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17th August 2014, 01:13 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Clerk Exam paper for Andhra Bank

You are looking for Andhra Bank Clerk Exam model question paper, i am giving here:

Directions—(Q. 1–15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

The great sage once had a group of disciples. They were all very bright and eager students and the sage had all the reasons to be proud of them. One day the sage realized that he had imparted enough knowledge to his disciples. Now they were all very learned. There was only one thing the sage had not taught them, and that was the special verse that could bring the dead back to life. The sage knew that such knowledge was too wonderful and could prove to be a dangerous thing in the hands of someone who was not very wise. The sage pondered over this for a long time. But he also knew that if he did not pass on this secret verse, it could die with him. So, at last he called his cleverest disciple aside and said “I am going to teach you a very special verse. If you chant this you can bring to life a dead person or animal. Use only when you need it to and never misuse or test your powers vainly.” He then called all the disciples together and said, “I am sending you all into the forest for forty days. Go together and come back together. Each one of you has to guide one another and do good things.”

So the disciples started out together into the forest. They were all united. But the clever disciple who knew the verse wanted to show he was better than the others. As they walked into the forest, they came across a dead tiger on the way. It was huge and looked wickedly fierce even when dead. The clever disciple stopped and said to the others. “Now I am going to show you what our teacher has taught me alone. He has taught me how to bring life back into the dead.” The others would not believe him and he said, “I would prove it to you by bringing this tiger back to life. “But other disciple said “do not do anything to prove your knowledge vainly. Moreover, if you put life into this tiger, it will only turn on us and kill us all. This will not be a wise thing to do.”

But the clever disciple had decided to prove himself and prepared to recite the verse. But before he did so, the other disciples scrambled up to the topmost branches of a big tree nearby. The disciple then recited the magical verse. The tiger slowly began to breathe. “Its working” cried the disciple in excitement and joy. The tiger opened its eyes and saw him jumping and shouting in front of him. Roaring loudly, the tiger pounced on the poor disciple and killed him.

The other disciples on the tree watched helplessly as the tiger threw down the dead body of the disciple and went away into the forest. After some time the disciples came down, took the body and went to the sage. The sage looked at them and said, “Now you see what can happen if you don’t use your learning wisely. Let this be a lesson for you.” With that, the sage uttered the magic verse and brought the dead disciple back to life. The sage then taught the verse to all his disciples and sent them into the world to do good. He was sure that after such a lesson, they would be wiser and use their knowledge and learning only for doing good.

1. Why did the other disciples climb the highest branches of the nearby tree ?
(A) To save their lives from the tiger
(B) They disliked the clever disciple and were hiding away from him
(C) To enjoy watching the tiger kill the disciple from a safe distance
(D) Because the sage had not taught the other disciples the secret verse
(E) None of these

2. Why did the sage send his disciples to the forest ?
(A) He wanted to get rid of them
(B) He had imparted all the knowledge he had and was left with nothing to teach
(C) He wanted them to be killed by a tiger so that he could test his secret verse
(D) So that the disciples could practice his secret verse on the wild animals
(E) None of these

3. Which of the following morals can be drawn from the above passage ?
(A) A teacher must pass on all his knowledge to others before he dies
(B) Advice of true friends should always be taken
(C) Teachers should always be impartial and should impart knowledge to all uniformly
(D) The knowledge and learning gained should never the misused
(E) None of these

4. Why did the sage decide to pass on his secret verse to his disciples ?
(A) So that the cleverest of the disciples may teach other disciples as well
(B) He did not want the verse to die with him
(C) So that the tiger may eat the cleverest disciple
(D) So that he could prove his genius to his disciples
(E) None of these

5. What did the sage say to his disciple while teaching his secret verse ?
(A) Never to misuse the power achieved with the help of the verse
(B) Not to use it on the wild animals
(C) Not to share it with other disciples
(D) To practice it on animals before humans
(E) None of these

6. How did the other disciples react when the clever disciple decided to bring the tiger back to life ?
(A) They felt jealous of him
(B) They all felt that it was a wise thing to do
(C) They felt sorry for the tiger
(D) They tried to stop him as he could put their lives in danger
(E) None of these

