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28th July 2014, 10:31 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: ASHA leadership in schools program

The Leadership Development Program is a year-long program for ASHA members who have leadership potential. This encourages participants to develop your leadership skills and give back to the professions through volunteering. ASHA stands for American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).

Current Leadership Development Program participants are saying about the LDP:
Collaborating with colleagues
Learning new ideas/strategies for setting goals, formulating a project and articulating a vision
Being able to discover my strengths and challenges as a leader and to develop those further along with my colleagues
Gaining leadership perspective from professionals
Gaining a leadership support staff of friends

What are the components of the Program?
Participate in a full-day Leadership Development Program face-to-face workshop.
Participate in scheduled webinars over the course of the next year on selected leadership topics. Develop and complete an individual leadership project.
Actively participate on your learning team.

Fee To Participate
The fee is $250

LDP Health Care Applicant Requirements:
Current ASHA member Employment in a health care environment
No prior service on an ASHA or Special Interest Group committee, board, council, working group, or task force.
Leaders in state associations are welcome to apply.
Able to commit to participate in the year-long program and complete all program requirements
21st May 2015, 11:23 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: ASHA leadership in schools program

ASHA's (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) Leadership Development Program (LDP) is a year-long program for ASHA members with leadership potential.

This program encourages students to develop leadership skills and give back to the professions through volunteering—whether with ASHA or at other workplace.

Leadership Development Program participants are saying about the most rewarding aspects of the LDP is following:
• Collaborating with colleagues
• Learning new ideas/strategies for setting goals, formulating a project and articulating a vision
• Being able to discover my strengths and challenges as a leader and to develop those further along with my colleagues
• Gaining leadership perspective from professionals
• Gaining a leadership support staff of friends
• 2015 LDP Cohorts

Program Components:
• Participate in a full-day Leadership Development Program face-to-face workshop.
• Participate in 8 scheduled webinars over the course of the next year on selected leadership topics.
• Develop and complete an individual leadership project.
• Actively participate on your learning team.

Leadership Projects Examples:
• Working on a project for your state association
• Developing a support group or family training program
• Working with a team to implement a new clinical or educational program
• Working to advocate for reimbursement, legislation, or policy change

