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24th July 2014, 02:12 PM
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Re: NET English literature previous years question paper

This is the NET English literature previous years question paper:

1. In Pinter’s Birthday Party, Stanley is
given a birthday present. What is it ?
(A) A toy
(B) A piano
(C) A drum
(D) A violin
2. How does Lord Jim end ?
(A) Jim is shot through the chest by
(B) Jim kills himself with a last
unflinching glance.
(C) Jim answers “the call of exalted
egoism” and betrays Jewel.
(D) Jim surrenders himself to
3. “Where I lacked a political purpose, I
wrote lifeless books.” To which of
the following authors can we
attribute the above admission ?
(A) Graham Greene
(B) George Orwell
(C) Charles Morgan
(D) Evelyn Waugh
4. Modernism has been described as
being concerned with
“disenchantment of our culture with
culture itself”. Who is the critic ?
(A) Stephen Spender
(B) Malcolm Bradbury
(C) Lionel Trilling
(D) Joseph Frank
5. “Only that film, which fluttered on
the grate,
Still flutters there, the sole unquiet
The above lines are quoted from
(A) “Tintern Abbey Revisited”
(B) “Michael”
(C) “Frost at Midnight”
(D) “This Lime-Tree Bower, My
6. Which one of the following modern
poems employs ottava rima ?
(A) “Among School Children”
(B) “In Praise of Limestone”
(C) “The Wild Swans at Coole”
(D) “The Shield of Achilles”
7. John Dryden in his heroic tragedy All
for Love takes the story of
(A) Troilus and Cressida
(B) The Merchant of Venice
(C) Antony and Cleopatra
(D) Measure for Measure
8. Arrange the following works in the
order in which they appear. Identify
the correct code :
I. No Longer at Ease
II. Things Fall apart
III. A Man of the People
IV. Arrow of God
The correct combination according to
the code is :
Code :
(A) III, IV, II, I
(B) IV, III, I, II
(C) II, I, IV, III
(D) I, II, III, IV

9. Samuel Pepys kept his diary from
(A) 1660 to 1669
(B) 1649 to 1660
(C) 1662 to 1689
(D) 1660 to 1689
10. In the Defence of Poetry, what did
Sydney attribute to poetry ?
(A) A magical power whereby
poetry plays tricks on the
(B) A divine power whereby poetry
transmits a message from God
to the reader.
(C) A moral power whereby poetry
encourages the reader to
evaluate virtuous models.
(D) A realistic power that cannot be
made to seem like mere illusion
and trickery.
11. An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot presents
portraits of the following
contemporary individuals :
(A) Addison and Lord Hervey
(B) Dryden and Rochester
(C) Swift and Steele
(D) Smollett and Defoe
12. Match the following authors with
their works :
List – A List – B
(Authors) (Works)
I. Alice Walker 1. Invisible Man
II. Ralph Ellison 2. The Color
III. Richard
3. Their Eyes Were
Watching God
IV. Zora Neale
4. Native Son
Which is the correct combination
according to the code :
Code :
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 1 2 4 3
13. Which of these plays by Shakespeare
does not use ‘cross-dressing’ as a
device ?
(A) As You Like It
(B) Julius Caeser
(C) Cymbeline
(D) Two Gentlemen of Verona
14. Which of the following works cannot
be categorised under postcolonial
theory ?
(A) Nation and Narration
(B) Orientalism
(C) Discipline and Punish
(D) White Mythologies
15. Locke’s Essay Concerning Human
Understanding is a classic statement
of _________ Philosophy.
(A) Aesthetic
(B) Empiricist
(C) Nationalist
(D) Realist
16. “Power circulates in all directions, to
and from all social levels, at all
times.” Who said this ?
(A) Edward Said
(B) Michel Foucault
(C) Jacques Derrida
(D) Roland Barthes
17. Which one of the following is not
written by an Australian Aboriginal
writer ?
(A) Kath Walker
(B) Peter Carey
(C) Robert Bropho
(D) Jack Davis

18. Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of
Surrey jointly brought out Tottel’s
Miscellany during the Renaissance.
Identify the name of the Earl of
Surrey from the following :
(A) Thomas Lodge
(B) Thomas Nashe
(C) Thomas Sackville
(D) Henry Howard
19. Match the following lists :
List – I List – I
(Novelists) (Novels)
I. Margaret
1. Surfacing
II. Margaret
2. The Stone Angel
III. Sinclair Ross 3. Medicine River
IV. Thomas King 4. As for Me and
My House
Which is the correct combination
according to the code :
Code :
(A) 1 4 3 2
(B) 3 2 1 4
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 2 1 4 3
20. The dramatic structure of Restoration
comedies combines in it the features
I. The Elizabethan Theatre
II. The Neoclassical Theatre of
Italy and France
III. The Irish Theatre
IV. The Greek Theatre
The correct combination according to
the code is :
Code :
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) III and IV are correct.
(C) II and III are correct.
(D) I and II are correct.
21. Which American poet wrote : “I
sound my barbaric yawp over the
roofs of the world” ?
(A) Robert Lowell
(B) Walt Whitman
(C) Wallace Stevens
(D) Langston Hughes
22. The etymological meaning of the
word “trope” is
(A) gesture (B) turning
(C) mirror (D) desire
23. Who among the following English
poets defined poetic imagination as
“a repetition in the finite mind of the
eternal act of creation in the infinite
‘I AM’ ” ?
(A) Blake
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Coleridge
(D) Shelley
24. Little Nell is a character in Dickens’
(A) David Copperfield
(B) The Old Curiosity Shop
(C) Bleak House
(D) Great Expectations
25. Match the following :
List – A List – B
(Schools/Concept of
I. Formalism 1. John Crow
II. New Critics 2. The Jungians
III. Psychological
Theory of the
Value of
3. Victor
IV. Literary art as
archetypal image
4. I.A. Richards
The correct combination according to
the code is :
Code :
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 2 4 1 3
(C) 4 1 2 3
(D) 3 2 1 4

26. In the late seventeenth century a
“Battle of Books” erupted between
which two groups ?
(A) Cavaliers and Roundheads
(B) Abolitionists and Enthusiasts
for slaves
(C) Champions of Ancient and
Modern Learning
(D) The Welsh and the Scots
27. “Everything that man esteems
Endures a moment or a day
Love’s pleasure drives his love away…”
In the above quote the last line is an
example of
(A) allusion (B) pleonasm
(C) paradox (D) zeugma
28. Match the author with the work :
List – I List – II
(Authors) (Works)
I. Kingsely
1. Saturday and
II. Allan Silletoe 2. The Golden
Note Book
III. Doris Lessing 3. The Left Bank
IV. Jean Rhys 4. Lucky Jim
Which is the correct combination
according to the code :
Code :
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 1 2 3 4
29. In which of Hardy’s novels does the
character Abel Whittle appear ?
(A) Far from the Madding Crowd
(B) The Return of the Native
(C) A Pair of Blue Eyes
(D) The Mayor of Casterbridge
30. The phrase “dark Satanic mills” has
become the most famous description
of the force at the centre of the
industrial revolution. The phrase was
used by
(A) William Wordsworth
(B) William Blake
(C) Thomas Carlyle
(D) John Ruskin
31. “Five miles meandering with a mazy
Through wood and dale the scared
river ran.”
Where does this ‘sacred river’
directly run to ?
(A) A lifeless ocean
(B) The caverns measureless
(C) A fountain
(D) The waves
32. Who is the twentieth century poet, a
winner of the Nobel Prize for
literature who rejected the label
“British” though he has always
written in English rather than his
regional language ?
(A) Douglas Dunn
(B) Seamus Heaney
(C) Geoffrey Hill
(D) Philip Larkin
33. Which of the following statements
best describes Sir Thomas Browne’s
Religio Medici ?
(A) It is a story of conversion or
providential experiences.
(B) It emphasizes Browne’s love of
mystery and wonder.
(C) It is full of angst, melancholy
and dread of death.
(D) It reports the facts of Browne’s

