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15th June 2015, 09:23 AM
Ahmedabad University B.Com

I have got admission in BCom First Year at Gujarat University located in Ahmedabad. Will you please provide the BCom First Year syllabus for an idea ?
15th June 2015, 12:20 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Re: Ahmedabad University B.Com

Gujarat University was established in the year 1949. It is located at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

It offers three year duration BCom course.

BCom First Year syllabus:

Compulsory English Course for F.Y.B.Com. Examination of
Prose Section :
[Short Notes : 10 marks]
[Short-Answer Questions : 10 marks]
Poetry Section : [Short-Answers Questions only]
[N.B. : Poems may be prescribed giving only the titles]

Unit-2 : Listening : [To be tested only as an internal evaluation]
2 (a) Listening to dialogues,
2 (b) Listening to short passages and taking notes
[N.B. : No marks are assigned for University Question Paper.]

Unit 3 : Reading : Unseen Passages for Comprehension (Elementary Level)
[N.B. : Vocabulary based question(s) such as make sentences using given Words/ phrases selected
from the passage may be asked.]

Unit 4 : Writing : Paragraph Writing

Unit 5 : Spoken English (for practice only, Not to be tested.):
( a ) Accent : Division of words into syllabus. Word accent.
(To be introduced with reference to the use of dictionary)
( b ) Greetings in everyday conversation
( c ) Polite requests, questions, short questions, Short answers and question tags.

Unit 6 : Grammar, Usage and Textual Vocubulary :
Following items will be revised and reinforced,
Articles, Tenses, Preposition and Verbs.

Texts for F.Y.B.Com. Examination
General Stream :
Text : Chinar : An Anthology of Prose & Poems :
Editors : Neena Kaul and Renu Anand, Foundation Books Pub.
(Chapters 2, 4, 16 & 17 not to be considered for examination).

English Medium :
Text : Prose and Poetry for the Young Reader :
Editors : D. K. Sebastian & A. G. Xavier, Macmillan Publication.
(Prose : Lessons : 1 to 10, Poetry : 3 to 10).

(Effective from : June 2003)
1. Introduction : Definition of Economics-Marshal and Robins-Basic Problem of Economics Basic
Concepts-utility, consumption, production, wealth and capital, Value and Price, Production function.

2. Law of Demand : Increase and Decrease in demand -Extension and Contraction of demand. Law of
supply, Increase and decrease in supply-Working of price mechanism

3. Elasticity of Demand : Concept and measurement of elasticity of demand.
(a) Price elasticity (b) Income elasticity (c) Cross elasticity
Determinants of elasticity of demand. Importance of elasticity of demand.

4. Theory of Production : Returns to scale and Returns to Factor Proportions:
Theory of cost and revenue - Short run and long run cost curves. Relation between AC and MC, AR
and MR, its relation with elasticity

5. Market Structures :
(a) Perfect Competition : Characteristics, Profit maximisation and equilibrium of firm and industry, Short
run and long run.

(b) Monopoly : Average revenue curve and marginal revenue curve under Monopoly, Price determination under Monopoly, Comparison between Perfect Competition and Monopoly. Price discrimination : conditions for possibility & profitability

(c) Monopolistic Competition : Meaning and characteristics : Price and output determination under monopolistic competition.
Excess capacity under monopolistic competition.

(d) Concept of duopoly and oligopoly, characteristics of oligopoly, Kinked demand curve.

6. (i) Factor pricing-I : Marginal productivity theory of distribution and demand for factors.
(ii) Factor pricing-II
Rent : Concept of Rent. Modem Theory of Rent, Quasi-rent
Wages : Determination of wage under perfect competition. Effect of minimum wages.
Profit : Risk and uncertainty theory of profit.

(Effective from : June 2006)
1. Consignment
2. Joint Venture (Excluding Conversion of Consignment into Joint Venture.)
3. Accounts from Incomplete records : Conversion Method only (Use of ratios to find out missing data is not
4. Dissolution of partnership firm and insolvency including Gamel v/s Murray.
5. Piecemeal Distribution of Cash.
6. Conversion of partnership firm into company (in the books of vendor firm.)
7. Investment Accounts : Accounting for interest bearing (Fixed Earning) Securities in the Books of Investor
8. Insurance claims : Claims for loss or stock & fixed assets; claim for loss of profit or consequential loss.
9. Branch Accounts. (excluding Foreign Branch)

10. Computerised Accounting : Introduction; various components of a computer including Hardware and
Software, Features of a computer, role of computer in accounting. Accounting information system v/s
Management Information system; Selection of the best software for the business; Advantages and
disadvantages of Computer system; Tally software system (7.2 version)

Notes :
(i) A multiple choice question (divided into 5 sub-questions) carrying 20% marks will be asked
as a compulsory question, requiring the student to select correct option supported by necessary
(ii) Practical problems (in addition to the Multiple Choice Questions) carrying not less than 60%
marks shall be asked.

