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6th June 2015, 03:09 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: New IIIT West Bengal

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani located at Kalyani, West Bengal. It was established in the year 2014.

Admission to IIIT Kalyani is done on the basis of the marks obtained in the JEE Main.

It offers four year duration of B.Tech in Information Technology course .

Fee Structure

Tuition Fee: Rs. 35,000/- per semester

Registration / Admission Fee (Once only): Rs. 500/-

Infrastructural Maintenance Fee: Rs. 500/-

Students Activities and Other Fees: Rs. 500/-

Examination Fee: Rs. 500/-

Caution Deposit (refundable) once only: Rs. 2000/-

Total amount payable at the time of Admission including refundable caution deposit of Rs. 2000/- : Rs. 39,000/-
IIIT Kalyani B.Tech in Information Technology syllabus
1st Semester
SL. No. Code No Subject Class
Theoretical Papers
1. MA-101 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 100
2. PH-101 Physics 3 1 0 100
3. HU-101 Communicative English 2 0 0 50
4. CE-101 Environmental Science 2 0 0 50
5. IT-101 Introduction to Computing 3 1 0 100
6. EE-101 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 1 0 100
Second Semester
SL.No. Code
Subject Class
Theoretical Papers
1. MA-201 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 100
2. CH-201 Chemistry 3 1 0 100
3. AM-201 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 100
4. IT-201 Advanced Programming
Language (C, C++)
3 0 0 100
5. ET-201 Basic Electronics Engineering 3 1 0 100
Sessional Papers
1. CH-202 Chemistry Lab. 0 0 3 50
2. IT-202 Computing Lab-II 0 0 3 100
3. DR-201 Engineering Drawing 0 0 6 100
4. ET-202 Electronics Engineering Lab. 0 0 3 50
Sessional Papers
1. PH-102 Physics Lab. 0 0 3 50
2. IT-102 Computing Lab. 0 0 3 100
3. WS-101 Workshop Practice 0 0 3 50
4. EE-102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab. 0 0 3 100
Total Contact Periods:- 35 16 4 15 800
Total Contact Periods:- 35 16 4 15 800
MA 101 Mathematics-I
Contract Periods: (3 L + I T) TIME – 3Hrs Full Marks -70+ Internal Assessment Full Marks =30
Function of Single Variable: Successive Differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem (statement only).
Geometrical Interpretation, MVT, Geometrical Interpretation, Taylor’s Theorem, Cauchy & Lagrange’s
form of reminders, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, expansion of function, Indeterminate forms.
Application of Calculus: Intrinsic and Pedal equation of curves, Curvature, Asymptote.
Test of Convergence of Infinite Series: Comparison test, D Alenbert’s Ratiotest, Gauss test and
Cauchy’s Root test, Power series.
Functions of Several variables: Limit, Continuity, Differentiability (definition and sample examples
only), Partial derivatives, Differentials & small errors, Euler’s theorem, Taylor’s theorem & series,
Expansion of functions, Maxima &minima.
Complex Algebra: De Moivre’s theorem, Extraction of roots of complex numbers, complex functions,
e.g., az and sin z, cos z, log z, sin-1z, cos –1z, tan –1z etc.
PH-101 Physics
Contract Periods: (3 L + I T) TIME – 3Hrs Full Marks: 70+ Internal Assessment Full Marks 30
Fluid Mechanics: Surface tension & surface energy, pressure difference across a liquid surface rise of
liquid in capillary tube. Streamline and turbulent motion, Reynold’s number. Equation of Continuity,
Bernoulli’s theorem, Toricelli’s theorem. Viscosity, Poiseullie’s equation, Capillaries in series and
parallel, Terminal velocity and Stokes’Law.
Elastic Properties of Materials: Relation between elastic constants, internal bending moment, bending
of beams cantilever. Torsion of a cylinder, torsional rigidity.
Thermal Physics: Kinetic theory of gases – Maxwell’s velocity distribution law, r.m.s. and most
probable velocity. Transmission of heat – thermal conductivity, conduction of heat through thick pipes,
radial flow of heat through spherical shell. Radiation-emissive and absorptive power, Kirchoff’s law,
Stefan’s law and Wien’slaw.
Optics: Interference- Superposition of waves, conditions for interference, coherence, fringe width,
Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, Fraunholfer diffraction in single slit and double slit, theory of
grating, Lasers and Fibre Optics: Einstein’s A & B coefficient, population inversion, He-Ne Laser.
Optical fibre – step and graded index, numerical aperture and acceptance angle.
Electromagnatism: Gauss’ law in electrostatics and its application. Polarisation and Electric
displacement. Capacitance of conductors-spherical and cylindrical condensers. Lorentz force, Biotsavart’s
law,torque on urrent carrying loops, Ampere’s circuital law. Electromagnetic induction –
Faraday’slaw, Lenz’s law. Concept of displacement current, maxwell’s equations. Plane electromagnetic
wave equation in one dimension.
Solid State Physics: Lattice and symmetry, crystal classes. Miller indices. Band theory of solids,
Brillouin Zone. Semiconductor, conductivity and mobility, Hall effect. Fermi level, band structure for
p-n junction.
Modern Physics: Relativity- Michelson – Morley experiment. Eintein’sprinciple of relativity.
Consequences of special theory of relativity – length contraction, time dilation and concept of
mass-energy eqvivalence. Quantum mechanic – De Broglie’s hypothesis, uncertainty principle and its
application. Idea of operators in quantum mechanics. Time – dependent and time – independent
Schrodinger’s equation – application to free particle and particle in a one dimensional box.
Nuclear Physics: Q value of nuclear reaction, exoergic and endoergic reactions, binding energy and
packing fraction. Semiempirical mass formula. Nuclear fission & fusion basic ideas.
HU-101 Communicative English
Contact Periods: (2 L + 1T) Full Marks -35+ Internal Assessment Full Marks =15
Group A Note making; Paragraph writing, Commercial Correspondence, Precis, Preparing Instruction
Manuals, Preparing Proposals, Report Writing, Writing of Dissertation / Thesis, Elements of Grammar
and Vocabulary
Group B Group Discussion; Extempore Speaking; Presentation Strategies; Interview Preparation; This
course seeks to develop a sense of language through texts drawn from contemporary writings in
newspapers, newsmagazines, reports etc.
List of Text and Reference Books
1. Oxford Book of writing & Speaking - Peter Seeley
2. Technical Communication Principles and Practice Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma
CE- 101 Environmental Science
Contact Periods: (2 L + 0T) Full Marks -35 + Internal Assessment Full Marks -15
Ecology: Structure and function of an ecosystem; material cycle; energy flow; food chain; food web;
ecological pyramid; bio-magnification; ecological succession; major ecosystems of the earth; ecological
balance and consequences of change; biodiversity and its conservation.
Water Pollution: Surface water and ground water; water pollutants- sources and effects; agricultural
pollution; eutrophication; case studies; water quality standards; control of pollution.
Air Pollution: Atmospheric composition; energy balance; air pollutants- sources and effects; weather
and dispersion; vehicular pollution; case studies; air quality standards; control measures; global
atmospheric issues – global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, indoor air pollution.
Land Pollution: Municipal, Industrial, Commercial, agriculture, hazardous solid wastes; collection and
disposal; recovery and conversion; case studies.
Noise Pollution: Classification of noise; the decibel; frequency characterization; noise criteria (Leq
LN); standards; control measures.
Other Environmental issues: Form unsustainable to sustainable development; environmental impact
assessment, environmental impacts of urbanization; environmental impacts of selected industrial
activities; clean technologies; waste minimization; water conservation; rain water harvesting; watershed
management; environment protection Act; Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act; Air
(Prevention and Control of pollution) Act, relevant international protocols and conventions; ISO 14000.
IT- 101 Introduction to Computing
Contact Periods: (3 L + I T) Full Marks= 70+ Internal Assessment Full Marks =30
NUMBERSYSTEM & CODES Positional & non positional number systems, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number
