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13th August 2014, 08:39 AM
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Re: ECIL GET CSE exam previous year question papers

This is the ECIL GET CSE exam previous year question papers:

Priority Queue can be—A Ascending
B Descending
C Both ( A ) and ( B )
D None of these

The address of the first element of array is called—A First address
B Base address
C Initial address
D Location address
ECIL GET CSE exam previous year question papers
1.which radiation is not charged one?
a)alpha b)beta c)gamma d)non of these

2.whats is the signed integer range?
a)-32768 to 32767 b)-32767 to 32767 c) 0 to 65535 d)0 to 65536

3.whats the worst case of quick sort?
a) 0(nlog(n)) b)o(n*n) c)o(n) d) n+o(n)

4.bleady anomlay occurs in which algorithm?

5.445566677788 in above string give the some algorithm and after find the answer like that…
algorithm is and find the count value?
for int i=1 to 11
next i
a) 6 b) 7 c)5 d) 8

6.one question asked find the hit ratio some values are given?

7.ipv4 occpies memory is 4 bytes how many bytes occupies the ipv6?
a)4 b)6 c)16 d)32

8.how to provide security in digital signatue?

a)encodimg b) decoding c) encripsion d)decripsion

9.A nine number word (0 to 9) it occupes how many bits?

a)9 b)18 c)27 d)36

10.in below situvation which is correct answer

int *p,*q;

a)p+q b)p-q c)p*q d)p/q

11.abrevation of SSl

a)secure socket layer b)system security layer c)system socket layer d)system socket window

12.what is the main disadvantage of priority scheduling?

a)low priorty b)starvation c)high priority d)none of these

13.There is no restriction as to how many children each node has in a binary tree ?
a)2 b)4 c)6 d)3

14. whats the output:

float x=32.45,y=53.65;
printf(”x and y are equal”);
printf(”x and y not equal”);

a)x and y are equal b)x and y are not equl c) both a and b d)none of these

15) 89,2,3,12,45,67,21,46,78,45 those elements are arranged in heap how many iterations takes place find the maximum number?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

16)atm is made of which circuit based?

a)switching based b)frame relay based c)above 2 d)cell based

17)fsa produce which one?

a)lexical analysis b) code optimigation c) code generation d)code compression

18)one progaram after another program is executed this procedure done in which concept?

a) semophore b)thread c) mutex d)critical region

19)rc232 filter is which type?

a)bipolor singe b) unipolor single c) bipolor differential d) unipolor differrential

20)how data noise is removed in the data base?

a)z normaligation b) hot pottato mapping c)data mining d)none of these

21)some question ask the logical gates means one gate(oR gate given) that o/p and anothe gate not given this gate o/p and after those outputs are put in to or gate
and result is f…. find another gate?

note f f results f

a)ex-or gate b)or gate c) and gate d)nand gate

22)convert the preorder expression to inorder and give the values of varibules and substitute the values in equestion like that
/*b-ab+bc like that

23)and give the xxx and yyy and zzz are stored in lexical analyzer and those forms like the binary tree so which node is visit first?

a)xxx b)yyy c)zzz d)none of these

24)one question ask the os problem but i forget it asks likes the disk scheduling like that…

25) pallindrome is y not recognised fsa ?

a)dont have memory?
b)cannot determine middle symbol?
c)cannot remember starting?
d) all of these?

26)tcp/ip configuration is reduced by?
b)WINP proxy
c)WINP Server

27)a relation is in BCNF and no multivalued dependency. so its in?

