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3rd August 2014, 01:59 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Companies which are related to Electronics Field

As you want to get the list of some of the best Companies which are related to Electronics Field so here it is for you:

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
Sterlite Technologies Ltd
Samtel Group
Moser Baer India Limited
Centum Electronics
O.E.N India
Jabil Circuits
Midas Communication Technologies
Aar em Electronics
The Videocon Group
Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL)
Essel communication
Bharti airtel

Here for your reference I am giving you the last year placement question papers of BHEL:

Consider the following expressions indicating the step or impulse response of an initially relaxed control system-
1. (5 – 4e-2+) u(t)
2. (e-2t +5) (u(t))
3 .V(t) + 8e-2t u(t)
4 . V(t) + 4e-2t 4(t)

Those which correspond to the step and impulse response of the same system include-

Which is the following relate to rational transfer function of a system-
1. Ratio of Fourier transform of output to input with zero initial conditions.
2. Ratio of Laplace transform of output to input with zero initial conditions.
3. Laplace transform of system impulse response.

4. Laplace transform of system unit step response select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a.) 1 and 4
b.) 2 and 3
c.) 1 and 3
d.) 2 and 4
For the signal g (t) – 10 cos (50 pt) cos2 (150at)

The Nyquist sampling state in t seconds is
a.) 150 samples per second
b.) 200 samples per second
c.) 300 samples per second
d.) 350 samples per second

In the case of a 70 MHz 1F carries for a transponder band width of 36 MHz; energy must lie between – MHz.
a.) 34 and 106
b.) 52. And 88
c.) 106 and 142
d.) 34 and 142

Radar used to eliminate clutter in navigational application is –
a.) Pulse radar
b.) Tracking radar
c.) MTI radar
d.) Mono pulse radar

The 1.55 mm windows is not yet in use with fiber optic systems because –
a.) The attenuation is higher than at 0.85 mm
b) The attenuation is higher than at 1.3mm
c.) Suitable laser devices have not yet been developed
d.) It does not lend itself to wavelength multiplexing

Pre-emphasis in FM systems involves-
a.) Compression of the modulating signal
b.) Expansion of the modulating signal
c.) Amplification of lower frequency components of the modulating signal.
d.) Amplification of higher frequency components of the modulating signal.

In a terrestrial microwave system transmission of signals is achieved through-
a.) reflection from the ionosphere
b.) line of sight mode
c) reflection from the ground
d.) diffraction from the stratosphere.

Casse grain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to
a.) increase the gain of the system
b). increase the bandwidth of the system
c.) reduce the size of the main reflector
d.) allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point.

In most microwave communication link rain drop attenuation is caused due to-
a.) scattering of microwaves by water drops of specific size.
b) scattering of microwaves by a collection of droplets acing as a single body.
c.) absorption of microwaves by water and consequent heating of the liquid
d.) absorption of the microwaves by water vapor in the atmosphere.

When a (75 – j40)W load is connected to a coaxial line of Z0 = 75 W at 6MHz then the load matching on the line can be accomplished by connecting-
a.) A short – circuited stub at the load
b.)An inductance at the load
c. )A short circuited stub at a specific distance from the load
d.)none of the above
As compared to analog multimeters, digital multimeters are –
a.) less accurate
b.) more accurate
c.) equally accurate
d.) none.

When a signal of 10 mV at 75 MHz is to be measured then which of the following instruments can be used –
a.) VTVM
b.) Cathode ray oscilloscope
c.) Moving iron voltmeter
d.) Digital multimeter

Amplifier of class B has high theoretical efficiency of 78.5 percent because-
a.) It is biased almost to saturation
b.)Its quiescent current is low
c.)It’s output is an exact replica of it’s input
d.)It is biased well below cut off

The coupling that produces minimum interference with frequency response is-
a.) Direct coupling
b.)Impedance coupling
c.) R C coupling
d.)Transformer coupling

A superconductor is a –
a.) A material showing perfect conductivity and Meissner effect below a critical temperature
b.) A conductor having zero resistance
c.) A perfect conductor with highest di-magnetic susceptibility
d.) A perfect conductor which becomes resistance when the current density through it exceeds a critical value

When an inductor tunes at 200 KHz with 624 pF capacitor and at 600 KHz with 60.4 pF capacitor then the self capacitance of the inductor would be –
a) 8.05 pF
b) 10.05pF
c.) 16.01pF
d.) 20.01pF

