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3rd September 2014, 09:59 AM
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Re: IGNOU Openmat Exam Question Paper

Here is the list of few questions of IGNOU Openmat Exam which you are looking for .

1. Which of the following countries is not a member of
the G-8 Group?
(1) France (2) Italy
(3) Spain (4) Germany
2. Sariska and Ranthambhore are the reserves for which
of the following animals?
(1) Lion (2) Deer
(3) Tiger (4) Bear
3. Which Article of the Constitution of India gives precedence
to constitutional provision over the laws
made by the Union Parliament/Sate Legislatures?
(1) 13 (2) 32
(3) 245 (4) 326
4. ‘APSARA’ is the name of India’s first
(1) Nuclear Reactor
(2) Helicopter
(3) Ground Battle Tank
(4) Railway Locomotive
5. Which of the following countries has the second largest
rail network in the world?
(1) India (2) USA
(3) Russia (4) China
6. Gandhi Peace Prize for the year 2000 was awarded
to the former President of South Africa along with
(1) C. Subramaniam
(2) Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
(3) Satish Dhawan
(4) World Health Organisation
7. Which of the following is not a part of vehicular
(1) Sulphur dioxide (2) Nitrogen oxide
(3) Carbon monoxide (4) Hydrogen peroxide
8. The ‘World Environment Day’ is celebrated on
(1) June 5th (2) June 4th
(3) July 5th (4) July 4th
9. The theme of the World Development Report 2001 is
(1) From plan to market
(2) Knowledge for development
(3) Attacking poverty
(4) The state in the changing world
10. The Indian National Army (INA) came into existence
in 1943 in
(1) Japan (2) Then Burma
(3) Singapore (4) Then Malaya
11. The Asian Games have been held in New Delhi
(1) Once (2) Twice
(3) Thrice (4) Four times
12. The Famous book ‘Anandmath’ has been authored
(1) Rabindranath Tagore
(2) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya
(3) Sarojini Naidu
(4) Sri Aurobindo
13. SAARC declared the decade 1991-2000 as the
Decede of
(1) Youth (2) Family
(3) Literacy (4) Girl Child
14. Army Day is celebrated in India every year on
(1) 1st January (2) 15th January
(3) 1st February (4) 15th February
15. The first Indian-American Woman to go into space
(1) Harbans Kaur (2) Kalpana Chawla
(3) Jyotirmoyee Sikdar (4) Bachhendri Pal
16. The main occupation of the people of Indus Valley
Civilization was
(1) Trade (2) Cattle rearing
(3) Huntin (4) Agriculture
17. The term ‘Golden Quadrangle’ refers to :
(1) The base of the pyramids found in Egyptian
(2) Four sea-ports identified by the Customs department
which are routes for gold smuggling
(3) National Highways Development Project connecting
the four Indian metro-cities
(4) Rich contiguous wheat growing areas of Punjab,
Haryana, U.P. and Rajasthan
18. Which of the following was not a centre of learning
in ancient India?
(1) Taxila (2) Vikramshila
(3) Nalanda (4) Koushambi
19. ‘Charak’ was the famous court physician of
(1) Harsha
(2) Chandragupta Maurya
(3) Ashoka
(4) Kanishka
20. Who among the following Congress leaders was
called the ‘Grand Old man of India’?
(1) Mahatma Gandhi (2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(3) Dadabhai Naoroji (4) Madan Mohan
21. The President of the Drafting Committee of the Indian
Constitution was
(1) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (2) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(3) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (4) J.B. Kriplani
22. Which rock is formed by the deposits of animal shells
and skeletons?
(1) Sandstone (2) Limestone
(3) Phyllite (4) Granite
23. Which of the following pairs is mismatched?
(1) Mettur – Kaveri
(2) Bhakra Nangal – Sutlej
(3) Hirakud – Mahanadi
(4) Tehri – Yamuna
24. Which part of the islands in the Arabian Sea is known
as Minicoy Islands?
(1) Northern (2) Eastern
(3) Southern (4) Western
25. Tropical evergreen forests of India are found in
(1) Kerala (2) andhra Pradesh
(3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Orissa
26. G-15 is
(1) an organisation of the developed countries of
the world
(2) an organisation of the developing countries of
the world
(3) an organisation of the developed countries of
(4) an organisation of developing countries of Asia
27. The birth-rate measures the number of births during
a year per
(1) 100 of population
(2) 1, 000 of ppulation
(3) 10,000 of population
(4) 1,00,000 of population
28. Fundamental Duties were incorporated in the India
Constitution in
(1) 1971 (2) 1972
(3) 1975 (4) 1976
29. In India, to be recognised as a national party, a party
must secure at least
(1) 10% of the valid votes in four or more states
(2) 4% of the valid votes in four or more states
(3) 15% of the valid votes in two states
(4) 25% of the valid votes in one state
30. In which year were the first general elections held in
(1) 1947–48 (2) 1948–49
(3) 1950–51 (4) 1951–52