34. Which of the following characters
from Eliot’s Waste Land is not
correctly mentioned ?
(A) The typist
(B) Madam Sosostris
(C) The Merchant from Eugenides
(D) The Young Man Carbuncular
35. Which one of the following best
describes the general feeling
expressed in literature during the last
decade of the Victorian era ?
(A) Studied melancholy and
(B) The triumph of science and
(C) Sincere earnestness and
Protestant zeal
(D) Raucous celebration combined
with paranoid interpretation
36. Which poem by Shelley bears the
alternative title, “The Spirit of
Solitude” ?
(A) Mont Blanc
(B) “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty”
(C) “Adonais”
(D) Alastor
37. Which tale in The Canterbury Tales
uses the tradition of the Beast Fable ?
(A) The Knight’s Tale
(B) The Monk’s Tale
(C) The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
(D) The Miller’s Tale
38. At the end of Sons and Lovers Paul
(A) sets off in quest of life away
from his mother.
(B) considers the option of
committing suicide.
(C) joins his elder brother William
in London.
(D) embraces a Schopenhauer –
like nihilism.
39. When you say “I love her eyes, her
hair, her nose, her cheeks, her lips”
you are using a rhetorical device of
(A) Enumeration
(B) Antanagoge
(C) Parataxis
(D) Hypotaxis
40. The following are two lists of plays
and characters. Match them.
List – I List – II
(Plays) (Characters)
I. Women Beware
1. Malevole
II. The Malcontent 2. Beatrice
III. The City Madam 3. Bianca
IV. The Changeling 4. Doll
Which is the correct combination
according to the code :
Code :
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 2 1 2 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 4 3 2 1
41. With Bacon the essay form is
(A) an intimate, personal confession
(B) witty and boldly imagistic
(C) the aphoristic expression of
accumulated public wisdom
(D) homely and vulgar

42. Evelyn Waugh’s Trilogy published
together as Sword of Honour is about
(A) The English at War
(B) The English Aristocracy
(C) The Irish question
(D) Scottish nationalism
43. Who coined the phrase “The Two
Nations” to describe the disparity in
Britain between the rich and the
poor ?
(A) Charles Dickens
(B) Thomas Carlyle
(C) Benjamin Disraeli
(D) Frederick Engels
44. Milton introduces Satan and the
fallen angels in the Book I of
Paradise Lost. Two of the chief
devils reappear in Book II. They are
I. Moloch
II. Clemos
III. Belial
IV. Thamuz
The correct combination according to
the code is
Code :
(A) I and IV are correct.
(B) I and III are correct.
(C) I and II are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.
45. When Chaucer describes the Friar as
a “noble pillar of order”, he is using
(A) irony
(B) simile
(C) understatement
(D) personification
46. John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger
is an example of
(A) drawing room comedy
(B) kitchen-sink drama
(C) absurd drama
(D) melodrama
47. Which character in Jane Eyre uses
religion to justify cruelty ?
(A) Blanche Ingram
(B) Mr. Brocklehurst
(C) Sir John Rivers
(D) Eliza Reed
48. Which Romantic poet defined a slave
as ‘a person perverted into a thing’ ?
(A) Blake
(B) Coleridge
(C) Keats
(D) Shelley
49. John Suckling belongs to the group
(A) Metaphysical poets
(B) Cavalier poets
(C) Neo-classical poets
(D) Religious poets
50. Sir Thomas More creates the
character of a traveller into whose
mouth the account of Utopia is put.
His name is
(A) Michael
(B) Raphael
(C) Henry
(D) Thomas

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