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17th March 2016, 02:16 PM
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Re: Bank of Baroda PO Paper pdf

Friend On your Asking Here I am providing Previous year Bank of Baroda Probationary officer Recruitment Exam paper :

In a certain code language, 'no
more food' is written as 'ta ka da'
and 'more than that' is written as
'sa pa ka'. How is 'that' written in
that code language ?
1) sa
(2) ka
(3) sa or pa
(4) Date inadequate
(5} None of these

In a certain code SHOULDER is
written as VPITQDCK. How is
MORNINGS written in that code ?
(5) None of these

In a certain code GUEST isrwritten
as 53@$2 and MEAN is written
as 6@4#. How is SAME writter
in that code ?
(1)4$6@ (2) $46®
(3) $36@ . (4) 5$6@
(5) i\one of these

D is brother of K, M is sister of
K. R is father of D and S is mother
of M How is K related to R ?
(2) Daughter
(3) Son or daughter
(4) Data inadequai e
(5) None of these

If it is possible to make only one
meaningful English word with the
first, the fifth, the ninth and the
tenth letters of the word SEQUENTIAL,
which of the following
will be the second letter of
that word ? If no such word can
be formed give 'X' as the answer
and if more than one such word
can be formed, give T a s the answer.
(US (2) A
(3) E (4) X

Sushil walked 15 metres towards
South, took a left turn and walked
20 metres again he took a left turn
and walked 15 metres. How far
and in which direction is he from
the starting point ?
(1) 20 metres. West
(2) 20 metres, East
(3) 50 metres, West
(4) 50 metres, East
(5) Data inadequate

How many such pairs of digits are
there in the number 254983 each
of which has as many digits/ between
them in the number as
when the digits are rearranged in
descending order within the number
(l)None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three

How many such pairs of letters
are there in the word CHRONICLE
each of which has as many
letters between them in the word
as in the English alphabet ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three

If V means V; '+' means '-=-'; '-'
means'+' and 'x' means' -'; then
20 - 16 + 4 x 3 -s- 2 = ?
(1)16 (2)30
(3) 18 (4) 24
(5) None of these

Step II of an input is : desk 12
year Victor 86 71 störe 65
Which of the following will be
step VII ?
(1) desk 12 störe 65 year 71 victory
(2) desk 12 stoie 65 71 yearvictory
(3) desk 12 störe 65 year victory
86 71
(4) There will be no such step
(5) None of these

Inpuu earn 39 23 48 Station 19
begin day
How many teps will be required
to complete the rearrangement ?
(l)Five (2)Seven
(3)Eight (4)Six
(5) None of these

Step III of an input is : and 25
jungle 93 84 kite more 36
Which of the following is definitely
the input ?
(1) 93 84 kite more and 36 25
(2) 9S 81 and 25 kite jungle more
(3) jungle 93 and 84 25 kite more
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

B @ D, D 8 F, F % M. M N
Conclusions :
I. B % F
III. N % F
(1) None is true
(2) Only 1 is true
(3) Only II is true
(4) OnK III is true
(5) Only IV is true

R T, 1 8 M, M % K, K @ V
I. V 8 M
II. V ö T
III. M % R
IV. K 5 R
(1) Only I and II are true
(2) Only I and III are true
(3) Only II and IV are true
(4) Only I, III and IV are true
(5) None of these

.RBI’s open market operation
transactions are carried out with
a view to regulate—(A) Liquidity
in the economy
(B) Prices of essential
(C) Inflation
(D) Borrowing power of the banks
(E) All the above

When more than one banks
are allowing credit facilities to
one party in coordinationwith
each other under a formal
arrangement, the arrangement is
generally known as—
(A) Participation
(B) Consortium
(C) Syndication
(D) Multiple banking
(E) None of these

Open market operations, one
of the measures taken by RBI in
order to control creditexpansion
in the economy means —
(A) Sale or purchase of Govt.
(B) Issuance of different types of
(C) Auction of gold
(D) To make available direct
finance to borrowers
(E) None of these
The bank rate means—(A)
Rate of interest charged by
commercial banks from borrowers
(B) Rate of interest at which
commercial banks discounted bills
of their borrowers
(C) Rate of interest allowed by
commercial banks on their deposits
(D) Rate at which RBI purchases
or rediscounts bills of exchange of
commercial banks
(E) None of these

