MBA FGV Online

MBA FGV Online
FGV Online, made in 2000, is an online universitary program. FGV Online serves MBA program, executives and entrepreneurs, and corporate universities growing e-learning projects.The program is devoted to disseminating knowledge generated at the several FGV schools and research institutes. The method of FGV Online includes endorse from video, animations and learning games. Besides conventional media − booklet and CD-ROM −, distance program rely on ICTs such as satellite broadcast closed-circuit TV, videoconferencing and the Internet, to stimulate interaction between the students and the lecturer-tutor and enabling knowledge reconstruction.

The program was ranked first in Latin America and 27th in the global through the Financial Times, in the Best Executive MBA Ranking (EMA Ranking 2008).The program is completely taught in English and at the end students receive an FGV-EAESP MBA certificate and OneMBA certificate, accredited and signed through five institutions.GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is one of the necessary documents for the selection procedure.

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