7. Why was the sage proud of his disciples ?
(A) Because they had agreed to go to the forest for a long period of 40 days
(B) Because they had fought against the tiger very bravely
(C) Because they could bring the dead tiger back to life
(D) Because they were very bright and eager students
(E) None of these

8. Who/what is described as wicked and fierce by the author ?
(A) The clever disciple
(B) The sage
(C) The tiger
(D) The forest
(E) None of these

9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage ?
(A) The clever disciple was brought back to life by the sage
(B) The sage wanted his disciples to use their learning only for doing good
(C) The sage was biased towards the clever disciple and disliked others
(D) The sage ultimately taught the secret verse to all his disciples
(E) All are true

10. Why did the clever disciple recite the verse to the dead tiger ?
(A) So that the other disciples may be eaten up by the tiger
(B) To flaunt the power of the verse to the other disciples
(C) Because the sage told him to do so
(D) So that he could himself to the sage
(E) None of these

Directions—(Q. 11–13) Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in MEANING to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

11. pondered
(A) guessed
(B) puzzled
(C) studied
(D) thought
(E) attended

12. pounced
(A) climbed
(B) looked
(C) roared
(D) plunged
(E) jumped

13. cried
(A) wept
(B) screamed
(C) protested
(D) tearful
(E) saddened

Directions—(Q. 14 –15) Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in MEANING to the word printed in boldas used in the passage.

14. bright
(A) dim
(B) soft
(C) dull
(D) faint
(E) vague

15. fierce
(A) timid
(B) emotional
(C) civilized
(D) pleased
(E) domesticated

Directions—(Q. 16 –20) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentences should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and No Correction is Required, mark (E) as the answer.

16. He wants a start a new business but he did not have any money.
(A) Thought to start
(B) Want to started
(C) Wanted to start
(D) Wants for start
(E) No Correction Required

17. As Rohan was already late, he had his breakfast while walk down the road.
(A) walking down the
(B) walking at the
(C) walked on the
(D) walked down the
(E) No Correction Required

18. The poor bullock do not move since the cart was overloaded with heavy goods.
(A) can not move
(B) unable to move
(C) was not moved
(D) could not move
(E) No Correction Required

19. He covered the expensive furniture at sheet before he started painting the ceiling.
(A) with sheet ahead
(B) with sheet before
(C) in sheet prior
(D) in sheet earlier
(E) No Correction Required

20. The smoke if inhaled proves to be more fatal than the burn itself.
(A) be most fatal
(B) kill more fatal
(C) be additional fatal
(D) be greater fatal
(E) No Correction Required

Directions—(Q. 21–25) In each question below a sentences with four words printed in bold type is given. These are lettered as (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these four printed in bold may be either misspelt or inappropriatein the context of the sentence. Find out the word which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (E) i.e., ‘All correct’ as your answer.

21. Indian peoples (A) invest (B) as much (C) in gold as in bank savings accounts. (D) All correct (E)

22. The issues (A) of hunger and poorty (B) are left behind (C) as we have progressed (D) in technology. All correct (E)

23. Rajan would (A) pick (B) up his children from (C) the school and superwise (D) their homework. All correct (E)

24. A good (A) leader is of prime (B) importance for develop (C) of any organisation. (D) All correct (E)

25. The milk vendor (A) studied hard (B) for four years before topped (C) the national level (D) exam. All correct (E)

Directions—(Q. 26–30) Rearrange the following six sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them—
1. The emperor was impressed with me and rewarded me suitably.
2. He then asked me to make it shorter without erasing its ends.
3. One fine day the king decided to test my intelligence.
4. By doing so, I could make the line shorter without erasing the ends.
5. After thinking over it for some time, I drew longer lines on both the ends of the line that the emperor had drawn.
6. He drew a line on the floor with the help of a chalk

26. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

27. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6

28. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

29. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6

30. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Directions—(Q. 31– 40) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

31. She considered herself (A) / very fortunate to (B) / have had a (C) / very good education. (D) No error (E)

32. A lot number of people (A) / donate money to the organisation (B) / at this time (C) / of the year. (D) No error (E)

33. The leader of the opposition (A) / is in the danger (B) / of lost his seat (C) / in the next elections. (D) No error (E)