English Language
Directions : For Questions 31 to 45. Read the two passages given below carefully. Each passage is followed by questions
based on the contents of the passage. Answer the questions by selecting the best alternative from among those given in the
Passage I
India has come a long way since the Bengal Famine of 1943. The food situation in India, once characterised by chronic
shortages and the spectre of famines, has changed dramatically over the years. From being the biggest recipient of PL 480 aid
during the 1950s and 1960s, India today is relatively self-sufficient in foodgrains at the given level of incomes and prices; in
fact, it has marginal surpluses. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has been signed, with India as one of the
signatories, under which all countries will have to gradually open up their agricultural sectors.
It is, therefore, neigher feasible nor desirable to keep India’s foodgrains sector insulated from world markets. In fact,
this is an appropriate opportunity for India to integrate its agriculture with global agriculture, and make use of private trade
(both domestic and foreign) as an important instrument for efficiently allocating her resources as well as providing food
security to her people at the lowest economic cost. The time to change gears in food policy has come.
31. India has ‘come a long way’ means
(1) many years have passed after the Bengal famine
(2) the food position in India is now vastly improved
(3) India now handles such problems under PL-480
(4) India has advanced in science and technology
32. Which of the following views regarding GATT, does
the author seem to be advocating?
(1) India should seize the chance and make efforts
to fulfil its objectives
(2) India should not have signed it, to insulate our
foodgrains sector
(3) India should have agreed to GATT excluding
the agricultural sector
(4) India should hand over the issue of foodgrains
security to the private sector
33. According to the author, why is it necessary to en
sure food security to people?
(1) In order to sustain economic growth
(2) As per the PL-480 guidelines
(3) In order to be able to export foodgrains
(4) The passage makes no such assertion
34. Which of the following forms the most essential part
of the concept of food security in India?
(1) Availability of affordable technology of food
production to poor farmers
(2) Availability of all foodgrains in the market for
the rural poor
(3) Easy access of foodgrains to the weaker
sections at affordable prices
(4) Providing subsidies on all food items for the
rural poor
35. If private agencies are to be entrusted with the task
of making foodgrains available to people, what facilitative
role should the Government undertake?
(1) Nationalise all distribution systems
(2) Make policies that give the right signals to the market
(3) Take responsibility of distribution
(4) Make efforts to increase the income of the farmers
36. The author of the passage seems to advocate
(1) liberalisation and privatisation
(2) state controlled, socialistic but closed economy
(3) a very practical and pragmatic approach to guard
our economy
(4) stable international relations
37. According to the author, food at affordable prices
could be made available to the poor by
A. reducing the cost of production of foodgrains
by using appropriate technology
B. offering foodgrains at lower cost and offering
economic support for maintaining low cost
C. raising the earnings of the poor
(1) only A
(2) only B and C
(3) only A and C
(4) A, B and C
38. By saying Indian policy makers have followed a mix
of both options it means that
(1) production and distribution both have public and
private participation
(2) production is largely in private hands while
distribution is only through public means
(3) for production, reliance has been on the private
sector while both public and private agencies
are mobilised for distribution
(4) production and distribution are both private
Food security, in a broader context, means that people have physical and economic access to food. Since foodgrains
have the largest share in the food basket of the poor in a developing country like India, it is the availability of foodgrains that
lies at the heart of the concept of food security. The first step in this direction, therefore, is to make foodgrains physically
available to the people. This can be done by augmenting production, or through imports and transportation of grains to people
wherever they are.
There are several ways of achieving these targets. One may rely on private entrepreneurship by letting the individual
farmers produce, traders trade/import and make it available to consumers far and wide; or the Government may directly
intervene in the production and/or the trade process. In the former case, the Government follows policies that provide appropriate
market signals while in the latter, it acts as producer, importer and trader itself. Indian policy makers have followed a
mix of both these options. For production, they have relied on the farmers while the Government has retained control over
imports. For distribution, it created public agencies to do the job along with private trade, thus creating a dual market structure.
Providing economic access to food is the second part of the concept of food security. This can be best obtained by adopting a
cost effective technology in production so that the real price of foodgrains come down and more people have access to it. In
case it still fails to reach the larger sections of the population, the Government can directly subsidise food for the poor, launch
a drive to augment their incomes, or try a combination of the two strategies. India has followed both these policies.
(1) opposed (2) diverted
(3) implemented (4) advocated
40. Why, according to the passage, was central economic
planning found to be difficult?
(1) On account of multiplicity of States and Union
(2) On account of lack of coordination in different
Government departments
(3) On account of autonomy given to the States in
certain matters
(4) On account of lack of will in implementing land
41. Which of the following issues was not appropriately
realised by the Central Government?
(1) Ethnic diversity of the people
(2) A national language for the country
(3) Implementation of the formulated policies
(4) Centre-State relations
42. Which, according to the passage, was an exercise in
democratic practice in India before Independence?
(1) The handing over of power by the British
(2) The Indianisation of the Indian Civil Service
(3) The conduct of provincial elections in 1937
(4) Several democratic institutions created by the
India National Congress
43. Which of the following statements is not true in the
context of the passage?
(1) The Congress party was originally opposed
to the idea of division of states on linguistic
(2) Economic development and social reform were
initiated soon after Independence
(3) The political elite in India rebelled against the
British Raj
(4) The Congress leadership was full conscious of
the problems arising out of ethnic diversity in
India at the time of Independence
44. The new government could start with effective instrument
of central control because the
(1) process of Indianisation of the Indian Civil Service
had already begun
(2) Indian army was organised on the pattern of the
British army
(3) people of India offered their wholehearted support
to the Government
(4) transfer of power to the Indian Congress Party
was peaceful