The Q of a radio coil –
a.) is independent of frequency
b.) increases monotonically as frequency increases
c.) decreases monotonically as frequency increases
d.) increases upto a certain frequency and then decreases beyond that frequency

When a generator of internal impedance and operating at 1GHz feeds a load via a coaxial line of characteristic impedance 50 ohm then the voltage wave ratio on the feed line is –
a.) 0.5
b.) 1.5
c.) 2.5
d.) 1.75

The coding system typically used in digital telemetry is –
a.) PPM (pulse position modulation)
b.) PAM (pulse amplitude modulation)
c.) PCM (pulse code modulation)
d.) PDM (pulse duration modulation)

Radiation pyrometers are used for the measurement of temperature in the range of –
a.) -2000C to 5000C
b.) 00C to 5000C
c.) 5000C to 12000C
d.) 12000C to 25000C

RF amplifier of an A.M. receiver is normally biased in –
a.) Class 'A'
b.) Class 'b'
c.) Class 'C'
d.) None

The value of gate voltage for the operation of enhancement of only N channel MOSFET has to be –
a.) High positive
b.) High negative
c.) Low positive
d.) Zero

1)Unit of Entropy (J/kg K or kJ/kg K)
2)A mass of 100kg is falling from a height of 1 m and penetrates the sand into for 1 m. What is the
resistance force given by sand.
3)Ratio of specific heats of air. (1.41)
4)A body weighs 3 kg in air. If it is submerged in a liquid, it weighs 2.5 kg. What is the specific gravity
of the liquid.
5)Two cars travell in same direction at 40 km/hr at a regular distance. A car comes in a opposite
direction in 60km/hr. It meets each car in a gap of 8 seconds. What is the distance between them?
6)A simple problem involing in hoops stress. For sphere: M= [3/2]*p*V*[density of pressure vessel
material/Maximum working stress it can tolerate] For Thin walled pressure walls: Hoops stress or
stress in the radial direction =p*r/2t
7)A problem in force calculation in a body moving in a inclined surface.
8)Composition of bronze. (Copper+zinc)
9)Compostion of stainless steel.(iron+chromium+nickel+carbon)
10)CI is manifactured in which process. (cupola process)
11)What percentage of carbon is preset in pig iron. (4.5 to 6%)
12)Water is available at 10m height. What is the pressure available? (pressure=density*g*height;
p=1000*9.81*10; p=98100N/m2)
13)What will happen if the speed of the centrifugal pump doubles.
14)The unit eV is widely used in ? (Nuclear and atomic physics)
15)What will happen to the resistance, when the diameter of the conductor is doubled?
16)The power comsumed by a electrical device is 1000W at 250V, What is the resistance in the device?
(Power= Voltage*current; Current=Power/Voltage, Current,I=1000/250=4
amps. V=IR, Therefore R=250/4=62.5 ohms)
17)Why DC current is not used in transformer.
18)On what principle the sonar/ radar( I dont remember) works?
19)Bending moment diagram for the UDL is in what shape?
20)Function of the distributor in petrol vehicles? (Spark timing)
21)Which is not present in CI engines? (carburrettor)
22)What will happen if one cylinder recieves more amount of fuel spray from injectors than other
23)Purpose of draft tube in hydraulic turbines? (The purpose of a draft tube is toconvert some of the
kinetic energy of the flow from the runner (the rotating part of the turbine) intopressure energy and
thereby increase the efficiency ofthe hydro power turbine. )
24)What is the effect or reheater in the gas turbine? (The advantage of reheater is significantly
increased thrust; the disadvantage is it has very high fuel consumption and inefficiency)
25)Problems in involving with fricition coefficient.
26)Factor of safety = Yeild stress/Working stress.
27)Which is the example of non parallel power transmission (Universal coupling)
28)For perpendicular shafts worm gear is used.
29)A planet gear with 25 teeth is meshed with a sun gear of 100 teeth. Both are connected using a arm.
How many rotations are needed for planet gear to complete one rotation around the sun gear?
30)What is equivalent spring constant for spring in parallel?
31) Some questions was asked related to boundry layer and vortex flow.
32) 5 questions were asked in PERT, Process planning, Product planning, Break even analysis.
33)How are tungsten and sintered composite materials are machined? (Electro Discharge Machining,