34. He is the same (A) / ice-cream vendor (B) / which sold ice-creams (C) / when we were kids. (D) No error (E)

35. The police received (A) / tremendous support from (B) / the general public (C) / over that issue. (D) No error (E)

36. I have bought for my sister (A) / a bottle of perfume (B) / on her birthday (C) / and I hope she liked it. (D) No error (E)

37. Throughout his tenure (A) / at the office he (B) / have proven himself to be a (C) / talented and hard-working employee. (D) No error (E)

38. The committee did not (A) / approve the plan (B) / since it were (C) / neither practical nor efficient. (D) No error (E)

39. The bus driver drove rashly (A) / and we had (B) / a narrow escape (C) / on a number of occasions. (D) No error (E)

40. He never remember (A) / to pick up the (B) / milk bottles while (C) / picking up the newspaper. (D) No error (E)

Directions—(Q. 41–50) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. Thesenumbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

The visit to the planet earth museum is always exciting and teaches some interesting …(41)… about the world we live in.

Forests are home to nearly half of the world’s plants and animals. Trees clean the air and …(42)… oxygen for us to breathe. Everyday we cut …(43)… trees and destroy more than 36 football fields of forests.

Rivers collect rainwater and …(44)… it to the oceans. Farms and factories pollute the rivers with pesticides and chemicals. This is harmful to the marine animals and the humans …(45)… drink it.

At the opposite ends of the worlds, Arctic and the Antarctic are freezing cold. So cold that they are …(46)… covered in ice. The fuel we use makes the climate …(47)… It melts the ice and the water level rises which …(48)… to floods.

Out planet is …(49)…. We must conserve it by using as much renewable sources of energy as possible. Every individual must play his part to …(50)… to the protection of the environment.

41. (A) concept
(B) observation
(C) facts
(D) experience
(E) struggles

42. (A) take
(B) acquire
(C) display
(D) filter
(E) produce

43. (A) down
(B) lots
(C) much
(D) through
(E) thousands

44. (A) throw
(B) dispenses
(C) merges
(D) carry
(E) combines

45. (A) which
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) that
(E) those

46. (A) never
(B) once
(C) most
(D) equally
(E) always

47. (A) colder
(B) uncomfortable
(C) heated
(D) warmer
(E) burning

48. (A) leads
(B) results
(C) leading
(D) grows
(E) develop

49. (A) indestructible
(B) intense
(C) precious
(D) expensive
(E) lavish

50. (A) help
(B) contribute
(C) afford
(D) result
(E) leading

Answers : 1. (A), 2. (E) ,3. (D), 4. (B), 5. (A) ,6. (D) ,7. (D) ,8. (C) ,9. (C) ,10. (B). 11. (D) ,12. (E) ,13. (B) 14. (C) ,15. (A). 16. (C), 17. (A), 18. (D), 19. (B),
20. (E) 21. (A), 22. (B) ,23. (D), 24. (C) ,25. (E) 26. (C) ,27. (E) ,
28. (B) ,29. (D), 30. (A) 31. (B) ,32. (A), 33. (C), 34. (C) ,35. (E),
36. (D) ,37. (C) ,38. (C ,39. (E), 40. (A). 41. (C), 42. (E) ,43. (A),
44. (D), 45. (B) ,46. (E) 47. (D), 48. (B) ,49. (C), 50. (A)
19th May 2015, 01:20 PM
Re: Clerk Exam paper for Andhra Bank

Hi I want the question paper of Clerk Exam of Andhra Bank so will you please provide me?
19th May 2015, 01:20 PM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Clerk Exam paper for Andhra Bank

Ok, as you want the question paper of Clerk Exam of Andhra Bank so here I am providing you.

Andhra Bank Clerk Exam question paper

1. A certain type of mixture is prepared by mixing brand A at Rs.9 a kg. with brand B at Rs.4 a kg. If the mixture is worth Rs.7 a kg., how many kgs. of brand A are needed to make 40kgs. of the mixture?
Ans. Brand A needed is 24kgs.

