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2nd June 2016, 06:01 PM
AIIMS MDS Nov paper

Hii sir, I wants to get the AIIMS MDS Entrance test Nov 2010 Examination question paper will you please provide me the AIIMS MDS Entrance test Nov 2010 Examination question paper ?
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3rd June 2016, 10:34 AM
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Re: AIIMS MDS Nov paper

As you asking for the AIIMS MDS Entrance test Nov 2010 Examination question paper the question paper consist the Following question

1. A 8 year old child has increased horizontal anteriorbone loss with premature loss of deciduous teeth. Thereis defective cementum and shows excretion of phosphoethanolamine in the urine. The child is sufferingfrom ?


Vit. D resistant rickets3.

Juvenile Periodontitis4.


Ans: 1

2. A 9 year old female patient with severe oral ulceration issuffering with salivation, fever, headache and malaise. Thepeeling of skin of hand and sole in noted. There is increasedtendency for sweating. She is also giving one month historyof using a new teething gel available in the market, the mostprobable prognosis is ? (Repeat from Aiims 2008)1.

Erosive lichen Planus

Epidermolysis Bullosa3.


Steven Johnsons syndrome

Ans: 3

3. A Radicular Cyst is associated with ?1.

Vital tooth2.
Non-Vital tooth3.

Ans: 2

4. Ehler Danlos Syndrome is ? (Repeat from AIPG 2009)1.

Autosomal Dominant2.

Autosomal Recessive3.

X-linked dominant4.

X-linked recessive

Ans: 1

5. Increased Monocytic count is seen in Typhus and which of the following conditions ? (Repeat from AIIMS May 2007)1.


Herpes LAbialis3.


Characteristic Parasitic Infections

Ans: 1

6. Moth Eaten Appearance is seen in all except ?1.


Haemorrhagic Cyst3.

Ans: 2

7. Radiographs of a 40 year old female revealed radiolucentareas around several of her mandibular teeth, all teeth whichtested vital on the electric pulp tester. These areas represent?1.

Multiple granulomas2.

Periapical osteofibrosis3.

Chronic Periapical abscess4.

Bone hypoplasias associated with opalescent teeth
Ans: 2

8. Which of the following presents as radiopaque area foundat the root apex of young permanent teeth involved inchronic pulpitis ?1.

Apical Cyst2.

Apical Condensing Osteitis3.

Chronic Apical Periodontitis4.

Stage one Apical Osteofibrosis
Ans: 2

9. A patient shows a radiolucent area surrounding the apicesof mandibular anterior teeth which are vital. The mostprobable diagnosis is ? (Repeat from Aiims Nov 2008)1.

Periapical granuloma2.


Radicular cyst4.

Chronic Abscess

Ans: 2

10. Which radiographic technique is best for detectingproximal carious lesion with minimum X-ray exposure ?1.

Bitewing with Bisecting angle technique2.

Bitewing with Paralleling technique3.

Bitewing with RVG4.

Panoramic radiography
Ans: 3

11. Bisecting angle technique is based on ?1.

ALARA principle2.

SLOB technique3.

Rule of Isometry4.

Ans: 3
12. A male patient aged 45 years complains of a firm,painless swelling in the anterior palate and bilaterallysymmetrical heart shaped radiolucency in between thecentral incissors. The teeth are vital. Most probablediagnosis is ?1.

Nasoalveolar cyst2.

Median Palatal cyst3.

Globulomaxillary cyst4.

Nasopalatine canal cyst
Ans: 4
13. A vertical radiolucent line extending between maxillarycentral and lateral incisor represents ?1.

An Artifact

Facture line3.

Nutrient Canal4.

Sinus and Fistula
Ans: 1
14. Green stains found on recently erupted upper anteriorteeth of child which are not removed after brushing are dueto ?1.

Chromogenic bacteria2.

Neonatal Line3.


Materia Alba
Ans: 1
15. To predict the occurrence of caries in a 6 year old childwhich of the following gives the best result ?1.