system& Conversion, Representation of negative numbers & real numbers, Fixed and floating point numbers.
Characteristics codes (ASCII, EBCDIC etc.) & others like Grey, Excess3 etc. ARITHMETIC & LOGIC Logic
operations & gates, Half adder. & full adder subtraction using add. Repetitive addition & subtraction to accomplish
multiplication & division etc.
Computer Organization CPU, Memory & I/O devices – Commonly used peripherals. Role of the CPU, Memory and
I/O devices in the context of solving a problem.
Problem Solving Steps & Program Development Cycle Systematic decomposition, Flowchart, Algorithm, the three
constructs (sequential, conditional and iterative). Edit, compilation, Debugging & execution.
Introduction to Programming in C: Idea of High level, Assembly level & M/c level language
Interpretation and compilation.
Assignment, decision, loops, scope: Global & local, control structure (if, if else, switch, for, while, do
while, break and continue).
EE 101: Basic Electrical Engineering
Contract Period: (3 L + I T) Full Marks 70+Internal Assessment Full Marks 30
Storage Cell: Rating, charging, capacity & efficiency, maintenance; Maintenance free batteries, eco friendly batteries.
D.C. Circuits: Node, branch, active & passive elements, linear & nonlinear circuits, bilateral network,
Kirchhoff’s laws, Maxwell’s loop current method, star delta transformation. Network theorems – Superposition
theorem, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem.
Magnetic Circuits: Magnetic quantities, BH curve, calculation on magnetic circuits, analogy with electric circuit.
Fundamentals : Sinusoidal quantities, phase & phase difference, average & rms values, form factor & peak factor,
concept of phasor diagram, impedance & admittance, power & power factor.
Circuits: Single Phase series & parallel combinations of R, L & C, phasor diagram, apparent, active & reactive power,
series & parallel resonance; applicability of network theorems to A.C. circuits. Three Phase Balanced system, star and
delta connections, phase & line quantities & their relationships, phasor diagram, concept of rotating magnetic field.
Transformers: Constructional parts, types, emf equation, phasor diagrams, equivalent circuit, no load & short circuit
tests, losses and efficiency, voltage regulation; Balanced three phase transformer connections; Autotransformer.
D.C. Machines: Construction and types, emf equation; d.c. motors back emf, torque equation, characteristic curves of
different types of motors, starting & speed control methods, fields of application.
Induction Motor: Three phase Induction Motors – operating principle, types, slip & slip frequency, rotor emf
& current, power & torque; Torque slip characteristic curve, losses & efficiency, starting & speed control methods,
fields of application; Classification of single phase Induction Motors and their applications.
Measuring Instruments: Classification, torques in indicating instruments; PMMC, Moving Iron & Distribution of
Electricity: Conductors & insulators properties and types of conducting and insulating materials, temperature effect on
conductors, insulation resistance of cable, use of Megger. Fuse materials, fusing factor & characteristics, selection of
rating, types of fuses.
Electric wiring in small premises, Earthing, Electrical safety, General awareness in electricity conservation.
PH-102 Physics Lab
Full Marks – 50. Contact Periods : (3S)
Laboratory experiments are recommended based on the course Physics (PH 101)
WS 101 Workshop Practice
Full Marks – 50 Contact Periods: (3S)
Carpentry Shop: Specification of wood and wood products, Introduction to Tools and Equipment,
Practice Jobs and different wood-joineries and joints.
Fitting Shop: Introduction to different tools, equipment and measuring devices, Sawing, Filing and
Smithy Shop, Forging Shop and Welding Shop: Different equipment and tools used, different simple
IT-102 Computing Lab
Full Marks – 100 Contact Periods: (3S)
Program Development in UNIX Environment: Simple file handling and editing commands in suitable O.S (UNIX/
LINUX) environment & file structure. Batch files etc. servers/Clients and terminals in a Network environment. Edit,
