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11th November 2014, 03:11 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: CBSE SA2 English Communicative Exam Question Paper

Here is the list of few questions of CBSE SA2 English Communicative Exam Question Paper which you are looking for .

1. Salwan Public School Agra has been invited to present a program on Doordarshan on 13th
January 2014. Ravi/Rani , the secretary is asked to write a notice in 50- 60 words for the school
notice board inviting talented students to appear for selection for the different programs.
Write the notice as Ravi/Rani, the Cultural Captain of the School.

2. Your school collected a lot of clothing and articles for the recent Uttarakhand Tragedy. Write
a report on the process and collection in your school and how you gained from the experience
in terms of learning about welfare and outreach in times of an emergency.Your name is Joyal/Joey. Write your report in 50 words.

For more questions , here is the attachment
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File Type: pdf CBSE SA2 English Communicative exam paper.pdf (588.1 KB, 119 views)
18th May 2015, 11:08 AM
Re: CBSE SA2 English Communicative Exam Question Paper

Will you provide me the sample paper of English Communicative Summative Assessment 2 exam of the CBSE 10 board ?
18th May 2015, 11:16 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: CBSE SA2 English Communicative Exam Question Paper

As you want I am here providing you sample paper of English Communicative Summative Assessment 2 exam of the CBSE 10 board.

Sample paper :

1. Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow : 8
1 We got a white-carpet welcome as our bus rolled into Manali. Stately
deodar trees were covered with silvery white, their branches bent
under the weight of soft hail, piling up bit by bit. I jumped out of the
bus to feel the snow falling on me, for it was my first encounter with
the pearly-white soft hail lightly falling on the ground, on rooftops and
on trees. The houses, cars, poles and the road we were walking on were
dressed up in white to celebrate winter.

2 As our group stood at a tea shop on the wayside, sipping masala chai, I
looked around the snow-capped landscape, with the Beas river flowing
nearby. Suddenly, I was showered with more snowflakes, which
seemed to have attained a quality of ‘being’; as if each one of them had
a character, a role to play — to delight, to enthrall and to create a
perfect platform for fun and games. I connected with them instantly.
Perhaps, my colleagues felt the same way too.

(a) The narrator travelled to Manali to celebrate ___________ .
(b) Getting down from the bus, her first experience was that of
___________ falling on her.

1. Read the poem given below. 5 IN LONDON TOWN
It was a bird of Paradise,
Over the roofs he flew.
All the children in a trice
Clapped their hands and cried,
“How nice!
Look-his wings are blue!”
His body was of ruby red,
His eyes were burning gold,
All the grown-up people said,
“What a pity the creature is not dead,
For then it could be sold!”
One was braver than the rest,
He took a loaded gun;
Aiming at the emerald chest,
He shot the creature through the breast,
Down it fell in the sun.
It was not heavy, it was not fat,
And folks began to stare.
“We cannot eat it, that is flat!
Why, who could ever wear?”
They flung it into the river brown.
“A pity the creature died!”
With a smile and with a frown,
Thus they did in London town;
But all the children cried.

Given below is the summary of the poem. Fill in the blanks with suitable words
to complete the summary.

The children clapped and cried when (a)__________. The grown-ups wanted to kill
the bird so that (b)__________ and one of the men(c)__________ and shot the bird
through the breast and the (d)__________. Then they found that (e)__________
because (f)__________. So they (g)___________ with a mixed feeling of
(h)__________. The poem highlights that while the children (i)__________ the
adults (j)__________. We learn from the poem that as children, human beings have
emotions and a natural love for all creatures but when they grow old, their emotions
die and they become selfish and greedy.

2. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow by 5
choosing the answers from the given options :
World Food Day is observed on October 16 every year. The day is meant to highlight
the plight of the hungry, the under nourished and the malnourished of the world. The
plight of the children of the poor is miserable, among whom the girl child is the worst
off. India ranks high in the number of people unable to get minimum calorie
requirements of each day.
Irony here is that the people who work to grow food are the ones who mainly go
hungry. United Nation‟s report released on the occasion of the World Food Day
gives details of what hunger does to the individual, the family and society as a whole.
Seven out of ten of the world‟s poor are women and girls. Therefore, a focus on
women is essentially a focus on the poorest.
There is strong evidence that empowering women is the surest way to reduce poverty.
In households facing continuous hunger, even babies in mother‟s wombs, the
newborn and young children do not receive the required nutrition. This results in
inadequate development of physical and mental capacities in the new generation. A
physically and mentally weak new generation is doomed to perpetuate the hunger- poverty cycle. Maternal malnutrition is a vital guarantee of low birth weight, stunted
growth, susceptibility to disease and quite often intellectual impairment. It can
devastate a child.

(1) World Food Day is observed to highlight the ___________
(a) the attention of the beggars (b) the condition of the girl child
(c) the undeveloped economy of the country (d) the undernourished and malnourished
(2) A country that is unable to give its minimum calorie to its inhabitants is ___________
(a) America (b) Russia
(c) India (d) U.K.
(3) The statement – „the people who work to grow food are the ones who mainly go
hungry‟ is an example of ___________ .
(a) a simile (b) irony
(c) a pun (d) an onomatopoeia
(4) Find the word in the passage which means the same as „giving more strength‟.
(a) susceptibility (b) empowering
(c) continuous (d) adequate
(5) Maternal malnutrition leads a child to ___________ .
(a) zenith (b) devastation
(c) village (d) decay

3. Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow. 5
The U.S. India, and Gandhiji have a long history of influence on each other and Gandhiji‟s
impact, both past and present on the US has been immeasurable, invaluable and immense.
Gandhiji was a guiding light for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhiji‟s teachings on civil
disobedience set the tone for the civil rights in America. As Dr. King himself said during his
visit to India, “since being in India, I am more convinced than ever before that the method of
non-violent resistance is the most potent weapon available to the oppressed people in their
struggle for justice and human dignity. In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life
certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe, and these
principals are as inescapable as the law of gravitation.”
Just as Gandhiji inspired Dr King, the American philosopher Henry David Thoreau helped
shape some of Gandhiji‟s strongest beliefs. Thoreau was once sentenced to serve in prison for
his peaceful protest against slavery in America. Gandhiji certainly would have appreciated
Thoreau‟s views on living a simple life.
The US-India partnership is driven by our shared values, many of which have been heavily
influenced by Gandhiji‟s teachings and beliefs. For example, Gandhiji‟s values and thinking
on equality and acceptance of all religions, tolerance, and communal unity, which are now part
of the fabric of Indian society and culture, are among the strongest of the shared values that
have driven our close people-to-people ties and are growing strategic government to -
government ties.
(a) Martin Luther King Junior used to adore ______________ in America.
(b) Gandhiji‟s principles were as unavoidable as ______________ .
(c) American philosopher ______________ Gandhiji‟s philosophy of life.
(d) Government ties and the fabric of Indian society is woven by ______________ and
communal unity.
(e) Indo-US partnership is based on ______________ .

4.Read the passage given below and complete the sentences that follow by 5
choosing the answers from the given options :
Tea, like rice, is a way of life in China. It is drunk before, after and between meals. Many
legends are told about the origin of tea. One such tale is about the Indian Buddhist monk,
Bodhidharma, who travelled to China to spread the message of Buddhism. At one point, he
tore off his eye lids and flung them on the ground to prevent sleep from coming in the way of
his work. The plant which sprung from this spot, the story goes, continues to give us this
refreshing brew.
Tea drinking, as an art form, first appeared in the Tang dynasty. The Classic of Tea, by the
scholar Lu Yu, was written in this period and is considered the foremost guide to learning
about tea. In the nineteenth century the Britons went to war which China to break its trade
monopoly, and forced it to open its ports to the West.
In a traditional tea ceremony, the hostess does not fill her guest‟s cup to the brim. It is her
way of showing that the love and affection the two share will top it up. The Chinese value the
brew for all its attributes – taste, smell, appearance and therapeutic properties. It is normally
drunk without milk or sugar and devoted drinkers pay great attention to the source and
temperature of the water, the tea ware and many other minute details.
But China‟s favorite brew is facing many threats. Multinational coffee brands are working
hard at luring the young to their cafes. Mushrooming fast food outlets, which offer instant
tea, coffee and coco also pose a threat. The older generation may be content with communing
with a pot of homemade brew, but some young Chinese are beating a path to their past. Not
impressed by these new, imported brews, they continue to frequent exclusive traditional tea
houses. That goes to show that, come what may the Chinese will always drink tea.

