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7th September 2015, 02:14 PM
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Re: MA Psychology Distance Education Bharathiar University

Bharathiar University is a premier state university in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, South India. The university was established in February 1982. it is approved by UGC.

Bharathiar University distance learning MA Psychology syllabus-

I year

Unit-I: Definitions and Bases of Human Behaviour
Definition of psychology. Types of Psychological Research. Contemporary approaches to Psychology. Scope of Psychology.
Biological bases of Human Behavior: Nervous system. Neurons. Structures and Functions of the Brain. Endocrine system. Genetic and Evolutionary Blue print of Behavior.

Unit II: Sensation & Perception, Learning & Memory
Sensation: Visual system: Vision & Color Vision. Auditory system and other Senses.
Perception: Constancy Phenomena, Loss of organization, Types of Perception-Form,
Depth, Movement. Illusions- Types of Illusion. Extrasensory Perception.
Learning: Nature of learning-Classical conditioning-Operant conditioning-Observational
Learning-Cognitive factors and Learning. Memory: Nature of Memory-Memory Coding,
Memory storage-Memory Retrieve- Forgetting.

Unit - III: Thinking & Language, Intelligence & Creativity
Thinking: Concept Formation- Problem solving- Critical Thinking- Reasoning-Decision
Making. Language: Language and Cognition- Language Acquisition- Language
Intelligence: Theories on Intelligence-Assessment-Extremes of Intelligence-Influences on
Intelligence. Creativity: Nature of Creativity-Steps in creativity Process Characteristics of
Creative thinkers.

Unit - IV: Motivation & Emotion
Motivation: Approaches to Motivation – Primary Motives and Learned Motives: Hunger,
Sexuality, Social Motives, Need for Achievement.
Emotion: Biology of Emotion- Non-Biological Factors in Emotion - Classification in Emotion.

Unit - V: Personality - Theories & Assessment
Theories of Personality - Psychodynamic Perspective, Behavioral and Social Cognitive Perspectives Humanistic Perspective- Trait Perspective.