compile, link, debug and execute.
Programming in Higher Level Language C: Preliminary Program Development and Compilation in Unix Environment.
EE 102 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab.
Full Marks – 50, Contact Periods: (3S)
Laboratory experiments based on the course Basic Electrical Engineering (EE 101)
MA 201 Mathematics II
CONTRACT PERIODS: (3 L + I T), Full Marks 70, Internal Assessment Full Marks- 30
Calculus: Fundamental an MVT of Integral Calculus, (statement only), Improper Integrals, Beta and Gamma
Functions, Multiple Integrals and Applications.
Vector Analysis: Sum and product of vectors, Vector equations of lines and planes, Derivative of a vector, Differential
Geometry upto Serret – Frenet’s formula, Directional Derivations, Gradient, divergence, Curl, Line integral and surface
integral, Green, Gauss and Stokes’ems, Application of vector to Geometry and Mechanics.
Maxtrix and Determinant: Definition and simple properties regarding sum and product of two matrices, Transpose,
Symmetric, Skew Symmetric and orthogonal matrics, Determinant of square matrics & their simple properties, cofactors
& minors, Left and right inverse, Rank of matrics, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, similar matrics,
Diagonalisation of matrics, Solution of simultaneous linear equations: Consistency & Inconsistency.
Differential Equations: Higher order linear ODE with constant coefficients, method of variation of parameters,
Cauchy or Euler’s equations, Frobenious method of solution in series of ODE, Singular points, Bassel and Legendre
equations, Rodrigue’s Formula, Recurrence relations and Orthogonality relations
CH 201: Chemistry
Contract Periods: (3 L + I T), Full Marks 70, Internal Assessment Full Marks-30
Unit 1: Structure and Reactivity of Organic Molecules: Inductive effect; resonance; hyper conjugation;
electromeric effect; carbocation, carbanion and free radicals. Brief study of some addition, climination
and substitution reaction. Conformational analysis (acyclic and cyclic molecules); geometrical and
optical isomerisation; E, Z and R, S nomenclature
Unit 2: Spectroscopic Techniques: Experimental methods of structure determination using spectroscopic
such as UVVIS, IR
Unit 3: Atomic Structure: Schrodinger equation; well behaved function; particle in a box, Hatom: radial
and angular distribution function
Unit 4: Reaction Dynamics: Rate laws, mechanism and theories of reaction rates (Collision and
Transition state theory)
Unit 6: Polymerization Basic concepts, classification and industrial applications
Unit 7: Solid State Chemistry Idea of spatial periodicity of lattces, elements of band theory, conductors,
semi conductors and insulators
Engineering Mechanics (CE 201)
Contact Period: Time: 3 hours 3L + 1T per week, Full Marks: 70, Internal Assessment Full Marks : 30
Force System: Moment of a Force about a point and an axis; Reduction of a force system to a force and a couple.
Equilibrium: Laws Coulomb Friction, Problem Application to wedges, square threaded Screws, Belt friction;
Rolling Resistance.
Properties of Areas and Solids: Centroid, Centre of Gravity; Moment of Inertia, Polar moment of Inertia and Principal
Axes, Moment of Inertia of rigid Bodies.
Kinetics and Kinematics of Particles: Particle Dynamics in Rectangular Coordinates, Cylindrical Coordinates and in
terms of Path Variables; Central Force Motion; Work and Energy; Impulse and Momentum; Conservation of Energy;
Impact; Mechanical Vibration.
Kinetics and Kinematics of Rotation of Rigid Bodies, Resultant Inertia Force in Rotation, Centre of Percussion Simple
IT-201 Advanced Programming Language (C, C++)
Overview to C programming.
Advanced topics in C programming: Arrays, Pointer, Functions, Memory management and structures,
Files and streams, Pre-processor and complex declarations
Introduction to network programming: Berkeley socket interface, socket related system calls like
socket(), bind(), listen(), connect(), accept(), etc.
Implementing TCP iterative and concurrent servers; implementing UDP servers. Case studies: file
transfer server and client, chat server and client, railway reservation system server and client, etc.