(1) According to one legend the refreshing brew comes from the ________ flung on the \
(a) tongue (b) nose
(c) eyelids (d) ear
(2) Tea drinking as started by the Tang dynasty is ___________ .
(a) a skill (b) an art
(c) a sport (d) a pastime
(3) In a traditional tea ceremony the cup is left to be filled with _________ .
(a) tea leaves (b) sugar cubes
(c) love and affection (d) cup of milk
(4) The young Chinese are now taking to ___________ houses.
(a) homemade (b) imported
(c) instant coffee (d) traditional tea
(5) The word, „luring‟ means ___________ .
(a) attracting or enticing (b) contributing
(c) possessing (d) claiming

(Writing – 20 Marks)
5. Given below is a profile of an actress, Anu Kumar. Write a short bio-sketch of 4
Anu Kumar in about 80 words.
You may take the help of the clues given below :
Age - 24 years
Height - six feet,
Weight - 40 kg
Marital status - unmarried
Family - two sisters, one brother
Education - B.A
National award - 1999
Good sense of humour
Acted in ten movies
6. Write a letter to the Editor of „The Times of India‟ about the poor condition of roads in 8
your locality. This causes frequent accidents. You are Amit/Amita of 8, Connaught Place,
7. The Commonwealth Games have brought India into limelight. Its arts, culture, food, 8
literature and monuments- everything is in focus. Yet when you visited a national monument
recently, you were pained to see its plight. With the help of words given below and using
ideas from the unit, Travel and Tourism, write an article for your school magazine in about
150 words. Also give a suitable title to your article.
lack of essential services, poor state of maintenance,
beggars, misuse, writing on walls

(Grammar – 20 Marks)

8. Complete the passage given below choosing correct alternatives. ½x8=4
There was a time when children were sent off to school (a)__________ parents sat back and
watched their wards get education. There were no weekly sessions (b)__________ teachers
and parents to discuss the progress of their wards. Nor were there (c)__________ meetings
with the school counsellor to tell parents where they erred. Not so today. More and more
parents (d)__________ of the stress of doing their children‟s homework. With both parents
working there is an underlying feeling of being blackmailed (e)__________ feeling that
they are not doing enough for their kids. So gruelling evenings (f)__________ learning
physics or chemistry. There is a resentment (g)__________ many parents that their already
stressful lives are further burdened with the homework duty piled (h)__________ them.
(a) (i) or (ii) though (iii) when (iv) and
(b) (i) among (ii) with (iii) between (iv) within
(c) (i) any (ii) some (iii) many (iv) few
(d) (i) have complained (ii) complains (iii) were complaining (iv) are complaining
(e) (i) with (ii) for (iii) into (iv) of
(f) (i) have been spent (ii) are spent (iii) had been spent (iv) were spent
(g) (i) from (ii) of (iii) by (iv) among
(h) (i) into (ii) on (iii) up (iv) of

