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29th November 2014, 11:44 AM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: ICSE Paper for Commercial Studies

I am looking for previous years question papers of ICSE for Commercial Studies so please provide me the same for preparation?

1. Distinguish between stakeholders and shareholders.
2. Distinguish between Primary Stakeholders and Secondary Stakeholders.
3. State any two expectations of employees from a Business concern.
4. How are the needs of shareholders and consumers conflicting?
5. State any two expectations of a Creditor from a business enterprise.
6. What are the expectations of the Government from a business enterprise?
7. Explain the two expectations of internal stakeholder from a business.
8. Explain the expectations of external stakeholders.
9. Distinguish between stakeholders and consumers.
10. “With profits, social welfare should also be considered”. Enumerate this statement with reference to the expectations of general public.
11. What do you mean by stakeholders analysis? MEANING AND TYPES OF COMMUNICATION-2
12. Define communication. Give its features.
13. Mention elements of communication.
14. What is the relevance of communication for a commercial organization?
15. Explain the functions of communication.
16. Distinguish between Formal and Informal communication.
17. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of formal and informal communication.
18. Distinguish between Spoken and Written Communication.
19. Explain the main forms of Non-Verbal communication
20. Explain the principles of effective communication.

Question 1
Distinguish between:
(a) Income & Expenditure Account and Profit & Loss Account. [2]
(b) Capital Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure. [2]
(c) Direct cost and Indirect cost. [2]
(d) Advertising and Sales promotion. [2]
(e) Formal communication and informal communication. [2]

Question 2
(a) List any two qualities of a good salesman. [2]
(b) Explain the term Deferred Revenue Expenditure. [2]
(c) List two features of Receipts and Payments Account. [2]
(d) What is ATM? What is its need? [2]
(e) Give any two merits of water transportation. [2]

Question 3
(a) What is Budgeting? [2]
(b) Explain any two sources of external recruitment. [2]
(c) Give any two differences between internal and external stakeholders. [2]
(d) Differentiate between a credit card and a debit card. [2]
(e) Name any two eco friendly technologies. [2]

Question 4
(a) Give any two advantages of crossing a cheque. [2]
(b) Name any two methods of market research. [2]
(c) Give any two barriers to effective communication. [2]
(d) Give any two rights of consumers. [2]
(e) What is Chipko Movement? [2]

SECTION B (40 Marks)
Attempt any four questions from this Section
Question 5
(a) Explain three documents used in Warehousing. [6]
(b) Explain four Code of Conduct of the advertiser. [4]

Question 6
(a) Explain any two types of selection tests. [5]
(b) Write a short note on: Role of Trade Union. [5]

Question 7
(a) Explain the expectations of any two types of stakeholders of a company. [4]
(b) Make a comparative analysis of rail and road transport. [6]

Question 8
Define Insurance. Explain any four principles of insurance. [10]

Question 9
(a) Explain five functions of Central Bank. [5]
(b) Suggest any five steps which a business organization can take to improve
the environment. [5]

Question 10
Prepare the final accounts of Mr. David for the year ended 31-03-08 from the
following trial balance: [10]
Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
Stock as on 1-04-07 15,200
Capital & Drawings 5,000 70,000
Machinery 40,000
Purchases & Sales 80,000 1,50,000
Debtors and Creditors 30,000 25,000
Wages 20,000
Salaries 15,000
Furniture 30,000
Rent 5,000
Carriage on purchases 10,000
Discounts 2,000 1,200
Carriage on sales 5,000
Commission received 5,000
Returns 5,000 7,000
Bills receivable and bills payable 10,000 10,000
Cash in hand 3,000
Bank overdraft 7,000
2,75,200 2,75,200
Closing stock was valued at Rs.25,000.

1. Distinguish between stakeholders and shareholders.
2. Distinguish between Primary Stakeholders and Secondary Stakeholders.
3. State any two expectations of employees from a Business concern.
4. How are the needs of shareholders and consumers conflicting?
5. State any two expectations of a Creditor from a business enterprise.
6. What are the expectations of the Government from a business enterprise?
7. Explain the two expectations of internal stakeholder from a business.
8. Explain the expectations of external stakeholders.
9. Distinguish between stakeholders and consumers.
10. “With profits, social welfare should also be considered”. Enumerate this statement with reference to the expectations of general public.
11. What do you mean by stakeholders analysis?

12. Define communication. Give its features.
13. Mention elements of communication.
14. What is the relevance of communication for a commercial organisation?
15. Explain the functions of communication.
16. Distinguish between Formal and Informal communication.
17. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of formal and informal communication.
18. Distinguish between Spoken and Written Communication.
19. Explain the main forms of Non-Verbal communication
20. Explain the principles of effective communication.
21. What is “Grapevine”?
22. Explain the following: -
(i) Downward Communication (ii) Upward Communication (iii) Horizontal or Lateral Communication

(iv)Diagonal Communication
23. What are the interpersonal skills required for effective communication.
24. Explain the barriers to communication and measures to overcome them.