28)one omt state diagram then ques on that based on
start/stop state
concurrent state

29)embedded sql is?
a)sql hardcoded in java
b)sql generated by application on the fly
c)sql hardcoded in trigger
d)sql hardcoded in curso

void main()
int a=1,b=3,c=2;

ques 31: one code was like

void main()
float x=7.34;
float y=43.12;
printf(”\n yes x is = y”);
printf(”\n no x is y”);


then options:
a) yes x is = y
b)no x is y
c) ……
d) none of this

ques 32:
some code like
void main()
int a=1,b=3,c=2;



then many options in the output

ques 33:
which radiation is not charged one?
a)alpha radiation
d)none of these

ques 34:
embedded sql is?
a)sql hardcoded in java
b)sql generated by application on the fly
c)sql hardcoded in trigger
d)sql hardcoded in cursor

ques3 5:
FSA can be used in?
a)lexical analysis
b)syntax analysis

ques 36:
one omt state diagram then ques on that based on
start/stop state
concurrent state

ques3 7:
9 digit decimal number can be represented by how many binary digits?

ques3 8:
belady anomaly is in ?

ques 39:
one hit ratio based ques having hit ratio , main and cache access time given then find out average access time.

ques 40:
why fsa cant determine palindrome?
a)dont have memory?
b)cannot determine middle symbol?
c)cannot remember starting?
d) all of these?

a relation is in BCNF and no multivalued dependency. so its in?

ques 42:
tcp/ip configuration is reduced by?
b)WINP proxy
c)WINP Server

1)in networks if the address size of ipv4 is 4 bytes then for ipv6 how many bytes does it take.
a.6 bytes b.8 bytes c.16 bytes d.none Ans:c

2)the full form of ssl is Ans:secure socket layer.

3)to generate an digital signature which of the following components are necessary
a.encryption b.encoding c.hash function d.none

4)routing is possible in which layer ANS:network

5)1 c program

6)one gate has given the or gate is used with ————–gate to produce an or gate Ans:NAND

7)in 8086 to produce an effective address by using 20 bit address we use ——
Ans: CS+IP

8)which of the following occurs to belody’s anomaly

9)-5 can be represented in binary form as____________

10)signed integer for 16bit is ANS:-32768 to +32767

11)which of the following class belongs to
ANS: class B

12)which of the following is error detection code ANS:crc

13)atm is used for _______________ switching ANSacket switching

14)which of the following layers are used for routing.. ANS:network layer

15)one small c program on conditional operator

16)worst case time complexity of quick sort is________ ANS(n^2)

17)a join that shows the null values is ANSuter join

18)the problem of using priority scheduling is________

19)which of the following are used for charged particles
a)alpha b)beta c)gamma d)none.

20)if the books are soted in a given order which are already sorted is___________
Ans: stable


1. Suppose the time to service a page fault is on the average 10 milliseconds, while a memory access takes 1 microsecond. Then a 99.99% hit ratio results in average memory access time of.
(a) 1.9999 milliseconds
(b) 1 millisecond
(c) 9.999 microseconds
(d) 1.9999 microseconds

Answer: (d)

2 Linked lists are not suitable for which of the following problems?
(a) Insertion sort (b) Binary search (c) Radix sort (d) Polynomial manipulation


3. void main()
char x=323;
printf("%d %c",x,x);
Answer: 67C

4. void main()
Float x=23.45,y=32.45;
printf("yes both are equal”);
printf("no both are equal ”);

Answer: yes both are equal

5. void main()

int x=25;

Answer: 0
6. What does TNS stand for?

Answer: Transparent Network Substrate
7. What are the differences between 8085 and 8006 microprocessor?

8. How many minimum number of NAND gates are required to realise OR gates?

(1) 3 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 5

Answer: 3
9. How many minimum node required for a B+ tree

10. Postorder traversal of a given binary search tree,T produces the following sequence of the keys 10,9,23,22,27,25,15,50,95,60,40,29 which of the following sequence of keys can be the result of the indore transversal of the tree T?
(a)9,10,15,22,23,25,27,29,40,50,60,95 (b)9,10,15,22,40,50,60,95,23,25,27,29 (c)29,15,9,10,25,22,23,27,40,60,50,95 (d)95,50,60,40,27,23,22,25,10,9,15,29

11. Consider an operating system capable of loading and executing a single sequential user process at a time.The disk head scheduling algorithm used is First Come First Serve (FCFS).If FCFS is repladced by Shortes Seek Time First (SSTF),claimed by the vendor to give 50% better benchmark results,what is the expected improvement in the I/O performance of user programs?
(a)50% (b)40% (c)25% (d)0%
12. B+ Trees and B Trees use a "fill factor" to control the growth and the shrinkage. A 50% fill factor would be the minimum for any B+ or B tree. As our example we use the smallest page structure. This means that our B+ tree conforms to the following guidelines.