9. Complete the following news reports by choosing the correct options : 1x4=4
Reserve Bank of India ___________ key interest rates by 25 basis points with immediate
(i) has hiked (ii) hiked
(iii) will hike (iv) may hike
A fake visa racket __________ with the arrest of two youths in Bangalore.
(i) is busted (ii) has been busted
(iii) will bust (iv) had been busted
Three fishermen __________ in the Indian ocean on Monday.
(i) were drowned when their boat overturned.
(ii) got drowned when their boat overturned.
(iii) had been drowned in the overturn of their boat.
(iv) have been drowned when a boat overturned.
A man __________ by walking over a period of 6 months.
(i) will shed 27 kgs (ii) sheds 27 kgs
(iii) was to shed (iv) will be shedding

10. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. The first one 1x4=4
has been done for you.
(i) and/requires/inexpensive/it‟s/equipment/nospecial.
(ii) easily/routine/everyday/can/your/it/with/fit in.
(iii) swimming/lots more/calories/eats up/running/per minute/than/or cycling.
(iv) you run/when/that/make sure/your/strides are/not/too long.

11. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the ½x8=4
missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes
after it. Ensure that your answer is underlined.
Sophie‟s face faded into grey winter light Eg : into the grey
of the sitting room. She dozed the armchair (a) ______ _____ _____
that Joe had brought for her their 40th (b) ______ _____ _____
anniversary. The room warm and (c) ______ _____ _____
quiet. Outside it snowing lightly (d) ______ _____ _____
At quarter past one mailman turned (e) ______ _____ _____
the corner into Alleer Street. He late (f) ______ _____ _____
not because the snow but (g) ______ _____ _____
because it Valentine‟s Day. (h) ______ _____ _____

12. Complete the following news reports accompanying the following headlines by 1x4=4
filling in the blanks.
(a) VVS Laxman, Vaseline and Vaughan stir up a pot
A controversy erupted in the second India – England Test when VVS Laxman __________ to
manipulate the Hot – Spot technology.
(b) Train accident in West Bengal, minister denies casualties.
Railway minister Dinesh Trivedi __________ in Malda in West Bengal.
(c) Another CIA station chief exits Islamabad
Yet another CIA station chief in Islamabad __________ Pakistan last week.
(d) Sikh judge appointed to UK High Court, can wear turban.
The UK High Court __________ rather than a traditional judicial wig.

(Literature – 20 Marks)
13A. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct
options. 3
In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud,
It perched for vespers nine;
Whiles all the night through fog-smoke white,
Glimmered the white Moon-shine.
(a) Who is „it‟ in the above lines ?
(i) The ship (ii) The albatross
(iii) The sea-birds (iv) The fog
(b) What does „vespers nine‟ refer to ?
(i) the time of 9 o‟ clock (ii) the fangs of a snake
(iii) the nine corners of a ship (iv) the evening time of prayer (church service) for nine days.
(c) Why was „it‟ a boon for the sailors ?
(i) because it had brought a lot of money
(ii) because it had helped the sailors reach the shore
(iii) because it along with its friends had helped the sailors
(iv) because it had brought luck and the sailors could move out of the land of mist and snow

13 B. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 3
“Counting your chickens again before they‟re hatched, are you ? No wonder you could never make a go
of it.”
(a) Who speaks the above lines ?
(b) What does the idiom, “counting your chickens before they are hatched” mean ?
(c) What is the speaker‟s impression of the person spoken to ?

14. Answer any four of the following in 30-40 words each. 2x4=8
(a) Who is Jenkins ? In what sense is he helpful to John ?
(b) Why was Patol Babu not excited about the role assigned to him by Naresh Dutt ?
(c) What is the attitude of the poet to king Ozymandias ?
(d) The crowd in Julius Caesar is fickle minded. Comment.
(e) Why did the Wedding Guest beat his breast ?

15. Answer the following in about 120 words. 6
As one of the sailors write a diary entry on how you felt after the ancient mariner had committed the sin
of killing the albatross, for which you think he deserved a punishment.
Imagine you are Mark Antony. With your skilful oratory you are able to turn the tables on the
murderers of Caesar. As Mark Antony, write a diary entry about the day‟s events and your satisfaction
that you were able to take revenge on the assassinators of Caesar.

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