What is an Indian Depository
Receipt ?(A) A deposit account
with a Public Sector Bank
(B) A depository account with any
of Depositories in India
(C) An instrument in the form of
depository receipt created by an
Indian depository against
underlying equity shares of the
issuing company
(D) An instrument in the form of
deposit receipt issued by Indian
(E) None of these

An instrument that derives its
value from a specified
underlying (currency, gold,
stocks etc.) is known as—(A)
(B) Securitisation Receipts
(C) Hedge Fund
(D) Factoring
(E) Venture Capital Funding

Fiscal deficit is—(A) total
income less Govt. borrowing
(B) total payments less total
(C) total payments less capital
(D) total expenditure less total
receipts excluding borrowing
(E) None of these

In the Capital Market, the
term arbitrage is used with
reference to—(A) purchase of
securities to cover the sale
(B) sale of securities to reduce the
loss on purchase
(C) simultaneous purchase and sale
of securities to make profits from
(D) variation in different markets
(E) Any of the above

Reverse repo means—(A)
Injecting liquidity by the Central
Bank of a country through
purchase of Govt. securities
(B) Absorption of liquidity from
the market by sale of Govt.
(C) Balancing liquidity with a
view to enhancing economic
growth rate
(D) Improving the position of
availability of the securities in the
(E) Any of the above

Euro Bond is an
instrument—(A) issued in the
European market
(B) issued in Euro Currency
(C) issued in a country other than
the country of the currency of the
(D) All of the above
(E) None of these

Money Laundering normally
involves—(A) placement of funds
(B) layering of funds
(C) integration of funds
(D) All of (A), (B) and (C)
(E) None of (A), (B) and (C)

The IMF and the World
Bank were conceived as
institutions to—(A) strengthen
international economic cooperation
and to help create a more
stable and prosperous global
(B) IMF promotes international
monetary cooperation
(C) The World Bank promotes
long term economic development
and poverty reduction
(D) All of (A), (B) and (C)
(E) None of (A), (B) and (C)

Capital Market Regulator
is—(A) RBI

In the term BRIC, R stands
for—(A) Romania
(B) Rajithan
(C) Russia
(D) Regulation
(E) None of these

FDI refers to—(A) Fixed
Deposit Interest
(B) Fixed Deposit Investment
(C) Foreign Direct Investment
(D) Future Derivative Investment
(E) None of these

What is Call Money ?(A)
Money borrowed or lent for a day
or over night
(B) Money borrowed for more
than one day but upto 3 days
(C) Money borrowed for more
than one day but upto 7 days
(D) Money borrowed for more
than one day but upto 14 days
(E) None of these

Which is the first Indian
company to be listed in
NASDAQ ?(A) Reliance
(D) Infosys
(E) None of these

Which of the following is the
Regulator of the credit rating
agencies in India ?(A) RBI
(E) None of these

Who is Brand Endorsing
Personality of Bank of Baroda
?(A) Juhi Chawla
(B) Kiran Bedi
(C) Amitabh Bachchan
(D) Kapil Dev
(E) None of these

The branding line of Bank of
Baroda is—(A) International
Bank of India
(B) India’s International Bank
(C) India’s Multinational Bank
(D) World’s local Bank
(E) None of these

The logo of Bank of Baroda
is known as—(A) Sun of Bank of
(B) Baroda Sun
(C) Bank of Baroda’s Rays
(D) Sunlight of Bank of Baroda
(E) None of these

Hillary Clinton formally
suspended her campaign to
ensure election of who amongst
the following for the next
President of USA ?
(A) George Bush
(B) Barack Obama
(C) John McCain
(D) Bill Clinton
(E) None of these

Hugo Chavez whose name
was recently in news is the—(A)
President of Congo
(B) Prime Minister of Uganda
(C) President of Venezuela
(D) Prime Minister of Brazil
(E) None of these

The Govt. of India has raised
the amount of the Loan Waiver
to the farmers by 20%. Now the
amount is nearly—(A) Rs. 60,000
(B) Rs. 65,000 crore
(C) Rs. 72,000 crore
(D) Rs. 76,000 crore
(E) Rs. 80,000 crore

India and Nepal have many
agreements on sharing of the
water of various rivers. Which of
the following rivers is not
covered under these agreements
(A) Kosi
(B) Gandak
(C) Ganga
(D) Mahakali
(E) All these rivers are covered

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