Passage II
The strength of Indian democracy lies in its tradition, in the fusion of the ideas of democracy and national independece,
which was the characteristic of the Indian nationalist movement long before Independence. Although the British retained
supreme authority in India until 1947, the privincial elections of 1937 provided real exercise in democratic practice before
national independence. During the Pacific was, India was not overrun or seriously invaded by the Japanese and after the war
was over, the transfer of power to a gevernment of the Indian Congress Party was a peaceful one as far as Britain was
concerned. By 1947 ‘Indianisation’ had already gone far in the India Civil Service and Army, so that the new government
could start with effective instrument of central control.
After Independence, however, India was faced with two problems; the first, that of economic growth from a very low
level of production and the second was that of ethnic diversity and the aspirations of subnationalities. The Congress leadership
was more aware of the former problem than of the second; as a new political elite, which had rebelled not only against the
British Raj but also against India’s old social order, they were conscious of the need to initiate economic development and
undertake social reforms, but as nationalists who had led a struggle against the alien on behalf of all parts of India, they took
the cohesion of the Indian nation too much for granted and underestimated the centrifugal forces of ethnic division, which
were bound to be accentuated rather than diminished as the popular masses were more and more drawn into politics. The
Congress Party was origninally opposed to the idea of recognizing any division of India on a linguistic basis and preferred to
retain the old provinces of British India, which often cut across linguistic boundaries; it was only in response to strong
pressures from below that the principle of linguistic states was conceded as the basis for a federal ‘Indian Union’. The rights
granted to the States created new problems for the Central Government. The idea of making Hindi the national language of a
united India was thwarted by the recalcitrance of the speakers of other important Indian languages, and the autonomy of the
States rendered central economic planning extremely difficult. Land reforms remained under the control of the States and
many large scale economic projects required a degree of cooperation between the Central Government and one or more of the
States which it was found impossible to achieve. Coordination of policies was difficult even when the Congress Party was in
power both in the States and at the Centre; When a Congress Government in Delhi was confronted with non-Congress parties
in office in the States, in became much harder.

39. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word ‘thwarted’ as used in the passage.
45. Why was India not overrun by Japan during the
Pacific war?
(1) Japan was friendly with the British
(2) Japan was interested in India’s freedom
(3) Japan was doubtful about the success of such
(4) The passage does not offer any information in
this regard

Directions : For Questions 46 to 50. Each of these questions consists of a capitalised word followed by four alternatives. From
the given alternatives, choose the one that is most similar in meaning to the capitalized word.
(1) to pretend (2) faint
(3) congratulate (4) glow
(1) impure (2) inactive
(3) seriously injured (4) rebellious
(1) to shine (2) gather
(3) glide (4) glorify
(1) belittled (2) exacting
(3) highly publicized (4) trusted
(1) impossible (2) awkward
(2) sluggish (4) hardy
(1) amplitude (2) activity
(3) virtue (4) calmness
(1) indolent (2) guiledess
(3) vindicative (4) upright
(1) inclining (2) progressing
Directions : For questions 51 to 55. These questions consist of a capitalized word followed by four alternatives. Select from
among the given alternatives, the word which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
(3) evaluating (4) directing
(1) unholy (2) rash
(3) miserable (4) remote
(1) practical (2) comparative
(3) harmless (4) tangible

Directions : For Questions 56 to 60. Each of the questions below consists of a sentence with one or two blank spaces. Each
sentence is followed by four alternative sets of words. Chosse the words or set of words from among the alternatives given,
which when inserted in the sentence best fit the meaning of the sentence.
56. Critics of the movie version of The Colour Purple
______ its saccharine, overoptimistic mood as out
of keeping with the novel’s more _______ tone.
(1) applauded, sombre
(2) decried, acerbic
(3) denounced, sanguine
(4) acclaimed, positive
57. Measurement is, like any other human endeavour, a
complex activity, subject to error, not always used
______, and frequently misinterpreted and _______.
(1) mistakenly, derided
(2) erratically, analyzed
(3) innovatively, refined
(4) properly, misunderstood
58. If you are seeking a ___________ that will resolve
all our ailments you are undertaking an _________
(1) precedent, awkward
(2) panacea, impossible
(3) direction, awesome
(4) continuance, enjoyable
59. Your ____________ tactics may comple me to
___________ the contract as the job must be finished
on time.
(1) dilatory, cancel
(2) pressure, delay
(3) offensive, award
(4) confiscatory, hasten
60. We need more men of ___________ and enlightenment;
we have too many ___________ among us.
(1) courage, missionaries
(2) wisdom, pragmatists
(3) culture, philistines
(4) valour, students

Directions : For Questions 61 to 65. In each of the following sentences four words or phrases have been underlined. Choose
the underlined word or phrase that has been used inappropriately.
61. He is a doubtful opponent, you must respect and fear him at all times.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
62. I have no formal clothes for this occasion; perhaps I can get away in a dark suit.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
63. Sodium chloride dissolves in water and so is salt.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
64. Even as a young boy, he has lacked the incination to go outdoors and play.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
65. The printing press is one of man’s cleverest invention.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Directions : For Questions 66 to 70. Find the odd man out among each of the following.
66. (1) replicate (2) duplicate
(3) impersonate (4) reproduce
67. (1) renounce (2) denounce
(3) abandon (4) disown
68. (1) muted (2) maimed
(3) muffled (4) toned down
69. (1) negate (2) nether
(3) cancel (4) deny
70. (1) homily
(2) sermon
(3) admonition
(4) serious warning

Directions : For Questions 71 to 75. Each of these questions has a sentence with a highlighted phrase which can be correctly
substituted by one of the alternative choices that follow the sentence. Choose the alternative which can most appropriately
substitute the highlighted phrase, without changing the meaning of the sentence.
71. The headmaster could not regard this latest escapde
as a boyish joke and expelled the young man.
(1) new prank (2) flighty conduct
(3) current exit (4) innovative escape
72. The police immediately restrained and handcuffed
the prisoner so that he could not escape.
(1) arrested (2) detained
(3) manacled (4) quarantined
73. The foul smells began to fill her with disgust.
(1) overpower her (2) nauseate her
(3) throttle her (4) asphyxiate her
74. He offered to drive her to the airport for a very small
(1) a nominal
(2) a wholesome
(3) an appropriate
(4) an ordinary
75. As the Godfather, Michael Corleone is unwilling to
expse his wife and children to the sordid and unwholesome
side of his life as a mafia don.
(1) exciting (2) seamy
(3) unlawful (4) breathtaking

For more questions , here is the attachment
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