Sibling caries2.

Mothers caries3.

Synders Test4.

Parental Caries
Ans: 2
16. The reason why primary molars appear lighter in color is?1.

Due to less thickness of dentin underlying enamel2.

Different color3.

Because of contrast with the adjacent tissue4.

Different refractive index
Ans: 4
17. Which of the following is true about the initiation ofcalcification of teeth ?1.

Initiation of calcification of primary teeth is complete atthe time of birth2.

Initiation of calcification of all primary teeth andpermanent incissors complete at birth3.

Initiation of calcification of all primary and permanentteeth completes at birth except 3rd molars4.

Calcification of primary teeth starts after birth
Ans: 1
18. Root resorption of maxillary decidious central incissorsstarts by ?1.

3 years2.

4 years3.

5 years4.

6 years
Ans: 2
19. Histologically the dental pulp most closely resembleswhat type of tissue ?1.

Nerve tissue2.

Vascular tissue3.

Granulation tissue4.

Loose Connective tissue
Ans: 4
20. Why the acid etchant is supplied in gel form ?1.

To have better control over flow2.

To get higher concentration of etchant3.

To act more rapidly on enamel surface

To get good taste in patient mouth
Ans: 1
21. Dentin “Conditioner”. True is ?1.

Remove Smear Layer2.

Increases free surface energy of dentin3.

Has low viscosity and bonds to tooth surface tubules4.

Forms a layer of resin on dentin
Ans: 1
22. What is the approximate stress caused by polymerisationcontraction of composite ?1.

1 MPa2.

5 MPa3.

15 MPa4.

30 MPa
Ans: 2
23. A Dentin Primer1.

Etches the Dentin2.

Raises the surface free energy of the dentin3.

Removes the smear layer4.

Bonds the composite
Ans: 2
24. How deep is the micro-porus layer created by etchingthe enamel (in Micrometers)1.




Ans: 2
25. If a patient has gingival recession, how far should thegutta percha be trimmed back before sealing the coronalportion ?1.

1mm below the level of recession2.

1mm below the ACJ3.

1mm below the canal opening4.

1mm below the roof of the pulp chamber
Ans: 1
26. If you choose to temporarily seal the access cavity of atooth with kalzinol, how thick should it be ?1.

1 mm2.

2 mm3.

3 mm4.

4 mm
Ans: 3 (Kalzinol is Zinc Oxide temporary cement)
27. On preparing the root canal with a protaper F2 file, 1mmof the GP cone is cut so as to fit the canal with friction. Thediameter of the apical region is ?1.




Ans: 3
28. Magnification allowed in working length determinationby paralleling technique is ?1.




Ans: 3
29. A Traumatized tooth with necrotic pulp shows periapicalarea of rarefaction radiographically. The pulpal area isclosed. Viable microorganisms might be cultured from thecanal in approximately what percentage of cases ?1.




Ans: 4 (Enterococci are found mostly)
30. Which of the following is not a Kochs Postulate ?1.

The bacteria should be able to be isolated fromdiseased tissue2.

When inoculated in experimental animals, bacteria mayor may not cause disease3.

Pure cultures can be obtained4.

Bacteria should be able to be isolated from thediseased tissue in the experimental animals
Ans: 2
31. To identify the key microrganisns in periodontal disease,kochs postulates have been modified by ?1.




Ans: 1
32. According to Glickman, maximum accumilation of plaque takes place in approximately ?1.

7 days2.

15 days3.

30 days4.

60 days
Ans: 3
33. The Bacterial density or concentration in saliva on anaverage is ?1.

500 million / ml2.

87 million / ml3.

45 million / ml4.

750 million / ml
Ans: 4
34. After cleaning and Pumicing the tooth surface plaqueformation begins to form after ?1.

Few minutes2.

1 hour3.

2 to 4 hours4.

1 day
Ans: 1
35. The depth of clinical gingival sulcus is the distancebetween the gingival margin to the ?1.

Cementoenamel junction2.

