs - civilizations
(d) atrocities - development
(e) catastrophes - ill-will
Ans : (d)
9. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no catater - their efforts to build as Procatssive Party
than the - of the procatssive already elected to the legislature.
(a) obstacle to - resistance
(b) support for - advocacy
(c) praise for - reputation
(d) threat to - promise
file:///C:/Documents and Settings/JbigDeaL/Desktop/New Folder/Verbal ...
(e) benefit - success
Ans : (a)
10. The simplicity of the theory - its main attraction - is also its - for only by - the assumptions
of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
(a) glory - rejecting
(b) liability - accepting
(c) undoing - supplementing
(d) downfall - considering
(e) virtue - qualifying
Ans : (c)
11. That the Third Battalion's fifty percent casually rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from
a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not - eyewitness reports of its commander's extraordinary
- in deploying his forces.
(a) invalidate - brutality
(b) gainsay - cleverness
(c) underscore - ineptitude
(d) justify - rapidity
(e) corroborate -determination
Ans : (b)
12. No longer - by the belief that the world around us was expressly designed for humanity,
many people try to find intellectual - for that lost certainty in astrology and in mysticism.
(a) satisfied - reasons
(b) reassured - justifications
(c) restricted - parallels
(d) sustained - substitutes
(e) hampered - equivalents
Ans : (d)
13. In eighth-century Japan, people who - wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of
an effort to overcome the shortage of - fields.
(a) cultivated - domestic
(b) located - desirable
(c) conserved - forested
(d) reclaimed - arable
(e) irrigated - accessible.
Ans : (d)
14. Clearly refuting sceptics, researchers have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but
that it also does exactly what the theory- it should do.
(a) assumed - deducted
(b) estimated - accepted
(c) supposed - asserted
(d) doubted - warranted
(e) demonstrated - predicted.
Ans e)
15. Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue
and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a
world - of -
(a) deprived - polarity
(b) full - circumstantiality
(c) bereft - theatricality
(d) devoid - neutrality
(e) composed - adversity.
Ans : (d)
16. Sponsors of the bill were-because there was no opposition to it within the legislative, until
after the measure had been signed into law.
(a) well-intentioned
(b) persistent
(c) detained
(d) unreliable
(e) relieved.
Ans : (b)
17. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable - through a complex
network of producers and consumers.
(a) nutrients
(b) dividends
(c) communications
(d) artifacts
(e) commodities.
Ans : (c)
18. Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government
by - the leaders of the movement have recently - most of their previous statements supporting
(a) proclamation - codified
(b) coercion - repudiated
(c) participation - moderated
(d) intimidation - issued
(e) demonstration - deliberated.
Ans : (b)
19. It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must
disregard race, color and creed.
(a) tolerant
(b) democratic
(c) broadminded
(d) emotional
(e) intolerant.
Ans : (e)
20. Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain redical
newspapers is not - or childish, but an assault on - essential to the revolutionary's purpose.
(a) insolent - sociability
(b) trivial - decorum
(c) belligerent - fallibility
(d) serious - propriety
(e) deliberate - affectation.
Ans : (b)
21. The - tones of the flute succeeded in - his tense nerves.
(a) rhapsodic - minimising
(b) blatant - enhancing
(c) hovendous - calming
(d) vibrant - portraying
(e) mellifluous - soothing.
Ans : (e)
22. Without the psychiatrist's promise of confidentiality, trust is - and the patient's
communication limited; even though confidentiality can thus be seen to be precious in thercopy,
moral responsibility sometimes requires a willingness to - it.
(a) lost - forget
(b) implicit - extend
(c) impaired - sacrifise
(d) ambiguous - apply
(e) assumed - examine.
Ans : (c)
23. Parts of seventeenth-century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look
-they were designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting from a sense of the -
of natural beauty and human glory.
(a) great - immutability
(b) joyful - mortality
(c) conventional - wildness
(d) cheerful - transitoriness
(e) colorful - abstractness.
Ans : (d)
24. Despite the - of many of their colleagues, some scholars have begun to emphasize ''pop
culture'' as a key for - the myths, hopes, and fears of contemporary society. (a) pedantry -
(b) enthusiasm - symbolizing
(c) skepticism - deciphering
(d) antipathy - involving
(e) discernment - evaluating.
Ans : (c)
25. If duty is the natural - of one's the course of future events, then people who are powerful
have duty placed on them whether they like it or not.
(a) outgrowth - control over
(b) arbiter - responsibility for
(c) correlate - understanding of
(d) determinant - involvement in
(e) mitigant - preoccupation with .
Ans : (a)
26. Clearly refuting sceptics, researches have - not only that gravitational radiation exists but
that it also does exactly what the theory - it should do.
(a) supposed - asserted
(b) voubted -warranted
(c) assumed - deduced
(d) demonstrated - predicted
(e) estimated - accepted
27. The Neolatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant
fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the
- of creation.
(a) variety
(b) economy
(c) profusion
(d) clarity
(e) precision.
Ans : (b)
28. It is a great - to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible,
because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with -
(a) Disappointment - superfluous
(b) Convenience - exquisite
(c) Advantage - deleterious
(d) Accomplishment - profound
(e) Misfortune - unpredictable.
Ans : (c)
29. While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not - the
manufacturer's spokesperson argued that effective - were simply not available. (a)
indeterminable - safeguards
(b) unusual - alternatives
(c) inconsequential - substitutes
(d) proven - antidotes
(e) increasing - procedures.