F. Y. B. COM
(Effective from : June 2006)
Objective : To familiarize the students with the basics of Principles of Management and E-Commerce
in order to comprehend its potential.

1. Management : 10%
Introduction, Nature, Process, Functions and Significance - Development of Management Thoughts -
Managerial Roles of Mintzburg. Taylor's scientific Management, Fayol's contribution in management.

2. Planning : 15%
Nature - Components of Plans (Mission, Objectives, Strategies, Policies, Procedures Rules, Programmes
- Planning Premises - Barriers to effective planning. Decesion Making - Its Stages and Techniques -
Strategic plans, Standing plans - Management by Objectives (MBO), Basic features, steps, Merits nad

3. Organising : 15%
Meaning, Process, Importance, Principles.
Departmentation - Basics of Departmentation - Athuority, Power and Responsibilty.
Types of Organisation : Matrix Organisation, Committee Organisation, Informal organisation, Thier
meaning, merits and demerits.

4. Motivating : 15%
Meaning, Nature, Importance - Maslow and Herzberg's theories of Motivation - Leadership - Meaning and
nature, Leadership styles, Likert's system - Leadership Continuum - Theory X and Theory Y, Theory Z.

5. Controlling : 15%
Meaning, Nature, Importance - Span of Control - Types of Controls - Characteristics of effective control
system. A very brief idea about Control Techniques like Ratio Analysis - Break even Analysis - Budgetory
Control, PERT and CPM

6. Management of Change : 15%
Concept, Nature and the Process of a Planned Change - Resistance to Change - Management in a changing

7. Internet and Commerce : 15%
Concept of Internet - E-commerce practices v/s traditional business practices - Benefits of E-Commerce
to organisation, consumers and society - limitations of E-commerce - Management issues relating to Ecommerce
- Concept of b2b, b2c, c2c, b2g, g2gh, g2c.

Note : 20% weightage is to be given to objective questions covering whole syllabus
Books Recommended :
(1) Koontz and Weirich : Essentials of Management - Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
(2) Stoner and Freeman : Management - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
(3) Hampton, David R : Modern Management - McGraw Hill, New York
(4) Peter Drucker : Management Challange for 21st Century - Butterworth Heinemann - Oxford
(5) Fred Luthans : Organisational Behaviour - McGraw Hill, New York
(6) Ansoff H. I. : Corporate Strategy - McGraw Hill, New York
(7) Louis A. Allen : Management Organisation - McGraw Hill, Tokyo
(8) Agarwala Kamlesh : Business on Net : Introduction to E-Commerce - MacMillan India, New Delhi
and Agarwala Deeksha

Segment One
(Effective from June : 2006)

1. Intruduction to Communication :
( a ) Definition of Communication
( b ) Process of Communication
( c ) Aims or Objectives of Communication
( i ) Knowledge ( ix ) Appeal
( ii ) Information ( x ) Report
( iii ) Counselling ( xi ) Motivation
( iv ) Request ( xii ) Order
( v ) Warning ( xiii ) Suggestion
( vi ) Advice ( xiv ) Complaint
( vii ) Raising morale ( xv ) Instruction
( viiii ) Persuasion

2. Forms of Communication
( a ) Verbal Communication
( i ) Oral Communication
( ii ) Written Communication
( iii ) Communication through listening and reading
( iv ) Advantages and limitations of verbal Communication
( b ) Non-Verbal Communication
( i ) Importance of non-verbal Communication
( ii ) Types of non-verbal Communication
( 1 ) Body language
( 2 ) Para language
( 3 ) Time and space language
( 4 ) Sign language
( iii ) Advantages and limitations of Non-verbal Communication.

Segment Two
Letter Writing Techniques
1. Understanding the Basics of Letter Writing
( a ) Physical Appearance :
( i ) Paper :
( 1 ) Quality ( 3 ) Size
( 2 ) Colour ( 4 ) Continuation Sheet
( ii ) Typing :
( 1 ) On conventional type writer ( 3 ) Advantages of typing on computer
( 2 ) On Computers
( iii ) Margin :
( iv ) Folding :
( v ) Envelope
( 1 ) Sizes ( 2 ) Window Envelope
( vi ) Superscription

( b ) Structure of Letter and essential parts of letter :
( i ) Heading ( ix ) Body of the letter
( ii ) Date ( x ) Complimentary close

( iii ) Reference Number ( xi ) Signature
( iv ) Confidential or personal Note ( xii ) Post Script
( v ) Inside Address ( xiii ) Enclosures
( vi ) Attention Line ( xiv ) Identification Initials
( vii ) Salutation ( xv ) Carbon copy note
( viii ) Subject

( c ) Style or format letter :
( i ) The indented From ( iv ) The Modified Block From
( ii ) The Full-Block From ( v ) The Hanging Indented From
( iii ) The Semi-Block From

( d ) Principles of Effective letter writing :

Segment Three
Types of Letters
1. Inquiry Letters :
( a ) Solicited Inquiry ( c ) Routine Inquiry
( b ) Unsolicited Inquiry ( d ) Inquiry for a special purpose or favour.