Alveolar crest3.

Apical extension of junctional epithelium4.

Apical penetration of the probe
Ans: 4
36. Which of the following conditions requiresgingivoplasties as it creates gingival defects ?1.


Desquamative gingivitis3.

Erosive Lichen Planus4.

Acute Herpatic gingivostomatitis
Ans: 1
37. A periodontal pocket of 8 mm deep having the junctional epithelium coronal to CE junction is ?1.

An Infrabony pocket2.

A Pseudopocket3.

A true periodontal pocket4.

A Furcation involvement
Ans: 2
38. Severe Alveolar Bone loss is seen in patients with Juvenile Periodontitis is related to ?1.

Impaired Osteoblastic activity2.

Increased Phagocytosis3.

Increased Macrophage migration4.

Impaired Neutrophil chemotaxis
Ans: 4
39. Which of the following organism is not implicated inetiology of Periodontal disease ?1.




Ans: 3
40. One common Radiographic finding in clinical gingivitis ?1.

Vertical Bone loss2.

Normal Bone pattern3.

Horizontal Bone loss4.

Increase in Bone density
Ans: 2
41. A 9-year-old child having carious maxillary lateralincisor got small swelling over the respective area. In 48hours the swelling enlarged and reached the lower border of eye, very sensitive to touch and hot, painful to the touchstimuli. The lymph node is palpable and he has little fever,the swelling rebounds on pressure. The recommendedtreatment is ?1.

Antibiotic and hot fomentation2.

Incision and Drainage3.

Injection of sclerosing unit4.

Application of pressure bandage
Ans: 2
42. A patient on steroid therapy has to undergo electiveextraction of many teeth. The premedication indicated priorto surgical procedure is ?1.




Ans: 2
43. In Bilateral Parasymphyseal fractures of the mandible thefractured segment is displaced posteriorly under theinfluence of ?1.

Anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid and geniohyoid2.

Masseter, medial pterygoid and Lateral pterygoid3.

Buccinator, anterior and posterior belly of Digastric4.

Genioglossus, geniohyoid and Posterior belly of Digastric
Ans: 4
44. Most common cause of pulmonary embolism ?1.


End Arteritis3.


Ans: 1
45. A middle aged female patient has eyes widely placed,sparse hair, increased systolic BP, increased pulse pressure,weight loss and nervousness. She may be suffering from ?1.




Ans: 1
46. While giving Epidural nerve block by median approachwhich of the following ligaments are not encountered in themidline ?1.

Supraspinous ligament2.

Interspinous ligament3.

Posterior longitudinal4.

Ligamentum flavum
Ans: 3
47. All of the following are true about standard error of mean except ?1.

It is mean of samples based on normal distribution2.

It is calculated from standard deviation of mean3.

Used to estimate confidence limit4.

Standard error increases with size of sample
Ans: 4
48. Which of the following is an impact indicator forevaluation of ASHAS performance ?1.

Number of ASHAS trained2.

Number of ASHAS attending review meeting every year3.

Infant mortality rate4.

Percentage of deliveries with skilled assistance
Ans: 2
49. Which of the following is true about ‘Z’ score ?1.

Normal Distribution2.

Binominal distribution3.

Chi-square test4.

Non-parametric method
Ans: 1
50. Midline cerebellar lesions manifests as all of thefollowing except ?1.

Incoordinate posture and gait2.

Decomposition of movements3.

Titubation of head and neck4.

Ans: 2
51. Hyponatraemia with increased total body sodium is seenin ?1.

Nephrotic Syndrome2.


Diuresis therapy4.

Renal tubular acidosis
Ans: 1
52. A patient presents with following parameters pH 7.6.The pCO2 is 30 mm Hg, pO2 is 102 mm Hg and HCO3 is 20mEq/L. Which of the following correctly describes thecompensatory mechanism ?1.

Respiratory Alkalosis2.

Metabolic Alkalosis3.

Respiratory Acidosis4.

Metabolic Acidosis
Ans: 4

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