Bharathiar University distance learning MA Psychology syllabus
Foundations of Development - Meaning of Development changes - Basic Issues -
Obstacles in studying life span development - Recent Theoretical perspectives - Methods.
Genetic foundations - Reproductive choices - Environmental Contexts for Development.
Prenatal Development - Characteristics - Importance of Conception - Prcnata1
Environmental Influences - Attitudes of Significant people - Medical interventions -
Hazard during the Prenata1 period.
Infancy And Toddlerhood - Characteristics - Adjustments - Learning capacities - Piaget's
Cognitive Developmental Theory- Information Processing - Individual Differences in
Early Mental Development - Language Development.
Developmental tasks - Erikson's Theory of Infant and Toddler Personality - Emotional
Development - Temperament and Development - Development of Attachment - Self-
Development - Hazards.
Early Childhood - Characteristics - Developmental tasks - Body growth - Brain
development - influences on Physical growth and Health - Motor development - Piaget's
theory: The Preoperational Stage - Vygotsky's Sociocultural theory - Erikson’s theory:
Initiative versus Guilt
Late Childhood - Piaget's Theory: The Concrete Operational stage - Language
Development - Learning in School. Erikson's 'theory: Industry versus Inferiority - Self- understanding – Emotional Development - Peer relations - Gender typing - Family
influences - Problems of development.
Puberty - Body changes - Growth spurt - Consequences of Abstract thought Effects of
Puberty: changes and Deviant maturing - Hazards.
Adolescence - Characteristics - Developmental tasks - Piaget's Theory: The formal
Operational Stage - Cognitive development - Emotionality - Social interests and Morality
changes during adolescence - Sex interests. Erikson’s theory: Identity versus Identity
Early adulthood - Characteristics - Sex - role adjustment - Erikson's theory: Intimacy
versus Isolation - Family cycle - Diversity of adult lifestyles - career development - -
Middle adulthood - Erikson’s theory: Generativity versus Stagnation - changes in mental
Late Adulthood - Life expectancy - Physical changes - Memory - Erikson's theory: Ego
Integrity versus Despair - Change in Self concept and Personality - Psychological wellbeing
- Relationships - Retirement and leisure.
Reference Books:
1. Laura E. Berk, (2004), Development through the Life Span, New Delhi; Pearson
2. Hurlock, E.B (1980) Developmental Psychology: A Life Span Approach, New
Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.
(For the students admitted from the academic year 2007-2008 and on wards)
Unit I: Social Psychology:
Definition, Nature, Individual Behavior, Causes of Social behavior. Social Psychology in
the New Millennium – Cognitive, Multicultural and Evolutionary Perspectives.
Understanding the Causes of Others Behavior – Attribution and Theories of Attribution,
Impression Formation and Management – Asch’s Experiment, The Fine Art of Looking
Good, Accuracy of Social Perception And Minimizing the Errors in Attribution.
Thinking about others and the social world – Schemas, Heuristics- Errors in Social
Cognition – Negative and Optimistic Bias, Costs of Thinking Too Much, Counterfactual
and Magical Thinking, Thought Suppression.
Unit II: Behavior and Attitudes.
Forming attitudes- Social learning- Direct experiences and Genetic factors- Attitudes
influence on behavior. Persuasion- Cognitive approaches- Resistance to persuasion-
Cognitive dissonance.
Social Identity -The Self Concept- Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, Self Determination -
Self-Esteem- Self Serving bias. Gender Identity- Sex and Gender- Gender Stereotypes-
Gender role behavior.
Unit III: Prejudice and Discrimination
Nature and origin – Social .Psychological, Cognitive sources of Prejudice-
Discrimination – Techniques for countering the effects of Prejudice- Learning not to hate,
Direct inter-group contact, Recategorization, Cognitive intervention.
Interpersonal Attraction: Proximity and Emotions, Becoming Acquainted, Moving
towards friendship - Interdependent relationships- Loneliness- Beyond friendship-
Marriage- the ultimate close relationship.
Unit IV: Social Influence:
Conformity- Sherif’s , Asch’s and Milgarm’s studies on conformity- The predicators of
conformity- Personality and Culture - Compliance Ingratiation , the foot in the door and
the low ball, the door in the face and that is not all, pique, scarcity techniques.
Prosocial Behavior - Reasons for helping – Bystander effect- Personality Traits and
Religious faith in helping behavior- Increasing helping- Conflict: Reasons for conflict- factors to achieve peace.
Unit V: Aggression
Theories of aggression- Social, Personals, and Situational Influences on aggression- prevention and control of aggression- Punishment- Catharsis- interventions and other
Group Influence - Function and Formation of Group Social Facilitation- Social loafing-
Deindividuation-Group Polarization - Group think – Individuals influence on group.
Reference Books
1. Baron, R.A & Byrne, D. (2006). Social Psychology, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Myers D.G (2006). Social Psychology. New Delhi. Tata Mc- Graw Hill Publishing
(For the students admitted from the academic year 2007-2008 and on wards)
Unit I: Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
Definition, Need and Importance of Organizational Behaviour – Nature and Scope –
Management Roles – Management functions – Management Skills - Challenges and
Opportunities for Organizational Behaviour - Contributing Disciplines to the
Organizational Behaviour – Organizational Behaviour Models
Unit II: Foundations of Individual Behaviour:
Perception: Person Perception – Shortcuts in Judging Others-Interpersonal Perception- Its
Attitudes: Sources of Attitudes and its Application
Personality – Personality Determinants – Dimensions of Self Concept- Personality Traits
- Matching Personality and Jobs types – Traits relevant to Work Behaviour
Unit III: Learning, Motivation and Job Satisfaction
Learning: Theories of Learning, Shaping-Schedules of Reinforcement-Its Organizational