2. Reply to Inquiry Letters :
( a ) Cricumstantial reply (favourable and unfavourable)

3. Order Letters :
( a ) Order letters by the buyer ( c ) Execution of Orders
( b ) Acknowledgment of Orders ( d ) Cancellation of Orders

4. Complaints and Adjustments :
( a ) Complaints (e.g. complaints for damages, late delivery of goods, inferior quality, shortage in quantity,
wrong invoicing rude behaviour of salesperson, etc.)
( b ) Adjustments.

5. Collection Letter :
( a ) Definition of Collection letters
( b ) Essential points for drafting collection letters
( c ) Stages of Collection letters
( i ) Notification stage ( v ) Warning and Threat Stage
( ii ) Reminder stage ( vi ) Thanking the customer for a timely payment
( iii ) Strong Reminder stage ( vii ) Reply to a complaint regarding faulty billing
( iv ) Inquiry and discussion stage

6. Sales Letter :
( a ) Objectives of Sales letters
( b ) Tips of writing a sales letter

7. Job Application :
8. Vocabulary :
( a ) List of commonly confused and misused words

9. Precise Writing
List of commonly confused and misused words :
(1) Aboard Abroad (34) Deprecate Depreciate
(2) Abstain Refrain (35) Descent Dissent
(3) Accept Except (36) Draft Draught
(4) Access Excess (37) Economic Economical
(5) Adapt Adopt (38) Eligible Illigible
(6) Addition Adition (39) Emigrant Immigrant
(7) Affect Effect (40) Extant Extent
(8) Alternate Alternative (41) Facilitate Falicitate
(9) Amiable Amicable (42) Fare Fair
(10) Appraise Apprise (43) Foreword Forward
(11) Ascent Assent (44) Hoard Horde
(12) Avoid Evade (45) Industrial Industrious
(13) Bail Bale (46) Intermediary Intermediate
(14) Berth Birth (47) Irrecoverable Irrevocable
(15) Beside Besides (48) Judicial Judicious
(16) Boast Boost (49) Loose Lose
(17) Bought Brought (50) Minute Minutes
(18) Carton Cartoon (51) Official Officious
(19) Check Cheque (52) Personal Personnel
(20) Cite Site (53) Precede Proceed
(21) Coast Cost (54) Premise Premises
(22) Commitment Commission (55) Principal Principle
(23) Complement Compliment (56) Respectable Respective
(24) Confidant Confident (57) Role Roll
(25) Continual Continuous (58) Sever Severe
(26) Credible Creditable (59) Sole Soul
(27) Curb Kerb (60) Successful Successive
(28) Damage Damages (61) Suit Suite
(29) Dear Deer (62) Vary Very
(30) Defer Differ (63) Vacation Vocation
(31) Deficiency Deficit (64) Ware Wear
(32) Deny Refuse (65) Weather Whether.
(33) Depose Dispose

Structure of Questions Paper with Allocation of Marks
( 1 ) ( a ) Theory question based on Segment 1 Marks 5
( b ) Theory question based on Segment 1 Marks 5
( 2 ) Objective questions based on Segment 2 Marks 10
( 3 ) Write any two out of three of the following letters (Segment 3 : Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Marks 16
( 4 ) Write any two out of three of the following letters (Segment 3 : Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) Marks 16
( 5 ) Objective questions based on (Segment 3 Points 8 Vocabulary) Marks 10
( 6 ) Precise Writing Marks 8

(Effective from : June 2006)
1. Issue and forfeiture of shares (including pro-rata distribution, buy-back of shares); Meaning of Potential
equity shares and Sweat equity shares.
2. Underwriting of shares and Debentures (accounting in the books of company)

3. Alteration of shares capital : Sub-division/Consolidation of shares; Conversion of shares into stock and
its re-conversion; Redemption of Redeemable Preference Shares under sec 80 of the Companies Act,
1956; issue of Bonus shares as per the guidelines in force on 31st March of the preceding academic year.
Capital Reduction (excluding preparation of Scheme of Internal Resolution)
4. Purchase of Business by a company (including Profit prior to incorporation)
5. Company Final Accounts (Only vertical presentation; calculation of managerial remuneration is not
6. Revenue Accounts of General Insurance Companies (in vertical form.)
7. Indian Accounting Standards : AS-1, AS-2, AS-5, AS-6, AS-9, &AS-10 (Practical problems are not
expected, Only short theoretical questions to be asked)

AS-1 : Disclosure of Accounting Policies.
AS-2 : Valuation of Inventories.
AS-5 : Net profit or loss for the period, Prior-period items and Change in Accounting Policies.
AS-6 : Depreciation Accounting.
AS-9 : Revenue Recognition.
AS-10 : Accounting for Fixed Assets.