Technical paper
1) How many links in slider crank mechanism?
2) Deflection of cantilever beam subjected to end point load?
3) Stress concentration factor Kf =?
4) What is the unit of BHN?
5) What is efficiency of riveted joint?
6) Composition of Munz metal?
7) One shaft is subjected to torque 1700 N-m having shear strength of 40Mpa. Determine the diameter?
8) A reversible engine is working between the 600F and 60F. Carnot efficiency is equal to =
9) Coefficient of restitution lies between =
10) Pectlet number is equal to = a)Re*Nu b)Re*Pr c)Re*Gr
11) Formula of effectiveness of heat transfer =
12) Emissivity depends on
13) Reynolds number formula
14) Production process for Al?
15) Thick metals welded by following processes…………
16) Logarithmic decrement is given by =
17) Magnification factor at resonance is given by =
18) Cutting forces decreases by = a) increasing rake angle b) decreasing rake angle c) increasing relief
rake angle
19) Some problem on Mohr’s circle radius…
20) Volumetric strain =
21) Pendulum problem Time is given length = ?
22) For undamped system Transmission Ratio is R then a) b)
23) Which is not related to CI engine = ans) spark plug
24) Cotter joint generally fail by
25) Which coupling is used for intersecting shafts?
26) No of teeth on gear and pinion is given, center distance is given, module = ?
27) Coefficient of friction and angle is given, what is ration of tension in belt?
28) What is lamis thoerm?
29) Condition for self locking ……
30) Discontinuous chips can be produced by ………….
31) For critical speed should be a)>√2 b) >√3
32) Air at 20C blows over a hot plate 50 by 75 cm maintained at 250C. The convective heat transfer
coefficient is 25W/m2. Cal the heat transfer.
33) Metacenter always lies ………….
34) Rotometer is used to measure….
35) Formula for effort of a governor……
36) Stroboscope is used to measure…..
37) What is size of A4 paper?
38) Some problem on riveted joint…..
39) Modulus of rigidity G is given by……
40) Wave properties in solids is depends on elasticity.
41) Radiation heat transfer is directly proportional to ………….
42) Escape velocity is given by √2gR
43) Kinetic energy formula….
44) Corolis component…….
45) Potent ional Energy theory is given by…………….
46) Perpendicular axis thoerm…………
47) Pappus thoerm…….
48) Center of gravity of a spherical shell……………..
49) Angle and linear dimension is given by chamfer.
50) For thick cylinders ………………..
51) N = 10 to N = 10E5 cycles then it is …. a) finite life b)infinite life
52) Value of steel young’s modulus ……
53) Endurance strength of steel equal to …………
54) Three problems on strain gauges ….
55) Three problems on vectors some related to work done….
56) Straight line mechanism…
57) Some problem springs..
58) Design on thermal stresses can be considered for a) concrete b)steel rolls c)blast furnace
59) Velocity problem it is in the vector form to find displacement?
60) Hardness is a property

1. Sintered and tungsten carbides can be machined by: = EDM

2. What kind of abrasive cut off wheel should be used to cut concrete, stone and masonry? =Diamond grit.

3. In break-even analysis, total cost consists of: = Fixed cost + Variable cost.

4. The amount deducted from the salary of workers towards employees provident fund is : =deposited in the account of worker with Provident Fund Commissioner.

5. PERT is: = event oriented technique

6. Bar charts are suitable for: = minor works.

7. ? on a PERT/CPM chart represents: = a significant event representing some mile-stone

8. Electron volt is the unit of : = Energy.

9. Seamless tubes are made by?

10. Reheating in gas turbine results in: = increase of work ratio and decrease of thermal efficiency.

11. Why DC current is not used in transformer?

12. What is the purpose of draft tube in hydraulic turbines: = to convert the kinetic energy into pressure energy.

13. A mass of 100kg is falling from a height of 1m and penetrates the sand to 1m. what is the resistance force of the sand?

14. Two cars travel in the same direction at 40km/hr at a regular distance. A car comes in the opposite direction at 60km/hr. It meets each car in a gap of 8 seconds. What is the distance between the two cars?

15. A projectile is fired at an angle ? to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when ? is . =450

16. An elevator weighing 1000kg attains an upward velocity of 4m/sec in two seconds with uniform acceleration. The tension in the supporting cables will be = 1200kg.

17. A 13m ladder is placed against a smooth vertical wall with its lower end 5m from the wall. What should be the co-efficient of friction between ladder and floor so that it remains in equilibrium. = 0.21

18. A car is moving with a velocity of 60km/hr and possesses energy of 5×105 joules. The mass of the car will be. =3000kg.