Basic Motivation Concepts: Theories of Motivation – Content Theories: Maslow,
Herzberg, Alderfer, McGregor, McClelland, Process Theories: Vroom, Porter and
Lawler’s Expectancy Model, Adams Equity Model, Skinners Reinforcement Model,
Goal Setting Theory – Applications of Motivation Theory MBO – Employee recognition
and involvement program
Unit IV: Foundations of Group Behaviour
Types of Groups – Models of Group Development- External Conditions Imposed on the
Group – Group Structure – Group Process – Group Decision Making Group Think and
Group Shift – Inter group Relations - Methods for Managing Inter-group Relations
Types of Teams – Models of Team Effectiveness – A developmental Model – A Systems
Model Team Building
Conflict Process: Types of Conflicts - Conflict management Techniques – Functional and
Dysfunctional Outcomes of Conflict
Unit V: Dynamics of Organizational Behaviour:
Communication Process – Barriers to Effective Communication - Directions of
Communications – Non-verbal Communications
Leadership Theories: Personality Trait Theories – Behavioral Styles – Situational and
Contingency Style - Transformational Leadership - Sources of Power
Change Process: Forces for Change – Resistance to Change – Overcoming Resistance to
Change - Approaches to Management Organizational Change- Implementing Successful
Change- Organizational Development Intervention Strategies
Reference Books
1. Stephen P.Robbins, “Organizational Behavior”, Prentice Hall of India, 9th edition, 2006.
2. Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman, “Organizational Behavior”, South-Western,
Thomson Learning, 9th edition, 2004.
3. Fred Luthans, “Organizational Behavior”, McGraw Hill Book Co., 2005.
4. New Strom & Davis, “Organizational Behaviour”, McGraw Hill, 2004
5. Jaffa Harris and Sandra Hartman, “Organizational Behaviour”, Jaico, 2003.
6. Jit S.Chand, Organizational Behavior, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2nd edition, 2001
(For the students admitted from the academic year 2007-2008 and on wards)
Experiments Related to Advanced General Psychology
1. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
2. Anger Inventory
3. Stress Questionnaire
4. Personality Development Index
5. Self-Esteem
Experiments Related to Life Span Psychology
6. Self Concept Inventory
7. Emotional Maturity Scale
8. Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Inventory – Behaviour (FIRO-B) Scale
9. Mental Health Analysis
10. Thurstone Interest Schedule
Experiments Related to Advanced Social Psychology
11. Sociometry
12. Communication Experiment
13. Leadership Questionnaire
14. Choice Dilemma Experiment
15. Prisoner’s Dilemma Experiment
Experiments Related to Organizational Behaviour
16. Decision Making Styles
17. Need Hierarchy - Motivation Questionnaire
18. Power Orientation Questionnaire – Identification of Power Bases
19. Leadership Style Questionnaire – Managerial Grid
20. McGregor’s Theory X and Y Questionnaire
•This list is suggestive
•A minimum of 16 experiments/exercises must be completed
(For the students admitted from the academic year 2007-2008 and on wards)
Unit I: Understanding Psychopathology and Diagnosis And Assessment of
Abnormal Behavior
The Supernatural tradition- The Biological Tradition- the Psychological Tradition- the
Present the Scientific method and an Integrative Approach. An integrative Approach to
Psychopathology: One-Dimensional or Multi Dimensional Models- Genetic
Contribution to Psychopathology- Neuroscience and Its Contribution to
Psychopathology- Behavioral and Cognitive Science- Emotions.
Methods of Assessment- Interview and Psychological tests-Problems in Assessment.
Unit II: Classification and Assessment and Anxiety Disorder and Somatoform
Disorder and Dissociate Disorders
Classification: Categories of Maladaptive behavior-Advantages and Disadvantages.
DSM-IV: The major diagnostic Categories- The Multiaxial Approach. ICD-10:
The Complexity of Anxiety Disorder- Generalized Anxiety Disorder- Panic Disorder
without Agoraphobia- Specific Phobia- Social Phobia – Post Traumatic disorders-
Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder.
Somatoform Disorders -Dissociative Disorder:
Unit III: Mood Disorders and Suicide and Eating and Sleeping Disorders
Understanding and Defining Mood Disorders- Prevalence- Causes- Treatment- Suicide
Major Types of Eating Disorders- Causes- Treatment- Obesity- Sleep Disorders: The
major Dyssomnias- Treatment
Unit IV: Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders and Substance- Related and
Impulse Control Disorder and Personality Disorders:
Normal Sexuality- Gender Identity Disorders- Overview of Sexual Dysfunction-
Assessing Sexual Behavior- Causes and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction- Paraphilla-
Assessing and Treating Paraphilla
Perspectives on Substance Related Disorder- Depressants- Stimulators- Opioids -
Hallucinogens- Causes of Substance-Related Disorders- Treatment of Substance-Related
Disorders- Impulse Control Disorders.
An overview of Personality Disorders- Cluster A Personality Disorders- Cluster B
Personality Disorders- Cluster Personality Disorders
Unit V: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders and Developmental Disorders
and Cognitive Disorders
Perspectives on Schizophrenia- Clinical Description- Symptoms and Subtypes-
Prevalence- Causes of Schizophrenia- Treatment of Schizophrenia.
Common Developmental Disorders- Pervasive Developmental Disorders- Mental
Perspectives on Cognitive Disorders- Delirium- Dementia.
Reference Books
1. Barlow, D.H.&Durand, V.M. (2005). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach.
(4th Edition). U.S.A: Thomson Wadsworth.
2. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N.&Mineka, S. (2005). Abnormal Psychology and Modern
Life.(11th Edn). Singapore: Pearson Education.

Contact address

Bharathiyar University
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641046

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[MAP]Bharathiyar University Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu[/MAP]

Half syllabus is in pdf file.

distance education

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