25. Define Marketing. Explain any four objectives of Marketing.
26. Give importance of Marketing.
27. Explain key functions of marketing. (Each function may be asked as a 2 marks question.)
28. Mention any two functions of Product planning.
29. What precautions need to be taken while packaging a product?
30. Distinguish between Standardization and Grading.
31. Mention two advantages of Branding.
32. Explain any five key functions performed by warehouses.
33. Mention two benefits of Packaging.
34. Explain the following--:
(i) Marketing Activities of Research. (ii) Marketing Activities of Exchange.

35. Distinguish between Product and Services.
36. Give difference between a consumer product and industrial product.

37. What is meant by Market Research? Describe the steps involved in the market research process.
38. Explain methods of Marketing Research.
39. State two limitations of marketing research.
40. How is “Demand Assessment” important to an organisation?
41. Define Market Research Agency.
42. What are the methods of “Assessing Demand”?

43. What is meant by Advertising? Explain two themes of Advertising.
44. Distinguish between Advertising and Publicity.
45. Mention any two objectives of Advertising. Discuss the various media for advertising.
46. What is an Advertising Copy?
47. “Advertising is a social waste”. Discuss.
48. Explain the following--:

(i) Audio Visual Advertising. (ii) Advertising Agency. (iii) Sky-Writing. (iv) Free Samples.

49. State any five provisions in the code for commercial advertising laid down by ASCI.
50. What are the essentials of a good Advertisement?
51. Explain five factors affecting choice of Media.
52. Define Sales Promotion and its techniques.
53. Distinguish between Sales Promotion and Advertising.
54. What is Brand Promotion? Give two objectives of it.
55. What is Trade Mark?
56. Mention the techniques of brand promotion.
57. Explain the following--:

(i) Brand Equity (ii) Brand Loyalty
58. Distinguish between Marketing and Sales.
59. Distinguish between Advertising and Personal Selling.
60. Explain the steps in Personal Selling Process.
61. Describe the qualities; a salesman should possess to market a new range of cosmetics.
62. What are Monopolistic Trade Practices?
63. Mention the two trade practices that are considered monopolistic.
64. What are “Restrictive Trade practices”?
65. Define ‘Unfair trade Practices”.
66. Discuss the role of MRTP ACT.
67. Mention the remedies that are available to an aggrieved consumer under the consumer protection act.
68. What was the need for passing the consumer protection act?
69. Define the term consumer as stated under the consumer protection act.
70. What are the rights of a consumer under the consumer protection act?
71. Explain the three tier redressal machinery provided by the consumer protection act for the redressal of consumer’s grievances.

72. Distinguish between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure with examples.
73. Give five revenue expenditure item treated as capital expenditure.
74. What do you understand by “deferred revenue expenditure”? Give examples.
75. Give two differences between the following: - (i) Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts, (ii) Capital losses and Revenue Losses, (iii)Capital Profits and Revenue Profits.

76. What is a trading account? State the objectives of preparing trading accounts.
77. Distinguish between Balance Sheet and Trial Balance.
78. Explain briefly Grouping and Marshalling of Balance Sheet.
79. Distinguish between liquidity preference and permanence preference.
80. Distinguish between Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account.
81. What are fictitious assets? Give examples.
82. What are contingent liabilities? Give examples.

83. Distinguish between Trading and Non-Trading concerns.
84. Why should Non-training Organisations maintain books of accounts? Name the accounts prepared by them.
85. “Both the Income and Expenditure Account and the Profit & Loss Account, indicate the profit or loss of an organisation, but are not the same.” Explain.
86. Distinguish between Receipts and Payments account and Income and Expenditure account.
87. Distinguish between Receipts and Payments account and Cash Book.

88. What do you mean by cost?
89. What do you mean by cost centre?
90. What are Overheads?
91. Distinguish between direct costs and indirect costs.
92. Distinguish between Explicit costs and implicit costs.
93. What is “opportunity cost”?
94. Distinguish between the following--:

(i) Fixed costs and variable costs. (ii) Real cost and money cost.
(iii) Controllable and uncontrollable cost. (iv) Shut down costs and sunk costs. (v) Private cost and social cost.
95. What is a Budget? Discuss any eight uses of a Budget to a business enterprise.
96. Distinguish between Budget and Forecast.
97. Distinguish between Fixed Budget (Static Budget) and a Flexible Budget (Sliding Scale Budget).
98. Distinguish between production and material budget.
99. Explain Sales Budget.
100. State two factors to be kept in mind while preparing the sales budget of an organisation.
101. What is a Master Budget?
102. Discuss limitations of Budgets.