19. If l is the span of a light suspension bridge whose each cable carries total weight (w) and the central diop is y, the horizontal pull at each support is: = wl/y OR

20. A beam of length l, having uniform load w kg/unit length is supported freely at the ends. The moments at mid span will be: = wl2/8.

21. A boiler shell 200cm dia and plate thickness 1.5cm is subjected to internal pressure of 1.5MN/m2, then the hoop stress will be. = 100N/m2

22. 100KW is to be transmitted by each of two separate shafts. A is turning at 250rpm and B at 300rpm. Which shaft must have greater diameter.: = B

23. Two identical leaf springs of spring constant k are arranged like cantilevers in parallel and attached at free end by a spring of spring constant k. The equivalent spring constant of combination is; = 1.5k.

24. Automobile steering gear is an example of: = lower pair.

25. The type of coupling used to join two shafts whose axes are neither in same straight line nor parallel, but intersect is. = Universal coupling.

26. The ratio of two specific heats of air is equal to. = 1.41

27. A perfect gas at 270C is heated at constant pressure till its volume is double. The final temperature is = 3270C

28. An engine operates between temperature of 9000K and T2 and another engine between T2 and 8000K. For both to do equal work, value of T2 will be. = 6500K

29. Internal energy of a substance depends on = Temperature

30. Work done in compressing 1kg of gas adiabatically from p1,V1,T1 to p2, V2, T2 is equal to = Cv(T2-T1)

31. The unit of entropy is = J/kg 0K

32. Indicated power of a 4-stroke engine is equal to = pLAN/2

33. Which of the following is not an internal combustion engine : a) 2 stroke petrol engine b)4 stroke petrol engine c) Diesel engine d) steam engine e) Gas turbine. = (d)

34. If one cylinder of a diesel engine receives more fuel than the others, then for that cylinder the: a) exhaust will be smoky b) piston rings would stick into piston grooves c) exhaust temperature will be high d) engine starts overheating e) all of the above. = (e)

35. The spark plug gap is normally maintained at: = 0.45 to 0.6mm

36. A distributor in spark ignition engines performs the function of : = Providing the correct firing order in engine

37. Which of the following does not relate to C.I. engine:: a) fuel pump b) fuel injector c) governor d) carburetor e) flywheel = (d)

38. Air fuel ratio in a jet engine is = 60:1

39. What is the value of Prandtl No.?

40. In domestic refrigerator, the tubes at the back of the refrigerator are: a) evaporator b) condenser c) capillary tubes d)………

41. Which refrigerants has the highest critical point temperature. = Freon-11

42. Wet bulb temperature is. = indication of amount of moisture in air

43. On psychrometric chart, dry bulb temperature lines are. = Vertical

44. Surface tension has the units. = newtons/m

45. The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the. = centroid of the displaced volume of fluid

46. A pressure of 25m of head of water is equal to. =245kN/m2

47. For a submerged body to be in stable equilibrium, the centre of gravity should be. =Below the centre of buoyancy.

48. The actual velocity at vena contracta for flow through an orifice from a reservoir of height H=?. =Cvv2gH

49. A body weighing 2kg in air weights 2.5kg when submerged in water. Its specific gravity is. = 6

50. In a free vortex motion: = each particle moves in a circular path with a speed varying inversely as the distance from the centre.

51. A centrifugal pump has speed-1000rpm, Flow-1200l.p.m, Head-20m, Power-5H.P. If its speed is increased to 1500rpm, new flow will be.: = 1800l.p.m

52. Runaway speed of a hydraulic turbine is: = the speed if the turbine runner is allowed to revolve freely without load and with the wicket gates wide open.

53. 10m of water column is equal to = 100kN/m2

54. M.I. of a circular area about an axis perpendicular to the area is: = pr4/2

55. To transmit power from one rotation shaft to another whose axes are neither parallel nor intersecting, use: = Spiral gear.

56. A gear having 100 teeth is fixed and another gear having 25 teeth revolves around it, the centre lines of both gears being joined by an arm. How many revolutions will be made by gear of 25 teeth for one revolution of arm. = 5 rev.