2. A wizard named Nepo says “I am only three times my son’s age. My father is 40 years more than twice my age. Together the three of us are a mere 1240 years old.” How old is Nepo?
Ans. 360 years old.

3. One dog tells the other that there are two dogs in front of me. The other one also shouts that he too had two behind him. How many are they?
Ans. Three.

4. A man ate 100 bananas in five days, each day eating 6 more than the previous day. How many bananas did he eat on the first day?
Ans. Eight.

5. If it takes five minutes to boil one egg, how long will it take to boil four eggs?
Ans. Five minutes.

6. Three containers A, B and C have volumes a, b, and c respectively; and container A is full of water while the other two are empty. If from container A water is poured into container B which becomes 1/3 full, and into container C which becomes 1/2 full, how much water is left in container A?

7. ABCE is an isosceles trapezoid and ACDE is a rectangle. AB = 10 and EC = 20. What is the length of AE?
Ans. AE = 10.

8. In the given figure, PA and PB are tangents to the circle at A and B respectively and the chord BC is parallel to tangent PA. If AC = 6 cm, and length of the tangent AP is 9 cm, then what is the length of the chord BC?
Ans. BC = 4 cm.

9 Three cards are drawn at random from an ordinary pack of cards. Find the probability that they will consist of a king, a queen and an ace.
Ans. 64/2210.

10. A number of cats got together and decided to kill between them 999919 mice. Every cat killed an equal number of mice. Each cat killed more mice than there were cats. How many cats do you think there were ?
Ans. 991.

11. If Log2 x – 5 Log x + 6 = 0, then what would the value / values of x be?
Ans. x = e2 or e3.

12. The square of a two digit number is divided by half the number. After 36 is added to the quotient, this sum is then divided by 2. The digits of the resulting number are the same as those in the original number, but they are in reverse order. The ten’s place of the original number is equal to twice the difference between its digits. What is the number?
Ans. 46

13.Can you tender a one rupee note in such a manner that there shall be total 50 coins but none of them would be 2 paise coins.?
Ans. 45 one paisa coins, 2 five paise coins, 2 ten paise coins, and 1 twenty-five paise coins.

14.A monkey starts climbing up a tree 20ft. tall. Each hour, it hops 3ft. and slips back 2ft. How much time would it take the monkey to reach the top?
Ans.18 hours.

15. What is the missing number in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 6 18 12
Ans. 9

16. The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 64 minutes of correct time. How much a day does the clock gain or lose?
Ans. 32 8/11 minutes.

17. Solve for x and y: 1/x – 1/y = 1/3, 1/x2 + 1/y2 = 5/9.
Ans. x = 3/2 or -3 and y = 3 or -3/2.

18. Daal is now being sold at Rs. 20 a kg. During last month its rate was Rs. 16 per kg. By how much percent should a family reduce its consumption so as to keep the expenditure fixed?
Ans. 20 %.

19. Find the least value of 3x + 4y if x2y3 = 6.
Ans. 10.

20. Can you find out what day of the week was January 12, 1979?
Ans. Friday.

21. A garrison of 3300 men has provisions for 32 days, when given at a rate of 850 grams per head. At the end of 7 days a reinforcement arrives and it was found that now the provisions will last 8 days less, when given at the rate of 825 grams per head. How, many more men can it feed?
Ans. 1700 men.

22. From 5 different green balls, four different blue balls and three different red balls, how many combinations of balls can be chosen taking at least one green and one blue ball?
Ans. 3720.

23. Three pipes, A, B, & C are attached to a tank. A & B can fill it in 20 & 30 minutes respectively while C can empty it in 15 minutes. If A, B & C are kept open successively for 1 minute each, how soon will the tank be filled?
Ans. 167 minutes.

24. A person walking 5/6 of his usual rate is 40 minutes late. What is his usual time?
Ans. 3 hours 20 minutes.

25. Mr. Shah decided to walk down the escalator of a tube station. He found that if he walks down 26 steps, he requires 30 seconds to reach the bottom. However, if he steps down 34 stairs he would only require 18 seconds to get to the bottom. If the time is measured from the moment the top step begins to descend to the time he steps off the last step at the bottom, find out the height of the stair way in steps?
Ans.46 steps.

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