103. How can the management of an organisation use the budgetary control system for planning and control?
104. Distinguish between cash budget and cash flow statements.
105. Distinguish between cash flow statement and fund flow statement.(out of syllabus)

106. Distinguish between commercial bank and central bank.
107. Explain the following banks--:

(i) Exchange banks. (ii) Indigenous banks.
(iii) Industrial banks. (iv) Agricultural banks
108. Mention any two agency functions of commercial banks.
109. Explain the functions of central banks.
110. Distinguish between the following--:

(i) Open cheque and crossed cheque. (ii) Bearer cheque and order cheque.
(iii) Cheque and draft.
111. What is crossing of a cheque? What are the types of crossing? What is ‘Allonge’?
112. What do you mean by endorsement of negotiable instrument? State the essentials of a valid endorsement.
113. Distinguish between the following--: (i) Bill of Exchange and Cheque. (ii) Bill of exchange and Promissory Note.

(iii) Debit Card and Credit Card. (iv) Inland Bills and Accommodation Bills.
114. What is a pay in slip book?
115. What is traveller’s cheque?
116. What is Kiosk Banking? Hint-It is A.T.M.
117. What are trade bills?
118. Distinguish the following--:
(i) Postal Order and Money Order. (ii) Loan and Overdraft.

119. Define recruitment.
120. List sources of recruitment.
121. What advantages do external sources of recruitment have over internal sources?
122. Compare the merits and demerits of internal and external sources of recruitment.
123. Distinguish between recruitment and selection.
124. Mention steps in selection process.
125. Discuss the various types of tests and interviews as a part of the selection process.
126. How are recruitment and selection interlinked?
127. Explain two effects of faulty selection of employees.
128. A person is recruited in a training centre where the actual job conditions are stimulated. Name the training technique used.
129. Discuss any five techniques used by a company in the training of its employees.
130. Distinguish between training and education.
131. Discuss the methods of Training.
132. Explain the benefits of training.
133. List two main objectives of orientation training.
134. What is vestibule training?
135. What is ‘induction training’?

136. What do you mean by Industrial relations? Explain their characteristics.
137. Mention two objectives of industrial relation.
138. Define a trade union. Describe any three features of it.
139. Define industrial disputes.
140. What are the causes of poor industrial relations?
141. Discuss the role of trade unions in a business organisation
142. Explain the following--:
(i) Strikes (ii) Lockout (iii) Conciliation (iv) Arbitration (v) Adjudication
143. Explain the extra-mural function of trade unions.
144. Explain the problems of Trade Union in India.
145. Suggest Suitable measures that can be adopted to solve the problems of trade union of India.
146. Define the term social security. Distinguish between social insurance and social assistance.
147. Explain the following--:

(i)Gratuity (Act 1972) (ii) Pension (Act 1971) (iii) Provident Fund scheme (Act 1952) (iv) Maternity Benefits (Act 1961).
148. Distinguish between Gratuity and Provident Fund.
149. List two benefits of group insurance to employees and employer.
150. State the benefits of the provident Fund Scheme?
151. Explain the benefits provided by the employers to the employees under the --:
(a) Employee's State Insurance Act. (b) The Maternity Benefits Act.

152. Define the term ‘logistics’.
153. List the features of logistics.

154. “Transport is the life blood of commerce.” Discuss and explain the importance of transport.
155. Discuss the three merits and two demerits of Road Transport.
156. Discuss the three merits and two demerits of Rail Transport.
157. Discuss the three merits and two demerits of Air Transport.
158. What factors should be taken into consideration in selecting a means of transport?
159. Define Warehouse. Discuss the functions of warehouses.
160. Describe the different types of warehouses.
161. Explain the documents used in transportation and warehousing.
162. What is meant by insurance? Explain the fundamental principles of insurance. (Utmost good faith, Insurable interest, indemnity, doctrine of subrogation, Contribution, Cause proxima, Mitigation of loss.)
163. Differentiate between insurable and non-insurable risks.
164. “Insurance is a method of spreading risk.” In the light of this, explain how insurance help in minimising business risks.
165. “Insurance is a contract of indemnity.” Explain.

166. What do you mean by community participation?
167. List five principles of community development.
168. How community participation is helpful in economic development?
169. What is meant by community participation in ecological restoration?
170. Explain the following: -[i] Chipko Movement [ii] Beez Bachao Andolan [iii] Ralegan Siddhi
171. Discuss the role of public awareness in conserving the environment. Or why do the citizens act as environmental watchdogs?

172. What is eco-friendly technology? Give its examples.
173. What do you mean by non-renewable or fund resources?
174. What are the advantages of using eco-friendly technology?
175. Discuss the judicious use of resources, keeping future in mind.
176. Suggest any five steps which a business organisation can take to improve the environment.

177. Why environmental education is necessary?
178. What is the importance of clean surrounding?
179. What are the 3R’s? Explain. Give one example of reusing of waste.
180. Why poly bags are considered harmful for the environment?
181. Why cloth bags should be used instead of plastic and paper?
182. What is paper recycling? Why it is important?
183. What are the advantages of organic manure over inorganic fertilizers?
184. What is Styrofoam? How is it used?

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