ASHA's LDP Details:
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
ASHA established a Leadership Development Program (LDP) in 2006. The 2007 LDP class was
the inaugural cadre; our second LDP class (2008) is now underway – so this is still a relatively
new program.
The feedback we received from the 2007 LDP class was overwhelmingly positive along all
dimensions (e.g., caliber of the experience, effectiveness of the professional development,
interest in serving in volunteer leadership roles within the Association) – and informal feedback
from the 2008 LDP class thus far is similarly positive.
The following pages include:
• LDP Solicitation Letter
• Agenda for the June 2008 Leadership Development Institute
• LDP Project Guidelines
For further information about ASHA’s Leadership Development Program, please contact
Maureen Thompson, ASHA’s Director of Association Governance Operations at
mthompson@asha.org or 301-296-5710.
You have been identified as a promising candidate for ASHA’s new Leadership Development Program
(LDP). I’m writing to give you some information about the program and to encourage you to apply.
The LDP is designed to encourage individuals with leadership potential to develop their skills in service to
the professions through ASHA. We’re seeking applicants who are interested in ideas and professional
issues, and have shown evidence of leadership potential in workplace projects, through state association
activities, or work with civic, church, or other volunteer groups. The LDP will accept approximately 20
candidates to receive leadership training in exchange for volunteer service on an ASHA committee,
board, task group, or in another volunteer capacity
If you are selected, you’ll travel to the ASHA National Office in Rockville for an intensive Leadership
Development Institute, June 5-7, 2008 with all expenses paid by ASHA. You’ll identify a personal
leadership development project to work on in the months leading up to the ASHA Convention, and will
receive coaching through that project. You will meet again with your LDP “class” at the ASHA Convention
in Chicago. There you will observe one or more ASHA committees at work on Committee Day, which is
Wednesday, November 19, and also participate in some additional group activities.
Finally, you’ll be matched with an ASHA committee, board, or task group whose work fits with your
professional background and interests for a term of service beginning in 2009 or later.
If you’re selected, you’ll have the chance to meet seasoned ASHA leaders, build your network of
professional contacts, learn about ASHA’s programs and procedures, and develop valuable skills in
managing people and projects. In return, ASHA and the professions will benefit from the ideas, insights,
and energy you’ll bring to the table.
ASHA’s LDP is an unmatched opportunity to contribute to your profession while building skills that will
benefit you personally and professionally. Application materials are attached. I warmly encourage you to
apply, and to join the next generation of ASHA leaders.
Kate Gottfred
2008 ASHA President
Thursday, June 5, 2008
8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast/Program Overview/Introductions………. ..Bob Arzt
Welcome .................................................. . .Kate Gottfred/Arlene Pietranton
Transforming Dreams to Goals to Reality ...................................... Bob Arzt
12:15 p.m.
: Recognize-Relate-Apply-Assimilate .................................... Bob Arzt
Introduction to ASHA Volunteerism ............................ Maureen Thompson
Project Management 101 .................................................. . Jo Ann Janhunen
: Recognize-Relate-Apply-Assimilate .................................... Bob Arzt
Dinner Outing (optional)
Friday, June 6, 2008
7:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Introduction to ASHA .................................................. ..... Arlene Pietranton
Integrity Coaching Hour 1 .................................................. ............ Bob Arzt
Integrity Coaching Hour 2 .................................................. ............ Bob Arzt
Integrity Coaching Hour 3 .................................................. ............ Bob Arzt
12:00 p.m.
Integrity Coaching Hour 4 .................................................. ........... Bob Arzt
Strategic Pathway to Excellence .................................. Vicki Deal-Williams
Q/A on Post-Institute Project
: Recognize-Relate-Apply-Assimilate .................................... Bob Arzt
Conduct coaching assignment
Saturday, June 7, 2008
8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
Integrity Coaching Workshop 1 .................................................. .... Bob Arzt
Time Management, Ideal Work Week, Focus Areas Assignment .. Bob Arzt
Discussion of Post-Institute Project
Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks .................................. Bob Arzt/ASHA staff
12:00 p.m.
Next Steps .................................................. ................................. ASHA staff
Leadership Project
Your personal leadership project is intended to give you a chance to practice some of
the leadership and project management skills covered in the program. You’ll receive
coaching and support while working on the project and will report on it to your LDP
cohort when you meet at Convention.
You may choose a project related to work or personal activities. The only requirements
• The project involves organizing the efforts of others toward a defined outcome.
• You are the designated project leader.
• The project is of short duration. Ideally, you will be able to complete it between
the Leadership Development Institute (June 5-7) and Convention (November 20-
22). If you’re working on a large-scale project, you may select a sub-project for
your Leadership Development Project.
• Resources to complete the project are available (ASHA cannot fund your
personal leadership development project).
Some of the Leadership Development Projects completed by the 2007 class include:
• Developing a position description and tutorial for state association student liaisons to define roles
and responsibilities, establish appropriate expectations, and aid in recruitment
• Creating PROS (Promoting Research Opportunities), a targeted campaign to promote the
development of future researchers and increase the awareness of fellowship opportunities for
audiologists and speech-language pathologists
• Assembling a multidisciplinary Assistive Technology Team to delineate referral and service
delivery procedures for students with identified special needs
• Designing and conducting a workshop on vestibular assessment in Korea and Thailand as part of
Malaysia International Training Program
• Designing a Web-based resource for the promotion of phonetic science instruction, learning, and
• Creating an after school program for children with special needs so that parents/caregivers have
time to attend to other family needs
• Developing collaborative interaction between all service providers in an early childhood special
education program to encourage multidisciplinary, collaborative increase student outcomes and
integrate lesson planning

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