C++ Programming: Principal of Object-Oriented Programming, C++ Programming Basics, Loops,
Decisions, Structures, Functions, Classes & Objects, Constructors & Destructors, Operator Overloading,
Inheritance, Extending Classes, Pointers, Virtual Functions & Polymorphism, Files & Streams, and
Templates & Exception Handling.
ET 101 Basic Electronics Engineering
Contract Periods: (3 L + I T) TIME – 3Hrs. Full Marks -70 Internal Assessment Full Marks -30
Review of passive components-Types, characteristic and application Energy Bands in conductor,
insulator and semiconductor.
Semiconductor properties, pn junction avalanche diode, zener diode-their applications as rectifier,
voltage doublers and wave shaping power supply Bipolar junction transistors- biasing, characteristic,
different mode of operation.
Use of BJT as amplifier, signal stage amplifier, power amplifier, feedback amplifier. Oscillator –RC.LC,
Crystal type, Multivibrators Field effect transistor- types, configuration, characteristic and use as
amplifier Elements of opto electronics devices-LED, LCD, LDR, Photo detectors
Principles of fiber optic communication
Elements of power electronics devices
Boolean function and logic gates. Introduction to analog and digital ICS.Cathode ray oscilloscope, use
of analog and digital multimeter.
CH 202 Chemistry Lab
Full Marks – 50 Contact Periods : (3S)
Laboratory experiments are recommended based on the course CHEMISTRY (CH 1201)
IT-202 Computing Lab-II
Full Marks – 100, Contact Periods: (3S)
Laboratory experiments are recommended based on the course Advanced Programming Language (IT-201).
DR 201: Engineering Drawing
Full Marks: 100 Time – 6 hrs (S) per week.
Practical Plane Geometry, use of Drawing Instruments, Printing of alphabets in Block Capital, Italics
and Mechanical types, Types of lines, dimensioning, use of protractor and scales. Construction of plain,
vernier, diagonal and comparative scales. Method of drawing Geometrical curves as used in engineering
practices such as parabola, ellipse, hyperbola, rectangular hyperbola, involute, cycloid, epicycloid,
hypo-cycloid, spirals, helix etc.
Practical Solid Geometry, Introduction to orthographic projection, Protection of points, lines, surfaces in
1st and 3rd angle.
Projection of solids and projection of combination of solids in 1st and 3rd angle. Section of solids and
their projections.
Development of Solids. Isometric projections. Temporary and Permanent Fastners, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets and Riveted
joints. Interpenetration of solids. Machine Drawing, Drawing of Simple Machine parts from pictorial views. Machine
Drawing Conventions, Dimensioning and Conventional Sectioning. Civil Engineering Drawing. Introduction to
Computer Aided Drawing.
Drawing Practice:
Lettering and Dimensions, Scales, Curves. Projection of points, lines and surfaces. Projection of solids
and combination of solids. Projection of section of solids and section of combination of solids.
Developments and Isometric Projections, Projection of Nuts, Bolts and Rivets and Riveted Joints. Interpretation of
Solids, Machine Drawing from pictorial view, Projection of simple machine, Single storied buildings.
CAD: Introduction to AUTO CAD: (1) Basic 2D and 3D commands, (2) Drawing Aids and Text writing, (3)
Introduction to Solid Modeling.
Full Marks – 50 Contact Periods : (3S)
Following experiments based on the course Basic Electronic Engineering (ET 1201):
1. Familiarization with electronic component and measurement using multimeter
2. Familiarization with function generator and use of CRO for various waveform measurement.
3. Experiment with DC power supply
4. Experiment with (a) Characteristics of transistors and (b) Characteristics amplifiers
5. use of 741 as (a) amplifier, (b) adder, (c ) integrator
6. Realization of logic functions using 7400 and 7402.

Contact Details:
Indian Institute of Information Technology -
Temporary Location- JIS College of Engineering Block A, Phase III, P.O. Kalyani
Nadia, West Bengal 741235 , India
(033) 25822138, 25808640
(033) 25822138

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