Answer: Minimum Keys in each page 2
13. A clock signal with a period of 1's is applied to the input of an enable gate. The output must contain six pulses. How long must the enable pulse be active?

Enable must be active for 0 s.

Enable must be active for 3 s.

Enable must be active for 6 s.

Enable must be active for 12 s.

14. Which one the first interact with the machine in microprocessor

(1) assemblers, (2) loaders, (3) linkers, (4) interpreters
15. Class A ip address is & class B ip address is then find out max ip address

16. How many maximum ip address for a class A
(1) 2128 (2)1024 (3) 2048 (4)none of them
Answer: 2128

17. Which gate use for always on condition at the place of square.
(1) NAND (2) OR (3) XOR (3) NOT
18. Polymorphism used for

(1) Access through object (2) more from represent within one from (3) prosperity access to the another class (4) none of them

Answer: More from represent within one from.

19. Instruction used for
(1) Compilation (2) System call (3) Access any operation (4) None of them
Answer 3

20. Fork () used for
(1) Compilation (2) Accessing (3) Created a process (4) None of them

Answer: 3

21. In a database 120 student present with in 8 table if both join with a natural join the maximum possibility to joint is (not full remember)
(1) 8, 8 (2) 920, 8 (3) 120, 8 (4) 360, 8

22. In PHP data based use for (options not remember)
(1) Mysql_ Quarry (2) Mysql- Quarry (3) MysqlQuarry (4) My Quarry _sql

1. fork is
job or process ?-->to create new process

2. boolean functions possible for 3 inputs -->256(2^2^3)
3.one theroatical question on Nyquist theorem
4.question on IP address classes-->
5. one question on natural join - no of records retrived ~max-960 min 120
6. linked list are not suitable to be used for
a. binary search b. radix sort 3. insertion sort -->binary search
7.Consider 3 process all arriving at time 0 with total execution time 10,20 and 30 time units res. eacs process suspend 1st 20 % of exection time doing I/O ,the next 70% in doing computing and last 10% in doing I/O again. The OS uses Shortest REMAINING COMPUTE TIME FIRST SCHEDULING ALGORITHM and schediles a new process either when the remaining process gets blocked on I/O or when the running process finishes its compute burst.Assume that all I/O operations can be overlapped as much as possible .For What % of time does the CPU remains IDLE ?

@0% b)10.6c)30 d)89.4 -->10.6(doubt)
solution-->because CPU will remain idle for the 1st 2 time unit for job1 and last 3 time unit for job3 because other I\O operations will be done during CPU execution of other jobs. so total idle time=5 time unit and total time required for all the jobs to complete is (2+7+14+21+3)=47 so idle % is (5/47)*100=10.6
8.A certain Microprocessor requires 4.5 microseconds to respond to inturrupt. Assume 3 interrupt I1,I2,I3 . require the following execution time after the interrupt is recognised
!) I1 reqires 25 microseconds
2) I2 reqires 35 microseconds
3)I3 reqires 20 microseconds....
I1 have highest priority and I3 lowest priority . Whaat is the possible range of time of I3 to e executed . Assume thet it may or may not occur simultaneously with other inturrups...

a) 24.5 microseconds to 93.5 microseconds
B) 24.5 microseconds to 39.5 microseconds
c) 4.5 to microseconds to 24.5 microseconds
D) 29.5 microseconds to 93.5 microseconds

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