57. The secondary critical speed of a shaft occurs at: = twice the speed of primary critical speed.

58. Brittle coating technique is used for: = experimental stress analysis.

58. Factor of safety is the ratio of: = yield stress/working stress.

59. Type of gear used for non-intersection perpendicular shafts: = Hypoid gears.

60. Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding: = Chromium & Nickel

61. The product of Cupola is called: = cast iron

62. Brinell tester uses a hardness steel ball of size: = 10mm.

1. Critical load acting axially on a long column
Ans: (pi)2*E*I/L2
2. Relation between moment of area and radius of gyration
Ans: I=AK2
3. Cup shaped components are produced using which operation
Ans: drawing
4. A sheet of Al alloy having 2mm thickness is welded using which process
Ans: TIG
5. Two gears having teeth 18 and 40 and center distance 56…what is the module?
6. In thick cylinders, which of the following is true[*S stands for sigma*] (a) St>Sr (b) St=Sr (c)St
7. In a plane stress condition, if the centre of Mohr’s circle coincides with the origin then which is true… ….the relation between Sx and Sy is asked
8. Lame’s theorem….F1/sinA=F2/sinB=F3/sinC
9. Young’s modulus value for steel=200Gpa
10. Thermal conductivity of silver=400w/m0K
11. Fouling factor formula……F.F =1/Udirty-1/Uclean
12. Relation between notch sensitivity factor and theoretical stress concentration factor
13. Effectiveness of heat exchanger definition
14. Reynolds’s number formula
15. Clinical thermometer is which order system ….0,1,2, or 3
16. Piezometric transducer is used to find which signals—static or…. dynamic
17. Peclet number formula=Re*Pr
18. Radiation energy emitted, Eemitted=S*A*T4
19. Which of the following is not related to CI engine
(a) Fuel pump (b) carburetor (c).. (d) none
20. Two connected in series having stiffness’s K1, K2
Kequivalent=K1*K2/K1+ K2
21. Magnification factor at resonance, MF=1/2zeta
22. Coroili’s component value, =2vw
23. Hooks law holds good upto
(a)elastic point (b)UYP(c)LYP(d)Failure
24. Meshing of two gears fail if
(a)materials are different(b)
25. A beam whose one end is fixed and other is free is
(a)cantilever (b)ss(c)Udl(d)none
26. Deflection at the free end of cantilever =PL3/3EI
27. Shear stress, twisting moment given ,find diamaeter….
28. Formula for polar moment of inertia of a hollow shaft
29. Formula for logarithmic decrement
30. A problem based on the above formula
31. Two question on transmissibility(W/Wn ratio )
32. Question from vibration…mass,k given …cal frequency
33. Two more questions, one each from riveted joints and cotterjoint
34. 1BHN=N/m2
35. Temperature limits, given to find Carnot’s efficiency
36. Metacentric height is the distance between Metacentre and --------
Ans: Centre of gravity
37. Force and displacement vector given to find out the work done
38. Rota meter is used to find
25th March 2015, 03:16 PM
Re: Companies which are related to Electronics Field

Can you list me the names of some of the good Companies which are related to Electronics field in India as I want to make a career in it?
25th March 2015, 03:17 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Companies which are related to Electronics Field

The names of some of the good Companies which are related to Electronics field in India as you want to make a career in it are as follows:

Aar em Electronics
Jabil Circuits
Moser Baer India Limited
Sterlite Technologies Ltd
Arise India
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)
BPL Group
Calcom Vision
Celkon Mobiles
Central Electronics
Centum Electronics
Choksi Imaging
Cosmic Circuits
Electronics Corporation of India Limited
Electronics manufacturing in Chennai
IBall (company)
Intex Technologies
Ittiam Systems
Jindal Photo
Micromax Mobile
Midas Communication Technologies
Mirc Electronic
Noesis Ind
O.E.N India
Onida Electronics
PG Electroplast
Phil Corp
Photoquip India
Pioneer India
Procal Electron
Salora Inter
Samtel Group
Scanpoint Geo
Sharp India
Sterlite Technologies
Su-kam Power Systems
Trend Electron
Vakharia Power
Xerox India
Zync Global

Top ECE Colleges in India
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee)
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS-Pilani)
Indian Institute of Technology - Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Guwahati)
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
National Institute of Technology
National Institute of Technology, Surathkal
Birla Institute of Technology..
Jadavpur University (Faculty of Engineering & Technology)
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H)
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology
PSG College of Technology
PEC University of Technology
Bengal Engineering and Science University
Malaviya National Institute of Technology
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
Thapar University
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
College of Engineering Pune
Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad
R.V.College of Engineering
Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute

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