Ans : (c)
30. Human reaction to the realm of though is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our
higher moral life is based on the fact that - sensations actually present may have a weaker
influence on our action than do ideas of - facts.
(a) emotional - impersonal
(b) familiar : symbolic
(c) disturbing - ordinary
(d) material - remote
(e) defenitive - controvoisial.
Ans : (d)
31. Some scientists argue that carbon compounds play such a central role in life on earth
because of the possibility of - resulting from the carbon atom's ability to form an unending series
of different molecules. (a) variety
(b) stability
(c) deviations
(d) invigorations
(e) reproduction.
Ans : (a)
32. It would be difficult for one so - to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must
disregard race, color and creed. (a) intolerant
(b) democratic
(c) emotional
(d) patient
(e) broadminded.
Ans : (a)
33. An occasional - remark spoiled the - that made the paper memorable.
(a) colloquial
(b) trite - cliches
(c) urbane - sophisticated
(d) hackneyed - originality
(e) jovial - fun.
Ans : (d)
34. Broadway audiences have become inured to - and so - to be pleased as to make their ready
ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.? (a)
cleverness : eager
(b) condescension : disinclined
(c) sentimentality : reluctant
(d) mediocrity : desperate
(e) histrionics : unlikely
Ans : (d)
35. Nineteenth - century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical
Greek art was not a magical - or a brilliant - blending Egyptian and Assyruin art, but was
independently evolved by Greeks in Greece.
(a) conversion - annexation
(b) apparition - amalgam
(c) stratagem - appropriation
(d) paradigm - construct
(e) example - synthesis
Ans : (b)
36. The struggle of the generations is one of the obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, it
may be presumptuous to suggest that the rivalry between young and old in western society
during the current decade is - critical.
(a) archetypally
(b) perennially
(c) disturbingly
(d) uniquely
(e) cautiously
Ans : (d)
37. Even though in today's Soviet union the - Muslim clergy have been accorded power and
privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank - and - file clergy still. Have little - to practice their
(a) adversaries of - inclination
(b) traditionalists among - incentive
(c) practitioners among - opportunity
(d) leaders of - latitude
(e) dissidents within -obligation
Ans : (d)
38. Unlike the Shakespearean plays, The ''closet dramas'' of the nineteenth century were meant
to be - rather than -
(a) seen - acted
(b) read - acted
(c) produced - acted
(d) quiet - loud
(e) sophisticated - urbane
Ans : (b)
39. The little - known but rapidly expanding use of computers in mapmaking is technologically
similar to the more - uses in designing everything from bolts to satellites.
(a) ingenuous
(b) recent
(c) secure
(d) publicized
(e) successful
Ans : (d)
40. Although his out numbered troops fought bravely, the general felt he had no choice but to -
defeat and - a retreat.
(a) oversee - reject
(b) acknowledge - order
(c) hasten - suggest
(d) seek - try
(e) overcome - request
Ans : (b)
41. No hero of ancient or modern times can surpass the Indian with his lofty contempt of death
and the - with which he sustained the cruelest coffliction.
(a) guide
(b) assent
(c) reverence
(d) fortitude
(e) concern
Ans : (d)
42. The hostess attempted to - a romantic atmosphere that would bring the two young people
together in -
(a) expand - fealty
(b) present - collusion
(c) simulate - conflict
(d) introduce - cacophony
(e) contrive - matrimony
Ans : (e)
43. Employers who retire people who are willing and able to continue working should realize
that - age is not an effective - in determining whether an individual is capable of working.
(a) intellectual - criterion
(b) Chronological - criterion
(c) Physical - barrier
(d) deteriorating - value
(e) chronological - factor
Ans : (b)
44. As the sun rose, the morning mists were borne away on the - like strands of -
(a) whirlwind - flotsam
(b) wind - cactus
(c) morass - tundra
(d) zephyr - gossamer
(e) holocaust - taffeta
Ans : (d)
45. The playwright was known not for his original ideas that had been propounded by others.
(a) rejection
(b) consideration
(c) invention
(d) reiteration
(e) plagiarism
Ans : (e)
46. The gypsy girl, decked out in - finery, and with her disheveled hair streaming over shoulders,
was indeed a - sight.
(a) verdant - wistful
(b) sartorial - flagrant
(c) specious - poignant
(d) tawdry - bizarre
(e) opulent - debonair
Ans : (d)
47. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so - Memphis,
Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in - in the
western hemisphere. (a) disabled - quarantine
(b) decimated - abeyance
(c) terrorized - contention
(d) ravaged - secret
(e) coupled - quiescence
Ans : (b)
48. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for hanging in a darkened recess of the
chapel, it was - by the perspective.
(a) embellished
(b) improved
(c) jeopardised
(d) aggrandized
(e) diminished
Ans : (e)
49. We have in America - speech that is neither American, Oxford English, nor English but a -
of all three.
(a) motley - miracle
(b) nasal - blend
(c) feigned - patchwork
(d) mangled - medley
(e) hybrid - combination
Ans : (e)
50. Old beliefs die hard, even when jobs become - the long - standing fear that unemployment
could return at a moments notice -
(a) protected - subsided
(b) vacant - perished
(c) available - receded
(d) plentiful - persisted
(e) easier - charged
Ans : (d)

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