Notes :
(i) A multiple choice question (divided into 5 sub-questions) carrying 20% marks will be asked
as a compulsory question, requiring the student to select correct option supported by necessary
(ii) Practical problems (in addition to the Multiple Choice Questions) carrying not less than 60%
marks shall be asked.

Advanced Statistics Paper-I
1* 1.1 Function :
Concept of a function of a single variable, (linear quadratic and exponential functions only). Domain,
co-domain and range of a function. Types of function. Equal function, real function Concept and
determination of break even point. Examples.

1.2 Limit and Continuity :
Concept of limit and Continuity of a function, Rules of limit (Without Proof) Examples of limit &
continuity of f(x), where f(x) is a polynomial of x, rational function of two polynomials of x.

1.3 Differentiation :
Definition of derivative of a function Derivatives of the functions 1/x , , x ax + b, ax2 + bx + c, etc.
by definition. Rules of derivative (without proof). Derivatives of functions of the type xn, ex, ax and logx
(without proof).
Examples based on the rules for the above functions. 20%

2* 2.1 Permutations and Combinations :
Basic idea of permutation and combination with simple illustrations - Formulae for nPr and nCr (without
proof) with examples, Use of results
(i) nCr + nCr-1= n+1Cr
(ii) r[nCr] = n [n - 1Cr-1] in examples.

2.2 Mathematical Induction and Binomial theorem :
Simple illustrative problems based only on Principal of mathematical induction - Binomial theorem and
its proof by using mathematical induction. Binomial expansion of (x + a)n where n is a positive integer;
Characteristics of Binomial Expansion, its application in simple examples. 20%

3* 3.1 Probability Theory :
Definitions of Random experiments, Sample Space, (with simple illustrations), Events, Mutually exclusive
events, Equally likely events, Exhaustive events, Dependent events and Independent events,
Mathematical, Statistical and Axiomatic definations of probability Theorems and corollaries of addition
and multiplication laws of laws of probability (without Proof). Simple numerical examples of probability
Bayes theorem (withot Proof) and examples up to 3 events.

3.2 Mathematical Expectation :
Concept of a discrete random variable. Probability mass function of a discrete random variable and its
properties, Defination of mathetical expectation of a discrete random variable, Mathematical expectation
of sum and product of two independent and dependent random variables and its proberties. Definition
of raw and central moments of a discrete random variable upto order four. The relationship of raw
moments with central moment (without Proof). Numerical examples. 20%

4* 4.1 Probability Distributions :
Poisson and Hypergeometric distributions properties and application of these distributions,
Derivation of mean and variance of these distributions. Simple numerical examples. (The value of
e-m should be given.)

4.2 Quadratic Equations :
Solutions of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a 0, sum and product of the roots
of the equation, Nature of roots from the value of discriminant

, Examples. 20%

5* 5.1 Decision Theory :
Meaning and Basic structure of decision theory, classical basis of pay-off matrix models, pay-off
matrix under conditions of risk, Expected value, Maxi-mini, Maxi-max, Horwitch and Laplace
criteria to decide best strategy, Expected Monetary Value (E.M.V.) Expected Value of Perfect
Information (E.V.P.1), Examples.

5.2 PERT and CPM :
Meaning and characteristics of PERT, PERT chart with explaination of Activities and Events, D.
R. Fulkerson's rule for numbering the events, Dummy activity, Expected activity time, expected and
cummulative expected time Earliest Start Time (EST), Earliest Finish Time (EFT), Latest Start Time
(LST), Latest Finish Time (LFT), Float Time. Meaning of Critical Path Method (CPM), Difference
between PERT and CPM, uses and limitations of PERT and CPM Examples. 20%
*References Books :
1. Goon, Gupta, Dasgupta : "An outline of Statistical Theory" Vol.-I and II, World Press, Calcutta (1980)
2. Sancheti & Kapoor : Business Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
3. Sancheti & Kapoor : Business Mathematics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
4. J. K. Sharma : "O. R. Theory and Applications" Macmillan India Ltd. 2nd edition (2003)
5. D. N. Elhance : Fundamentals of Statistics.
6. Kapoor V. K. : Business Mathematics; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
7. Levin and Rubin : "Statistics for Management", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, (7th edition)
8. Parimal Mukhopadhyay : "Mathematical Statistics" Books & Allied (P) Ltd (2nd edition) 2000.

Contact Details :
Gujarat University
Navrangpura Area, Near L D Engineering college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009
079 2630 1341

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